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Revenge Season 1 Episode 1: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. Confucius (504.B.C.) When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind. Neat little morality slogans, like, Do unto others and Two wrongs dont make a right. But two wrongs can never make a right because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged.real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places. Absolute forgiveness. or mortal vindication.This is not a story about forgiveness.Emily. Ive been looking for you. Wheres Daniel? Uh, hes walking the beach. Were having a thing. Same thing or different thing? Same thing. But dont worry. Hes right behind me. Its my job to worry. Your job is to enjoy yourself. Its your engagement party. Can someone get me a twenty on Daniel Grayson? Hey, congrats, Emily. - Thank you. Nice night for it. Nice night for what, Nolan? Celebrating.You shouldnt be here. That makes two of us. Emily, where have you been hiding? Come on. Lets see that ring, girl. Doris Luna Issey Helen Bony Carol0108 I feel like a jackass in this tux. Well, stop acting like one, and youll stop feeling like one. Trust me. If your friends could see you now- Id probably get jumped. Hey, you really want outta that tux? Come on. Well run away together. Youre slow. Im going. Im going. Little too much food lately. - Come on. - Maybe not. Where are we going? You ask too many questions. Show me what you got, bad boy. Here. Let me help you. I got it. I got it. Fire and ice. When we first sat down to discuss tonights occasion, I was immediately taken with the idea of an evening inspired by primal bookends- Fire and ice. Beginnings and endings. And the love between a man and a woman. Yo. Yo, 8 mile, 8 Private party here! .A starry evening. That creep better not be taking pictures. You got a problem?! Tonight not only marks the final weekend of a remarkable summer in the hamptons, it is also the celebration of my son Daniels engagement. to the lovely and beguiling Ms. Emily Thorne. And though weve only known her for a few short months, Emily already feels like the piece of the family puzzle we never even knew was missing. In a word, I approve. And as anyone can tell you, approval is not something I give away freely. Where the hell is my son? Charlotte. Oh, my god. Mom! Mom! My brother. Somebody come here! Come here! Mom! Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! Get away from my son! Daniel! Daniel, please! No! Daniel! I cant tell you what a rare opportunity you have here, Ms. Thorne. The current owners live in the city, of course, but theyve been loyal hamptonites for years. Perhaps if Mr. Davis had been a bit more loyal to his wife, they wouldnt be renting out this season. Word has it, he dumped her for a girl half his age. Men. You mind if I look around a bit? Thats what were here for. Dad? Hey, kiddo. You having fun exploring? We really get to spend the whole summer here? And every summer after that. What do you think? I think mom wouldve loved it. Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda? Infinity? Well, infinity. times infinity. Ms. Thorne? Now you have to imagine, Its memorial day weekend, 23.9 75 and sunny, All those boys of summer wondering who the new girl is. And thats Grayson Manor. You wont find a better address than this. Ill take it. Oh. Wonderful. Ill get the contract. Hello, hello. Ashley, hey. What do you think? Are you kidding? Look at this place. I want your life. You love your life. Yeah, youre right. I just want your money. Whats mine is yours. Should I get us some glasses? I wish. Its for victoria grayson. - Who.? - Youre hopeless. Victoria Grayson- Reigning queen of the hamptons. Not to mention, your new next door neighbor. Queen victoria? Mm. Believe me, shes earned the title. My boss has me handling the guest list for her memorial day party. If I screw this up, I might as well move back to Croydon. Well, how much are the tickets? 10,000 a pop. Count me in for one. Are you sure? Its for a good cause, right? Yeah, my career. Thank you. You want to get drunk on cheap margaritas later? With or without you. Good luck with her highness. Bye. 510Lets dump our long position on 5- and 10-year treasuries before the Feds stops buying them up. And, uh, get us into some of those low-rated tech bonds. Thanks Looks like Lydia and Michaels new renter is settling in. Lucky girl, scoring that property. Pretty one, too, even from up here. I guess that makes her doubly lucky. I dont believe in luck. I thought you were taking the weekend off. There. Im off. Ew. Get a room, you guys. Oh, Im sorry, Charlie. I didnt see you sneaking in. Didnt see you sneaking out last night, either, Charlotte. I went over to Traceys. Told you I was going before you went to bed. No, you didnt. Mom, youre too young and too pretty to be this senile. Remind me to buy her a cat bell. Aw, let her have a little fun. AShe got straight As this year. No ones accusing her of being stupid. Dont think I didnt see you eyeballing that case of beer, Dec. Our dad owns a bar, dumbass. I can get as much beer as I want. All right. Well, in that case, Ill just have to make sure dad double-checks the inventory while Im gone. Why dont you tell me another hundred times, huh? Did you already wash those garbage bins out back? Beats uploading this future shipwreck. Ahoy! Captain Porter. Welcome back, Nolan. What can I do for you? Need a boat for the summer. This one will do. Its not for rent. Who said anything about renting? How much you want for.Amanda? Its not for sale, either. Im taking it down to Haiti next week. I thought you hated the ocean. Well, I-I spent a lot of time and money working through that, amongst other things. So. Im buying a boat. Right. Just not this one. Amanda must be some special girl. Can I help you with something? You dont like me much, do you? One more thing for you to work through, I guess. The response to your In with the new Memorial day party has been overwhelming, Mrs. Grayson. The party is at 90% capacity. and the Regrets Web sites 5already collected nearly $50,000, for everything from domestic violence prevention to cancer awareness. Some of these regrets wouldnt wipe their noses with $50,000, dear. If were going to set a more generous tone for the summer, its clear Im going to have to do something fresh and provocative, so. Ive decided to auction off a piece from my personal art collection. What a wild idea, Victoria. Well, I dont care how good the cause is, if you put up the Van Gogh that Michael and I gave you. Ill kill myself. The Van Gogh is off limits for sentimental reasons. Ashley, would you please add the new announcement to the web site, see if we cant drum up some more business? And, ladies, thanks again. Lydia. We were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter. You were one of those couples everyone roots for. I have no doubt. How are you holding up? Michaels threatening to put the beach house on the market if I dont release my claim on the west side walk-up. Its bad enough, having some stranger renting it out. I cant bear the thought of losing it to one of the she-wolves. Mm. Well, then dont let them see your weakness. Its the first thing theyll use against you. All right? Thank you. - Hey, You want to know a trick? -Yeah. You plant your feet in the sand and you stand still through the whole first wave. Okay. Then the next waves gonna feel warmer. And then the one after thats gonna feel warmer still. Finally, youre barely gonna notice the cold at all. - Are You ready? - Yeah. Here it comes. You must come from a family of polar bears. That water is ice cold. Only at first. After a while, you cant feel anything. Sounds like my marriage. You must be the new renter. Emily Thorne. Word gets around fast. Like lightning. Im lydia Davis. My husband and I own the house youre staying in. Its so nice to meet you. I cant tell you how much I love it. Me, too. Some good memories were made there. Well, hopefully I can make some of my own. So long as we dont have to take it out of your damage deposit. Welcome to the Hamptons. Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke. Taking the stand was Clarkes secretary, Lydia Davis, whose testimony supported the damning allegations made by Clarkes former boss, Conrad Grayson. Graysons testimony detailed the scheme 197Clarke used to channel money to the terrorists responsible for the downing of flight 1-9-7. 264All 246 Americans onboard that flight were killed. What do you like better, dad, sea glass or starfish? Dad? Starfish, definitely. Here you go. Thank you. David, its Victoria. Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me? - Sure. - David, Are You there? Whats the matter, Sammy? - Hey, everything okay? - Whatcha doin? Daddy! Whoa, whoa. Whats going on? Hands up so I can see em. Whats going on? Youre making a mis-wait! Youre making a mistake! Get your hands off my daughter! Aah! No! Amanda! Let her go! Amanda! Amanda! David Clarke had everyone fooled, including me. Im just glad I can help put that monster away. No one is to approach the head table unless theyre escorted by either myself or Mrs. Grayson. I cannot stress how important that seating chart is. - Got it? - I Got it. Good. At 2 oclock, security will be delivering Mrs. Graysons Manet to be set up for auction in the main cabin. Okay? Ems, please dont kill me. Well, that depends. What am I not killing you for? Standing you up this afternoon. I have a million-dollar art auction to deal with. Oh, theres no pressure there. You want me to pick up your dress for you? Oh, youre a lifesaver. Oh, please. Im sightseeing your working. I got you covered. Thank you. Bye. More tea? Please. Do you think Im tan enough for my first day on the beach or do I need another spray? What you need is another bathing suit. Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, This is practically a burka, unlike the rest of your friends. Its important to me that you dont end up on Page six at one of Diddys hot tub parties. Dannys home. Ooh, Danny! How you doing? Im so happy to see you. Im so glad to see you. Whats going on, a fire sale? Charity stunt. Welcome home, Daniel. Hi, mom. Im headed down to the beach. Okay. Okay. shes growing up fast. Too fast. You hungry? You know, Im a little wiped out. I think Ill just lay down for a bit. Yeah, you look a little tired. Well, studying will do that to a guy. - Mm. So will partying. - Mom, I just Got here. Give me a break. Wheres dad, golfing? Where else? Yep. Where else? Now. It feels like summer. Champagne? You have to ask? Conrad? Whats wrong? Are you okay? Conrad. oh, god. All right, so the first thing you do is enter the code. Its not exactly. Ooh. Then you swipe the card. Then the amount. Are we eating in here? Uh, yeah. Im afraid so. - Dec. - Yeah, Yeah, I Got it. Uh, card, swipe, amount, right? Code, swipe, amount. Jack, will you take care of the mean girls table? Its too early in the season for me to start making enemies. Why should this year be any different? Because youre sailing off to save the world, and this place cant afford bad press. Yeah, yeah, I, uh, I got it. Okay? Hi. Can I help you? Um, are you the owner? 30Hopefully not for another 30 years or so. Youre looking for my dad. Some suits looking for you. You are? Um, Doug Reid with first federal. - - Oh, Mr. Reid. - Ill take care of him, Jack. Hey, Mr. Reid. Carl Porter. Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming down. Why dont you follow me to my office? I know you like him. Here he comes. Ladies. Well take three rum and diets. Uh, gonna need to see IDs. Um, we left our IDs at the beach, but we have plenty of money. Sorry. Im not interested in your money. Are you interested in my phone number? It looks like a stemi. We need to get him in quick. What does that mean? Is he gonna be okay? Maam, I need you to step back, please. Where are you taking him? Southfork Hospital. Lydia. Lydia. - One, two. - Emily Thorne. My-my god. Is this your husband? Do you need a ride to the hospital? No, I dont. I- .And an E.K.G. as soon as we get there. Sammy. The whole point of fetch is to bring the stick back when I throw it. I really gotta explain this again? Come here. come here, Sammy. I found a stick for you. - Whats his name? - Sam. He sure likes sticks. Fetch it, Sammy. Nice throw. Thanks. Im Jack. Im Amanda. Come on, Sammy. Pick up the stick. Where you going? Get back here. What are you doing? Sammy. Sam? Barks. Sammy! Sammy! Get down. Whats the matter with you? Im sorry. Hes not normally this friendly. Hes kind of an old grump, actually. Oh, he got mud on your dress. Oh, thats no big deal. Theres an Earl and Emmas dry cleaners right around the cornor. Ill walk you over. Oh, thats okay. Um, I got it. - Thanks. - Well, hey. Uh, tell Earl and Emma that youre a friend of Jack Porters. My family owns the tavern down by the docks, the Stowaway. Whats-whats your name? Ill. put you on the official comp list. You dont have to do that. Well, Im not picking up the tab. Sammy is. He feels terrible. Dont you? Thanks anyway. All righty, then. You have a great summer. Hey. Oh, my god, Conrad. - I thought I was going to find you dead. - Im fine. What happened? Acute abdominal dyspepsia. The remorse of a guilty stomach. Your staff made it sound as if he was having a heart attack. Well, depending on the severity, the symptoms can be identical. As far as I can tell, your husbands as healthy as a thoroughbred. But I do suggest that he stay away from the Southfork Inns spicy bisque for a while. The Southfork Inn? Yeah. I thought you went golfing. Yeah, I did, earlier. Southfork is a half-hour in the opposite direction. Im aware of that. Excuse me. Come on. You know I just get in the way when youre planning one of your parties. I just thought I would go for a drive and stay out of your hair for a while. And Im sorry that I scared you. Dont do it again. Emily. You look amazing. I look amazing? Look at you. Look at this party. Congratulations. Well, its too early for that. Havent you seen Titanic? So how well do you know these people? Well enough to know who to keep away from and who to snuck up to. - Mm. Quick tutorial? - Okay. The girl in the orange Escada dress? Thats Mayor Bloombergs niece. And the woman shes talking to, now this one is important- Megan Foster. shoe buyer for Barneys of New York. Gray suit boy is kinda cute. Thats Daniel Grayson, Victorias tragically privileged spawn. Daniel wrapped his convertible around a tree last summer after one too many. Didnt hurt his face much. Yeah, it didnt work out quite as well for the waitress he was shagging. His parents paid off everyone and their mother to keep him out of jail. And the plot thickens. Whos that? Nolan Ross. Former tech boom whiz kid and perennial pain in the ass. If you emptied the bank accounts of everyone at this party, it wouldnt add up to the interest he makes in a week. And that. is Queen Victoria. Wow. Hello, Nolan. Hello, Victoria. How are you? I think she spotted you. Good. Introduce us. Hey, how about that stock split, huh? Whatd I tell you? Turned out great. - Conrad. - Yeah. We werent sure we were going to see you this afternoon. Huh? Rumor had it that you, uh, really dodged a bullet yesterday. Oh, well, Im happy to report that the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. Oh. Well, Im thrilled to hear it. Ill be sure to spread the word. Oh, Im sure you will. Lydia. I just. Karrie, you look like you could use another drink. Darling, would you please show her the way to the bar? Sure. Lydia. Where have you been hiding yourself? I left three messages for you. Mrs. Grayson, forgive me for interrupting. I just wanted to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. Victoria Grayson, Emily thorne. - Hello, Mrs. Grayson. - Ah, Ms. Thorne. I was wondering who the late entry was on the guest roster. Well, Emilys new to the Hamptons, but she really wanted to take part in your fund-raiser. Oh. How do you two know each other? We volunteered together at the met this winter. Mm. Apparently being a sustaining patron just wasnt enough for Emily. Mm. I try to give back as much as I can. Lydia. Hi. Oh, dont tell me Youve taken up volunteering at the MET as well. Emilys renting my house for the summer. We met briefly on the beach. And then yesterday at the Southfork Inn. I hope your husbands feeling better. Victoria, wait. Everyone, listen up, please. I just want to thank you all for helping the Stowaway kick off the season right. Where were you people all winter? Tomorrow my son Jack is setting sail for Haiti - - to pitch in with the red cross. - Good luck, Jack! He wanted to go right after the quake, but I convinced him to stick around an extra year to help me out. Almost two, actually, but whos counting? - was it two? - Yeah. It was two. Good going, Jack. To Jack! To Jack! Im gonna miss you, son. Im gonna miss you, too. Mr. Porter, do you have a moment? Sure. Right this way. The bank is not going to approve any further extensions. But business is back. Alls I need is 30 more days. I am sorry. Its out of my hands. Here we go round again, Danny boy, Summertime in the Hamptons. Yep. Same people, same parties. Same everything. Where do you want to discuss it? Yo, man. Want to bump it up a notch? Oh, my god! Wow
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