1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上2017年人教版八年級數(shù)學(xué)上冊期末試卷8、為籌備班級的初中畢業(yè)聯(lián)歡會,班長對全班學(xué)生愛吃哪幾種水果作了民意調(diào)查,那么最終買什么水果,下面的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)中最值得關(guān)注的是( )A、中位數(shù); B、平均數(shù); C、眾數(shù); D、加權(quán)平均數(shù);41321269、如右圖,有三個大小一樣的正方體,每個正方體的六個面上都按照相同的順序,依次標(biāo)有1,2,3,4,5,6這六個數(shù)字,并且把標(biāo)有“6”的面都放在左邊,那么它們底面所標(biāo)的3個數(shù)字之和等于( )A、8 B、9 C、10 D、1188884444xxyyyyOOOOA、B、C、D、10、為鼓勵居民節(jié)約用水,北京市出臺了新的居民用水收費標(biāo)準(zhǔn):(
2、1)若每月每戶居民用水不超過4立方米,則按每立方米2米計算;(2)若每月每戶居民用水超過4立方米,則超過部分按每立方米4.5米計算(不超過部分仍按每立方米2元計算)?,F(xiàn)假設(shè)該市某戶居民某月用水x立方米,水費為y元,則y與x的函數(shù)關(guān)系用圖象表示正確的是( )二、填空題(每小題4分,共32分)11、不等式的解集是_;12、已知點A在第四象限,且到x軸,y軸的距離分別為3,5,則A點的坐標(biāo)為_;13、為了了解某校初三年級400名學(xué)生的體重情況,從中抽查了50名學(xué)生的體重進行統(tǒng)計分析,在這個問題中,總體是指_;14、某班一次體育測試中得100分的有4人,90分的有11人,80分的有11人,70分的有8
3、人,60分的有5人,剩下的8人一共得了300分,則中位數(shù)是_。15、如圖,已知B=DEF,AB=DE,請?zhí)砑右粋€條件使ABCDEF,則需添加的條件是_;16、如圖,AD和BC相交于點O,OA=OD,OB=OC,若B=40°,AOB=110°,則D=_度;17、彈簧的長度y(cm)與所掛物體的質(zhì)量x (kg)的關(guān)系是一次函數(shù),ABOCDyx5202112圖象如右圖所示,則彈簧不掛物體時的長度是_cm;ABCDEF 第15題圖 第16題圖 第17題圖18、如下圖所示,圖中是一個立體圖形的三視圖,請你根據(jù)視圖,說出立體圖形的名稱:俯視圖左視圖主視圖對應(yīng)的立體圖形是_的三視圖。三、
4、解答題(共78分)19、(8分)解不等式,并把解集在數(shù)軸上表示出來。123ABCDEF20、(8分)填空(補全下列證明及括號內(nèi)的推理依據(jù)):如圖:已知:ADBC于D,EFBC于F,1=3,求證:AD平分BAC。證明:ADBC,EFBC于F(已知) ADEF( ) 1=E( ) 2=3( ) 又3=1(已知) 1=2(等量代換) AD平分BAC( )21、畫出下圖的三視圖(9分)22、(9分)已知點A(10,0),B(10,8),C(5,0),D(0,8),E(0,0),請在下面的平面直角坐標(biāo)系中,(1)分別描出A、B、C、D、E五個點,并順次連接這五個點,觀察圖形像什么字母;(2)要圖象“高矮
5、”不變,“胖瘦”變?yōu)樵瓉韴D形的一半,坐標(biāo)值應(yīng)發(fā)生怎樣的變化?S(千米)t(時)O0.51.537.5102223、(10分)如圖,lA,lB分別表示A步行與B騎車在同一路上行駛的路程S與時間t的關(guān)系。 (1)B出發(fā)時與A相距_千米。(2)走了一段路后,自行車發(fā)生故障,進行修理,所用的時間是_小時。(3)B出發(fā)后_小時與A相遇。(4)若B的自行車不發(fā)生故障,保持出發(fā)時的速度前進,幾小時與A相遇,相遇點離B的出發(fā)點多少千米。在圖中表示出這個相遇點C,并寫出過程。ABCDEF24、(10分)已知:如圖,RtABCRtADE,ABC=ADE=90°,試以圖中標(biāo)有字母的點為端點,連結(jié)兩條線段,
6、如果你所連結(jié)的兩條線段滿足相等、垂直或平行關(guān)系中的一種,那么請你把它寫出來并說明理由。25、(10分)某工廠有甲、乙兩條生產(chǎn)線,在乙生產(chǎn)線投產(chǎn)前,甲生產(chǎn)線已生產(chǎn)了200噸成品,從乙生產(chǎn)線投產(chǎn)開始,甲、乙兩條生產(chǎn)線每天生產(chǎn)20噸和30噸成品。(1)分別求出甲、乙兩條生產(chǎn)線投產(chǎn)后,各自的總產(chǎn)量y(噸)與從乙開始投產(chǎn)以后所用時間x(天)之間的函數(shù)關(guān)系式,并求出第幾天結(jié)束時,甲、乙兩條生產(chǎn)線的總產(chǎn)量相同;(2)在如圖所示的直角坐標(biāo)系中,作出上述兩個函數(shù)和第一象限內(nèi)的圖象,并觀察圖象,分別指出第15天和第25天結(jié)束時,哪條生產(chǎn)線的總產(chǎn)量高?26、(14分) (1)為保護環(huán)境,某校環(huán)保小組成員小敏收集廢電
7、池,第一天收集1號電池4節(jié)、5號電池5節(jié),總重量460克;第二天收集1號電池2節(jié)、5號電池3節(jié),總重量240克。 求1號和5號電池每節(jié)分別重多少克? 學(xué)校環(huán)保小組為估算四月份收集廢電池的總重量,他們隨意抽取了該月腜 5天每天收集廢電池的數(shù)量,如下表:1號廢電池(單位:節(jié))29303228315號廢電池(單位:節(jié))5153474950分別計算兩種電池的樣本平均數(shù),并由此估算該月(30天)環(huán)保小組收集廢電池的總重量是多少千克? (2)如圖,用正方體石墩壘石梯,下圖分別表示壘到一、二、三階梯時的情況,那么照這樣壘下去,填出下表中未填的兩空,觀察規(guī)律。階梯級數(shù)一級二級三級四級石墩塊數(shù)39 壘到第n級階
8、梯時,共用正方體石墩_塊(用含n的代數(shù)式表示)。數(shù)學(xué)部分一、選擇題(每小題有且只有一個答案正確,每小題4分,共40分)1、C;2、A;3、D;4、A;5、B;6、B;7、D;8、C;9、A;10、C;二、填空題(每小題4分,共32分)11、;12、;13、某校初三年級400名學(xué)生體重情況的全體;14、80分15、BC=EF(答案不唯一);16、30;17、9;18、四棱錐或五面體;三、解答題(共78分)12019、解: (2分) (1分) (1分) (2分)數(shù)軸表示正確2分;20、證明:ADBC,EFBC于F(已知) ADEF(同位角相等,兩直線平等或在同一平面內(nèi),垂直于同一條干線的兩條直線平
9、行) 1=E(兩條直線平行,同位角相等) 2=3(兩條直線平行,內(nèi)錯角相等) 又3=1(已知) 1=2(等量代換) AD平分BAC(角平分線的定義 )每空2分,共8分;21、圖形如下,每個3分,共9分;主視圖左視圖俯視圖22、圖形略,(3分)(1)像字母M;(2分)ABCDF(2)橫坐標(biāo)變?yōu)樵瓉淼囊话?,縱坐標(biāo)不變;(4分)23、(1)10;(2)1;(3)3;(每題1分)(4)解:表示出相遇點C得1分;求出lA的函數(shù)關(guān)系式:分 求出的函數(shù)關(guān)系:分解得分1分24、解:有不同的情況,圖形畫正確,并且結(jié)論也正確的即可給2分;(1)連結(jié)CD、EB,則有CDEB;(2)連結(jié)AF、BD,則有AFBD;(3
10、)連結(jié)BD、EC,則有BDEC;選(1);證明:RtABCRtADE(已知)ACAE,ADAB(全等三角形對應(yīng)邊相等)CABEAB(全等三角形對應(yīng)角相等)分即:2分在ADC和ABE中:ADCABE(SAS)分CDEB分25、(1)解得:分分兩者總生產(chǎn)量相等,即:解得:分(2)圖形略,分第15天結(jié)束,甲的總生產(chǎn)量大于乙的總生產(chǎn)量;分第25天結(jié)束時,乙的總生產(chǎn)量大于甲的總生產(chǎn)量;分26、解:(1)設(shè)1號電池每節(jié)重量為x克,5號電池每節(jié)重量為y克;由題意可得:分解得:,1分答:1號電池每節(jié)重量為90克,5號電池每節(jié)重量為20克;1分 求得1號電池平均每天30節(jié),5號電池平均每天50節(jié),2分所以總重量
11、111(千克)2分(2)18,30,第一個空1分,第二個空2分,第三空3分;英語部分.單項選擇(15分)( )21.He _ when the UFO arrived. A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep( )22.I have been skating _ nine oclock. A. for B. since C. at D. from( )23.Would you mind _ those old jeans?A. dont wear B. not to wear C. arent wearing D.
12、not wearing( )24.-Hes never been to an aquarium. -_. A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I dont too( )25.Its really cold today, _ ? A. does it B. doesnt it C. isnt it D. is it( )26._ have you been swimming? For five years. A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much( )27.-
13、Could you please _ in the room? -Oh, Im sorry. A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. dont smoke( )28.-Could we buy a piano, Jack? -Im afraid there _ enough room for one in the house. A. arent B. are C. isnt D. is ( )29.I got home _ they were having dinner. A. as soon as B. while C. because
14、D. after( )30. We got mad _ the team for losing the match. A. at B. in C. on D. about( )31.She _ a lot of money on clothes. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys( )32.I will stay at home and read books if it _ tomorrow. A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain( )33.The teacher encourages her studen
15、ts _ English as much as possible. A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke( )34.His father _ to Nanjing. He _ back next week.has been, is B has been, will beC. has gone, is D. has gone, will be( )35.The teacher said that they _ hard-working students. A. is B. are C. were D. was .用所給詞語的適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子。(5
16、分) look through discover collect get over keep down 36.Do you know who _ America? 37.He is in his bedroom and _ the newspapers for a job. 38.He is angry with me now. But he will understand me and _it soon. 39.Her brother likes stamps and he _ over a hundred stamps now. 40.We should _ our voice in pu
17、blic places.補全對話(10分)( A ) A: What are you doing, Jenny? B: 41._ Im cleaning the house. A: Do you often do it? B: Sometimes when Im free. 42._ A: Here it is. What will you do after you finishing the cleaning? B: 43._ A: 44._ Lets go swimming, shall we? B: Sounds great. A: Let me help you then. 45._
18、B: Thank you.A. Nothing much. B. In this way you can finish the work sooner.C. What bad weather! D. Cant you see?E. Can you see the book? F. It will be a pity to stay at home in such fine weather.G. Could you please pass me the towel? 41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._ (B)用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~語補全下面對話。 A: Hello. May I 46._ Mr
19、 Brown. B: Sorry, he isnt in. He 47._ to France. A: Well, then do you know 48._? B: He said he would return in a month. A: Oh, such a long time. 49._ can I get in touch with him? B: You may 50._. A: Whats his telephone number? B: Its 532. .句子翻譯。(10分) 51.他們舉辦這場音樂會是為了給慈善事業(yè)籌集錢款。 They held the concert t
20、o _the charity. 52.他的父母非常高興他們的兒子在學(xué)習(xí)上取得了很大的進步。 His parents are very happy that their son _ in his study. 53.消防隊員很快把火撲滅了。 The firefighters _ the fire soon. 54.你什么時候開始對集郵感興趣了? When did you begin to _collecting stamps?55.如果你插隊的話,其他人會不高興的。 Other people wont be happy _. 56.我們班級三分之二的學(xué)生來自于南方。 _.57.你們不應(yīng)該違反學(xué)校
21、規(guī)定。_.58.他們倆當(dāng)時都沒有在家。 _. 59.你聽說過這樣一個人嗎? _?60.你介意把電視聲音調(diào)低嗎? _?.完形填空(10分)Coke(可樂)is one of 61 drinks in the world. A lot of people enjoy 62_ it. But now people begin to believe that its not a good drink for health. There is lots of 63 in the coke. Having much sugar is 64 for people. And it also has some
22、caffeine(咖啡因)in it. The caffeine can get people into the habit(習(xí)慣)of drinking more coke when they feel 65 . If they dont drink coke they 66 bad. And 67 thing is some people cant work or study 68 drinking several cups of coke every day. More and more people want to cut down the coke they drink and as
23、k 69 help from the doctors. If you like drinking coke very much, I think you must have the Coke Habit. In fact drinking more fruit and vegetable juice is 70_ for you.( )61.A. more popular B. most popular C. popular D. the most popular( )62.A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinks( )63.A. salt B. p
24、epper C. sugar D. juice( )64.A. good B. well C. tired D. bad( )65.A. hungry B. fine C. thirsty D. excited( )66.A. will feel B. are feeling C. felt D. feel( )67.A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. the worse( )68.A. not B. without C. with D. after( )69.A. to B. for C. on D. at( )70.A. good B. well C. best
25、 D. better.閱讀理解(20分)(A)閱讀短文, 然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。Passage 1Birds live in trees. Squirrels(松鼠)live in trees. But did you know that some frogs(蛙)live in trees, too? The tree frog is hard to find. It can change colors. On green leaves, it stays green. On a brown branch(樹枝), it turns brown. Some tree frogs ca
26、n change from green to gold or blue.Tree frogs have legs and wide feet. They have sticky pads(粘性的肉趾)at the ends of their toes. These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling. Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑點)on their skins. Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes,
27、 and others have bright red ones.The sound they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking. Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore(打鼾). There is even a frog that whistles(吹口哨)!( )71.These frogs are hard to find because _. A. they stay in trees B. they can change their c
28、olorsC. they have sticky pads D. they make surprising sounds( )72.If the season is spring, the colors of tree frogs is _.A. gold B. brown C. green D. blue( )73.The tree frogs can stay on trees because _.A. they have sticky pads B. they can change their colorsC. they are strong D. they are small( )74
29、.Which of the following sentences is right?A. The tree frogs have different colors and feathers(羽毛)on their skins.B. The tree frogs cant make a loud noise like a snore.C. We can easily tell tree leaves from tree frogs.D. We may find tree frogs if we hear a sound like a snore in the forest.( )75.The
30、passage is mainly about _. A. the colors of a special frog B. the sound of a special frogC. the eyes of a special frog D. a frog that is specialPassage 2Most of the flowers in nature are red, orange and yellow. If we have seen a black flower, its chance in million. People have made a survey of color
31、s of more than four thousand kinds of flowers and found that only eight of them are black. As we know, sunlight is formed (形成) by seven different colored lights. The wave length (波長) of each light is different, so the quantity (量) of heat in each light is also different. Flowers especially their pet
32、al (花瓣), are easy to be harmed (傷害) by high temperature. Black flowers can take in all the light waves which cause the flowers to dry up in a high temperature. So black flowers can rarely (很少) survive (挺過) sunlight. But red flowers, orange flowers and yellow flowers can protect (保護) themselves from
33、sunlight by reflecting (反射) the red light, orange light and yellow light, each of which has a large quantity of heat.( )76.People can_ see black flowers. A. oftenB. neverC. hardly everD. always( )77.The underlined word “ them” in the second paragraph refers to (指) _. A. a thousandB. colorsC. flowers
34、D. kinds ( )78.The passage mainly tells us that _. A. black flowers are too weak and it is difficult for them to grow upB. there are only eight black flowers in natureC. sunlight has seven different colored lights and the wave length of each is differentD. why its difficult for black flowers to grow
35、( )79.How do red flowers, orange flowers or yellow flowers protect themselves from sunlight? A. By taking in the light.B. By reflecting the light.C. By hiding themselves.D. By sleeping.( )80.Which of the following ideas is NOT right? A. The black flowers cannot protect themselves from the sunlight.B
36、. Red, orange and yellow flowers can also take in the light of all wave lengths.C. People have found that only a few kinds of flowers are black.D. Flowers are easy to be harmed by very high temperature.(B) 閱讀短文,然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填寫表格或回答問題。Passage 3People live around the world. They like to have celebrations (
37、慶?;顒?. In China, people celebrate New Year. New Year is in January or February. They wear red clothes because red is the color that will bring joy. Chinese children get money in red envelopes for the new year. In Gambia (岡比亞), people celebrate Independence Day (獨立日). It is in February. They wear bri
38、ght clothes and play music at the celebration. In England, people celebrate May Day. May Day is in May. They wear pretty clothes to celebrate the coming spring. The children like to dance on this day. In America, people celebrate Thanksgiving Day (感恩節(jié)). Its in November. They have a very big dinner w
39、ith their families or friends. They eat turkeys and a lot of other delicious food. They have a long talk after dinner. Celebrations Around the World61._CelebrationsMonthsClothesChinaNew YearJanuary or February62._Gambia63._Februarybright clothes64._May DayMaypretty clothesAmericaThanksgiving Day65._
40、Passage 4Are you interested in Helmut Newton and John Pilger? Do you want to learn more about their painting? Come to Barbican Gallery (畫廊)!Barbican GalleryOpen Mon, Thu- Sat 10am- 6 pm (Helmut Newton );Tue, Wed, Sun 10am- 9pm ( John Pilger )Tickets Adults ( 成人 )¥7 Students, young people 12-17, over 60s ¥5 Disabled people with companion ¥ 3.5 Under 12 freeBarbican Card discount (折扣) 20% off full price ticketsGroup Bookings Can be made through the Groups line 7382 7211Adult
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- 2025年駕校學(xué)車項目發(fā)展計劃
- 2025年民用高端線纜項目發(fā)展計劃
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