1、百度文庫百度文庫-趙德林作品百度文庫百度文庫-趙德林作品2022 年考研英語二試題及答案(卷一)As Gilbert and others observed long all species appear to have the innate capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation. The task for ecologists is to untangle the environmental and biological factors that hold this intrinsic capacit
2、y for population growth in check over the long run. The great variety of dynamic behaviors exhibited by different population makes this task more difficult: some populations remain roughly constant from year to year; others exhibit regular cycles of abundance and scarcity; still others vary wildly,
3、with outbreaks and crashes that are in some cases plainly correlated with the and in other cases not.To impose some order on this kaleidoscope of patterns,one schoolofthoughtproposesdividingpopulationsintotwogroups.These ecologistspositthattherelativelysteadypopulationshave density-dependent growth
4、parameters; that rates of and migration which depend strongly on population density. The highly varying populations have density-independent growth vital rates buffeted by environmental events; these rates fluctuate in a way that is wholly independent of populationdensity.This dichotomy has its uses
5、, but it can cause problems if taken tooliterally. For onething, nopopulation canbedriven entirely by density-independent factors all the time. No matter how severely orunpredictably birth, and migration rates may be fluctuating around their long-term averages , if there were no density-dependent th
6、e population would , in the long run , either increase or decrease without bound (barring a miracle by which gains and losses canceled 。 Put another it may be that on average 99 percent of all deaths in a population arise from density-independent and only one percent from factors varying with densit
7、y. The factors making up the one percent mayseemunimportant, and their causemaybecorrespondinglyhardtodetermine.Yet, whether recognized or not , they will usually determine the long-term average populationdensity.In order to understand the nature of the ecologists investigation, we may think of the
8、density-dependent effects on growth parameters as the signal ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret , one that tends to make the population increase from relatively low values or decrease from relatively high ones, while the density-independent effects act to produce noise in the population
9、dynamics. For populations that remain relatively or that oscillate around repeated the signal can be fairly easily characterized and its effects even though the causative biological mechanism may remain unknown. For irregularly fluctuating populations, we are likely to have too few observations to h
10、ave any hope of extracting the signal from the overwhelming noise. Butit now seems clear that all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-dependent and density-independent effects in varying proportions.The author of the text is primarily concernedwithdiscussing two categories of factors t
11、hat control population growth and assessing their relativeimportance.describing how growth rates in natural populations fluctuate over time and explaining why these posingahypothesisconcerningpopulationsizesuggesting ways to testit.posing a fundamental question about environmental factors in populat
12、ion growth and presenting some currently acceptedanswer.It can be inferred from the text that the author considers the dichotomy discussed tobeapplicable only to erratically fluctuatingpopulations.but only if its limitations arerecognized.dangerously misleading in mostcircumstances.acompleteandsuffi
13、cientwaytoaccountforphenomena.According to the text , all of the following behaviors havebeenexhibited by different populations EXCEPTroughly constant population levels from year toyear.regular cycles of increases and decreases innumbers.erratic increases in numbers correlated with theweather.unchec
14、ked increases in numbers over manygenerations.The discussion concerning population inthethirdserves primarilytodemonstratethedifficultiesecologistsfaceindensity-dependent factors limiting populationgrowth.advocate more rigorous study of density-dependent factors in ve that the death rates of any pop
15、ulation are never entirely density-independent.underline the importance of even small density-dependent factors in regulating long-term populationdensities.In the the author does all of the following EXCEPTcite the views of otherbiologists.define a basic problem that the textaddresses.present concep
16、tual categories used by otherbiologists.describe the results of a particularstudy.【答案】ABDDDAmy High is decked out in the traditional pink dress and golden stole of ancient Rome. She bursts into a third-grade classroom and greets r“,”,)esin kind,and soon they are studying derivatives.“How many people
17、 are in a duet?”High asks. All the kids know the answer,and when she asks how they know,a boy duo is two in Latin.”High “Plaudite!”and the 14 kids erupt in applause. They learn the Latin root or side,and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral. “Latins going to open up so many do
18、ors for High says. “Youre going to be able to figure out the meaning of words youve never seen High teaches at Providence Elementary School in Fairfax which has a lot riding on the success of her efforts. As part of Virginias high-stakes testing schools that dont boost their scores by the year 2007
19、could lose state funding. So Fairfax City, just 18 miles southwest oftheWhiteHouse, has upgraded itstwocrumbling elementary schools with new high-tech television studios, computer labs and one very old Latin.Here lies one of the more counterintuitive developments of the standardized-testing Though s
20、ome critics complain that teachers are forced to dumb down their lessons and “teach to the some schools are offering more challenging course work as a way of engaging students. In the past three scores of elementary schools in high-stakes testing states such as Texas, Virginia and Massachusetts have
21、 added Latin programs. Says Allen Griffith , amember of the Fairfax City school board : “If were trying to improve English skills, teaching Latin is an awfully effective, proved method.”ThisisnotyourfathersLatin, whichwastaughttoelite college-boundhighschoolersanddrilledintothemthrough memorization.
22、 Its tedium and perceived irrelevance almost drove Latin from public schools. Todays growth in elementary school Latin has been spurred by interactive oral enlivened by lessons in Roman mythologyandculture.“One thing that makes it engaging for kids is the goofy fun of investigating these guys in say
23、s Marion author of First Latin: A Language Discovery the textbook used in FairfaxCity.Latin enthusiasts believe that if young students learn word roots , they will be able to decipher unfamiliar words. (By some of all English words have Latin roots.) Latin is an almost purely phonetic language. Ther
24、e are no silent and each letter represents a single sound. That makes it useful in teaching reading. And once kids master the grammatical structure of Latinwhich is simple, logical and consistenttheywillmoreeasilygraspthemanygrammatical exceptions inEnglish.From the first Paragraph welearnthat.the s
25、tudents show little interest in learningLatinthe students say hello to their teacher inLatinAmy High teaches the students to read Bible inLatinlearning English is unnecessary if you have perfectly masteredLatinWhich of the following statements is not true according to the text?The testing program is
26、 crucial to theschools.Latin is compulsory to the elementary schools students inFairfaxCity.Providence Elementary School will not get state funding this year.Fairfax City government had done a lot to equip its elementary schools.According to AllenLatin.has little to do withEnglishis very helpful to
27、learningEnglishwill replace English in the nearfutureshould be taught to kids even when they are in elementary schoolWhich of the following best defines the word “plaudite”? .Great.Sorry.Class isover.Sad.One reason for Latin enthusiasts to support young students learningLatinis.Latin has a longer hi
28、story thanEnglishLatin has less wordrootsevery letter in English word represent a singlesoundit is easier to grasp Latingrammar參考答案:BCBADThe mass media is a big part of our culture,yet it can also be a helper,adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young
29、by acting as a(an)1for a number of sand l .ns a yfin humanlife.The time spent in front of the television screen is usually atthe3of leisure:there is less time for games,amusement andrest.4by what is happening on the not only imitate what they see but directly5themselves with differentcharacters.Amer
30、icans have been concerned about the6 of violence in themedia and its 7 harm to children and adolescents for at least forty years. During this media 8 as video television,music videos,and the Internet. As they continue togainpopularity,these media, 9 television, 10 public concern and research attenti
31、on.Another large societal concern on our young generation 11 by the media, is body image. 12 forces can influence body image positively or negatively. 13 and cultural norms and mass media marketing 14 our concepts of beauty. In the mass media ,the images of 15 beauty fill magazines and 16 from our t
32、elevisions and entertain us 17 the movies. Even in advertising ,the mass media 18 on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain. Young adults are presented with a 19 defined standard of attractiveness,a(n) 20 that carries unrealistic physical expectations.A alternative B pr
33、eference C substitute DrepresentativeA accomplishesB fulfills C provides DsufficesA risk B mercy C height DexpenseA Absorbed B Attracted C Aroused DAddictedA identify B recognize C unify DequateA abundance B incidence C prevalence DreccurrenceA disposed B hidden C implicit DpotentialA merged B emerg
34、ed C immerged DsubmergedA apart from B much as C but for D alongwithA promote B propel C prompt DprosperA inspired B imposed C delivered DcontributedA External B Exterior C Explicit DExposedA As B At C For DInA mark B effect C impact DshockA generalized B regularized C standardizedDcategorizedA boom
35、 B bottom C brim DbeamA over B with C on DatA play B take C profit DresortA barely B carefully C narrowly DsubjectivelyA ideal B image C stereotype Dcriterion答案1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9.D 10. C11. B 12.A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A 19.C 20.AThe “test optional” movement has wo
36、n its most high-profile convert in the University of which announced last month that applicants to the school would no longer need to submit ACT or SAT scores.The University of Chicago has become known in recent years for its commitment to academic rigor and resistance to indulgence and group think.
37、But in this decision it has increased the momentum of a fashionable but damaging ideology overtaking elite That standardized metrics of any kind are discriminatory and and that each student is so special that he or she can only be evaluated accordingto uniquely personal traits.No test is perfect, bu
38、t the ACT and SAT are powerful predictors of college performance.As psychology professors Nathan Kuncel and Paul Sackett “Longitudinal research demonstrates that standardized tests predict not just grades all the way through college but also the level of courses a student is likely to So whats behin
39、d the campaign against standardized assessments?A University of Chicago spokeswoman says the test “may not reflectthe full accomplishments and academic promise of a student. ” This is true but could be said of any single part of a college application , including high school grades.Grades may be the
40、next metric to fall out of fashion.Last year a coalition of private high schools joined a campaign to eliminate grades on grounds that “a GPA shaves off a lot of in the words of one prep-school principal.One wonders if the aim isnt really to shield well-off students from rigorous assessments so they
41、 can skate by on testimonials and extracurricularsalone.The University of Chicago also says eliminating testing requirements “l(fā)evels the playing for “under-resourced and first-generation who may not have access to test-preparation courses.But contrary to myth , most such courses produce only modest
42、gains.And last year Khan Academy and the College Board unveiled a free coursethey say boosts SAT scores for students at all income levels.By low-income students are unlikely to have access to exotic summer internships or other activities that impress admissions offices.The case that test-optional po
43、licies increase diversity is mostly speculative.But they do have their uses in the race-in-admissions game: Schools accused of discriminating against Asian-Americans,who tend to score higher, may find them a convenient way to conceal their use of racial preferences.But the momentum of the “test opti
44、onal” campaign is not a win for diversity in higher education.It looks more like an opportunity for universities to game the college-ranking If test scores are optional,only high-scoring students will submit them and this will make schools like Chicago rank higher.It might also lower their acceptanc
45、e rates because more students will apply.Praise for“increasing is undeserved.Which of the following is true of the “test optional” movement?It de-emphasizes the role of standardized tests scores in college entry.It advocates rigorous academic assessments for college students.It takes personal traits
46、 as the sole criterion for collegeadmission.It proposes using standardized tests as predictors of college performance.參考答案:AThe coalition of private high schools believesthatgradesA.fail to evaluate studentscomprehensivelystill matter most for collegeapplicationcan tell the academic promise of astud
47、entcreate a great barrier to well-offstudents參考答案:AThe University of Chicago claims that eliminating test requirements can helpunder-resourcedstudents.get more involved in extracurricularactivitiesget equal opportunities to enteruniversitiesobtain access to test preparationcoursesobtain impressive s
48、ummerinternships參考答案:BThe author believes that the campaign may most benefit.A.high-scoring students B.under-resourced minorities C.racially-prejudiced colleges D.higher-ranked universities 參考答案:CWhich of the following would be the best title for the text?What Traits DoestheUniversity ofChicagoLookf
49、orinApplicants?Why Standardized Testing and Grading Are BecomingOut-of-Date?Whats Behind the Move to Drop ACT/SAT Scores for College Entry?How Low-income Students Can Win in the College Admission Game?參考答案:CAs Gilbert White,Darwin, and others observed long ago, all species appear to have the innate
50、capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation. The task for ecologists is to untangle the environmental and biological factors that hold this intrinsic capacity for population growth in check over the long run. The great variety of dynamic behaviors exhibited by different populati
51、on makes this task more difficult: some populations remain roughly constant from year to year others exhibit regular cycles of abundance and scarcity still others vary wildly, with outbreaks and crashes that are in some cases plainly correlated with the weather, and in other cases not.To impose some
52、 order on this kaleidoscope of patterns,one schoolof thought proposes dividing populations into two groups. These ecologists posit that the relatively steady populations have density-dependent growth parameters that rates of and migration which depend strongly on population density. The highly varyi
53、ng populations have density-independent growth parameters,with vital rates buffeted by environmental events these rates fluctuate in a way that is wholly independent of population density.This dichotomy has its but it can cause problems if takentoo literally. For onething, nopopulation canbedriven e
54、ntirely by density-independent factors all the time. No matter how severely or unpredictably birth, and migration rates may be fluctuating around their long-term averages , if there were no density-dependent the population would , in the long run , either increase or decrease without bound (barring
55、a miracle by which gains and losses canceled 。 Put another it may be that on average 99 percent of all deaths in a population arise from density-independent and only one percent from factors varying with density. The factors making up the one percent mayseemunimportant, and their causemaybecorrespon
56、dinglyhardtodetermine.Yet, whether recognized or not , they will usually determine the long-term average populationdensity.In order to understand the nature of the ecologists investigation, we may think of the density-dependent effects on growth parameters as the signal ecologists are trying to isol
57、ate and interpret , one that tends to make the population increase from relatively low values or decreasefrom relatively high ones, while the density-independent effects act to produce noise in the population dynamics. For populations that remain relativelyor that oscillate around repeated the signa
58、l can be fairly easily characterized and its effects even though the causative biological mechanism may remain unknown. For irregularly fluctuating populations, we are likely to have too few observations to have any hope of extracting the signal from the overwhelming noise. But it now seems clear th
59、at all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-dependentanddensity-independenteffectsinvarying proportions.The author of the text is primarily concernedwithdiscussing two categories of factors that control population growth and assessing their relativeimportance.describing how growth rates
60、 in natural populations fluctuate over time and explaining why these posingahypothesisconcerningpopulationsizesuggesting ways to testit.posing a fundamental question about environmental factors in population growth and presenting some currently acceptedanswer.答案:AIt can be inferred from the text tha
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