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1、systemic-functionalgrammarsystemic-functionalgrammar 編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內容是由我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們對文中內容進行仔細校對,但是難免會有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(systemic-functionalgrammar)的內容能夠給您的工作和學習帶來便利。同時也真誠的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進步的源泉,前進的動力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺得對您有幫助請收藏以便隨時查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績進步,以下為systemic-functionalgrammar的全部內容。sys

2、temic-functional grammaroriginatorm。a.k。 halliday, is the founder of systemic functional linguistics。 in19471949, he studied at beijing university and in 19491950 at ling nan university. in 1955, he got doctors degree at cambridge university with the language of the chinese。 halliday has developed i

3、deas stemming from firths theories in the london school。 he is probably the most important representative of the system-functional school. his system-functional grammar has had great effect on various disciplines related to language, such as language and machine translation。definitionsystemicfunctio

4、nal grammar is a form of grammatical description originated bymichael halliday。 it is a sociologically oriented functional linguistic approach and one of the most influential linguistic theories in the twentieth century, having great effect on various disciplines related to language, such as languag

5、e teaching, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, stylistics, and achine translation. it is part of a socialsemioticapproach to language calledsystemic functional linguistics. in these two terms,systemicrefers to the view of language as a network of systems, or interrelated sets of options for makin

6、g meaning; functionalrefers to hallidays view that language is as it is because of what it has evolved to do. thus, what he refers to as themultidimensional architecture of language”reflects the multidimensional nature of human experience and interpersonal relations.”the basis of the theorylanguage

7、users are actually making choices in a system of systems and trying to realize different semantic functions in social interaction。 and language is inseparable from social activities of man。 thus, it takes actual uses of language as the object of study, in opposition to chomskys tg grammar which take

8、s the ideal speakers linguistic competence as the object of study.the components of the theorysystemic-functional grammar has two components: systemic grammar and functional grammar. they are two inseparable parts for an integral framework of linguistic theory. systemic grammar aims to explain the i

9、nternal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential. and this network consists of subsystems from which language users make choices。 functional grammar aims to reveal that language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that mak

10、e it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve。metafunctionsfrom early on in his account of language, halliday has argued that it is inherently functional. his early papers on the grammar of english make reference to the functional components” of language, as generalize

11、d uses of language, which, since they seem to determine the nature of the language system, require to be incorporated into our account of that system?!県alliday argues that this functional organization of language determines the form taken by grammatical structure. halliday refers to his functions of

12、 language asmetafunctions. he proposes three general functions: theideational (natual world), theinterpersonal (social world)and thetextual (verbal world)。ideational metafunctionthe ideational function is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. present in a

13、ll language uses, the ideational function is a meaning potential, because whatever specific use one is making of language he has to refer to categories of his experience of the world。 the ideational metafunction is the function for construing human experience. it is the means by which we make sense

14、of ”reality.halliday divides the ideational into the logical and the experiential metafunctions。 the logical metafunction refers to the grammatical resources for building up grammatical units into complexes, for instance, for combining two or more clauses into a clause complex。 the experiential func

15、tion refers to the grammatical resources involved in construing the flux of experience through the unit of the clause.the principal system for the ideational function is the “transitivity” system。 in english, we make choices between different types of processes, participants, and circumstances。 they

16、 are known collectively as the transitivity choices. we first divide the choices into six kinds: material process, behavioral process, mental process, verbal process, relational process and existential process。material process is a process of doing something。 we can distinguish two types of material

17、 process: action process (john kicked the ball) and event process (the train left five minutes ago). within mental process, there is first the distinction between internalized process (i like it) and externalized process (it puzzled me)。 behavioral process is related to some physical behaviors (john

18、 laughed) and verbal process is related to the verbal deeds (john said it is cold in the room)。 relational process is related to attribution and identification (john is on the sofa) and existential process is related to the existing thing (there is a cat on the sofa).interpersonal metafunctionthe in

19、terpersonal metafunction embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relations。 this includes the various ways the speaker enters a speech situation and perform a speech act. because the clause is not confined to the expression of transitivity, there are non-ideational elements in t

20、he adult language system。 interpersonal function is realized by mood and modality。 mood shows what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what role he assigns to the addressee。 if the speaker selects the imperative mood, he assumes the role of one giving commands and puts the addressee

21、 in the role of one expected to obey orders. mood is made up of two parts: the “subject” and “finite” element. the subject can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a clause. for example, ignoring the problem will not make your work easier。 finite elements are tense morphemes, auxiliary verbs and modal verbs

22、 that express tense or modality, and they are part of the verb phrase.modality specifies if the speaker is expressing his judgment or making a prediction。 for example, give me that teapot!the textual functionthe textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of

23、spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences. although two sentences may have exactly the same ideational and interpersonal functions, they may be different in terms of textual coherence。 the contents of the textual

24、function include theme, rheme, information and cohesion.theme is about which gives thee clause its character as a meaning. in the textual metaunction, a clause is analyzed into theme and rheme。 for example, this house was built by john smith. this house is the theme and was built by john smith is the rheme. and the theme can be divided into unmarked theme and marked theme。 unmarked theme is that the theme is same with the subject while marked them means that the theme is different from the subject.information, in its technical grammat


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