



1、 3/3中山喜來登酒店服務質量調查問卷中山喜來登酒店服務質量調查問卷 您好!酒店服務質量關乎每個酒店消費者的切身利益,其服務質量對酒店形象、經濟效益、管理水平有重要關系。為了了解中山喜來登酒店服務質量現狀特做此調查,此問卷用于學習研討之用請放心填寫。 1.您是中山喜來登酒店的。( ) A員工 B顧客 C實習生 2.您覺得中山喜來登酒店的服務水平怎么樣。( ) A一般 B良好 C較差 3.您覺得中山喜來登酒店的服務質量屬于幾星級標準。( ) A三星級 B四星級 C五星級 D準五星級 4.您在酒店接觸到/覺得酒店哪些服務問題較多。( ) A客房服務 B餐飲服務 C接待服務 D其他個性服務 5.您對

2、西餐廳整體服務水平。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 6.您對西餐廳的菜品味道。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 7.您對西餐廳整體外觀設計。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 8.您對服務人員的穿著打扮。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 9.您對西餐廳燈光、擺設、裝潢。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 10.您對服務員及添補茶水、收拾桌子、撤空盤子的服務。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 11.您對服務員回應您所需要的服務。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 12.您對服務員的專業(yè)素養(yǎng)(餐廳知識、禮儀)。( )

3、A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 13.您對服務員對察覺不同顧客潛在所需要的服務。( ) A非常滿意 B滿意 C一般 D不滿意 14.您覺得產生這些問題有哪些原因。( ) A基礎設施設備等客觀條件的限制。 B員工服務意識差怠工誤工。 C酒店培訓的缺失。 D酒店內部領導管理方式不當。 E酒店招聘失策。 F與客流量較多有一定關系 15.您還對西餐廳哪些服務有意見 THE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ZHONG SHAN SHERATON HOTEL SERVICE QUALITY 1.What are you doing at Sheraton Zhongshan hotel?( )

4、A Staff B Customer C Intern 2.What do you think the Sheraton Zhongshan hotel service level?( ) A ordinary B well C range 3.What do you think of Sheraton Zhongshan belongs to a few star hotel service quality standard?( ) A Three stars level B Four stars level C Five stars level D Quasi five-star leve

5、l 4.You in touch/feel hotel which is more service problems?( ) A Room service B Food and beverage service C Hospitality services D Other personality service 5.Are you satisfied with the restaurant service level?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 6.Do you satisfied with

6、 the dishes taste restaurant?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 7.To the whole western restaurant design you satisfied?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 8.Do you satisfied with the service personnel of the dress?( ) A Great satisfaction

7、B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 9.Do you satisfied with the restaurant lighting, decoration, decoration?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 10.You to the attendant and replenish water, clear the table, from empty plate service satisfaction?( ) A Great satisfact

8、ion B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 11.You satisfied with the service attendant response to what you need?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 12.You to the attendant professional content knowledge, etiquette (restaurant)?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 13.You to the attendant satisfied with the services needed to detect different potential customers?( ) A Great satisfaction B Satisfaction C Ordinary D Dissatisfied 14.What are the reasons do you think of these problems?(


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