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1、200410月英語(二)。(110分1.ItoffersusafullersenseofenselyalivetoA.timeB.momentC.periodD.2.Itmaybe200410月英語(二)。(110分1.ItoffersusafullersenseofenselyalivetoA.timeB.momentC.periodD.2.Itmaybewortht JohnMajordidnthimselfgotoOxford,mostofhisministersA.afterB.sinceC.whileD.3.TheeffectsofthebodyarefarmorenweA.onB.

2、inC.for D.4. owersof noA.forB.byC.withD.5.Thereislittleta panelof five wantstogothroughthe ofallshakinghandswithA. sB.prospectC.precedentD.6.Itisthe righttochange employerswhichemploymentfromA.distinguishesB.derivesC.releasesD.7.Itistouchingtosee howacator dogitselftoafamilyandwantstoshareinallitsgo

3、ingsandA.B.esC. esD.8.Ahealthyself-esteemisaresourceforA.riseB.raiseC.ariseD.when9. The challenge is not one of expan A.Asa resultB.ByallC.IncontrastD.Onthe, the growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come to 10.Managementoftenworkshardtosetupa situationworkisdone in tB.where C.whichD.(每選項1

4、分,共10分Maybeyouttheletter“V”standsforvictoryinwesterncountries.Butdoyouknowthe11ofthe During World War II, Europe was occupied by the Germans.Alot of people 12 to Britain. Among them was one Belgian (比利時人) 13(每選項1分,共10分Maybeyouttheletter“V”standsforvictoryinwesterncountries.Butdoyouknowthe11ofthe Dur

5、ing World War II, Europe was occupied by the Germans.Alot of people 12 to Britain. Among them was one Belgian (比利時人) 13 Victor Dalveli. He loved his country very much. And every day, he used shortwave radio broadcasttothe Belgianpeople,calling14themtoresisttheGermanoccupiers.Onthelastdayof1940,heask

6、edcountrymen to write the 15 “V” wherever they could to show their determination to days,itappearedhe final victory. In a 16 , it spread to the other occupied countries in Europe. Because it was simple and 17, it soon became popular.Whenfriendsmet,theystretchedout18middleandindexfingerstogreet eacht

7、 time, in certain restaurants, knives and forks were placed in such a way 19 form “V”. And in clockshopsclockswereelystopped2011:05toshowthesign11.A.meaningB.C.historyD.12.A.haddB.dC.have dD.13.A.namingB.beingnamedC.namedD.14.A.upB.onD.A.letterB.alphabetC.D. A.LatterB.LaterC.LateD.A.meaningfulB.ener

8、geticC.magnificentA.hisB.theirC.onesD.A.inorder toB.soastoC.sotoD.as A.onB.inC.byD.。(230分PassageQuestion21to25arebasedonthefollowingIn reading the worlds great literature on human excellence al s, Ive t to o a life of true swe need to satisfy one basic condition:pursue our withstubborn頑強的consistency

9、. The biggest difference n people who succeed and those who dont is not usually talent Onmywaytoworkonemorning,ImetRudyRuettiger,whoisnowamotivationalspeaker.Hehasgrown upt, listening to stories about Notre Dame and dreaming of one day playing football there. Friends told him wasnta goodenoughstuden

10、ttobeadmitted.Sohe gaveuphisdreamandwenttoworkint life is too short not Then a friend was killed in an pursueyour work. Shocked, Rudy suddenly In 1972, of 23, he enrolled at Holy Cross Junior College in South Bend, Ind. He got good grades to transfer to Notre Dame, where he finally made the football

11、 team as a member of the “scout team”, playerswhohelpgrades to transfer to Notre Dame, where he finally made the football team as a member of the “scout team”, playerswhohelpthe repareRudy was living his dream, almost. But he wasnt allowed to suit up for the games themselves. The next year, afterRud

12、yrequestedit,thecoachtoldRudyhecouldputonhisuniformfortheseasonsfinalgame.Andtherehe on the Notre Dame bench during the game.A student started shouting, “We want Rudy!”Soon others joined Finally, of 27, with 27 seconds left to play, Rudy Ruettiger was sent onto the field-and made the tackle阻截Sowonth

13、eWhenImet Rudy17 year later, it he parkinglotoutside NotreDame stadium (體育場where acrewwas filming scenes for Rudy, a motion picture about his life. His story yourdreamscantaket there is no limit to 21.ThewritertthekeytoachievingsA.onesseizinghavingwidestickingtoonesAccordingtothepassage,Rudyoncegave

14、uphisdreamofplayingfootballforNotreDamebecausehisfriendwaskilledhisfootwasinjuredinanhelackedconfidenceinD.heheentrance23.Rudyquithislant becausehisfriendencouragedhimhisoutlookonlifehe was edinhishewasshockedbyhisfriendsRudywastransferredtoNotre Dameasa good asa goodwiththe helpofa withthehelpofaAc

15、ameracrewwasmakinga movie aboutRudyslifebecause RudywastheoldestplayeratNotre B.RudysucceededinrealizinghisC.RudywasthebestspeakeratNotreD.RudysucceededinhisPassageQuestions26to30arebasedonthefollowingNASA, the U.S. space B.RudysucceededinrealizinghisC.RudywasthebestspeakeratNotreD.Rudysucceededinhi

16、sPassageQuestions26to30arebasedonthefollowingNASA, the U.S. space agency, ves theres a good t were not alone in the universe. Last NASAbegan a new project called the High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS). Its aim: to find evidence of inoneofthebillionsofheThe search elligent life on lanets isnt ne

17、w. It most 100 years ts when lanets might built a huge transmitter to send radio upthe o space. Scientists thought smart beings on Scientists also have sent a message about humans and our solar system to a nearby lation (星座). becausethelationis25,000lightyearsaway,areturnmessagewouldntreachEarthfor5

18、0,000years!Sowaitupforan Sofarnoextraterrestrial地球外的tweknowofhave returnedour “calls.”ButaccordingtoJillTarter,anHRMSscientist,wehaventexactlyhadourearswideopen.“Now,however,”saysDr.Tarter,“weve built the tools we need to listen well.”Last October, Dr. Tarter switched on the largest radio receiver i

19、n the world. Its an enormous metal bowl stretching 1,000 feet across a valley in Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, another NASA scientist turned on a huge radio receiver in Californias Mojave Desert. NASAhopes these big dishes-and others around the world-will pick up radiosignalsfromnewDr.Drakehasbeensearchin

20、gfor life inouterspaceforyears. HeexplainstheHRMS project thisway:listen to your radio, you move the tuner on the til the channels come in loud and clear: Now imagine tscanourgalaxy“l(fā)istening”to 14 millionchannelsevery tswhatNASAs radioreceiversPuertoRicoandCaliforniatsnoterfulcomputershookedtothere

21、ceiversexamineeverysignalcarefully.Thecomputersto match the signals to t scientists already recognize, such as human-made signals. If they cant, Drake Tartercheckonthem.“Itcouldprovethereisradiotechnologywouldmeanwerenot tNASAscientistsstartedanewprojectinordertodiscoverlifeinotherB.sendhumano C.fin

22、devidenceofanewD.confirmthenumberof27. According to Dr. Jill Tarter, the reason why we havent received any return messages from outer space is 27. According to Dr. Jill Tarter, the reason why we havent received any return messages from outer space is A.ourearsare notsharpenoughtohear B.our sntbeengo

23、odC.ittakesmillionsofyearsforthemtoreachD.ittakesquitea longtime tosendDr.JillTartercomparesthelargereceivertothehumanthe ametalahuge 29.AccordingtoDr.Drake,NASAsradioreceiversinPuertoRicoandCaliforniaaretryingtocheckoneverychannelmovingthetuneronthedialforclearC.scanningtheuniversesibleD.pickingupr

24、adiosignalsfromnewThe besttitle ofthispassage isSignalsfromtheTheInventionofNewRadioC.elligentLifeinOuterD.NASAListensforSpacePassageQuestions31to35arebasedonthefollowingEven a careful motorist(開汽車的人) may commit a motoring offence (違法). court .This is a court ruled by a judge without a jury (陪審團).A

25、judge hashis case, he will appear in ers to pass sentence relativelyminoronly;seriouschargesaredealtwithbyajudgeandaIn certain cases, a motoring offender may choose to go before a judge and a jury, instead of appearing before justa judge .Acourtisalsousedfor the conductof preliminaryinvestigationsto

26、determinewhether or nota motoring offender shall appear for trial in a higher court.When his case comes up in court, the motorist hears his name called by the clerk of the court, and forward to identify himself. The judge then calls for man who charged the offender and asks him to He is expected to

27、give an account of what happened when the offence was committed and to mention l . For le the offence may have been partly due to the foolishness of another motorist. would be unwise for the motoring offender to exaggerate this. It will not help his case to try to blame someone else for his own mist

28、ake.If you are guilty, it is of course wise to admit it and say youre sorry for committing the offence and taking up the courts time .Judges are not heartless and l . For le the offence may have been partly due to the foolishness of another motorist. would be unwise for the motoring offender to exag

29、gerate this. It will not help his case to try to blame someone else for his own mistake.If you are guilty, it is of course wise to admit it and say youre sorry for committing the offence and taking up the courts time .Judges are not heartless and a motorist may be lucky enough to hear one say: “Youv

30、e got reasons,butyouhavebrokenthelawandIllhavetoeafine.Payfivepounds.NextSome short-temperedpeople t men and judges have a public duty to perform, and are to them. This does not pay! A judge will not let off an offender merely because he is respectful, but a law-breakermaycertainlytthejudgewillexten

31、dhimwhattolerancethelaw31.EvenacarefulmotoristmaybeaskedtogotocourtA.aninjuryB.amotoringoffenceC.refusingtopayafineD.beingrudetoThe underlinedword“one”(paragraph5)referstoajuryB.C.a D. a Amotoringoffenderisusuallychargedbya a C.D.another Itisfoolishfora motoringoffendertoeanothermotoristsmentionsome

32、oneelsesC.the isnotD.choosetogobefore a35.If a theisguilty,heshouldmanandthe A.bepolite totryhisbesttoappearbefore justa savethecourtstimeandpaytheadmitthewrongandsaysorrytothe出。(20分樂意地,容易地ad.r _ _ n.r_ _ _ n.m_出。(20分樂意地,容易地ad.r _ _ n.r_ _ _ n.m_ 永恒的,不斷的ac_ _ _ _ _ 偏袒的,部分的ap_ _ n.p _ _ vl_43.易管理的am_

33、 _ _ _ _ _vis_n.f_n.i_ _ _ n.s_ _ _ n.t_口頭的,口的ao_nv_vta_n.g_n.d_ vta_n.a_ _ _ _ 56.Shoulddoctorsben.d_ vta_n.a_ _ _ _ 56.Shoulddoctorsbe(take)thelivesof57.Twoof (big)twereeverrecordedtookplaceinChinaand58. lifiers also sible a fantastic in volume, the music e) as loud penetratingasthehumanearcould59

34、.Everyhass (base)onpolicies,procedures,laws,precedents,andthe60. The more seriously this is sought, (likely be itive attitudes towards leisure as well academic work 61.Attemptstobreakupthisoldsystem(make)inialhepastdred62.Thesemineplanets,togetherwiththesun,makeupwhat(call)oursolar63. Nationsareclas

35、sifiedas“aged” whentheyhave 7%or more of theirpeople aged 65orabove,and byabout everyoneoftheadvancede)like64. (watch)overbyguardswithguns,theconvictsraisedtheirlegsinunisonandmadetheirwaytotheof the 65.Either of thesefactorscouldaccountfor some individuals(be)abletodowellusinginefficient六、將下列各句翻譯成英

36、語。(15分66. 。七、將下列短文翻譯成漢語。(15分When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger. But iveness 七、將下列短文翻譯成漢語。(15分When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger. But iveness sible - and it can be surprisingly helpful to your ph

37、ysical and mental , research has tpeoplewhoivereportmoreenergy,betterappetiteandbettersleepSo when someone has hurt you, calm yourself. Take a couple of deep breaths and think of t you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love. Dont wait for an apology(道歉). n tfiveness does not sarily

38、mean accepting the action of who upset you. Try to see thing from ing out of ignorance, feareven love. You . You may t he or she wanttowritealettertoyourselftsof 200410月英語(二1-6-BACDACDCADB二16-CBBACBCBAD三21-26-31-BDCAD四36. 樂意地,容易地ad.r _ _ 正37. n. r_ _ _ 正三21-26-31-BDCAD四36. 樂意地,容易地ad.r _ _ 正37. n. r_ _ _ 正38. n.m_ _正39. 永恒的,不斷的ac_ _ _ _ 正40. 偏袒的,部分的a. p_ _ 41. n. p_ _ _42. vl_43.易管理的am_ _ _ _ _ _44. 縮短,減少 vis_45. n.f_46. 意圖,打算 n.i_ _ _ _: 47. 情形n.s_ _ _ 48. n.t_49. 口頭的,口的ao_ _46. 意圖,打算 n.i_ _ _


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