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此文檔收集于網絡,僅供學習與交流,如有侵權請聯(lián)系網站刪除六級閱讀理解100篇文本(完成版)Can the Computer Learn from Experience計算機會總結經驗嗎Computers have been taught to play not only checkers, but also championship chess, which is a fairly accurate yardstick for measuring the computers progress in the ability to learn from experience.Because the game requires logical reasoning, chess would seem to be perfectly suited to the computer .all a programmer has to do is give the computer a program evaluating the consequences of every possible response to every possible move, and the computer will win every time. In theory this is a sensible approach; in practice it is impossible. Today, a powerful computer can analyze 40 000 moves a second. That is an impressive speed. But there are an astronomical number of possible moves in chessliterally trillions. Even if such a program were written (and in theory it could be ,given enough people and enough time), there is no computer capable of holding that much data.Therefore, if the computer is to compete at championship levels, it must be programmed to function with less than complete data. It must be able to learn from experience, to modify its own programm, to deal with a relatively unstructured situationin a word, to “think” for itself . In fact, this can be done. Chess-playing computers have yet to defeat world champion chess players, but several have beaten human players of only slightly lower ranks. The computers have had programs to carry them through the early, mechanical stages of their chess games. But they have gone on from there to reason and learn, and sometimes to win the game.There are other proofs that computers can be programmed to learn, but this example is sufficient to demonstrate the point. Granted , winning a game of chess is not an earthshaking event even when a computer does it . But there are many serious human problems which ban be fruitfully approached as games. The Defense Department uses computers to play war games and work out strategies for dealing with international tensions. Other problemsinternational and interpersonal relations , ecology and economics , and the ever-increasing threat of world faminecan perhaps be solved by the joint efforts of human beings and truly intelligent computers .Notescheck:a game played on a checkerboard by two players ,each using 12 piecesecology:the relationship between organisms and their environment 生態(tài)關系,生態(tài)學Reading comprehensionThe purpose of creating chess-playing computers is _A to win the world chess championB to pave the way for further intelligent computersC to work out strategies for international warsD to find an accurate yardstick for measuring computer progress2 Today , a chess-playing computer can be programmed to _A give trillions of reponses in a second to each possible move and win the gameB function with complete data and beat the best playersC learn from chess-playing in the early stage and go on to win the gameD evaluate every possible move but may fail to give the right response each time3 For a computer to “think” , it is necessary to _A mange to process as much data as possible in a secondB program it so that it can learn from its experiencesC prepare it for chess-playing firstD enable it to deal with unstructured situations4 The authors attitude towards the Defense Department is_A critical B unconcerned C positive D negative 5 In the authors opinion,_A winning a chess game is an unimportant eventB serious human problems shouldnt be regarded as playing a gameC ecological problems are more urgent to be solvedD there is hope for more intelligent computers1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 dYou Call This a Good Economy這能稱之為上佳經驗You have to have lived in the 1950s and 1960s to have experienced a good economy. In the period between 1950 and 1970 it was the rulerather than the exceptionthat an ordinary family, without higher education, could sustain itself decently on the income of a single breadwinner(養(yǎng)家糊口的人). In 1955, when I was 19 and living in Brooklyn, N. Y., my father, who had a sixth-grade education, maintained our family of five on a wage of $82 a week as a bookbinder. My mother taught us fairness and compassion; my father, discipline and enterprise.The U. S. economy in those years was good. Then where did this good economy go? It was inflated away. The price of gold, which I take as proxy for the prices of all goods, was $35 an ounce in those years. It is at roughly ten times that price today.There is another answer, though: inflation caused the entire work force to be moved into higher tax groups, thus reducing after-tax purchasing power. That is, my fathers bindery job in1954 paid $82 a week, with $80 after deductions; today, at $ 820 per week the net would be $662.To ordinary people, the economy doesnt look very good at all. After-tax incomes continue to decrease in purchasing power. The jobs offered in the employment ads pay only a little more than the minimum wage, maybe $5 an hour, which, after payroll deductions, yields $4 an hour. Compare that with minimum-wage jobs of the early 1950s, when 75 cents was worth todays $7.50 before and after taxes.Notes1 Brooklyn: a district of New York city2 inflate:通貨膨脹3 proxy: the authority to act for another4 payroll: a list of employees and the wages due to eachReading ComprehensionIn the authors opinion, a good economy, to ordinary people can be expressed in terms of _the amount of wageafter-tax incomethe actual purchasing powerthe minimum wage per hourIn the period between 1950 and 1970,_there was not much difference in the living standards between people of higher and lower educationan ordinary family of five without exception could live on one person incomethe income of an ordinary family was more than enough for buying foodfor an average family the income was sufficient to support all the membersToday a bookbinders wage is ten times that of the 1950s but its income tax rate has increased _a.50 times b.60times c. 70 times d. 80 times4 The worsening of a bookbinders livelihood results from _a. his low education and the amount of wageb. the high-taxation and the income deductionsc. the high taxation and cost of livingd. thelow wage and higher prices5 The passage implies that while the cost of living is getting higher_a. the value of labor actually is shrinkingb. the minimum wage level is increasing likewisec. the income tax rate is rising alongd. the employment ads naturally offer a higher minimum wage6 The authors tone in writing the article is_a. ironical b. subjective c. high-sounding d. convincing7 the article aims to _.a. help control the rapidly increasing pricesb. give some advice to the policy-makersc.impress the younger generation with some basic factsd.call upon the societys attention against inflation1 c 2 b 3 d 4 c 5 a 6 d 7 cAre Experts Always Right專家總是對的嗎The world has become so complicated that weve lost confidence in our ability to understand and deal with it. But common sense is useful now as it ever was. No amount of expertise substitutes for an intimate knowledge of a person or a situation. At times you just have to trust your own judgement.It almost cost me my life to learn that. I was reading a book one day, idly scratching the back of my head, when I noticed that, in one particular spot, the scratching echoed inside my head like fingernails on an empty cardboard carton, I rushed off to my doctor.“Got a hole in your head, have you?” he teased. “Its nothingjust one of those little scalp nerves sounding off.”Two years and four doctors later, I was still being told it was nothing. To the fifth doctor. I said, almost in desperation,”But I live in tis body. I know somethings different.”“If you wont take my word for it,Ill take an X-ray and prove it to you,” he said.Well, there it was, of course, the tumor that had made a hole as big as an eye socket in the back of my skull. After the operation, a young resident paused by my bed. ”Its a good thing youre so smart,” he said.” Most patient die of these tumors because we dont know theyre there until it is too late.”Im really not so smart. And Im too docile in the face of authority. I should have been more aggressive with those first four doctors. Its hard to question opinions delivered with absolute certainty.Experts always sound so sure. Nevile Chamberlain, the British prime minister, was positive, just before the start of World War II, that there would be “peace for our time.” Producer Irving Thalberg did not hesitate to advise Louis B. Mayer against buying the rights to Gone With the Wind because “no Civil War picture ever made a nickel.” Even Abraham Lincoln surely believed it when he said in his Gettysburg Address:” The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here”We should not, therefore, be intimidated by experts. When its an area we really know aboutour bodies, our families, our houseslets listen to what the experts say, then make up our own minds.Notescardboard carton:a box or container made of a stiff pasteboard of paperscalp: the skin covering the headtumor:腫瘤eye socket: the opening or cavity in which the eye fitsdocile: easily managed or taughtreading comprehension“It” in “deal with it”(para.1) refers to _a. confidence b. the world c. ability d. complication2. “Expertise” in para.1 means_a. common sense b. expert skill or knowledge c. unusual ability to appreciated. personal experience3. We have to trust our own judgement since _a. not all of us have acquired reliable expertiseb. experts often lose their common sensec. experts may sometimes fail to give good adviced. intimate knowledge of a person is not to be substituted for by expertise4 “That” in “it almost cost me my life to learn that”(para. 2) refers to_a. I can learn to trust my judgementb. I can acquire an intimate knowledge of myselfc. common sense is not as useful as knowedged. expertise may not be reliable5 While reading one day, the author_a. found a hole at the back of his headb. heard a scratching sound from a cartonc. noticed some echo from his head where he was scratching d. noticed a sound coming out from his head6 “tease” in paragraph 3 means_a. to make fun of b. to comfort c. to reply d. to disbelieve7 “if you wont take my word for it” in para.5 may be paraphrased_a. if you dont think my word is worth anythingb. if you dont listen to my advicec. if you dont believe my judgementd. if you prefer actions to words8 “Skull” in para.6 most probably means_a. the bony framework of the headb. the surface skin of the headc. the nerve system inside the headd. the top part of the head9 The author didnt think he was smart(para.7)because_a. he had already suffered for two yearsb. he had not been able to put up with the painc. he had believed too much in expertised. he had formed too strong an opinion of himself10 It happens that the examples given by the author_a. all concern with warsb. are taken from modern American historyc. have become popular themes in moviesd. have American Civil War as the background11 In the last paragraph, the work ”intimidate” may mean_a. deceive b. frighten c. make timid d. encourage1 b 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 a 11 cJust Call Me Mister1 On cold days people in Manhattan like to take their children to PlaySpace, an indoor playground full of wonderful climbing and sliding contraptions. Theres just one irritating detail: when you pay your money, the cashier pulls out a felt-trip marker and an adhesive lapel tag and asks you your name.“Frum,” I say.“No, your first name.”“What do you need my first name for?”“To write on the tag, so all the children and the staff will know what to call you.”“In that case, write Mr. Frum.”2 At which I am shot a look as if I had asked to be called to Duke of Plaza Toro.3 In encouraging five-year-olds to address grownups by their first names, PlaySpace is only slightly ahead of the times. As a journalist, I faithfully report that the custom of addressing strangers formally is as dead as the practice of leaving a visiting card.4 Theres hardly a secretary left who does not reply, when I give a message fro her boss, “Ill tell him you called, David.” Or a public relations agent, whether in Bangor or Bangkok, who does not begin his telephonic spiel with a cheerful “Hello, David!”5 You dont have to be a journalist to collect amazing first-name stories. Place a collect call, and the operator first-names you. The teenager behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant asks a 70-year-old customer for his first name before taking his order.6 Habitual first-names claim they are motivated by nothing worse than uncontrollably high-spirited friendliness. I dont believe it. I f I asked the fast-food order-takers to lend me $50, their friendliness would vanish in a whoosh. The PR man drops all his cheerfulness the moment he hears I wont go along with his story idea. No, its not friendliness that drives first-namers; its aggression. The PR agents who call me David uninvited would never, if they could somehow get him on the phone, address press baron Rupert Murdoch that way. The woman at the bank who called me David would never first-name the banks chairman. Like the mock-cheery staff at PlaySpace, they are engaged in a smiley-faced act of belittlement, an assertion of power disguised as good cheer.Notes1 contraptions:(informal)mechanical devices;gadgets2 felt-tip marker:軟筆尖的顏色筆3 adhesive lapel tag:不干膠標牌4 Duke of Plaza Toro: Duke is a nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially in Britain. Plaza Tora is Spanish, something like “Bull Fighting Ring” in English5 Bangor:City of South central Maine6 Bangkok:Captical of Thailand,曼谷7 spiel(slang) a lengthy, usually extravagant, speech or argument intended to be persuasive8 collect call:a telephone call with payment to be made by the receiver 9 press baron:Baron is the lowest male rank of nobility, but here it stands for a man with great power in press10 mock: simulated11 cheery:cheerfulReading comprehensionThe author apparently regrets_having to take his children to PlaySpacebeing first-namedbeing approached so frequently by PR agentshaving to put on an adhesive lapel tag“PR” in paragraph6 stands for_a. personal request b. personal respectc. public relations d. public review3 When the author, as a journalist, speaks on the phone_a. he is usually very formal and faithfulb. he does not know whether a grownup or a child is speaking at the other endc. he finds people address each other formallyd. he finds the secretary is often willing to pass a message4 He often finds secretaries _a. irresponsible in answering phone callsb. trustworthy in passing messagesc. not only friendly but also carefuld. calling him David5 The author thinks that addressing a stranger by his first name is being_a. cheerful b. friendly c. disrespectful d. light-hearted6 “As dead as” in paragraph 3 may be paraphrased as_a. as firmly fixed as b. as useless asc. as out of fashion as d.as unmistakenly as7 Habitual first-namers claim amounts to saying_a. theres nothing that can be worse than high-spirited friendlinessb. their attitude should be acceptablec. they are sometimes too high-spirited to control chemselvesd. one should control oneself while speaking to a stranger8 The so-called high-spirited friendliness(para. 6) is actually_a. cheerfulness in appearance but mockery in realityb. out and out insultc. a well-accepted skill in public relations d. an act of outward warmth9 “In a whoosh” in paragraph 6 means_a. by all means b. in the end c. in a second d. in reality10 “I wont go along with” in paragraph 6 may be paraphrased asa. I wont believe b. I wont go on listening.c. I wont agree with. D. I wont stick to.1 b 2 c 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 bThe Dvelopment of Civilization1 The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of primitive weapons and the discovery of fire, although no body knows exactly when he acquired the use of the latter2 The origin of language is also obscure. No doubt it began very gradually Animals have a few cries that serve as signals, but even the highest apes have not been found able to pronounce words, even with the most intensive professional instruction. The superior brain of man is apparently a necessity for the mastering of speech. When man became suffiviently intelligent, we must suppose that he fradually increased the number of cries for different purposes. It was a great day when he discovered hat speech could be used for narrative. There are those who think in this respect picture language preceded oral language. A man could draw a picture on the wall of his cave to show in which direction he had gone, or what prey he hoped to catch. Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side. I am inclined to think that language has been the most important single factor in the development of man.3 Two important stages came not so long before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was a step in human progress to which sub


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