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1、CHAPTER 12The PicnicSurprise IslandThe children were waiting upon the dock when Joe came back. But it was too late then to find Mr. Browning.Jessie began, “You know, Joe, Grandfather said we should never build a fire outdoors unless someone older helped us. Now we have such a good place for a picnic

2、, we thought wed invite our school friends over for a picnic on the beach. They have never seen the island.”“Ill be glad to help you build a fire, if thats what you want,” said Joe.“Oh, thanks, Joe,” said Jessie.The four children invited their friends over Captain Daniels telephone. All of them said

3、 that they would come. Henrys friend was a tall boy named Morris Wilder, and Jessies friend was Morris sister, Marjorie. Violet invited her friend, Barbara Black. Benny surprised them by saying that he wanted to invite Mike Wood, a little boy who was always in trouble.“Mike and Benny will be quite a

4、 pair!” cried Henry. “But I suppose he can invite anyone he likes. We all did.”“Well have fish chowder for dinner,” said Jessie. “We can always get some fish from Captain Daniel.”“And well all pick blueberries after the others get here,” said Henry. “That will be something to do.”When the guests arr

5、ived, Watch was very excited. Mike had brought his big white dog, Spotty, with him. Jessie had a hard time trying to keep the dogs from fighting, but after a lot of barking Watch and Spotty were friends.“Lets race the dogs, Ben,” cried Mike, who could never be still very long.The two boys held the d

6、ogs for a minute, and then let them go. Both dogs seemed to understand, for they raced to the beach where they dropped, panting, on the sand beside Joe. Watch knew the way, and got there first.“Spotty got there first!” shouted Mike. have a hard time doing sth.:做某事很困難 keep someone from doing sth.:阻止某

7、人做某事“He did not!” cried Benny. “He didnt even know the way!”“Benny, Benny!” said Henry. “Dont start the picnic fighting.”“Watch got there first and you know it,” said Benny.“Spotty is better than Watch,” said Mike.“Spotty is not better than Watch!” shouted Benny. “Watch can run faster than Spotty, a

8、nd he got there first in the race!”“You started this fight, Ben!” said Mike.“I did not start it!” shouted Benny.“Yes, you did, too!” shouted Mike.“Now, you listen to me, young fellow,” said Morris, catching Mikes hand. “You stop, or youll have to go home.”Mike began to jump up and down, when suddenl

9、y he jumped on a very sharp shell. Then Mike sat down holding his foot and crying at the same time. Henry sat down, too, and tried to look at Mikes foot. He took out his box of things for fixing cuts. fight:打架,戰(zhàn)斗“Keep still, now, Mike,” he said. “Youve got a long cut here, but its not deep. Let me f

10、ix it.”The cut foot was a big help to everyone. It kept Mike in sight all morning, while the four older children and Joe pickedblueberries.At noon, Jessie and Violet watched while Joe made a fire and boiled some water. Henry and Morris cut the potatoes and onions and the chowder was soon ready.Every

11、one enjoyed the chowder, and the boys had made enough extra for supper, too. After blueberries and milk, Jessie and Violet washed the dishes in the ocean, while Benny and Mike walked away slowly.“Keep an eye on Mike, Henry,” said Jessie.“I can see them. They are just sitting over there on the rocks,

12、” said Henry.But the next time he looked, the boys had gone.“Where could they go?” he cried, getting up quickly. “Theres no place for them to go, because I can see the whole beach!”But the little boys were not in sight. As Henry climbed upon the rocks, he was very glad to hear Bennys voice.“I wonder

13、 who left the bottle here?” said Benny.Henry and Morris looked under the rocks into a tiny cave.“How in the world did you boys get in there?” asked Henry.“The stone came off,” said Benny. “It was like a door, and we pulled it away. It was awfully heavy.”“Say, you fellows climb out of there and let u

14、s go in,” said Morris. The little boys obeyed at once and the two older boys crawled in and looked around. They saw a big stone table with an old bottle on it.“Lets take out the bottle,” said Henry. “There may be something inside.”“Look, Joe,” said Morris. “See what Ben and Mike found.”“Theres a pap

15、er inside the bottle,” said Henry. “Shall we take it out?”“Why not?” said Joe, turning it over. “Maybe theres a name on the paper.”“Let me get the paper out with my knife,” said Henry. The mouth of the bottle was just wide enough for the knife. Henry pulled the paper out easily and read, “If found,

16、give to J. Alden. Six feet from cross to red rock, and three feet down. J. A. and R. W.”“Grandfather must have left it here when he was a boy,” said Henry, “but I dont see any cross.”“I do,” said Mike. “Its right over there.” He pointed at a strange rock. It did look like a cross.“And theres the red

17、 rock!” cried Violet. “See!”“This will be easy,” said Morris. “You run a string from the cross straight to the red rock. Then what does it say?” He looked atthe paper again. “Six feet. Well, six feet from the cross you dig down for three feet. There must be something there.”The children were excited

18、 as they tied the string to the red rock. Joe showed them where six feet would be. Then they took turns digging with a spoon. With Watch and Spotty to help, they dug a hole three feet deep, but there was nothing in it but water. After an hours digging they had still not found anything.“We can dig so

19、me other day,” said Henry at last. “It may be down twelve feet since the paper is very old.”All the children but Mike were tired and were glad to sit down on the grass. The little fellow still sat beside the hole with Spotty, digging away with the spoon. Then suddenly he began to shout.“Its mine, al

20、l mine, because I found it. You cant say it isnt, because you all stopped digging.”When the children ran to the hole, they saw Mike pulling out a black box covered with wet sand. And Mike went right on shouting.“I found the cave, too, and made Ben help me take the door off, and I found the cross and

21、 I dug out the box, and its mine!”“Dont talk so much. Of course its yours, Mike,” said Henry. “Why dont you open it?”take turns:輪流 an hours digging:挖了一個小時It was not hard to do this, because the box was very old. Mike pulled off the cover with his fingers, and the children saw a pile of old money. Mi

22、ke put the money, one piece at a time, in the cover of the box.“Just five dollars!” said Morris. “What a lot of money, Mike!”“Grandfather will give him a five-dollar bill,” said Jessie. “I think he would like to keep this old money he put here when he was a boy. Wouldnt you like to have a new five-d

23、ollar bill, Mike?”“Y-yes, of course,” said Mike who had never had even a dollar bill before in his whole life.Just then, the children heard a shout coming over the water. Then they noticed a boy in a rowboat who was standing up, shouting, and pointing at the water.A dark head showed for a minute and

24、 then went out of sight.“Theres somebody in the water, too!” cried Morris.Henry heard Joe say to himself, “Im well, now. Im not afraid.” rowboat:劃艇,有槳的船Joe took off his shoes, jumped into the water, and swam very fast. “Bring the boat here!” he shouted to the boy in the boat.But the boat went right

25、past him.“Oh, come back, Joe!” cried Benny.“Hell come back, all right,” said Morris. “Hes a wonderful swimmer! Look!”As Morris spoke, Joe swam under water suddenly. When he came up he was pulling the boy to the rowboat. It seemed hours before Joe finally got the boy into the boat and pulled himself

26、in.“Good for Joe!” shouted Henry. “I hope he got there in time.”“Everybody ought to know how to swim,” said Morris. “That boy was afraid. He just stood there and yelled. He couldnt even bring the boat over when Joe asked him to.”All this time Mike had not said anything. He stood very still as he loo

27、ked out over the water. The little fellow seemed to have turned to stone. little fellow: 小家伙“Why are you so scared?” asked Henry.“I think its Pat,” said Mike, still staring at the boat.“Pat? Who is he?” asked Henry.“Hes my brother,” said Mike. “Hes eleven years old. I think he was the one in the wat

28、er.”“You cant see that far,” said Morris. “What makes you think so, Mike?”“Well, I told him there would be something to eat at this picnic, and that maybe wed play ball.”“I begin to see,” said Henry, looking at Morris. “Do you know who the other boy is?”“Maybe Johnny,” said Mike. “I told Johnny, too

29、, and he knew about a rowboat he could get.”“How did they get the boat?” asked Morris.“They just took it,” said Mike.“What an awful thing to do!” shouted Henry. “Besides, they cant swim or row.” awful:糟糕的It did seem so, for Joe was rowing. One boy was out of sight in the boat, and the other boy sat

30、at one end. When Jessie saw the boat coming, she called to Marjorie, “Lets run to the barn and get some blankets and towels.”“Good for you, Jessie!” called Joe when the girls brought the blankets. “Lay them down on the other side of the fire.”Jessie and Marjorie spread out the blankets, while Henry

31、and Morris caught the boat as it landed on the beach.“It is Pat,” said Mike in a frightened voice. “Isnt it, Johnny?”“Yes,” said Johnny. “But hell be all right. This man said so.”“Hes lucky,” said Henry. “Lucky that Joe knew how to swim.”Pat was very still when the boys helped Joe lift him out of th

32、e boat and roll him in a blanket by the fire. spread out:鋪開,展開“We wont talk to him now,” said Joe, rubbing the boys hair with a towel. “Well let him sleep first. Hes all tired out.”“I guess you wont have to talk to him,” said Johnny, who was very white. “We wont ever take a boat again.”“No, I dont b

33、elieve you will, either,” called Joe, as he went back to the hut for dry clothes.Just then, Mike said, “Pat didnt get any dinner. Will you heat up the chowder for him, Henry?”“He cant eat when hes sound asleep, can he?” asked Morris.“No, but hell wake up when he smells the chowder,” said Mike. “Maybe I could have some more myself, because I didnt eat much lunch.”“Ho, I should say you didnt!” said Morris. “Only three bowls full!”“Ill tell you what we can do,” said Joe, who had come back wearing dry clothes. “We have just enough to play ball, if Mike


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