



1、名解*Essential nutrients: The essential substances are vital for growth and maintenance of a healthy body throughout life.Two characteristics: 1/ its omission from diet must lead to a decline in certain aspects of human health; 2/ if the omitted nutrient is restored to the diet before permanent damage

2、 occurs, those aspects of human health hampered by its absence should regain normal function.*Acid rain: Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it possesses lowpH (5.6). Acid rain is caused by emissions of SO2and NO .x*Soil:Soil is the unconsoli

3、dated or loose covering of fine rock particles that covers the surface of the earth. It is thecomplex of minerals, organic materials, water, air, etc.*Raynauds disease: a vasospastic(血管痙攣的) disorder causing discoloration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.*Primary preventive: Avoid o

4、ccurrence of an illness and injury by preventing exposure to risk factors. (prevention before disease occurrence).*Eutrophication: Eutrophication is the ecosystem response to the addition of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and phosphates, through fertilizers or sewage, to an aquat

5、ic system.*Soil pollution: soil pollution is caused by the presence of human-made xenobiotic(殺蟲劑) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, or improper disposal of waste.*RNI/RDA: Recommended nutrients intake

6、/recommended dietary allowance, means nutrient intake that is sufficient to meet the needs of nearly all individuals (about 70%) in certain age and gender group.*Kwashiorkor: is an acute form of childhood protein-energy malnutrition characterized by edema, irritability( 過敏性), anorexia, ulcerating de

7、rmatoses and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates.*Occupational disease: is chronic ailment that occurs as a result of work or occupational activity. It has a specific or a strong relation to occupation generally with only one causal agent recognized. It occurs among a group of exposed people wi

8、th a frequency above the average morbidity of the rest of the population.*Silicosis: is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust(石英灰), and is marked by inflammation and scarring in forms of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs. It is a type of pn

9、eumoconiosis.*IDD: iodine deficiency disorders are a series of diseases caused by insufficiency of intake of iodine.*Work-related disease:is a disease without causal relationship with work but which may be aggravated by occupational hazards to health.*Air pollution: is the introduction into the atmo

10、sphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment or built environment.*Health:is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not m

11、erely the absence of disease or infirmity.*Primitive environmental pollution: pollution caused by natural disasters and endemic diseases*Iatrogenic disease: It is a special disease that affects physical and mental health, as a result of improper diagnosis, treatment, or preventive measures from heal

12、th care providers.*Community health service (CHS):a systematic approach to the practice of medicine in communities built on principles of epidemiology and community organizing. A blending of preventive medicine, clinical medicine, and sociologyChinas CHS: with leadership of government, participation

13、 of community, guidance of high level professionals, CHC offers services of prevention, clinic, health promotion, rehabilitation, health education and birth control. General practitioners are the convenient, integrated, continuous.*Public health:is the science and art of preventing disease, prolongi

14、ng life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals.*Secondary environment: artificial or remade environment which is related with human activity or man-made environment pollution.*Polysaccharide:i

15、ncluding cellulose(纖維素), hemicelluloses(半纖維素), pectins(果膠), gums(樹膠) and mucilages.*Occupational hazard: it is hazard from working conditions which include process and operation, environment of workplace and materials and products. The hazards include chemical, physical, biological agents such as du

16、sts, noise and insects.*UL: tolerable upper intake level which do no harm to human body.簡答*Briefly describe the function of dietary protein.Producing vital board constituentMaintaining fluid balanceContributing to acid-base balanceForming hormones and enzymesContributing to immune functionForming gl

17、ucoseProviding energy*The property and the function of fermentation dietary fibersProperty:Indigestible polysaccharidesPolysaccharide: cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, gums and mucilages.Noncarbohydrate: lignins (alcohol derivatives).Insoluble: cellulose, lignins, hemicellulosesSoluble: pectins,

18、gums and mucilages, some hemicelluloses (Soluble fiber are digested by bacteria in the large intestine.)Metabolic products are short chain fatty acids.Yield energy about 3kcal/g.Function:Stool large and soft because plant fiber attract waterBinding bile acid and cholesterolReduced colon cancer and h

19、eart diseaseAdvise to increase fiber intake using fiber-rich foods, not relying on fiber supplements*Four elements for diagnosis of occupational disease (HCFL)History of occupational exposure: agents, duration, location, protection, etc.Clinical features: personal health history, symptoms, signsFiel

20、d investigation and surveillance system: assessment of exposure level, monitoring, environmental inspection, process, personal protective equipment utilized, etc.Laboratory or physical examinations: biochemical marker, enzyme, protein, IHC, neurological functions, CT, X-ray, etc.*What are the three

21、steps towards the goal of occupational health?Recognition: hazard and identificationEvaluation: risk assessmentControl: risk management*What are the origins of occupational hazards?Working conditions:Process and operation: regulation, work and rest, ergonomics, intensionEnvironment of workplace: nat

22、ural condition, layout and designMaterials and products: equipments, raw materials, by-products, products*What are the health effects when exposure to occupational hazards?Occupational diseases: any disease contracted as a result of exposure to risk factors arising from the work activity.Occupationa

23、l injuryWork-related diseases: without causal relationship with work but which may be aggravated by occupational hazards to health.*What are the effective strategies to control the hazards?Engineering controls: engineering changes in design, equipment, processes; substituting a non-hazardous materia

24、lsAdministrative controls: reduce the human exposure by changes in procedures, work-area access restrictions, worker rotation, biological markers: to assess exposure-blood-lead levels.Personal protective equipment/Clothing: ear plugs/muffs, safety glasses/goggles, respirators, gloves, clothing, hard

25、-hats.*Diseases caused by environment pollutionCommunicable disease: water-borne infectionPublic nuisance: Minamta disease, itai-itai diseaseFood-poisoning: pathogenic microorganismOccupational disease: silicosis*Core public health functions:Assessment: the assessment and monitoring of the health of

26、 communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and prioritiesPolicy development: the formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and prioritiesAssurance: to assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective

27、care, including health promotion and disease prevention services, and evaluation of the effectiveness of that care.*Challenges of CHCImbalance: nationwide, differences in geography, economic level, culture, religion, custom; cities better than countries, east better than westLow quality of staff in

28、CHC centers: Historically, staff in low level medical units are under graduated, later on spottily trained; high educated medical workers are not willing to do CHCDilemma in financial supportMigrants: people who left their home town for cities, loss of the insurance from the original place*Preventio

29、n on three levelsPrimary prevention: avoid occurrence of an illness and injury by preventing exposure to risk factors.Secondary prevention: minimize the severity of illness or damageTertiary prevention: minimize disability by providing medical care and rehabilitation service*What are the common devi

30、ant behavior that causes the impact and damage in health?Deviant behavior refers to the behavior of social maladjustment.The common deviant behavior of impact and damage to health contains: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, dirty sex, gambling, poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of entertainment, d

31、o not follow doctors, not medical treatment, etc.*Challenges in public health and preventive medicine in ChinaThe hazards of infectious and parasitic diseases remain seriouslyIncreasing of hazards of non-communicable disease (NCD)Issues of food safetyChina is the most severely country affected by en

32、demic in the worldThe grim situation of occupational diseasesThe adverse effects upon health by bad behavior and life style have become prominentPopulation aging is a growing problemsEnvironmental pollution and its damage to health*Major source of atmospheric pollution and its featuresMajor sources:

33、 industry, transportation, domestic fuel.*Please illustrate the global environment issueAir pollutionAcid rainGreenhouse effect and global warmingStratosphere ozone layer destructionWater pollution and resource crisisGlobal deforestationOcean pollutionSoil degradation and desertificationDecrease of

34、biodiversitySolid waste contamination*How to decrease serum LDL level via dietary lipidsLowering LDLby diet, you should do as following:Reducing dietary saturated fat and cholesterolIncreasing mono or polyunsaturated fat intakeIncreasing dietary fiberLoweringblood triglyceridesNot overeating, limiti

35、ng alcohol and simple-sugar intake.*Air pollution indirectly affect healthAcid rain, global warming, stratosphere ozone layer destruction*7resources for healthy living and management of stressPolitics, Economy, Culture, Environment, Social security system, Life style and behaviors, Health care system*Contents of community diagnosisnatural environments: location, geomorphy, geology, climate, water resources, plants, animals, pollutions, sanitary institution.Demographic characteristi


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