英語人教版七年級下冊Id like some noodles 課件.pptx_第1頁
英語人教版七年級下冊Id like some noodles 課件.pptx_第2頁
英語人教版七年級下冊Id like some noodles 課件.pptx_第3頁
英語人教版七年級下冊Id like some noodles 課件.pptx_第4頁
英語人教版七年級下冊Id like some noodles 課件.pptx_第5頁
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I dlikesomenoodles Unit10 SectionA1a 2d Let swatchandlearn mutton noodle cabbage beef potato MainWords Matchthewordswiththefoods mutton beef noodles chicken cabbage potatoes tomatoes carrots b 1a h d a c e f g It sahamburger Whatfoodisit 比眼力 It sabowlofeggnoodles Whatfoodisit It sbread Whatfoodisit It smutton Whatfoodisit It sbeef Whatfoodisit They repotatoes Whatvegetablesarethey They recabbages Whatvegetablesarethey They recarrots Whatvegetablesarethey I dlikesomeeggnoodles Whatwouldyoulike Presentation 1b Listenandcheck thenoodlesthatthepersonorders Special1 Special2 Special3 Listening 1c Practicetheconversationin1awithyourpartner Thenmakeyourownconversations Pairwork I mnotsureyet Arethereanyvegetablesinthebeefnoodles Whatwouldyoulike Yes therearesometomatoes OK I dlikethebeefnoodles 1 noodles2 beef3 mutton4 chicken5 tomatoes6 cabbage7 potatoes8 vegetables 2a Listenandcheck thenamesofthefoodsinthebox Listening Boy 1 I dlikea bowlofnoodles 2 I dlike and noodles 2b Listenagain Completethesentences Girls 1 I dlikea bowl 2 I dlike and noodles please chickenpotato medium large beeftomato cabbage 2c Askandanswerquestionswithyourpartner Usetheinformationin2a Pairwork I dlikealargebowlofnoodles Whatsizewouldyoulike Andwhatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikechicken potatoandcabbagenoodles I dlikeamediumbowl Whatsizewouldyoulike Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikebeefandpotatonoodles I dlikeasmallbowl Whatsizewouldyoulike Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikemuttonandcabbagenoodles bowl tofu order size large small MainWords Readtheconversationin2dandchecktheirfood 2d Reading Waiter Goodafternoon MayItakeyourorder Sally Yes Arethereanyvegetablesinthebeefsoup Waiter Yes Therearesometomatoes Sally OK We dlikeonebowlofbeefsoup Waiter Sure Whatsizewouldyoulike 2d Role playtheconversation Role play Sally Large please Tom We dalsolikegongbaochickenandsomemapotofuwithrice Waiter OK Onelargebowlofbeefsoup onegongbaochicken andonemapotofuwithrice Tom Yes that sright 1 MayItakeyourorder 你可以點菜了嗎 也可以說 CanItake have yourorder Areyoureadytoorder 這些都是服務員請客人點菜的禮貌用語 例如 MayItakeyourorder Yes I dlikesomemapotofuwithrice LanguagePoints 2 abowlof一碗 twobowlsof兩碗 我想要一碗牛肉洋白菜面 I dlikeabowlofbeefcabbagenoodles 我們想要兩碗羊肉胡蘿卜湯 We dliketwobowlsofmuttoncarrotssoup Waiter MayItakeyour Jack Yes Arethereany inthemuttonsoup Waiter Yes There somecarrots Jack OK CanIhaveone muttonsoup please order are vegetables Exercise bowl 補全下列對話 of Waiter Sure What yourlike Jack Large please I dalsolikesomegongbaochicken rice


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