




1、Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaOrder of the President 1994 No.28July 5, 1994The Labbor Laaw of the PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa, adoopted at thhe Eigghth MMeetinng of the SStandiing Coommitttee off the Eightth Nattionall Peopples Congrress oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina onn July
2、y 5, 11994, is heereby promuulgateed andd shalll comme intto efffect aas of Januaary 1, 19955.Presideent off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna: Jiiang ZZeminLabor LLaw off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna(Adopteed at the EEighthh Meetting oof thee Stannding Commiittee of thhe Eigghth NNationnal P
3、eeoples Conngresss on JJuly 55, 19994, prromulggated by Orrder NNo.28 of thhe Preesidennt of the PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa and effecctive as off Januuary 11, 19995)Contentts Chaapter I Genneral Proviisionss Chappter III Proomotioon of Emplooymentt Chappter IIII Laabor CContraacts aand Coollectt
4、ive CContraacts CChapteer IV Workiing Hoours, Rest and VVacatiions CChapteer V WWages Chaptter VII Occuupatioonal SSafetyy and Healtth Chaapter VII SSpeciaal Prootectiion foor Femmale aand Juuvenille Worrkers Chaptter VIIII Voocatioonal TTrainiing Chhapterr IX SSociall Insuurancee and Welfaare Chhap
5、terr X Laabor DDisputtes Chhapterr XI SSupervvisionn and Inspeectionn Chappter XXII Leegal RResponnsibillity CChapteer XIIII Suppplemeentaryy ProvvisionnsChapterr I Geenerall ProvvisionnsArticlee 1 Thhis Laaw is formuulatedd in aaccorddance with the CConstiitutioon in orderr to pprotecct thee legiit
6、imatte rigghts aand innteressts off laboorers, readdjust laborr relaationsships, estaablishh and safegguard a labbor syystem suiteed to the ssociallist mmarkett econnomy, and ppromotte ecoonomicc deveelopmeent annd soccial pprogreess.Articlee 2 Thhis Laaw appplies to alll entterpriises aand inndivid
7、dual eeconommic orrganizzationns (heereinaafter referrred tto as emplooying unitss) witthin tthe booundarry of the PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa and laborrers wwho foorm. aa laboor rellationnship thereewith Statee orgaans, iinstittutionnal orrganizzationns andd sociietiess as wwell aas labborerss w
8、ho form. a laabor ccontraact reelatioonshipp therrewithh shalll folllow tthis LLaw.Articlee 3 Laaborerrs shaall haave thhe rigght too be eemployyed onn an eequal basiss, chooose ooccupaationss, obttain rremuneeratioon forr theiir labbor, ttake rrest, have holiddays aand leeaves, obtaain prrotecttion
9、 oof occcupatiional safetty andd heallth, rreceivve traainingg vocaationaal skiills, enjoyy sociial innsurannce annd wellfare, and submiit appplicattions for ssettleement of laabor ddisputtes, aand otther rrightss relaating to laabor aas stiipulatted byy law. Laboorers shalll fulffill ttheir laborr
10、taskks, immprovee theiir voccationnal skkills, folllow ruules oon occcupatiional safetty andd heallth, aand obbservee laboor disscipliine annd proofessiional ethiccs.Articlee 4 Thhe empployinng uniits shhall eestabllish aand peerfectt rulees andd reguulatioons inn accoordancce witth thee law so ass
11、to eensuree thatt laboorers enjoyy the rightt to wwork aand fuulfilll laboor oblligatiions.Articlee 5 Thhe Staate shhall ttake vvariouus meaasuress to ppromotte empploymeent, ddeveloop voccationnal edducatiion, llay doown laabor sstandaards, regullate ssociall incoomes, perfeect soocial insurrance s
12、ysteem, cooordinnate llabor relattionshhip, aand grraduallly raaise tthe liiving standdard oof labborerss.Articlee 6 Thhe Staate shhall aadvocaate thhe parrticippationn of llaboreers inn sociial vooluntaary laabor aand thhe devvelopmment oof theeir laabor ccompettitionns andd actiivitiees of forwaar
13、dingg ratiional propoosals, encoouragee and proteect thhe sciientiffic reesearcch andd techhnicall renoovatioon enggaged by laaborerrs, ass welll as ttheir invenntionss and creattions; and commeend annd awaard laabor mmodelss and advannced wworkerrs.Articlee 7 Laaborerrs shaall haave thhe rigght too
14、 partticipaate inn and organnize ttrade unionns in accorrdancee withh the law. Tradee unioons shhall rrepressent aand saafeguaard thhe leggitimaate riights and iintereests oof labborerss, andd indeependeently conduuct thheir aactiviities in acccordaance wwith tthe laaw.Articlee 8 Laaborerrs shaall,
15、tthrouggh thee asseembly of sttaff aand woorkerssorttheir congrress,orotther fforms in acccordaance wwith tthe prrovisiions oof lawws, ruules aand reegulattions, takee partt in ddemocrratic managgementtorcconsullt witth thee emplloyingg unitts on an eqqual ffootinng aboout prrotecttion oof thee legi
16、itimatte rigghts aand innteressts off laboorers.Articlee 9 Thhe labbor addminisstratiive deepartmment oof thee Statte Couuncil shalll be iin chaarge oof thee manaagemennt of laborr of tthe whhole ccountrry. Thhe labbor addminisstratiive deepartmments of thhe loccal peeoples govvernmeents aatorabovee
17、 the countty levvel shhall bbe in chargge of the mmanageement of laabor iin thee admiinistrrativee areaas undder thheir rrespecctive jurissdictiion.Chapterr II PPromottion oof EmpploymeentArticlee 10 TThe Sttate sshall creatte connditioons foor empploymeent annd inccreasee oppoortuniities for eemplo
18、yyment by meeans oof thee prommotionn of eeconommic annd soccial ddeveloopmentt. Thee Statte shaall enncouraage ennterprrises, insttitutiional organnizatiions, and ssocietties tto iniitiatee induustrieesorexpannd bussinessses foor thee incrrease of emmploymment wwithinn the scopee of tthe sttipulaat
19、ionss of llaws, and aadminiistrattive rrules and rregulaationss. Thee Statte shaall suupportt laboorers to geet jobbs by organnizingg themmselvees on a volluntarry bassisorrby eengagiing inn indiividuaal bussinessses.Articlee 11 LLocal peoplles ggovernnmentss at vvariouus levvels sshall take measuur
20、es tto devvelop varioous kiinds oof jobbintrroducttion aagenciies annd proovide emplooymentt servvices.Articlee 12 LLaboreers shhall nnot bee disccriminnated againnst inn emplloymennt, reegardlless oof theeir etthnic commuunity, racee,orreliggious belieef.Articlee 13 FFemalees shaall ennjoy eequal r
21、ightts as maless in eemployyment. It sshall not bbe alllowed, in tthe reecruittment of sttaff aand woorkerss, to use aas a ppretexxt forr exclludingg femaales fform. emplooymenttortto raiise reecruittment standdards for tthe feemaless, exccept ffor thhe typpes off workkorpposts that are nnot suuitab
22、lle forr femaales aas stiipulatted byy the Statee.Articlee 14 WWhere theree are speciial sttipulaationss in llaws, ruless and regullationns on the eemployyment of thhe dissabledd, thee perssonnell of nnationnal miinoritties, and ddemobiilizedd armyy men, suchh speccial sstipullationns shaall appply.
23、Articlee 15 NNo empployinng uniits shhall bbe alllowed to reecruitt juveeniless undeer thee age of 166. Uniits off liteeraturre andd art, physsical cultuure annd spoort, aand sppeciall artss and craftts thaat neeed to recruuit juuvenilles unnder tthe agge of 16 muust goo throough tthe foormaliities
24、of exxaminaation and aapprovval acccordiing too the relevvant pprovissions of thhe Staate annd guaarateee theiir rigght too comppulsorry eduucatioon.Chapterr III Labouur Conntractts andd Colllectivve ConntracttsArticlee 16 AA laboour coontracct is the aagreemment rreacheed bettween a labbourerr and
25、an emmployiing unnit foor thee estaablishhment of thhe labbour rrelatiionshiip andd the definnitionn of tthe riights, inteerestss and obliggationns of each partyy. A llabourr conttract shalll be cconcluuded wwhere a labbour rrelatiionshiip is to bee estaablishhed.Articlee 17 CConcluusion and mmodifi
26、icatioon of a labbour ccontraact shhall ffolloww the princcipless of eequaliity, vvolunttarineess annd unaanimitty thrrough consuultatiion, aand shhall nnot ruun couunter to thhe stiipulattions of laaws, aadminiistrattive rrules and rregulaationss. A llabourr conttract once conclluded in acccordaanc
27、e wwith tthe laaw shaall poossesss legaal binnding forcee. Thee partties iinvolvved muust fuulfilll the obliggationns as stipuulatedd in tthe laabour contrract.Articlee 18 TThe foollowiing laabour contrracts shalll be iinvaliid: laabour contrracts conclluded in viiolatiion off lawss, admministtrativ
28、ve rulles annd reggulatiions; and llabourr conttractss conccludedd by rresortting tto succh meaasuress as ccheatiing annd inttimidaation. An iinvaliid labbour ccontraact shhall hhave nno leggal biindingg forcce froom thee veryy begiinningg of iits coonclussion. Wheree a paart off a laabour contrract
29、 iis connfirmeed as invallid annd wheere thhe vallidityy of tthe reemainiing paart iss not affeccted, the rremainning ppart sshall remaiin vallid. TThe innvaliddity oof a llabourr conttract shalll conffirmedd by aa laboour diisputee arbiitratiion coommittteeorra peeoples couurt.Articlee 19 AA laboou
30、r coontracct shaall bee conccludedd in wwritteen forrm. annd conntain the ffollowwing CClausees:1.term of a labouur conntractt;2.conteents oof worrk;3.labouur prootectiion annd worrking condiitionss;4.labouur remmuneraation;5.labouur disscipliine;6.condiitionss for the tterminnationn of aa laboour c
31、oontracct; annd7.respoonsibiility for tthe viiolatiion off a laabour contrract.Apart ffrom tthe reequireed claauses speciified in thhe preecedinng parragrapph, otther ccontennts inn a laabour contrract mmay bee agreeed uppon thhroughh conssultattion bby thee partties iinvolvved.Articlee 20 TThe teer
32、m off a laabour contrract sshall be diividedd intoo fixeed terrm, fllexiblle terrmortakinng thee comppletioon of a speecificc amouunt off workk as aa termm. In case a labbourerr has kept workiing inn a saame emmployiing unnit foor tenn yearrsormore and tthe paartiess invoolved agreee to eextendd the
33、 term of thhe labbour ccontraact, aa laboour coontracct witth a fflexibble teerm shhall bbe conncludeed bettween them if thhe labbourerr so rrequessted.Articlee 21 AA probbationn periiod maay be agreeed upoon in a labbour ccontraact. TThe loongestt probbationn periiod shhall nnot exxceed six mmonths
34、s.Articlee 22 TThe paartiess invoolved in a labouur conntractt may reachh an aagreemment iin theeir laabour contrract oon mattters conceerningg keepping hhe commmerciial seecretss of tthe emmployiing unnit.Articlee 23 AA laboour coontracct shaall teerminaate uppon thhe exppiratiion off its termorthh
35、e emeergencce of the ccondittions for tthe teerminaation of thhe labbour ccontraact ass agreeed uppon byy the partiies innvolveed.Articlee 24 AA laboour coontracct mayy be rrevokeed upoon agrreemennt reaached betweeen thhe parrties invollved tthrouggh connsultaation.Articlee 25 TThe emmployiing unni
36、t maay revvoke tthe laabour contrract wwith aa laboourer in anny of the ffollowwing ccircummstancces:1.to bee provved noot up to thhe reqquiremments for rrecruiitmentt duriing thhe proobatioon perriod;2.to seerioussly viiolatee laboour diiscipllinesorthhe rulles annd reggulatiions oof thee emplloyin
37、gg unitts;3.to caause ggreat lossees to the eemployying uunit ddue too seriious ddereliictionn of ddutyoorenggagemeent inn malppractiice foor sellfish ends; and4.to bee inveestigaated ffor crriminaal ressponsiibilitties iin acccordannce wiith thhe laww.Articlee 26 IIn anyy of tthe foollowiing ciircu
38、msstancees, thhe empployinng uniit mayy revooke a labouur conntractt but a wriitten notifficatiion shhall bbe givven too the labouurer 330 dayys in advannce:1.wheree a laaboureer is unablle to take up hiis oriiginall workkoraany neew worrk arrrangedd by tthe emmployiing unnit affter tthe coomplettio
39、n oof hiss mediical ttreatmment ffor illlnesssoriinjuryy not suffeered aat worrk;2.wheree a laaboureer is unquaalifieed forr his work and rremainns unqqualiffied eeven aafter receiiving a traaininggoraan adjjustmeent too an oother work post; and3.no aggreemeent onn modiificattion oof thee laboour co
40、ontracct cann be rreacheed thrrough consuultatiion byy the partiies innvolveed wheen thee objeectivee condditionns takken ass the basiss for the cconcluusion of thhe conntractt havee greaatly cchangeed so that the ooriginnal laabour contrract ccan noo longger bee carrried oout.Articlee 27 DDuringg t
41、he periood of statuutory consoolidattion wwhen tthe emmployiing unnit coomes tto thee brinnk of bankrruptcyyorrruns ddeep iinto ddifficcultiees in produuctionn and managgementt, andd if rreducttion oof itss perssonnell becoomes rreallyy neceessaryy, thee unitt may make such reducction afterr it hhas
42、 exxplainned thhe sittuatioon to the ttradeunionnor aall off its stafff and workeers 300 dayss in aadvancce, soolicitted oppinionns froom theem andd repoorted to thhe labbour aadminiistrattive ddeparttment. Wherre thee emplloyingg unitt is tto reccruit persoonnel six mmonthss afteer thee perssonnell
43、 reduuctionn effeected accorrding to thhe stiipulattions of thhis Arrticlee, thee reduuced ppersonnnel sshall have the pprioriity too be rre-empployedd.Articlee 28 TThe emmployiing unnit shhall mmake eeconommic coompenssationns in accorrdancee withh the relevvant pprovissions of thhe Staate iff it r
44、revokees itss laboour coontraccts acccordiing too the stipuulatioons inn Artiicle 224, Arrticlee 26, and AArticlle 27 of thhis Laaw.Articlee 29 TThe emmployiing unnit shhall nnot reevoke its llabourr conttract with a labbourerr in aaccorddance with the sstipullationns in Articcle 266 and Articcle 27
45、7 of tthis LLaw inn any of thhe folllowinng cirrcumsttancess:1.to bee conffirmedd to hhave ttotalllyorpartiially lost the aabilitty to work due tto occcupatiional diseaasesoorinjjuriess sufffered at woork;2.to bee receeivingg mediical ttreatmment ffor diiseaseesorinjurries wwithinn the presccribedd
46、periiod off timee;3.to bee a feemale stafff membberorrworkker duuring pregnnant, puerpperal,orbbreastt-feedding pperiodd;orotherr circcumstaances stipuulatedd by llaws, adminnistraative ruless and regullationns.Articlee 30 TThe trradeuunionof ann emplloyingg unitt shalll havve thee righht to air iit
47、s oppinionns if it reegardss as iinapprropriaate thhe revvocatiion off a laabour contrract bby thee unitt. If the eemployying uunit vviolattes laaws, rrules and rregulaationssorllabourr conttractss, thee traddeuniionshhall hhave tthe riight tto reqquest for rreconssideraation. Wherre thee laboourer
48、appliies foor arbbitrattionoorbriings iin a llawsuiit, thhe traadeunnionsshall rendeer himm suppport aand asssistaance iin acccordannce wiith thhe laww.Articlee 31 AA laboourer who iintendds to revokke hiss laboour coontracct shaall giive a writtten nootice to thhe empployinng uniit 30 days in addva
49、ncee.Articlee 32 AA laboourer may nnotifyy at aany tiime thhe empployinng uniit of his ddecisiion too revooke thhe labbour ccontraact inn any of thhe folllowinng cirrcumsttancess:1.withiin thee probbationn periiod;2.wheree the emplooying unit forcees thee laboourer to woork byy resoortingg to vviole
50、nnce, iintimiidatioon or3.illeggal reestricction of peersonaal freeedom; or4.failuure onn the part of thhe empployinng uniit to pay llabourr remuunerattionoorto proviide woorkingg condditionns as agreeed upoon in the llabourr conttract.Articlee 33 TThe sttaff aand woorkerss of aan entterpriise ass o
51、ne partyy may concllude aa colllectivve conntractt withh the enterrprisee on mmatterrs rellatingg to llabourr remuunerattion, workiing hoours, rest and vvacatiions, occuppationnal saafety and hhealthh, andd insuurancee and welfaare. TThe drraft ccollecctive contrract sshall be suubmittted too the co
52、ngrress oof thee stafff andd workkersoorto all tthe sttaff aand woorkerss for discuussionn and adopttion. A colllectiive coontracct shaall bee conccludedd by tthe trradeuunionon beehalf of thhe staaff annd worrkers with the eenterpprise; in aan entterpriise whhere tthe trradeuunionhas nnot yeet beee
53、n sett up, such contrract sshall be allso cooncludded byy the repreesentaativess eleccted bby thee stafff andd workkers wwith tthe ennterprrise.Articlee 34 AA colllectivve conntractt shalll be submiitted to thhe labbour aadminiistrattive ddeparttment afterr its concllusionn. Thee colllectivve conntr
54、actt shalll go into effecct auttomatiicallyy if nno objjectioons arre raiised bby thee laboour addminisstratiive deepartmment wwithinn 15 ddays ffrom tthe daate off the receiipt off a coopy off the contrract.Articlee 35 CCollecctive contrracts conclluded in acccordaance wwith tthe laaw shaall haave
55、biindingg forcce to both the eenterpprise and aall off its stafff and workeers. TThe sttandarrds onn workking ccondittions and llabourr paymments agreeed upoon in labouur conntractts conncludeed bettween indivviduall laboourerss and the eenterpprisess shalll nott be llower than thosee as sstipullate
56、d in coollecttive ccontraacts.Chapterr IV WWorkinng Houurs, RRest aand VaacatioonsArticlee 36 TThe Sttate sshall practtise aa workking hhour ssystemm undeer whiich laaboureers shhall wwork ffor noo moree thann eighht houurs a day aand noo moree thann 44 hhours a weeek on the aaveragge.Articlee 37 II
57、n casse of labouurers workiing onn the basiss of ppiecewwork, the eemployying uunit sshall ratioonallyy fix quotaas of work and sstandaards oon pieeceworrk remmuneraation in acccordaance wwith tthe woorkingg hourr systtem sttipulaated iin Artticle 36 off thiss Law.Articlee 38 TThe emmployiing unnit
58、shhall gguaranntee tthat iits sttaff aand woorkerss havee at lleast one dday offf in a weeek.Articlee 39 WWhere an ennterprrise ccan noot folllow tthe sttipulaationss in AArticlle 36 and AArticlle 38 of thhis Laaw duee to iits sppeciall prodductioon natture, it maay adoopt otther rrules on woorkingg
59、 hourrs andd restt withh the approoval oof thee laboour addminisstratiive deepartmment.Articlee 40 TThe emmployiing unnit shhall aarrangge hollidayss for labouurers in acccordaance wwith tthe laaw durring tthe foollowiing feestivaals:1.the NNew Yeears Day;2.the SSpringg Festtival;3.the IInternnation
60、nal Laabour Day;4.the NNationnal Daay; annd5.otherr holiidays stipuulatedd by llaws, ruless and regullationns.Articlee 41 TThe emmployiing unnit maay exttend wworkinng houurs duue to the rrequirrementts of its pproducctionorbuusinesss aftter coonsulttationn withh the tradeeunioonandd laboourerss, bu
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