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湖北省第十三屆外語翻譯大賽英語專業(yè)組決賽試題I下面的英語段落后提供的漢語譯文有未完成的地方,這些未完成的地方用劃線標出,并均提供了三個譯文(分別標為A,B,C),請選擇你認為最好的譯文.(2x10=20%)Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem. Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. There is abundant evidence on both sides. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people. We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others. Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits, we adjust our standard of values so as to make out that the merits possessed by our nation are the really important ones, while its demerits are comparatively trivial. Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind. The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.對于那些容易助長你狂妄自大的觀點尤宜提防。雙方都有不可勝數的證據。如果你自己是男性,你可以指出大多數詩人和科學家都是男子;而如果你是女性,你可以用大多數罪犯也都是男子來反唇相譏。但是,自尊心卻使大多數人看不到這一點。不管我們屬于世界上哪個國家,看到每個民族都有自己特有的長處和短處,以便證明自己民族的長處乃是真正重要的長處,而其缺點相對來說則微不足道。由于我們無法和人類之外的智者辯論清楚,所以就更難就我所知,處理這個普遍存在的人類自高自大問題的唯一方法就是宇宙中其他地方還有一些生物,不論男人或女人,男人和女人們,男人和女人,十之八九都堅信男性或女性特別優(yōu)越。十之八九都堅信自己性別的優(yōu)越。十之八九都堅信自己的性別比對方優(yōu)越。這個問題天生就無法解決;這個問題本來就無法解決;這個問題本來是無法解決的;我們總是認為自己的民族比所有其他民族都優(yōu)越。大家總是認為我們自己的民族比所有其他民族都優(yōu)越。大家總是被說服自己的民族比所有其他民族都優(yōu)越。我們就要調整自己的價值標準,我們卻調整自己的價值標準,我們就把自己的價值標準加以調整,在這個問題上,一位明白事理的人也一定會承認,它沒有明顯正確的答案。在這個問題上,理智的人會承認這個問題是沒有可以論證的正確答案的。這里,明白事理的人一定會承認,它沒有明顯正確的答案。處理人的自高自大的問題,處理人之作為人的自高自大的問題,處理作為“人”的自尊問題,要經常提醒自己,在茫茫宇宙中的小角落的小星球的生命史上,人只是一個簡短的插曲,要經常提醒自己,在茫茫宇宙中一個小小角落的一顆小小星球的生命史上,人類僅僅是一個短暫的插曲,要經常提醒自己,人類只是宇宙中小小角落里一個小行星上生命的短暫插曲而已,而且,說不定,并且,我們知道,我們知道,他們優(yōu)越于我們的生命,就像我們優(yōu)越于水母一樣。他們優(yōu)越于我們像我們優(yōu)越于水母。他們優(yōu)越于我們的程度不亞于我們優(yōu)越于水母的程度。II下面的漢語段落后提供的英語譯文有未完成的地方,這些未完成的地方用劃線標出,并均提供了三個譯文(分別標為A,B,C),請選擇你認為最好的譯文. (2x10=20%)常聽到這樣的抱怨:做女人真是吃力。我深有同感。細究起來, 這種吃力,不僅是體力上的,更主要的是心理上的。 在我們還是小女孩的時候,我們就懂得一條千真萬確的道理:女人是半邊天,男女都一樣。那時候,這口號被我們喊在嘴里,心里只感到驕傲與豪邁;那時候, 這口號被我們努力地落實為行為,確實體現出了女人和男人有一樣的智慧一樣的能力一樣的才干,什么“鐵姑娘隊”、“三八包車組”、“女飛行員”等等,總之,在各行各業(yè)女人們的表現絕不落后于男人;總之, 男人能夠做到的事情女人沒有辦不到的;總之, 女人和男人應該而且必須并駕齊驅。“男女都一樣”的口號,那么響亮地被貫徹了幾十年,并組成為一種世界觀,影響著我們的人生,而且, 這口號還是一種具有歷史意義的標志中國婦女解放的標志。但我不能認同。萬事萬物由方方面面組成, 而那個“男女都一樣”的口號,只是向女人提出要求,卻沒有相同的口號要求男人和女人做得一樣:一樣耐心持久地撫育孩子;一樣任勞任怨地操持家務;一樣盡心盡責地伺奉老人。仔細想想, “男女都一樣”的口號曾鼓舞著許多婦女竭力地建樹了和男人一樣的豐功偉績,同時, 女人卻依然要做那些男人不屑一顧的事情。其實, 所謂“一樣”的口號,使女人們在做著女人的同時再做男人;其實,所謂“一樣”的口號,讓女人們又給自己加重一挑擔子;其實,女人和男人在根本上還是不一樣。I often hear the complaint that it is so hard to be a woman, and I cant help feeling the same. _. _. At the time, as we chanted the slogan, our hearts were filled with pride. _. The examples of the “Iron Girls Brigade,” the “March 8 Railway Service Group,” the “female aviators” and so on were living proof that women have caught up with men in every field of action; _; _. The slogan “women are as good as men” has been ringing clear and loud for the last couple of decades, it has deeply ingrained into our mentality and has influenced our lives. _.But I have my reservations. All things under heaven are made up of different parts, _: to raise children just as patiently, to do household chores just as uncomplainingly, to care for the old just as dutifully. Come to think of it, _. But at the same time, _. The fact is, _, must take up another burden. Lets face it, basically women are not the same as men.A. The strain is not only physical, theres also the psychological burden.B. The strain is not only physical, but more importantly, psychological. C. The strain is not only physically, but also psychologically.A. Ever since I was a little girl, we all held it as an indisputable truth that “Women hold up half the sky,” that “women are just as good as men.” B. Ever since I was a little girl, we all understand it as an indisputable truth that “Women are half the sky”, that “women are just as good as men.”C. Ever since I was a little girl, we all believed the truth that “Women are half the sky”, that “women are just as good as men.” A. We try to put the saying into practice, and prove that women were indeed just as intelligent as men and capable and talent as men. B. The saying was put into practice, showing that women have the same intelligence, capability, and talent as men. C. We put the saying into action, and proved that women were indeed just as intelligent as men, just as capable and just as talented. A. that women were perfectly capable of doing whatever men can do. B. that whatever men can do will never be beyond women. C. that women were capable of doing well what men can do. A. That men and women should go hand in hand with each other. B. that women can and must keep up with men. C. that women and men must keep hand in hand with each other. A. This slogan is also a symbol of historical meaning it is a symbol of womens liberation. B. This slogan also has its historical significance it is an emblem of womens liberation C. This slogan also has historical meanings it is a mark of womens liberation. A. but the slogan “women are as good as men” demands on women without asking men “to be just as good as women”. B. but the slogan “women are as good as men” makes demands on women, and it fails to ask men “to be just as good as women”. C. but the slogan “women are as good as men” makes demands on women without making a corresponding demand on men to be “just as good as women” A. the slogan “women are as good as men” has encouraged women to achieve to challenge on men. B. the slogan “women are as good as men” has encouraged women to do as well as men. C. the slogan “women are as good as men” has spurred women on to achievements to challenge mens. A. women must still do what men do not stoop to. B. women must still do what men would not cast a glance at. C. women must still do what men would not glance. A. “women are as good as men” means that women, after doing what they are suppose to do, have to be as capable as men. B. “women are as good as men” means that women have to play the dual role of being men and women at the same time. C. “women are as good as men” means that women have to play the dual role of men and women at the same time. III下面每個英語句子或段落提供的譯文沒有排序,請根據原文將譯文排序,使之成為一個連貫的段落。(2x5=10%)1. There are several reasons why Kissinger no loner appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward megalomania. 對此人們曾經寫過不少文章,發(fā)表過不少言論?;粮癫粌H在中東起了作用,而且還從事了一系列冒險活動,包括一些最重要的冒險活動。但這些文章和言論大部分都有一個特點,就是既反映出對他的策略有所認識和了解,又表現出對他的戰(zhàn)略捉摸不透。2. The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America, where explorers had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver. Although Spain and England shared a pronounced lust for wealth, differences between the two cultures were profound.英國人抱著和西班牙人開拓南美洲一樣的動機來到北美洲,雖然西班牙和英國都同樣明顯地貪圖財富,但是兩國的文化卻存在著很大的差異。西班牙的探險者在南美洲發(fā)現了大批金銀財寶。3. She turned towards me immediately. The easy elegance of every movement of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room, set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly.她立刻轉過身來。我不由得很想看清她的面孔。當她從房間的那一頭走過來時,一舉手一投足風度非常優(yōu)雅。4. Many men have recognized the similarity of plants to the behavior of animals, and have dreamed wistfully, but forlornly, upon some method or source of rejuvenation such as Ponce de Leon sought in the Fountain of Youth several centuries ago.植物的習性與動物相似,就像數百年前,彭斯? 德? 里昂在青春泉祈求仙水一樣,許多人認識到,于是夢寐以求的探討什么“返老還童”的“靈丹妙藥”, 結果只能是竹籃打水。 5. They drifted across America and gathered in the big cities when winter came, hungry, defeated, empty, hopeless, restless, driven by they knew not what, always on the move, looking everywhere for work., for the bare crumbs to support their miserable lives, and finding neither work nor crumbs. 冬天到了,他們漂泊啊,漂泊,走遍了美國,忍饑挨餓,到處碰壁,一無所有,前途渺茫,才在各大城市聚集起來,到處找僅能糊口的面包,以維持他們悲慘的生活,可是一樣也沒找到。焦躁不安,心煩意亂,輾轉奔波,到處找活干。IV下面的漢語段落提供的譯文沒有排序,請根據原文將譯文排序,使之成為一個連貫的段落。(10%)太陽剛剛下了地平線。秋風一陣一陣地吹上人面,怪癢癢的。蘇州河的濁水幻成了金綠色,輕輕地,悄悄地向西流去。黃浦夕潮不知怎的已經漲上了,現在沿這蘇州河的兩岸的各色船只都浮得高高地,倉面比碼頭還高了約半英尺。風吹來外灘公園里的音樂,卻只有那炒豆似的銅鼓聲音最分明,也最叫人興奮。暮靄挾著薄霧,籠罩了外白渡橋的高聳的鋼架,電車駛過時,這鋼架下橫空價掛的電車線時時爆發(fā)出幾朵碧綠的火花。從橋上向東望,可以看見浦東的洋棧像巨大的怪獸,蹲在瞑色中,閃著千百只小眼睛似的燈火。向西望,叫人猛一驚的,是高高地裝在一所洋房頂而且異常龐大的霓虹電管廣告,射出火一樣的赤光和青磷似的綠焰。Looking east, one could see the warehouses of foreign firms on the waterfront of Pootung like huge monsters crouching in the gloom, Under a sunset-mottled sky, the towering framework of Garden Bridge was mantled in the gathering mist. The evening tide from the Wangpoohad turned imperceptible, and now the assortment of boats along both sides of the creed were riding high, The muddy water of Soochow Creek, transformed to a golden green, flowed quietly westward. Whenever a tram passed over the bridge, the overhead cable suspended below the top of the steel frame threw off bright, greenish sparks. The sun had just sunk below the horizon and a gentle breeze caressed ones face. To the west, one saw with a shock of wonder on the roof of a building a gigantic neon sign in flaming red and phosphorescent green: LIGHT, HEAT, POWER! Faint strains of music were bore on the wind from the riverside park, punctuated by the sharp, cheerful patter of kettledrums. their lights twinkling like countless tiny eyes. their decks some six inches above the landing stages. V請將下列短文翻譯成漢語。(20%)To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have. An aspiration is a joy for ever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity. To have man
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