1、現(xiàn)代大學英語聽力原文及答案Unit 1Task 1【答案】A.1) She wanted to see St. Pauls Cathedral.2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike.3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas andnewspapers.4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of t
2、hem, who alllooked as if theywere wearing a uniform.5) No, he didnt.6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove hisopinion.B.If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were onetree,what a great tree it would be! And if this tree w
3、ere to fall in the sea, what a greatsplash therewould be!【原文】Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. PaulsCathedral.She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were allwearing dark suitsand bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and ne
4、wspapers. When shereturned home sheasked Mr clark about these strange creatures. They must be typical Englishgentlemen, shesaid. I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as ifthey arewearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still existMr. Clark laughed. I
5、ve never thought about it, he answered. Its true that many ofthe menwho work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typicalEnglishmen.But look at this. Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a youngman. Hesjust as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there
6、is no such thing as a typical Englishman.Do youknow the English saying It takes all kinds to make a world Thats true of allcountries-includingEngland.“Oh, just like the poem If All the Seas Were One Sea,” Gretel began to hum happily.If allthe seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all
7、 the trees were one tree,what a greattree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash thatwould be!”Task 2【答案】A.1) people were much busier2) colder than England; minus thirty degrees; last longer3) much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautifu
8、l4) tend to be more crowded5) the houses; smallerB.1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F【原文】John is British but has worked in Japan. Etsuko is Japanese from Osaka, but she isstudyingin Britain. In the following passage you are going to hear, they are comparing life asthey see it inthe two countries. But before l
9、istening to it, think of the two countriesand try to answer thefollowing pre-listening questions.John: I found that living in Japan, people were busier. They seem to work the wholeday.Etsuko: Yes, thats right. We work from Monday through Saturday, even in summer.You know,summer in Japan is just horr
10、ible. Its very, very humid and hot, and you need toshower three timesa day.John: So you find it cooler in England?Etsuko: Yes, thats right.John: Where I was living in Japan, in the North, it was much colder than England,especially inwinter, minus thirty degrees centigrade. Does the winter in Osaka l
11、ast longer than thewinter inEngland?Etsuko: No, I dont think so. December, January, February, March.John: Yes. Its a little bit shorter if anything.Etsuko: Ever since I came here, I noticed that the countryside here in England is verybeautiful.John: Its much flatter than in Japan.Etsuko: Yes. Japan
12、is a mountainous country and our cities are full of people. Thereare lots ofpeople in a limited flat area.John: Yes, I found Japan much more mountainous than Britain, especially in the north.Themountains are much higher and much more rocky. I found it more beautiful thanBritain, I think.Etsuko: Yes,
13、 if you like mountains.John: And therefore the towns and villages tend to be more crowded.Etsuko: Yes, thats right.John: Yes. So because the cities are more crowded, the houses tend to be smaller,dont they?Etsuko: Yes, they are very compact, and we dont have a lot of space. In big cities wehave a lo
14、t oftaller buildings now.John: Is this a problem because there are more earthquakes in Japan?Etsuko: Yes, thats right andTask 3【答案】A.1) In the US, people usually dance just to enjoy themselves; they dont invite otherpeople towatch them.2) Usually eight people dance together.3) Because people form a
15、square in dancing with a man and a woman on each side ofthe square.4) He usually makes it into a song.5) They wear old-fashioned clothes.B.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) TC.1) eight people form a square; on each side of the square2) what they should do; makes it into a song; sings it3) dont have much time t
16、o think4) old-fashioned clothes【原文】Rosa: Why dont you have folk dances in the United StatesMost countries have special dancesthat the people have done for many years. The dancers wear clothes from the old days.Everyone likes to watch them dance.Steve: We have folk dances, too. A lot of people belong
17、 to folk dancing groups. Butwhen theydance, they usually do it just to enjoy themselves. They dont invite other people towatch them.Rosa: Is there a folk dancing group here?Steve: I think so. There must be. Theres one in almost every city, and some big citieshaveseveral.Rosa: What are the dances lik
18、e?Steve: Usually eight people dance together, four men and four women. When theystart, they forma square, with a man and a woman on each side of the square. Thats why its calledsquare dancing. Then theres a man who tells the dancers what they should do. Heusually makes it into a song. He sings it wh
19、ile they dance.Rosa: Oh, that should make the dances easy!Steve: Yes, but they are very fast. They dont have much time to think. I like to watchthem,though. The dancers wear old-fashioned clothes. That makes the dances pretty towatch.Rosa: Id like to watch a group dance.Steve: Ill take you sometime.
20、Task 4【答案】1) It was a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.2) They burned the picture of their kitchen god to bring good luck.3) The custom said the brides must wear “something old, something new, somethingborrowed,and something blue” to bring good luck.4) Because they cou
21、ld not eat meat, eggs or dairy products during Lent, so they triedto use upthese things before Lent began.5) It was a straw man made by children in Czech; it was a figure of death.6) People brought their animals to church. And before the animals went into thechurch peopledressed them up in flowers a
22、nd ribbons.【原文】1) On the evening of February 3rd, people in Japanese families took one dried beanfor each yearof their age and threw the beans on the floor, shouting Good luck in! Evil spiritsout! This wasknown as Setsubun, a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning ofspring.2) Before t
23、he Chinese Lunar New Year in the old days, many Chinese families burnedthe pictureof their kitchen god to bring good luck. When Lunar New Years Day came, they putancwpicture of the kitchen god on the wall.3) When American women got married, they sometimes followed an old custom inchoosing whatto wea
24、r on their wedding day. The custom said the bride must wear something old,somethingnew, something borrowed, and something blue. This was to bring good luck.4) Before Lent (a time on the Christian calendar), the people of Ponti, Italy ate anomelet madewith 1,000 eggs. People could not eat meat, eggs
25、or dairy products during Lent, sothey tried touse up these things before Lent began.5) When winter ended in Czech, the children made a straw man called Smrt, whichwas a figureof death. They burned it or threw it in the river. After they destroyed it, they carriedflowershome to show the arrival of sp
26、ring.6) January 17th was St. Anthonys Day in Mexico. It was a day when people broughttheir animalsto church. But before the animals went into the church, the people dressed them up inflowersand ribbons. This ceremony was to protect peoples animals.Task 5【答案】A.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) TB.Adva
27、ntages DisadvantagesLots of servants to do the work Terrible life for servantsbeautiful clothes to wear very uncomfortable clotheslots of tea parties boring and formal tea partiesoften no menbeing invitedlife being slower much more illnessplenty of time to talk to each other children left with serva
28、nts all dayvery poor educationno freedom for women【原文】Man: Well, I think life used to be much more fun than it is now. I mean, look at theVictorians.They had lots of servants to do all the work; they never had to do any cooking orcleaning;they just wore those beautiful dresses and went to tea partie
29、s.Woman: You must be joking! Their clothes were terribly uncomfortable and their teaparties werevery formal and boring. They used to wear their hats and long gloves even when theywere eating cakes and biscuits. And men were not usually invited.Man: Really Werent theyWoman: And think of the poor serv
30、ants. What a terrible lifejust cleaning andcooking for otherpeople all the time!Man: But you hate housework!Woman: Yes, I know, but there are lots of machines now to help you with thehousework. Peopledont need servants.Man: Maybe they dont, but life then was much slower than it is now-peoplenowadays
31、 arealways rushing, and they never have time to stop and enjoy themselves.Woman: Life then was fine for the rich, but it was dreadful for the poor. There wasmuch moreillness. They didnt have the money to pay doctors, and they often used to die ofillnessesthat dont exist in England now.Man: Maybe. Bu
32、t people used to talk to each other, play the piano or play cardstogether.Nowadays people just sit in front of the television for hours and never talk to eachother.Woman: I agree with you about television; but what about their children They lefttheir Childrenwith the servants all day. Children hardl
33、y ever saw their parents! And the clothes theyhadto wear! Horrible, tight, uncomfortable, grown-up clothes. Children have a muchbetterlife now than they used to, and schools and education are much better too.Man: I hate school.Woman: And look at opportunities for women. In those days, women used to
34、stay athome, playthe piano, change their clothes several times a day and have tea parties. What a life!Theydidnt have any freedom at all. Im very happy living now. I can work, have a career,dowhat I want to.Man: You mean you can work hard all your life like a Victorian servant.Woman: Life isnt all t
35、ea parties, you know.Task 6【答案】A.1) b 2) a 3) c 4) aB.1) family unit; process; change; used to be; the extended; the nuclear2) job patterns; progressed; agricultural; industrial; forced; job opportunities; split up3) traditional; family; expanded; other living arrangementsC.1) mother, father, childr
36、en, and some other relatives, such as grandparents, living inthe samehouse or nearby2) only the parents and the children3) previously married men and women marry again and combine the children fromformermarriages into a new family【原文】The American family unit is in the process of change. There used t
37、o be mainly twotypes offamilies: the extended and the nuclear. The extended family most often includedmother, father,children, and some other relatives, such as grandparents, living in the same house ornearby. Thenas job patterns changed and the economy progressed from agricultural to industrial,peo
38、ple wereforced to move to different parts of the country for job opportunities. These movessplit up theextended family. The nuclear family became more prevalent; this consisted of onlythe parents andthe children. Now besides these two types of traditional groupings, the word familyis beingexpanded t
39、o include a variety of other living arrangements.Todays family can be made up of diverse combinations. With the divorce rate nearlyone intwo, there is an increase in single parent homes: a father or mother living with one ormorechildren. Blended families occur when previously married men and women m
40、arryagain andcombine the children from former marriages into a new family. On the other hand,some couplesare deciding not to have any children at all, so there is an increase in childless families.There arealso more people who live alone: single, widowed, divorced. Now one in fiveAmericans livesalon
41、e.Task 7【答案】A.Men Women BothStudy subjects like history or EnglishStudy engineeringGo to university to get good jobsLook for a good job because they want a good husbandLook for a good job because they want to be successful Work for a lifetimeWork up to ten yearsGet married by twenty-sevenCook the me
42、alsLook after the childrenGo out for a drink after workCome home by four oclock in the afternoonB.1) c 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) c 7) c【原文】In Japan both men and women go to university and both men and women study thearts suchas history or English. But very few women study science, medicine or engineeri
43、ng. Inengineeringclasses of thirty or forty students, there may be only one or two women. Men andwomen both goto university in order to get good jobs: men want to work for a big company, besuccessful, earn alot of money and support a family; women, on the other hand, want to work for a bigcompanybec
44、ause they have a better chance of meeting a successful man and getting married.This ischanging, however, as Japanese women begin to think about their own careers. Theyhave beganto take jobs which they like rather than jobs in order to find a husband.Men work for their whole lives and usually stay wi
45、th the same company. A womanmay workup to ten years, but after that she usually gets married. Most women are married bythe age oftwenty seven, then they stay at home and look after the children. A man does not cookor lookafter the children. When he comes home, his meal must be ready. The woman may g
46、oout in theafternoon, shopping with her friends or having a chat, but she must go back home byfour oclockto prepare the meal. Then she may have to wait a long time for her husband to comehome. Oftenhe has to go out for a drink after work: if he doesnt he may not rise very high in thecompany.After he
47、r children grow up, a woman can go back to work, but it is not easy. If herformercompany takes older women back, she might be lucky. But most women find itdifficult to find ajob when they are older.Task 8【答案】A.1) a 2) c 3) b 4) c 5) c 6) b 7) c 8) bB.1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) F 8) F 9) T 10)
48、F【原文】Matthew: Geth, how do people set about getting married in England?Geth: I suppose the most common way is still for people to go home. For example,people wholive in London now will go back to their homes in the provinces where theyll meet alltheir relatives and their parents, and theyll get marr
49、ied in a church, with the bridewearing white, the traditional white. Then theyll go off and have a booze-up withtheirrelatives and friends and a jolly good time will be had by all. Otherwise you can getmarried in a registry office, which means you turn up with your bride-to-be orbridegroom-to-be wit
50、h two witnesses only. The ceremony takes about five minutes, Isuppose. You sign the form and thats it.Matthew: There are many today who say that marriage is a complete waste of time.Whats yourview of marriage in the twentieth century?Goth: Well, I live in London as you know. I think in London, the t
51、endency is to. fora. boyand girl, man or woman to live together before marriage and often to live togetherwithout any prospect of marriage at all. I think this probably is. is true of Londonandthe other big cities than elsewhere, because after all people in London are living in abigplace where home
52、ties are obviously less restrictive. They can do more or less as theyplease and I think this is the pattern.Matthew: But do you think it helps for people to live together before taking theirvows?Geth: I think in a sense the habit of living together before marriage may, in a strangesort ofway, make m
53、arriage stronger, because after all the people will know each other betterwhen they do get married and it might be suggested that divorce would be less likelybetween such a couple.Matthew: Sue, youve been married for two or three years now. Hows it working out?Sue: I think its a successful marriage.
54、 Its. I mean, its difficult to say why, becausewebasically suit each other very much. We have a good friendship, apart from anythingelse, and, you know, we just go together very well because we respect each othersfreedom and individuality, but on the other hand we really need each other, you know,it
55、s.Matthew: What about., have you thought of having children?Sue: Well, obviously, like most young couples, we have thought about it, but, youknow, weboth feel rather, sort of, loath to lose our freedom just yet. I think well probably waitanother few years.Matthew: Is it easy in England today to peop
56、le to get divorced, or is that quitedifficult?Chris: I think technically its probably fairly easy, I think, because Im not English but,I thinktechnically its fairly easy to be. to get divorced. But its not just the technicality of itwhich is the problem. Divorce is. is a social stigma which people c
57、an probably Copewith to varying degrees, but its also a lot easier for the man because the woman, aftersheis divorced is, in fact, frowned upon by. by a lot of people in society. She is. is. ata.a much more difficult social position in terms of. of meeting other men, or whatever,simply because she i
58、s a divorcee.Task 9【原文】Social customs and ways of behaving change. But they do not necessarily alwayschange forthe better. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable.Just a fewyears ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. Noman whothou
59、ght of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smokingwhen a ladywas in the room.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything thatmight makeother people feel uncomfortableespecially if they are your guests. There is a storyabout a richnobleman who h
60、ad a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of theguests startedto eat his peas with a knife. Other guests were amused or shocked, but the noblemancalmlypicked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been badmanners to makehis guest feel foolish or uncomfortable
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