



1、. 專業(yè).專注 .1.考試可以檢測一個人的學習水平The exam can detect the level of s learning. Can let the students know what they havelearned in the class. Test can lets students know their mastery of the knowledge. Can improve theenthusiasm of the students learning.2.考的不好的同學,在考試后許多同學都可以總結(jié)經(jīng)驗和教訓以便改正。The Students that dont h

2、ave a good result in the exam also can sum up experience and lesson.And they will Correction the shortcoming quickly and achieved a very good result next time.Exam is just like a kind of competition in the society. It makes the students know the dark sideof the society earlier than they should be. E

3、specially nowadays that the exams are becoming moreand more important, sutdents may start to cheat in the exam in order to get good marks but fakegrade.Students responsibility is to study honestly, not to learn how to get to the purposes even doharm.School is a kind of small society. And exams shoul

4、dnt be the tools to make students learn howto get to a higher place. Its unhealthy and foolish as well.Students need to know theres something more important than grades, such as their hearts. Butexams just make it worse.考試就如同一種社會競爭。它使學生過早地接觸到了社會的黑暗面 。尤其是在考試越來越重要的當下,學生們有可能為了那些好看卻虛假的分數(shù)而在考試中作弊。學生的責任是誠實

5、地學習 而不是去學如何為了達到目的不擇手段,甚至不惜傷害他人。學校是一種社會的縮影。而考試更不應該是讓學生學會如何往上爬的一種工具 。這不僅不健康,而且愚蠢。.word 完美格式. 專業(yè).專注 .學生應該懂得除了分數(shù)之外還有一些更重要的東西 比如人的心靈。而考試卻只是讓他們這方面的認識變得更糟高而已。論據(jù)1. Exams are primitive methods of testing the students knowledge and ability. They do moreharm than good to the students, the teachers, education i

6、tself and the whole society.2. Many exams are not scientifically designed, but are subjective assessments by someanonymous examiners.3. Exams do more harm than good, for students often spend so much time revising forexaminations that they cant find enough time for new work.4. Examinations do not mot

7、ivate the student to read widely, but restrict his reading.5. Exams often cause anxiety, for students will not get good jobs without good marks. Manystudents suffer from bad health, and some even commit suicide because of psychological pressure.6. Since exams test a students memory rather than his a

8、bility and aptitude, they never train himto think for himself.7. It is unfair to judge students by the results of exams because they can hardly pergorm wellunder great pressure or after a sleepless night. 8. The exam system leads to the duck-stuffing(填鴨式教學) lecturing method.9. The standard of educat

9、ion cannot be improved so long as the examination system exists.10. The examination system often produces people with good marks but poor abilityies, formany successful examineess are well trained in exam techniques rather than well educat1) exam bring about a huge pressure on the students 給學生帶來精神負擔大2) it causes some of the students go through the exams by unwell ways 引起武弊等問題.word 完美格式. 專業(yè).專注 .3)it wastes a lot of time on examining the level of th


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