【BS英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】BS EN 61730-2-2007 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification — Part 2 Requirements for testing.doc_第1頁
【BS英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】BS EN 61730-2-2007 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification — Part 2 Requirements for testing.doc_第2頁
【BS英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】BS EN 61730-2-2007 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification — Part 2 Requirements for testing.doc_第3頁
【BS英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】BS EN 61730-2-2007 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification — Part 2 Requirements for testing.doc_第4頁
【BS英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】BS EN 61730-2-2007 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification — Part 2 Requirements for testing.doc_第5頁
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british standardbs en61730-2:2007photovoltaic (pv) module safety qualification part 2: requirements for testingthe european standard en 61730-2:2007 has the status of abritish standardics 27.160 bs en 61730-2:2007national forewordthis british standard is the uk implementation of en 61730-2:2007. it is identical to iec 61730-2:2007.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted to technical committeegel/82, solar photovoltaic energy systems.a list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.this publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users are responsible for its correct application.compliance with a british standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.amd. no.datecommentsthis british standard was published under the authority of the standards policy and strategy committeeon 31 july 2007 bsi 2007isbn 978 0 580 53237 5amendments issued since publicationeuropean standarden 61730-2norme europenneeuropische norm may 2007 ics 27.160english versionphotovoltaic (pv) module safety qualification part 2: requirements for testing(iec 61730-2:2004, modified)qualification pour la sret de fonctionnement des modules photovoltaques (pv) partie 2: exigences pour les essais(cei 61730-2:2004, modifie)photovoltaik (pv) -module sicherheitsqualifikation teil 2: anforderungen an die prfung(iec 61730-2:2004, modifiziert)this european standard was approved by cenelec on 2006-12-01. cenelec members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cenelec member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cenelec member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cenelec members are the national electrotechnical committees of austria, belgium, bulgaria, cyprus, the czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, the netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdom.ceneleceuropean committee for electrotechnical standardizationcomit europen de normalisation electrotechniqueeuropisches komitee fr elektrotechnische normungcentral secretariat: rue de stassart 35, b - 1050 brussels 2007 cenelec -all rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cenelec members.ref. no. en 61730-2:2007 een 61730-2:2007 2 forewordthe text of the international standard iec 61730-2:2004, prepared by iec tc 82, solar photovoltaic energy systems, together with the common modifications prepared by the technical committee cenelec tc 82, solar photovoltaic energy systems, was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by cenelec as en 61730-2 on 2006-12-01.the following dates were fixed:latest date by which the en has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identicalnational standard or by endorsement(dop)2008-02-01latest date by which the national standards conflictingwith the en have to be withdrawn(dow)2010-02-01annex za has been added by cenelec.endorsement noticethe text of the international standard iec 61730-2:2004 was approved by cenelec as a europeanstandard with agreed common modifications as given below.en 61730-2:2007 21 contents1scope and object .52normative references .63application classes .63.1general .63.2class a: general access, hazardous voltage, hazardous power applications .63.3class b: restricted access, hazardous voltage, hazardous powerapplications .63.4class c: limited voltage, limited power applications .64test categories .64.1general .64.2preconditioning tests .74.3general inspection.74.4electrical shock hazard tests.74.5fire hazard tests.74.6mechanical stress tests .84.7component tests .85application classes and their necessary test procedures .86sampling . 107test report . 108testing .119pass criteria . 1310 test procedures . 1310.1 visual inspection mst 01. 1310.2 accessibility test mst 11 . 1310.3 cut susceptibility test mst 12 . 1410.4 ground continuity test mst 13 . 1710.5 impulse voltage test mst 14 . 1710.6 dielectric withstand test mst 16 . 1910.7 temperature test mst 21 . 2010.8 fire test mst 23 . 2210.9 reverse current overload test mst 26 . 2210.10 module breakage test mst 32. 2311 component tests . 2811.1 partial discharge-test mst 15 . 2811.2 conduit bending test mst 33 . 2911.3 terminal box knockout tests mst 44 . 30annex za (normative) normative references to international publications with theircorresponding european publications . 33bibliography . 32figure 1 test sequences . 12figure 2 cut susceptibility test . 16figure 3 wave-form of the impulse voltage according to iec 60060-1 . 19figure 4 impactor. 25figure 5 impact test frame 1 . 26figure 6 impact test frame 2 . 27figure 7 test fixture assembly . 30table 1 preconditioning tests .7table 2 general inspection test .7table 3 electrical shock hazard tests .7table 4 fire hazard tests .8table 5 mechanical stress tests .8table 6 component tests .8table 7 required tests, depending on the application class .9table 8 impulse voltage versus maximum system voltage . 18table 9 component temperature limits . 21table 10 bending loads. 29photovoltaic (pv) module safety qualification part 2: requirements for testing1scope and objectthis part of en 61730 describes the testing requirements for photovoltaic (pv) modules in order to provide safe electrical and mechanical operation during their expected lifetime. specific topics are provided to assess the prevention of electrical shock, fire hazards, and personal injury due to mechanical and environmental stresses. en 61730-1 pertains to the particular requirements of construction. this part of en 61730 outlines the requirements of testing.this standard attempts to define the basic requirements for various application classes of photovoltaic modules, but it cannot be considered to encompass all national or regional building codes. the specific requirements for marine and vehicle applications are not covered. this standard is not applicable to modules with integrated ac inverters (ac modules).this standard is designed so that its test sequence can co-ordinate with those of iec 61215 or iec 61646, so that a single set of samples may be used to perform both the safety and performance evaluation of a photovoltaic module design.the test-sequences of this standard are arranged in an optimal way so that tests ofiec 61215 or iec 61646 can be used as basic preconditioning tests.note 1 the sequence of tests required in this standard may not test for all possible safety aspects associated with the use of pv modules in all possible applications. this standard utilizes the best sequence of tests available at the time of its writing. there are some issues, such as the potential danger of electric shock posed by a broken module in a high voltage system, that should be addressed by the systems design, location, restrictions on access and maintenance procedures.the object of this document is to provide the testing sequence intended to verify the safety of pv modules whose construction has been assessed by en 61730-1. the test sequence and pass criteria are designed to detect the potential breakdown of internal and external components of pv modules that would result in fire, electric shock and personal injury. the standard defines the basic safety test requirements and additional tests that are a function of the module end-use applications.test categories include general inspection, electrical shock hazard, fire hazard, mechanical stress, and environmental stress.note 2 the additional testing requirements outlined in relevant iso standards, or the national or local codes which govern the installation and use of these modules in their intended locations, should be considered in addition to the requirements contained within this document.2normative referencessee annex za.3application classes3.1 generalphotovoltaic modules may be installed in many different applications. therefore, it is important to evaluate the potential hazards associated with those applications and to evaluate the construction of the module accordingly.relevant safety requirements and necessary tests shall be performed to verify the conformance to the requirements of that application class. this clause defines those application classes and construction qualities required for each class.application classes for pv-modules are defined as follows:3.2 class a: general access, hazardous voltage, hazardous power applicationsmodules rated for use in this application class may be used in systems operating at greater than 120 v dc. modules qualified for safety through en 61730-1 and this part of en 61730 within this application class are considered to meet the requirements for safety class ii.3.3 class b: restricted access, hazardous voltage, hazardous power applicationsmodules rated for use in this application class are restricted to systems protected from public access by fences, location, etc. modules evaluated within this application class provide protection by basic insulation, are considered to meet the requirements for safety class 0.3.4 class c: limited voltagemodules rated for use in this application class are restricted to systems operating at less than120 v dc. modules qualified for safety through en 61730-1 and this part of en 61730 within this application class are considered to meet the requirements for safety class iii.note safety classes are defined within en 61140.4test categories4.1 generalthe following hazards might influence the lifetime and the safety of pv modules. in accordance with these hazards, test procedures and criteria are described. the specific tests to which a module will be subjected will depend on the end use application for which the minimum tests are specified in clause 5.note module safety tests are labelled mst.tables 1 to 6 show the origin of the required tests. for some tests, the third column shows for information the origin of the tests, but the appropriate test requirements are given in clauses10 and 11. the rest of the tests are based on or identical to iec 61215/iec 61646, and references to the relevant clauses are given in the last two columns. some of the iec 61215/iec 61646-based tests were modified for en 61730-2 and are included in clauses10 and 11.4.2 preconditioning teststable 1 preconditioning teststesttitlereferences instandardsaccording toiec 61215iec 61646mst 51thermal cycling (tc50 or tc200)10.1110.11mst 52humidity freeze (hf10)10.1210.12mst 53damp heat (dh1000)10.1310.13mst 54uv preconditioning test10.1010.104.3 general inspectiontable 2 general inspection testtesttitlereferences instandardsaccording toiec 61215iec 61646mst 01visual inspection electrical shock hazard teststhese tests are designed to assess the risk to personnel due to shock or injury because of contact with parts of a module that are electrically energised as a result of design, construction, or faults caused by environment or operation.table 3 electrical shock hazard teststesttitlereferences instandardsaccording toiec 61215iec 61646mst 11accessibility testansi/ul 1703mst 12cut susceptibility test (not required for glass surfaces)ansi/ul 1703mst 13ground continuity test(not required unless metal framed)ansi/ul 1703mst 14impulse voltage testiec 60664-1mst 16dielectric withstand test10.3*10.3*mst 17wet leakage current test10.1510.20mst 42robustness of terminations test10.1410.14* the pass/fail criteria differ from those given in iec 61215 and iec 61646.4.5 fire hazard teststhese tests assess the potential fire hazard due to the operation of a module or failure of its components.table 4 fire hazard teststesttitlereferences inst


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