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1、長城介紹導游詞英文長城介紹導游詞英文 長城介紹導游詞英文 長城是我們國家的標志性建筑,長期吸引著各個國家的游客來參觀游覽,下面是關(guān)于介紹長城的英文導游詞! 對了,關(guān)于長城,還有一個感人的傳說呢!故事的名字叫“孟姜女哭長城”。下面就讓劉導我來給大家講講吧!傳說在孟姜女和范喜良成親的那天,范喜良被抓去修筑長城了。孟姜女日等夜等,還是沒有她丈夫的消息,于是,她決定要親自去找丈夫。她跋山涉水,還是未找到丈夫。就找了個民工問:“你們這里有個叫范喜良的人嗎爬上長城你們會更大吃一驚,想去嗎?那就跟我let,sgo! 在這秋高氣爽果實累累的十月里,我們迎著秋天的陽光,伴著收獲的喜悅。剡山小學一年一度第48屆運

2、動會在嵊州市體育中心召開了。 山南地區(qū)以澤當鎮(zhèn)為地區(qū)中心,山南地區(qū)下轄12個縣,現(xiàn)有藏、漢、回、門巴、珞巴等民族共29萬多人口,其中藏族占98%。 黑城遺址位于xxx額濟納旗達來呼布鎮(zhèn)南偏東方向約22公里(東經(jīng)101.147度,北緯41.7647度)處,是古絲綢之路北線上現(xiàn)存最完整、規(guī)模最宏大的一座古城遺址。該城建于公元九世紀的西夏政權(quán)時期。公元1372年明朝大將馮勝攻破黑城后遭廢棄。至今城內(nèi)還埋藏著豐富的西夏和元代等朝代的珍貴文書。近年來,由于周邊地區(qū)沙化嚴重,流沙從東、西、北三面侵蝕黑城,許多遺址已埋于沙下?,F(xiàn)已展開搶救性保護黑城遺址工作。下面是為大家收集的關(guān)于黑城遺址導游詞,歡迎大家參考

3、借鑒。 請大家向右看我們已經(jīng)到了長城,長城從東頭的山海關(guān)到西頭的嘉峪關(guān),一共有一萬三千多里。咱們走的這一段長城名叫八達嶺長城。長城的城墻高大堅固,是用巨大的城磚和條石筑成的,城墻外沿有成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的了望口和射口,垛子上凹的地方叫了望口,底下的方洞就是射口,可不要搞混淆哦! when we came to linhai great wall, at the foot of the great wall, look up, the endless winding high steps, as if is a path to a blue sky of the ladder, and h

4、e seems like a dragon hou lie in rolling peaks. along the stairs up, came to the first gate range gate, the ancient scene immediately appear at present, the gate is a two layers of ancient buildings, two sides of the ancients of flags fluttering, increased the antique appeal. the second floor is cle

5、arly lake mountain, standing there, the east lake park as a painting, panoramic view, id like to bring a lake mountain may be just that. the walk, we came to the second gate gu jing floor, standing on the roof of almost half of linhai city is clearly visible. go up again, we finally boarded the high

6、est floor of the great wall bai yunlou, finally finished! i shouted happily. standing on the bai yunlou, panoramic view of the city, you see the white tower is the tallest building in linhai city, the distance of the white band is the yongning river to the sea. at this time i did not notice the blue

7、 brick flies in the great wall of build by laying bricks or stones into unknown vines ran over the walls, the road also becomes steep, some had split seam, grow a lot of tough grass, perhaps this is the qi jiguang to fight the enemy left scar, it records the history chinese people surrender, records

8、 the long time of the ancient great wall. thought of here, my eyes emerged when the dust float in the sky of the battlefield. one by one the good children, risking their lives, victory over the enemy again and again. the series of trace on the great wall, the recorded under a thrilling spectacle. 荊州

9、護城河,又稱水域,時古城的第一到防御線,護城河全長10500米,寬30米,水深4米。護城河西通太湖,東連長湖,與古運河相連,駕舟從內(nèi)河可直達xx。 昨日那個稚嫩的臉還似乎在眼前,以各種方式展示著我的過去。初一的我,剛剛踏入中學的大門,心中自然是無比的好奇和緊張。但是很快我認識了許多志趣相投的朋友。還未消逝的任性總會制造許多麻煩,經(jīng)常吊兒郎當,卻從不擔心,下課就抓緊時間打鬧,總拿時間不等人當作幌子,周末里要么騎車去兜風,要么和同學去踏青野炊。儼然一派無所謂的樣子,只知道盡情的玩,忘我的玩。 篇二:長城介紹導游詞英文 everybody is good! welcome to badaling s

10、cenic area tourism. the great wall is one of the seven wonders of the world. it is the blood of the working people in ancient china, is also a symbol of ancient chinese culture and the pride of the chinese nation. visitors, we have come to the famous badaling great wall, on both sides of the mountai

11、n, is the pine and cypress, like hidden-away east, birds sounds, gurgling streams, is full of poetic. to the distance, you can see the great wall is divided into south and north two peak, winding in the mountain ridges, long teng hu yue, spectacular, the scenery is very spectacular. the great wall b

12、uilt around the mountain, ups and downs, twists and turns. this period of the great wall of the wall is made of neat huge stone is some stone for up to 2 meters, weighing hundreds of pounds. internal fill soil and stones, to the top of the wall where the ground covered square brick, very smooth. the

13、 wall of the lateral horse-refraining pits of building has 2 meters high, and have made a in, next shot mouth, for look and shooting. every city wall, built a fortress of square chengtai type. chengtai have high low and high called the enemy, is the watchman sergeant and accommodation; low called ta

14、iwan, height and the wall was similar but prominent wall, have the crenel around, is where the patrol. badaling at an altitude of 1000 meters, the twists and turns of the great wall, such as the dragon take off on the mounta. it is not only a hardworking, the crystallization of the wisdom of the chi

15、nese nation, is also an excellent representative of ancient architecture engineering. the badaling great wall, the distant, rolling hills, xiongchen, stiffness of the north to the mountain. due to the great wall and grand great wall for to the mountain, to the mountain is more dangerous. here are th

16、e beacon tower, also known as beacons, wolf yantai. independent buildings is not connected to the great wall. once the enemy pounce, communicate its kindle wars and light smoke during the day is called ran, called flint fire at night. when the ming dynasty, also on the relationship between the war w

17、ith the enemy made a strict rules: the enemy hundreds, burning a smoke point a gun; five hundred people, burning two smoke point two guns; more than one thousand people, three smoke san pao; more than five thousand people, four smoke four guns; more than ten thousand people, five five gun smoke. in

18、this way, on the border of the military intelligence can rapid transfer to the imperial city ouchi. see the beacon tower, and then tell you a story, called must play leud : the zhou dynasty had a king named weeks you king, he has a beautiful woman, her temper is very strange, always dont smile, thin

19、k of some way to you king. he lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, she laughed, you king is also very happy. but, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy. there is a story, called meng jiangnu cry great wal

20、l collapse : legend was meng gusheng a daughter named meng jiangnu. because of qin shi huang to build the great wall, need a lot of manpower. qin shi huang was caught many people go to the great wall. 古代城垣設(shè)施不僅修建敵樓、箭樓作用武之備,還修建魁星樓以祭把主宰文運之神魁星。西安魁星樓建在南門城樓東,后遭兵火毀壞。后來在原址上復建魁星樓,值得一看。 all of a sudden, i do

21、not know where to come up to a rumor: only the wan xi is buried under the great wall, can make the great wall and solid, qin shi huang was, sent people seize wan xi. wan xi good fled to bangladesh. people see wan xi meng home good handsome, talented, good let meng jiangnu and wan xi of their marriage. the two men marry less than 10 days, good wan xi is the rulers who grasp to go to repair the great wall. in the fall, meng jiangnu saw her husband hasnt come back, give him the woolies. along the way, reject, hardships, day and night, all the way to the great wall. lo


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