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History of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandI. The Founding of the Nation 1.1 Early Settlement 1.2 Roman Britain (55 BC - 410 AD) 1.3 Anglo-Saxon Times (5th -8th century) 1.4 The Danish Invasion (8th century -1066 ) 1.5 Norman Conquest (1066 - 1381)II. The Feudal Society2.1 House of Normandy (1066-1154)2.2 House of Anjou / House of Plantagenet (1154-1485)2.3 Hundred Years War with France (13371453) 2.4 Wars of Roses (1455-1485)2.5 Religious Reformation2.6 The Civil War (1642-1651)2.7 Restoration and the Glorious Revolution (1660-1689)III. Modern Britain 3.1 The British Empire (1689-1960s)3.2 Britain in the World Wars 3.3 Britain since World War III. The Founding of the Nation1.1 Early Settlement 1.1.1 Prehistoric Period (history undocumented)v 5,000 BC Iberians (no written records) (Stonehenge 巨石陣)1.1.2 Celtic Britain (8th5th Century BC) v from Upper Rhine Land of northwest Europe Gaels 蓋爾人 (around 8th century BC) Britons 布立吞人(around 6th century BC): The name of Britain Belgae 比利其人 v Celtic Language (Irish Gaelic蓋爾語 , Scottish Gaelic, Welsh)1.2 Roman Britain (55 BC 410 AD) v First two invasions by Julius Caesar in 55 BC and 54 BCv Third and successful Roman invasion of Britain by Claudius I In 43 ADv England and Wales had been a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 yearsv never really conquered Caledonians 古蘇格蘭人v In 122-126, Hadrians Wall (120km) to keep back the Caledonians and Picts v Retreat Germanic attack in Rome (Germanic Saxon tribes) repeated attacks from the Picts and Scots Picts: the original British Celts (in North and East of England); earlier than Scots Scots: Celtic people from northern Ireland; invaded the south-west of Britain in 6th century AD, the name of Scotlandv Great Roman Influence Romans brought Christianity to England and help it to spread. Capable administrators & good builders Roman roads; towns and cities Urban life style and culture of the English upper class were completely romanized.1.3 The Anglo-Saxon Times/Germanic Invasion (5th -8th century) v Caledonians broke through the Hadrians Wall, and Britons asked for help.v Germanic people the Jutes from Jutland to Kent (in the mid-5th century) Saxons from Germany (the end of 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century) Angles from South of Denmark (second half of the 6th century)v Little remained of Celtic or Roman civilizationv Legends of King Arthur in 5th century AD United the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur Knights at “round table” : equal right to be the king - sense of democracy His existence still in doubt Though English people think of King Arthur as their hero, really he was fighting against them, for Anglo-Saxon invaders were the forefathers of the English.v English (language of the Angles)- Old English; England: land of the Anglesv Roman Christianity (cf. religion of Anglo-Saxons) St. Augustine from Rome to Britain-Archbishop of Canterbury Ireland was also Christianized. Monasteries: centers of culture; First recorded English literature had a heavy religious cast.v Egbert, King of Wessex united the 7 kingdoms; called himself “King of the English” v Scotland and Wales were not conquered by Anglo-Saxon invaders. The Anglo-Saxons brought their own religion to Britain. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively derive from their gods. Christianity almost disappeared until 597, when Pope Gregory I of Roman sent St. Augustine to England and began to convert the heathen English to Christianity. 1.4 Danish Invasion (8th Century1066) v the Vikings : from the Scandinavian countries: Norway, Denmark and Sweden v Alfred the Great, king of Wessex , grandson of Egbert Father of the British Navy peace treaty with Danes: the northern and eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Danish law Still have a culture division between northerners and southerners in England Scholar and writer : beginning of the prose literature Restored churches and monasteries; Brought churchmen from Rome to teachv Eadred (Alfreds grandson) By 955, a united England; centralized governmentv Ethelred II(978-1016) : money for peacev From 1016 to 1042, under the rule of Danish kings.v In 1042, the English throne was returned to the Anglo-Saxons Edward the Confessor: younger son of Ethelred II (1042-1066)1.5 The Norman Conquest v Harold of Wessex: the last Anglo-Saxon king brother of Edward the Confessors wife; Most powerful in England that time; Chosen to be the King in 1066 Hurried north to defeat Norway Kings army Rushed south to fight Duke William v Duke William of Normandy (William the Conqueror) Secretly promised by Edward to succeed the throne won the Battle of Hastings crowned King in 1066 Brought feudal system to BritainInfluence of Norman Conquest v One of the most decisive eventsv The beginning of feudal society in Englandv The king to centralize the English societyv Norman French culture was introducedv Middle English (1150-1450) Strongly modified by an extensive infusion of French vocabulary Norman-French-authoritative languagev Englands civilization was tied to that of continental Europe II. Feudal Society(Middle Ages)(1066-1485)2.1 House of Normandy 諾曼王朝(1066-1154)2.2 House of Anjou / House of Plantagenet安茹王朝(金雀花王朝) (1154-1485)2.1.1 Henry II (Henry of Anjou, son of Henry Is daughter) first king of the House of Anjou: 1154 - ascended the throne Built an empire of England and half of France abolishing the annual land tax Reforming courts and laws: jury system; institutional common law Canterbury Tales2.1.2 Great Charter (Magna Carta) v King John v ascended the throne in 1199. v demanded feudal taxes and army servicev forced to sign the Magna Carta, the Great Charter (大憲章)v Significance v Limiting the kings powerv townspeoplefreedom of trade and self-governmentv merchants and craftsmenfor the first time as a new political force v foundation of the British Constitution Parliamentv Henry IIIv Simon de Montfortv Provisions of Oxford牛津條款v limiting the Kings power by calling regular meetings of the Great Councilv Provisions of Westminsterv reformed the common lawv Commoners called to the council to gain the support of the middle class 2.3 Hundred Years War with France (13371453) v wars between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne promoted the concept of English nationalism promoted the development of the textile industry raised the social position of the bourgeois classv Black Death (1348-1349) v Struck Europe in the middle of the 14th centuryv Reached England in the summer of 1348v Fall in the population and rise in wages paid laborers The plague killed 75,000,000 people in the world; 25,000,000 Europeans died (1/3 to half of the total European population in the Middle Ages)v Peasant Uprising from 1381v Wat Tyler瓦特泰勒 and John Ball約翰保爾 v paving the way for the development of capitalism2.4 Wars of Roses (1455-1485)v wars for the throne between the House of York and the House of Lancaster Lasted for 30 years reduced the power of nobility helped to increase the power of the new rising bourgeois classv The House of Lancaster wonv their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII Henry Tudor married Elizabeth of York (Edward IVs daughter), thus uniting the house of Lancaster and York.v started the rule of the House of Tudor (1485-1603)2.5 Religious Reformationv Reasonsv two religious camps: Catholic and Protestant v Conflict between Roman Catholic Church and the King of Englandv Resentment against the Pope and the churchv Immediate cause: Henry VIIIs divorcev Henry VIII: Act of Supremacysupreme head of the Church of England v In essence a political movement in a religious guisev Maryv daughter of Catherine, the divorced Queenv Re-established Catholicismv Bloody Mary- burned 300 Protestants in four yearsv Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)v Defended the fruit of the Reformation: compromise between religious factionsv Golden age of English historyv The age of exploration began: v The American State, Virginia, is named after Queen Elizabeth.2.6 The Civil War (1642-1651)v parliamentary clashes over monopolies the monarchy attempted to control commercial activities in the interests of the court v King Charles I dissolved Parliament in 1629, and ruled the country without it for eleven years.v The civil war broke out Royalists (the Cavalier 保王黨人) : gentry , big landlords and monopolists Parliamentarians (Roundheads 圓顱黨人) : merchants, artisans and apprentices, peasants v Result: the monarchy was abolished in 1649 v Cromwell dissolved parliament v England was declared a commonwealth(16491660), i.e. a republicv Cromwell, the head of the Commonwealthv Conservative in social reforms and protected property ownershipv Effects: Overthrow the feudal system in England Shook the foundation of feudal rule in Europe2.7 Restoration and the Glorious Revolution (1660-1689)v Restoration: 1661, Charles II: to restore the old social order 1685, James II: to reestablish Catholicismv Glorious Revolution 1688: joint sovereign of William and Mary 1689: Bill of Rights v limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament v established Constitutional Monarchy v beginning of the modern historyIII. Modern Age of Britain 3.1 The British Empire (1689-1960s)v First British Empire: early 19th Centuryv Second British Empire during the Victorian Age: Mid- and late-19th Century Queen Victorias foreign policy New Imperialismv Victoria“Empress of India”v In Asia, Burma and some other small states; Opium War against China v In Africa, control Suez Canal and conquer Egyptv Four dominions: Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Union of South Africav On the Eve of World War I, Britain became an empire on which the sun never set. 1/4 of the worlds total land; a quarter of the global populationv Independence movement: India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya and Egypt v British Commonwealth of Nations: a loosely organized community of former British colonies 3.2 Britain in the World Wars 3.2.1 World War I (1914-1918)v Two camps in Europe: Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, Italy and USv Great cost of the war for Britain drained of its manpower lost the sea supremacy a huge national debt3.2.2 World War II (1939-1945)v Germanynationalism and racism plan to conquer Europev Britainappeasement v declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939 v alliance with the Soviet Union and the United States v Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945v great cost lose its naval supremacy in debt to the United States 3.3 Britain since World War II3.3.1 Foreign Policy since World War II: Three Majestic Circles v less involvement in the Commonwealth circle v close cooperation with the United States v an isolationist policy towards Europe 3.3.2 “Special Relationship” with the US v Margaret Thatcher Reestablished “special relationship” with the United States against European integration v Tony Blair more positive towards Europe (but refuse to join the Euro) further strengthened the close relationship with the United States English and British MonarchsHouse of Normandy 諾曼王朝(1066-1154) v William I v William II (Rufus, Williams 2nd son) v Henry I (3rd son): the last true Norman king v Stephen (Henrys nephew, son of Williams daughter) House of Anjou / House of Plantagenet 安茹王朝(金雀花王朝) (1154-1399) v Henry II (Henry of Anjou, son of Henry Is daughter; jury system, Canterbury Tales) v Richard I (son of Henry II; in England for10 months of 10 years rule; on the third crusade; killed in France)v John (King of Lackland, son of Henry II; Great Charter ) v Henry III (Johns 9-year-old son; Parliament) v Edward I (Longshanks, son of Henry III; conquest of Wales) v Edward II (1st Prince of Wales in English history) v Edward III (claim to French throne-Hundred Years War) v (Black Prince) v Richard II (grandson of Edward III; suppress the peasants uprising) House of Lancaster and York (1399-1485) House of Lancaster 蘭開斯特王朝(1399-1461) v Henry IV (grandson of Edward III )v Henry V (son of Henry IV )v Henry VI (son of Henry V )House of York (1461-1485) v Edward IV (son of Richard, Duke of York)v Edward V v Richard III (Youngest son of Richard, Duke of York, last king of House of Plantagenet ) House of Tudor 都鐸王朝 (1485-1603) v Henry VII (Henry Tudor, leader of House of Lancaster)v Henry VIII (religious reformation; divorce Catherine; executed three of his six wives) v Edward VI (son of Henry VIII)v Jane Gray (granddaughter 外孫女 of Henry VIIIs sister) v Mary I (daughter of Henry VIII; restored Catholic Church - Bloody Mary)v Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII)House of Stuart 斯圖亞特王朝(1603-1714) v James I (James VI of Scotland; great-great grandson of Henry VII)v Charles I (son of James I; dissolved Parliament; executed)Commonwealth (Oliver Cromwell & Richard Cromwell; Lords of Protector)v Charles II (eldest son of Charles I; restored to throne)v James II (second son of Charles I; reestablish Catholicism)v William III (son-in-law of James II) and Mary II (daughter of James II; Bill of Rights in 1689 - Constitutional Monarchy)v William III (Mary died in 1


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