1、中西對比的文獻綜述范文中西教育差異文獻綜述寫 Literature review on the influence of cultural differences on English Listening 重點詞匯釋義 中外 China and foreign countries; at home and abroad 文化差異 cultural difference 英語聽力 English listening prehension 文獻 literature; document 綜述 summarize; round up; sum up 去網(wǎng)上拉幾篇相關(guān)的文獻來,湊一塊,哎。我也在寫啊,
2、改了好幾遍了,老師不讓過。 文獻綜述格式一般包括: 文獻綜述的引言: 包括撰寫文獻綜述的原因、意義、文獻的范圍、正文的標(biāo)題及基本內(nèi)容提要; 文獻綜述的正文: 是文獻綜述的主要內(nèi)容,包括某一課題研究的歷史 (尋求研究問題的發(fā)展歷程)、現(xiàn)狀、基本內(nèi)容 (尋求認(rèn)識的進步), 研究方法的分析(尋求研究方法的借鑒),已解決的問題和尚存的問題,重點、詳盡地闡述對當(dāng)前的影響及發(fā)展趨勢,這樣不但可以使研究者確定研究方向,而且便于他人了解該課題研究的起點和切入點,是在他人研究的基礎(chǔ)上有所創(chuàng)新; 文獻綜述的結(jié)論: 文獻研究的結(jié)論,概括指出自己對該課題的研究意見,存在的不同意見和有待解決的問題等; 網(wǎng)上的都是收費的
3、寫手 Cultural differences on the language of the impact of Abstract: simple analysis of the relationship between language and culture, cultural differences and pare the impact of the language, teaching English in the light of the present ignored the phenomenon of cultural differences on financial and
4、cultural knowledge in English Teaching. 在語言教學(xué)中樹立文化意識,從而提高教學(xué)效果,達到語言教學(xué)的真正目的。 In language teaching in a cultural awareness, so as to enhance effective teaching methods to achieve the real purpose of language teaching. 關(guān)鍵詞:文化差異;英語 由于各民族所處的環(huán)境不同,從而產(chǎn)生迥然不同的文化。 Key words: cultural differences; English Becaus
5、e the environment in which all ethnic groups different, resulting in a very different culture. 中西文化是兩種根本不同類型文化。 Chinese and Western cultures are two fundamentally different types of culture. 漢文化以人本為主體,其本質(zhì)是一種典型的內(nèi)傾性人本文化,表現(xiàn)在重人格,重道德,重創(chuàng)人。 Han culture to the people as the main body, its essence is a typic
6、al example of the dumping of human culture, and in the weight personality, heavy moral, hit people. 西方文化則以物本為主體,以自然為本位,傾向于求外在表現(xiàn),故重創(chuàng)物、重物理,更看重人怎樣來創(chuàng)物。 Of the Western culture while for the main body and the natural-based, tend to seek external performance, the hit-and-physical, but also how to value a p
7、erson of. 文化對語言的影響主要表現(xiàn)在以下幾方面: The impact of culture on language mainly in the following aspects: (一)價值觀念 價值觀念是文化的核心。 (1) values values are the core of culture. 西方人重個人價值,強調(diào)自我意識,為人處事言語行為無須別人認(rèn)可,也不追求與人一致。 Westerners value of the individual, emphasis on self-awareness, people doing things others not auth
8、orized speech act, and not consistent with the pursuit. 而中國人群體意識強,獨立意識較弱。 Chinas strong sense of groups, independent of the weaker. 西方人認(rèn)為,當(dāng)別人未求助時主動給予幫助是一種施舍行為,是對他能力的輕視,甚至是對他人格的侮辱。 Westerners think that when others did not take the initiative to seek help when help is a charity, for his ability to ne
9、glect, and even an insult to his personality. 有一次,一位外國老婦人到中國來旅游,提著一大袋行李,很吃力的樣子,一個中國小伙子跑過去主動提供幫助,于是發(fā)生了下面的這個對話: Once, a foreign woman was to travel to China, carrying large bags of luggage, looks very difficult for a young man ran past China offered help, so this has the following dialogue: B:Good mor
10、ning, Can I help you? B: Good morning, Can I help you? W:What? W: What? B:Can I carry the case for you,Madam? B: Can I carry the case for you, Madam? W:I think I can do it myself,thank you W: I think I can do it myself, thank you 老婦人毫不領(lǐng)情地走了,她認(rèn)為這是對她的輕視。 Not to appreciate the woman who has passed away
11、, she considered that it is her neglect. 而在我們中國人看來,人與人之間的相互關(guān)照是人之常情,.是一種美德。 We in the eyes of Chinese people, the interaction between the people that care for them,. Is a virtue. 中國小伙子呆呆地站在那兒,百思不得其解。 China lads Aiaide stand there, and fail to see. 如果對中西文化稍有了解,或許不會發(fā)生那樣的尷尬局面。 If you have some understan
12、ding of Chinese and Western cultures, may not happen, the embarrassing situation. (二)社會心態(tài) 由于生活在不同的文化背景中,各民族人逐步形成了不同的思維方式和社會心態(tài),即使對同一事物也往往有不同的好惡。 (B) social mentality because of living in different cultural backgrounds, people of all nationalities have gradually formed a different way of thinking and
13、mentality of the munity, even if the same things often have different likes and dislikes. 譬如對什么是禁忌,什么是隱私,東西方人表現(xiàn)出很大的差別。 For example, what is taboo and what is privacy, East Westerners demonstrated a great deal of difference. 英美人見面很少問及家庭情況,他們視年齡、收入、財產(chǎn)等為隱私。 Britain and the United States met with the fa
14、mily and asked a few, they are depending on age, ine, property, etc. for privacy. 中國人則毫不忌諱談?wù)撨@些內(nèi)容。 Chinese people are no taboo about them. 又如,西方人怕老、懼老的心理使他們忌諱使用old, aged等詞。 Also, Westerners Palao, the old psychological fear that they use old taboo, aged words. 為此人們費盡心機地創(chuàng)造了許多稱呼老人的新表達:the advanced in a
15、ge(上了年紀(jì)的人),the mature the longer living(生活經(jīng)歷長的人),美國有個永不老合唱團,譯為“never young” 而不是“never old”等。 For this reason people scheming to create a lot of the elderly called the new expression: the advanced in age (the older), the mature the longer living (long life experience), the United States will never ha
16、ve a veteran chorus, translation never young rather than never old. 如果我們的學(xué)生有這方面的知識,就不會在與老外的見面的時候說,“how old are you?” “Whats your salary?” 諸如此類難堪的問題。 If our students have the knowledge, they will not meet with foreigners when he, how old are you? Whats your salary? Such embarrassing questions. (三 )交際
17、方式 (3) Communication way 英國人見面打招呼的常用方式是談?wù)撎鞖?,如“l(fā)ovely weather,isnt it?”或“Hello”“Hi”“Good morning”等。 British mon way of meeting notice is talking about the weather, such as the lovely weather, isnt it? Or Hello, Hi and Good morning. 在我國人們常用的寒暄語:“到哪兒去?”“吃飯了嗎?”“最近忙什么?”若將這些話直譯為英語“Have you eaten?” “Where
18、are you going?”“What are you busy with?”就不是打招呼語了,變成了期待對方回答的問題,譬如“Have you eaten?”對方就會誤認(rèn)為你打算請他吃飯。 People monly used in Chinas greeting: Where? Eat? The recent busy? If these words for the English translation of Have you eaten? Where are you going? What are you busy with? is not greeted language, and
19、is, looking forward to the other question to answer, such as Have you eaten? will mistakenly believe that the other side you intend to invite him for dinner. 這些話只能在某些特定的場合使用,若作為招呼語濫用,有時就會傷害對方的感情。 These words can only use certain oasions, as if prodded language abuse, sometimes hurt each others feeli
20、ngs. 在英美國家人們道別時說“Bye,drop in again.”等。 People in the country bid farewell to Britain and the United States, said Bye, drop in again. Etc. 若按中國人習(xí)慣就會說“go slowly”(慢走)“Take care.”(走好)之類的話。 Aording to the Chinese customs will say go slowly (walking), Take care. (Appropriately take), such remarks. 英美人對此的反
21、應(yīng)很可能是:“Why should I go slowly? I am strong enough.”似乎中國人小看了他。 British and American peoples response is likely to be: Why should I go slowly? I am strong enough. Chinese people seem to read him small. (四)語言的表達形式 語言的結(jié)構(gòu)及使用在一定程度上受制于該民族的文化。 (4) language expression structure and the use of language to a c
22、ertain extent, subject to the national culture. 漢語的詞匯結(jié)構(gòu)和修辭方法與漢文化密切相關(guān),英語同樣與英美文化、歷史有著千絲萬縷的聯(lián)系。 Chinese vocabulary structure and rhetorical methods and Han culture is closely related to the same English and Anglo-American culture, history are inextricably linked. 譬如,英語句子中的修飾語可置于被修飾詞前,亦可在其后,這與漢語不同。 For e
23、xample, in the English sentence modifiers can be placed before the word being modified, or subsequently, and Chinese different. Big enough(足夠大),something important(重要的事情)等,都是將修飾語置后,與漢語語序恰恰相反。 Big enough (big enough), something important (an important issue), which are home to modifiers, and Chinese
24、Order of the contrary. 英語中時間、地點的排列順序習(xí)慣從小到大,而漢語則從大到小,如at3:00pm.21st June, 2000(2000年六月二十一日下午三點) English in the time, place, the customary order from small to large, and the Chinese從大到小, such as at3: 00pm.21st June, 2000 (at 15:00 on June 21, 2000) 英語除了表達方式上的特殊性外,表達的意念有時也是獨特的。 English apart from the p
25、articularity of expression, the expression of ideas sometimes unique. 英語常把事實與揣測、祈求、意愿等非事實區(qū)分開。 English often the facts and speculation, pray, aspirations, and other non-facts on the other. 常常用虛擬語氣來表達一種愿望、假設(shè)、懷疑、猜測、建議等,所表示的含義不是客觀存在的事實。 Virtual tone often used to express a wish, assumptions, doubt, spec
26、ulation, suggestions, the meaning of that is not an objective reality. 文化上的差異反應(yīng)在語言和交際行為中,而是否理解和懂得這些文化差異、文化制約和交際規(guī)則則直接影響交際的成敗。 Cultural differences in language and munication response behavior, and whether understanding and understand these cultural differences, and cultural constraints and the rules
27、of munication is a direct impact on the suess or failure of munication. 因此,外語教學(xué)不僅僅是要求學(xué)生語法正確,還必須使他們了解所學(xué)語言國家的文化,使學(xué)生既掌握語言技能聽、說、讀、寫譯等,又掌握交際能力,以適用不同社會的文化環(huán)境,避免文化錯誤的產(chǎn)生,從而成功地進行交際。 Therefore, foreign language teaching is not only require students to correct grammar, it is also essential that they understand
28、the language of the national culture, so that students not only master the language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing, such as translation, master municative ability to apply different social and cultural environment and avoid the formation of cultural errors, which suessfully conduc
29、ted Communication. 這樣做的好處是:文化知識加深了學(xué)生對語言的了解,語言則賦予了文化內(nèi)涵而更易于理解和掌握。 It has the advantage of: cultural knowledge deepened understanding of the language students, language empowers the cultural connotation and more easy to understand and grasp. 當(dāng)前外語教學(xué)中普遍存在重外語技能、輕文化教育的問題,一些教師認(rèn)為英語教學(xué)就是教單詞、短語、講授課文和做練習(xí),大部分的學(xué)生經(jīng)
30、過好幾年的英語學(xué)習(xí),腦袋中裝滿了單詞和短語,可惜無法說出一個完整的句子。 Foreign Language Teaching in the current widespread heavy foreign language skills, cultural and educational light of the problem, some teachers think that teaching is the English words, phrases, teaching texts and do exercises, most of the students through the le
31、arning of English for a few years, in full head of the word and the phrase, unfortunately can not say a plete sentence. 或者當(dāng)把課堂上所學(xué)的語言知識放在具體的文化環(huán)境中,屢犯錯誤不能順利地達到交際的目的。 When the classroom or on the knowledge of the language on the specific cultural environment, mistakes can not be repeated suessfully achi
32、eve the purpose of munication. 針對上述情況,作為一名英語教師,幫助學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)語言時提高對文化的敏感性,利用他們發(fā)自內(nèi)心的想了解其他民族的興趣和動力,從而提供了學(xué)習(xí)該民族的語言的基礎(chǔ)。 In response to these developments, as an English teacher to help students in language learning, improve the cultural sensitivity, using them from the bottom of their hearts that the other nati
33、ons would like to know the interest and motivation, thus providing learning the language of the national foundation Literature review on the influence of cultural differences on English Listening 重點詞匯釋義 中外 China and foreign countries; at home and abroad 文化差異 cultural difference 英語聽力 English listenin
34、g prehension 文獻 literature; document 綜述 summarize; round up; sum up 中西文化差異對國際交流影響的文獻綜述范文 我指導(dǎo)你 禮儀、是人與人之間交流的規(guī)則,是一種語言,也是一種工具。由于形成禮儀的重要根源宗教信仰的不同,使得世界上信仰不同宗教的人們遵守著各不相同的禮儀。中國是四大文明古國之一,中華民族是唯一傳承千年的文明和民族。中國的禮儀,始于夏商周,盛于唐宋,經(jīng)過不斷地發(fā)展變化,逐漸形成體系。西方社會,是幾大古代文明的繼承者,曾一直和東方的中國遙相呼應(yīng)。經(jīng)過中世紀(jì)的黑暗,最終迎來了文藝復(fù)興,并孕育了資本主義和現(xiàn)代文明,產(chǎn)生了現(xiàn)代科
35、技和文化。中西方有著截然不同的禮儀文化。 隨著我國改革開放的步伐日益加快,跨國交際日益增多,中西方禮儀文化的差異更是越發(fā)顯露,這種差異帶來的影響也是不容忽視,在中西禮儀沒有得到完美融合之前,我們有必要了解這些禮儀的差異。 一、交際語言的差異 日常打招呼,中國人大多使用“吃了嗎?” “上哪呢?”等等,這體現(xiàn)了人與人之間的一種親切感。可對西方人來說,這種打招呼的方式會令對方感到突然、尷尬,甚至不快,因為西方人會把這種問話理解成為一種“盤問”,感到對方在詢問他們的私生活。在西方,日常打招呼他們只說一聲“Hello”或按時間來分,說聲“早上好!”“下午好!”“晚上好!”就可以了。而英國人見面會說:“今
36、天天氣不錯啊!” 稱謂方面,在漢語里,一般只有彼此熟悉親密的人之間才可以“直呼其名”。但在西方,“直呼其名”比在漢語里的范圍要廣得多。在西方,常用“先生”和“夫人”來稱呼不知其名的陌生人,對十幾或二十幾歲的女子可稱呼“小姐”,結(jié)婚了的女性可稱“女士”或“夫人”等。在家庭成員之間,不分長幼尊卑,一般可互稱姓名或昵稱。在家里,可以直接叫爸爸、媽媽的名字。對所有的男性長輩都可以稱“叔叔”,對所有的女性長輩都可以稱“阿姨”。這在我們中國是不行的,必須要分清楚輩分、老幼等關(guān)系,否則就會被認(rèn)為不懂禮貌。 中西語言中有多種不同的告別語。如在和病人告別時,中國人常說“多喝點開水”、“多穿點衣服”、“早點休息”
37、之類的話,表示對病人的關(guān)懷。但西方人絕不會說“多喝水”之類的話,因為這樣說會被認(rèn)為有指手畫腳之嫌。比如他們會說“多保重”或“希望你早日康復(fù)”等等。 二、餐飲禮儀的差異 中國人有句話叫“民以食為天”,由此可見飲食在中國人心目中的地位,因此中國人將吃飯看作頭等大事。中國菜注重菜肴色、香、味、形、意俱全,甚至于超過了對營養(yǎng)的注重,只要好吃又要好看,營養(yǎng)反而顯得不重要了。西方的飲食比較講究營養(yǎng)的搭配和吸收,是一種科學(xué)的飲食觀念。西方人多注重食物的營養(yǎng)而忽略了食物的色、香、味、形、意如何,他們的飲食多是為了生存和健康,似乎不講究味的享受。 在餐飲氛圍方面,中國人在吃飯的時候都喜歡熱鬧,很多人圍在一起吃吃
38、喝喝,說說笑笑,大家在一起營造一種熱鬧溫暖的用餐氛圍。除非是在很正式的宴會上,中國人在餐桌上并沒有什么很特別的禮儀。而西方人在用餐時,都喜歡幽雅、安靜的環(huán)境,他們認(rèn)為在餐桌上的時候一定要注意自己的禮儀,不可以失去禮節(jié),比如在進餐時不能發(fā)出很難聽的聲音。 中西方宴請禮儀也各具特色。在中國,從古至今大多都以左為尊,在宴請客人時,要將地位很尊貴的客人安排在左邊的上座,然后依次安排。在西方則是以右為尊,男女間隔而座,夫婦也分開而座,女賓客的席位比男賓客的席位稍高,男士要替位于自己右邊的女賓客拉開椅子,以示對女士的尊重。另外,西方人用餐時要坐正,認(rèn)為彎腰,低頭,用嘴湊上去吃很不禮貌,但是這恰恰是中國人通
39、常吃飯的方式。吃西餐的時候,主人不提倡大肆的飲酒,中國的餐桌上酒是必備之物,以酒助興,有時為了表示對對方的尊重,喝酒的時候都是一杯一杯的喝。 三、服飾禮儀的差異 西方男士在正式社交場合通常穿保守式樣的西裝,內(nèi)穿白襯衫,打領(lǐng)帶。他們喜歡黑色,因此一般穿黑色的皮鞋。西方女士在正式場合要穿禮服套裝。另外女士外出有戴耳環(huán)的習(xí)俗。西方國家,尤其是在美國,平時人們喜歡穿著休閑裝,如T恤加牛仔服。 當(dāng)今中國人穿著打扮日趨西化,傳統(tǒng)的中山裝、旗袍等已退出歷史舞臺。正式場合男女著裝已與西方并無二異。在平時的市井生活中,倒會看到不少人穿著背心、短褲、拖鞋等不合禮儀的服飾。 禮儀是一種文化,是文化就有縱向的傳承和橫向的借鑒與融合。隨著世界全球化不斷加快步伐,經(jīng)濟、文化高速碰撞融合的大背景下,西方文化大量涌進中國,中國傳統(tǒng)禮儀也不斷受到西方禮儀文化的沖擊。如何保護中華民族傳統(tǒng)禮儀,并去其糟粕,與西方禮儀進行合理
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