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1、新交互英語4答案新交互英語4答案(完整版) Unit 1 3/19 A soccer. his meeting. At a juice bar 8/19 He had to wear. They met in the lobby,went out to lunch. he wants to help. The company wants him. Shes working on.star 10/19 What does Talia選最長 According to Probably sometime next year What isHe likes the idea Jack hasNick

2、sits on a park. 11/19 Fromwants Nick to agree. NicksThese. Whensurprised. Afterrealizes. 12/19 Hang on leave out the deal wear ads Sounds good work out appear Cool In fact Picture So far so good comes up like that What else all edited accepting a bribe 1A/5 Happy. She feels. They e-mail. They go.or

3、just talk elementary school There were on. 1B/5 in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung out hate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away 2A/5 Nick wasOne We arrangedWe set Nick isHe We talkedWe did I cantIts all 2B/5 She neverindependent She tho

4、ughtinsane I reallyunlikely I hearillegal LatelyirregularDontunsuitable 3/5 thinkinghave wehave been workinghadshouldntare going to haveisnt 4/5 noccremeraor 5A/5 Whats.To.As.By. 5B/5 AmyWhats up. JaneBy the way Unit 2 3/19 Nicks voice was. Dean is jealous. Nick was. 8/19 What doessome assistance Wh

5、en Taliavery eager Tony thinksDean wants When Tonyconfident When is TonyTomorrow Tonys mainwont be 10/19 What doesHes a member of Patty suggestsShe doesnt Whats Amy goingTry to What isShe wants to get 11/19 When Amy findsexcited Patty tellsshe wants to help Amy Amy winks atmake Patty think Amy does

6、notdoesnt want anyone 12/19 get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works out Id rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise 1A/5 How doesShe feel awkward What kindShe is a very nice How do you選最長 Whats wrongShe.mean to some kids What

7、happened at選最短 What happened betweenThey.quarrel 1B/5 major falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort of hyper weird with ruining so bad conflicts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back to 2A/5 He wasHe was tricked The most importantThe bottom This storyI dont He is He resents W

8、hats newCan you 2B/5 The toneread between the lines Dontgiving you a line OurAlong the same line We couldbottom line You probablylay it on the line Whendrop me a line The bossa hard line We cantout of line 3/5 Taliaby Amyspoke The audioexamined Nicka lot of Have youmany The healtha lot of According

9、towas edited I haventmany 4/5 ecmoseriin 5A/5 Is something wrong Im really stressed out Heres an idea Hmmm.that might work 5B/5 Thats a thought You seem worried.Are you OK? Unit 3 3/19 What does Talia askTo talk to What does Amy learnThat she has been When will TaliaIn about 10 8/19 When Talia says最

10、長 What do you know最短 What are Amy最長 Why does AmyJackie Amy talksmake her Jackie saysHe has taught At the endangry about 10/19 What did DeanTo introduce What doesTo look at Whom didAn agent What are Dean最長 11/19 During thisShe wants Jackie Jackie tells最長 Jackie doesnt最長 Jackie probably最短 12/19 by the

11、 way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seem film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ate exciting the right places booked perfect people-watching impressed plan ahead 1A/5 Whats the best最長 How does sheShe uses What does she最長 What has s

12、heMaking hand-made Which of最短 1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favourite a bunch of cut out creativity no limits 2/5 an unplannedimproving to researchdo your excellentfabulous to getfind out encouraginginspiring 3/5 ve called Have you been doing have you taken ve had ve been w

13、atching ve eaten 4/5 viameirulo 5/5 The actor were. How was your meeting. Shes absolutely. What do you think of his. Hes really. What did you think of it? Unit 4 3/19 She has to go to class That she works in journalism Walking around the university 8/19 To remind her. She needs to talk with Jackie a

14、 little more He teaches Jackies acting class she wants to find a way to be introduced. she wants her to think theyve met before That she saw her at the Gower Building Their majors are different 10/19 Nick and Talia Shes excited To make a dinner reservation. She acts as. 11/19 threatening Jackie she

15、is angry at Talia acting modest about.apologizing that. 12 /19 shoe company serious quite serious Ive got must be talking to find out celebrate booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understanding anything else a lot two hours 1A/5 Go to see a movie Mondays,Thursdays and Satu

16、rdays 20 minutes away Theyll e-mail each other Somewhere in the city 1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out 2/5 a piecesomething really charmedpleased hold itwait a Oopssomething you say 3/5 Tony:Imfeel Amy:Taliamu

17、st Amy:Sallymight Lola:I noticedmight not Talia:Jackiemust not Patty:Jackiesmust Nick:You knowCould Mrs.Santos:Docant be 4/5 aroiliu 5/5 Amy:ThanksIts been nice talking to you NickIt was great seeing you Amy:SorryCatch you later Talia:LookIts getting late. Section Test A Listening Nick tells how Nic

18、k mentions wearing Nick talks about the commercial How does Nick respondHe finds it interesting. Which of the followingIt will.in a park. Tony is worried thatis too Tony believes thatTalia has proof Customer servicefind out Avia Airlinessto give options Customers sometimesoffer sympathy How does Amy

19、 describeShe says he is very good Why does Talia askTalia needs time Jackie uses ashe believes she will Jackie doesntit is a secret Jackie likesfamous people Where will Jackieto class Where does Jackie thinkat school Amy tells Talia about Talia congratulates Amy Amy asks if there is Vocabulary attra

20、ctivesane Marcello:Hi,Amy!down a linelay it on the linesmart cookiepiece of cake Amy:Do you thinkagentstunt person Itstruck Afterbeef up She wasout of line I wascharmed I readads Jamie:TheFancy Grammar My motherme to visic She has beenhasnt she I nevereat Amy:You look depresseda littleare going togo

21、ing Talia:Hmmm.wellto askcant youmuchis completed Talia:Hi,Zoe.have been workinghave decided Zoe:Hi,Talia!Congratulationsmustyourself Talia:Hello?if we can getwhere the.excited Amy:Hi, Talia! Sorrymust havecaneach other Pronunciation questionstatement(一聽就知道,這沒答案) but,an,or andand a,an,or thean He wa

22、s TRICKED No,it just SOUNDS that way Is there Anything ELSE you WANT me to DO I was PLANning to CALL NICK Wemight have Taliawas noun compound /u/ Speaking Amy:I boughtIts fabulous Lynn:I love myWhat do you like You:_Whats your impression of Talia:_It was great. Talia:Its gettingIts been nice. Jackie

23、: It was greatGive me a call sometime Unit 5 3/19 What can youTheyre on What did Talia NOTShe asked Nick What does TaliaTo overhear 8/19 Nick saysHes trying Why does taliaShe doesnt Which statementNick looks good What does Talia giveA wig What makes Nick comeTalia left What does Talia sayTo help sav

24、e Nicks 10/19 DoesYes,because.notice then WhichTalia plants WhatHe watches HowShe asked 11/19 Nick thinksa great Taliaoptimistic WhenDean almost Nick andare too concerned 12/19 as I was saying feeling as soon as conversation plant their table Brilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike

25、 cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes 1A/5 What isPreparing What doesThat the award Who doesntHer family What doTo show modesty 1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate through

26、out the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me 2A/5 BY the way on watches for profession wore it about or something conversation 2B/5 Halloweencareerto put onmessagecared abouttake out on a dateforgotwhats going onmissYou look nic

27、e in that costumeSo do youhaving conversationBy the way 3A/5 cleanhastheyto workneither did 3B/5 goletchangeneither do Iso do I 4/5 atreellirea 5/5 That was a great presentation. Thanks.I did my best. Nothing much Thanks.I like it,too. I bought it last week. I didnt play that well,but thanks. You ha

28、d a fantastic game. Unit 6 3/19 To tell her that Nick. To give each other. She is afraid pepple. 8/19 She wants. Because he doesnt want to attract. Dean Because she didnt bring. Two Because he has. Amys friends 10/19 About helping her. She pretended. Both nick and jackie No,because.from the beginnin

29、g 11/19 proud of her. Jackies part. Byron Walters cant help. she will try to do somthing 12/19 calm down worried get into phony tape posed as Big deal superb get suspended actress Speaking of which introduce film director a star patient ridiculous quit the business my big break at all tricked stand

30、for 1A/5 Need a lot erment Cloning a whole person She thinks.their children. She felt it scary No,because the living situation. 1B/5 really curious opinion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature

31、 versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the line 2A/5 Talia:Butkeep their shirt on Talia:Imkeep back Tony:Goodkeep me posted Tony:Butkeep everyone guessing Talia:Yeahkeep quiet 2B/5 show upsuperbsophonyslightpose aswhat ifget intoridiculousbreakcalm downsuspendedbig dealtr

32、ickstand forkeep your voice down 3/5 big dealthat getshim to calm downdidnt knowiswhos involvedmakingmake 4/5 ilidiererr 5/5 Tony:WellBut Tony:ThisI dont Jess:Tom CruisesThats nonsense! Jess:Tom CruiseOh,well Jackie:I thinkExcuse Tony:MaybeI see your Jackie:I thinkBig deal! Unit 7 3/19 Pleased To st

33、ay in 8/19 she made him. she figured. she wants to get. she wants to make. have a tape of. she should just. 10/19 Why最長的 What confessionThat he had a crush What do you最短的 11/19 curious. I remember the class because. Im available. ask. 12/19 confession confession was over as in remember took together

34、 well studying together exam ask you out why didnt you Id heard boyfriend split up semester In fact split up by mid-semester Youre kidding guess though all right get Cappuccino 1A/5 She felt.marry Jessie. Wonderful The girl was positive. Jessie was not ready. A person who cant. 1B/5 pretty amazing t

35、he third date funny person positive sort of a wind chaser put it settle down regret the relationship 2A/5 seeing somebodya serious relationshipsplit upfixed her upplayed the fielda crushon the rebounda blind dateplayed hard to getasked her out 2B/5 onconfessionclear upadmittedFantasticIts all overre

36、lievedcatch 3/5 to dohadnt gothadnt changedwould have starvedhadnt given uphadnt thoughtsuggestedhiredhadnt takento getofferedhad studied 4/5 ucsseienta 5/5 What a nightmare that was. That was a lot of fun,wasnt it? Of course,I remember. Do you recall that. I guess I should have Oh! Dont remind me.

37、I should have studied more. Unit 8 3/19 Shes excited. To wait till he heard. Hes eager to listen. 8/19 trusted her to. Shes very pleased. impatient surprise The evening news is. she helped Talia. Listen to the tape. 10/19 That she.never did. She used.record button. That she didnt rewind the tape. 11

38、/19 Ive ruined. she learned.experience Amy should feel. how to explain. 12/19 get reinstated on Just a minute rewound going on Its been working had it cleaned see if was just about to check recording light on going on press I thought I did disaster learned a lesson the hard way 1A/5 The first.receiv

39、e emails. Because.maintenance should be free. The person.new computer. $57 Its .server. 1B/5 the support people this whole story makes sense to my server fix Anyway program download into run through reboot plug the Internet Wouldnt you whole my server this program a brand-new computer come for free

40、work get it No problem with that 2A/5 darn Unbelievable learned.unpleasant experience to broadcast the story give jacks job back to him 2B/5 Get out of herecheckhearing is believingpressed disasterreinstatedlearned a lesson the hard waySure 3/5 was just goingrepairedfoundwas going to goget it checke

41、dthat he.were goinghave it donewas.my hair cut 4/5 oeiasie 5A/5 acting up againYes,.Lets. 5B/5 Maybe you should. That never crossed. The TVs messed up. Yes,but somethings wrong. Section Test B Listening Talia explains. Nick complimets. Talia tells. 2nick says he nick says that talia implies She got

42、information from. They dont want to get caught. she pretended to be a business woman he lied about talking. will tell the truth. help out. in the city of Detroit Nick says he. Nick says that. Talia implies. involves many. reply a memory. she finds the news. she thinks.the story. did not have electri

43、city over 300 people while on vacation Vocabulary caughtrelieveclearedkeep it downfakeline of business kinkykeep out ofclear his name baldkeep goingclear my head be on the reboundplay the field Grammar gethad it cuttoldwas going were talkingneitherso doheard toldto writewho make me dohelp him writel

44、et her miss the class next week was going todifficult to catchhad plannedfor us to get together dont show upll call Pronunciation leatherclarification(rising intonation)non-final OK.Ivetry it Hes goingto a It was veryexciting It was arelief So dostressed I dontunstressed Yourestressed They adimitted

45、ordinary phrase _could seecompound word Speaking This is a disaster is acting up No,I guess I should do that What. Oh. Do. Unit 9 3/19 She didnt record Jackie and Dean. Upset. She pressed the wrong buttons. 8/19 He doesnt believe. you shouldnt.at yourself doubts that. She left him.in the afternoon.

46、She wishes.messed up the tape. He seems sympathetic. To show.record the conversation. To celebrate with. 10/19 She says.at Newsline. The truth will. They cant do anything. Its a natural part of. 11/19 angry at. the situation. she has disappointed. calm down a little 12/19 do it over Take it from me

47、Whats done is done covering stay so positive optimistic quit my job take my place overreacting let you down win out 1A/5 To stop borrowing. It is a ladys shirt. She always borrows. She is good at sewing stuff. It is gone after Cindy. her roommate borrowed. 1B/5 10 6 9 1 4 3 5 7 2 8 11 2/5 Are youpos

48、itive Im afraiddo it over If you havetaking my place He hasntquitted When Jimoverreacted In the endwon out Antoine willcovering Italy isTake it from me I couldkick myself 3A/5 werehadnt askedwould returncould giveknew 3B/5 had beenwould have gottencould have recordedhad pushedhadnt heardwouldnt have

49、 known 3C/5 could go backhadnt workedwould not have lostsupposed 4/5 uitimireaosifes 5/5 Dont worry about it. What an idiot I am! I cant believe you did that. Stop beating yourself. Take it easy. Calm down.Theres. I should have been more carful. Unit 10 3/19 Amy tells her. Nick promises not. To go t

50、o talk to. 8/19 He doesnt know. Shell become famous. He knows they need more. shocked to see Jackie is still angry. wants Talia.confession 10/19 How she looks. To tell.was framed. That she recorded the. She is angry. 11/19 she hopes it. she is talking to. she wants to be. she shouldnt have trusted.

51、12/19 worn a different outfit broadcast get national exposure come forward schemed to frame posed phony Cute name met him there discuss an endorsement lobby doctored the tape big shot lying the whole time gone along with known better 1A/5 Anatomy is dealing. The students have to do. The study is too

52、 demanding. There are a lot of technical. The students can get massage. 1B/5 massage therapy interested in all the time get basically go to pay for it Exactly energy healing college credit sort of meditate focus our points meditating meditating some classes like take anatomy memorize terminology 2A/5 There werebig shots Reno willrejoin The newspape


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