1、Unit 10The New ImmoralityConsolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose.A. To condemn the absurdity of a paradox.B. To argue that humanity is a matter of the private morality, a sense of purely personal honor, honesty, and integrity.C. T
2、o reveal the academic corruption on university campus in the USA.D. To review the data of a questionnaire distributed to some undergraduates.Key: B 2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1) . Too many scandals violently strike the world of popular enterta
3、inment, and also the academic world. T 2) . The bureaucrat and disk jockey think their decisions are still just despite the fact that they accept presents. T 3) . The author absolutely blames sociology for the paradox, for it has tended tolay exclusive stressupon social morality, and tended too ofte
4、n to define good and evil as merely the socially useful. F 4) . What social morality and social conscience advocate is the so-called socially desirable conduct, but what they should be concerned with most is the significant concept of mans honor self-esteem and self-dignity. T 5) . That playing the
5、game as the gentleman was supposed to play it was a sound argument among early twentieth-century reformers. T 6) . A good society is composed of men with honor. T 7) . The author thinks that as man of the future will lose many of the virtues that he still has now, humanity will finally collapse. F I
6、I. Writing StrategiesThis text is a piece of argumentative writing. With facts as well as opinions, the writer not only expresses what he thinks but also tries to persuade the reader toshare his opinion and quite possibly to do something about the status quo. Clearly, various writing strategies are
7、employed in the text. First of all, typical examplesare supplied to exhibit a paradoxof our age, thus presenting the problem or argument.Secondly, some questions are raisedin placesso as to draw the readers attentionto some important ideas. Thirdly, highlight some major parisonsand contras
8、ts are frequently used toFourthly, the writer analyses thepsychologicalsupport underlying mentality of theby the dishonest in a step-by-step,new immorality and destroys the defenses given in-depth manner. Finally, the writer defines the most important qualities an honest and useful man should posses
9、s, no matter how demoralized the world may become. The style of the writing is formal, and the tone is critical.The following two questions are to be answered: (1) Which sentences in the text involve a comparisonThe following sentences obviously involve a comparison:1) Yet most of these five, like m
10、ost of the college cheaters, would probablyprofess a strong social consciousness.2) Is there really any evidence that personal dishonesty is more prevalent thanit always was3) Perhaps these things are not actually more prevalent.4) It is my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they
11、alwayshave been, they seem less likely to be ashamed.5) Even so, I still insist that for the individual himself nothing is moreimportant than this personal, interior sense of right and wrong and hisdetermination to follow that rather than to be guided by what everybody doesor merely the criterion of
12、 social usefulness.a(2) Which sentences in the text display a contrast or a paradoxThe following sentences clearly show a contrast or a paradox:1) They may cheat, but they vote for foreign aid and for enlightened social measures.2) our seem in gly great growth in social morality has oddly eno ugh ta
13、ke n p lacein a world where private morality - a sense of the supreme importance of purelypersonal honor, honesty, and integrity - seems to be declining.3) Beneficent and benevolent social institutions are administered by men whoall too frequently turn out to be accepting gifts.4) The world of popul
14、ar entertainment is rocked by scandal.5) College students, put on their honor, cheat on examination.6) I have never been surprised to find men wicked, but I have often beensurp rised to find them not ashamed.7) And persona, as oppo sed to social dece ncy, does nt count for much.8) Sociology has tend
15、ed to lay exclusive stress upon social morality,and tendedtoo often to define good and evil as merely the socially useful or its reverse.9) What social morality and social con scie nee leave out is the n arrower but very sig ni fica nt concept of honor - as oppo sed to what is sometimes calledmerely
16、 socially desirable con duct.10) It is impo ssible for me to imagi ne a good society compo sed of men without honor.11) Eve n coop erati on, to give this thing its most favorable desig nati on, isno more imp orta nt tha n the ability to sta nd alone whe n the choice must be madebetween the sacrifice
17、 of ones own integrityand adjustment to or participationin group activity.12) if one person alone asserts his in dividual and inner right to believein and be loyal to what his fellow men seem to have give n up, the n at least hewill still rema in what is p erha ps the most imp orta nt part of huma n
18、ity.III. Lan guage Work1. Explain the un derl ined part in each sentence in your own words.1) . but theyvote for foreig n aid and for en lighte ned social measures.formally exp ress their p refere nee for2) . College stude nts, put on their honor, cheat on exam in atio n.trusted to kee p their word3
19、) . If everybody does it, it must be right.one is justified to do it4) . And persona, as oppo sed to social dece ncy, does nt count for much.in con trast with; matter very much5) . What social morality and social con scie nee leave out is the narrower but very sig ni fica nt concept of honor.does no
20、t in clude as a part of it6) . Suppose that no one exce pt the in dividual suffers from the fact that he sees nothing wrong in doing what everybody else doesregards as totally acce ptable7) . If that is so, then they have a wrong notion of what the real, the ultimate, security is.cannot un dersta nd
21、2. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriateforms and note the differe nee of mea ning betwee n fess declareProfess ofte n means to claim that one does or has somethi ng, but in fact they do not, while declare is to say that somethi ng is true in a fir
22、m and deliberate way.1) . Nobody, at this time of econo mic dep ressi on, could afford to p rofess that they were not in terested in the job.2) . The armed forces pro fessed to be un able to stop the viole nee, while in reality, they were helping set the terror in moti on.3) . They ceremonio usiy cu
23、t a p iece of ribb on, declari ng the exhibiti on open.4) . It was difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms were reluctantto declare their losses.wicked evilWicked and evil are ofte n in tercha ngeable in that both mea n morally bad or si nful, though evil sounds much stron ger. I n an abstrac
24、t sen se, evil is the po lar oppo site of good and can suggest utter and in sidious malevole nee, or in flue nee by the devil.Wicked can often be used in a humorous, ton gue-i n-cheek, or eve n admiri ng way.1) . With her wicked sense of humour, she man aged to en ter the world of popu lar en terta
25、inment.2) . The eternal struggle between good and evil forces is the basis for morality refin eme nt. Evil spirits who looked like huma ns and p ossessed supern atural po wers used to be very popu lar in this part of the coun try.3) . The tennis p layers wicked serve did not give his opponent any ch
26、a nee.contentconten tedBoth words refer to the app easeme nt of n eed or desire. Conten ted refers to thefulfillingof requirementsto the point of satiation, while content almostexclusively app ears as a p redicate adjective and suggests not the full or compi ete filli ng of n eeds or desire, but the
27、 willi ngn ess to acce pt a modest or reas on able amount.1) . Seeing her coming, his face was beam ing with conten ted smiles.2) . The media is no Ion ger con tent to keep the boss happ y, but it is assu ming a new role of finding faults with the boss.3) . It was a sere ne coun tryside, with all th
28、e conten ted cows and shee p graz ing on the slope.4) . The families of disappeared prisoners are not content with a mere search for the truth, and in sist that the army officials be brought to trial.en lighte nacqua intAcqua int and en lighte n both meanto imp art kno wledge of a wide scope, with t
29、he former being to make some one familiar with facts or a situati on of some compi exity, and the latter, as its root suggests, mea ning to bring in formati on to light, usuallyabout a particular point or situationand carrying an element of dispellingignoran ce.1) . The ill-i nformed will find their
30、 curiosity aroused and their ignorance p artly en lighte ned.2) . For the first few weeks, I man aged to acqua int myself with the details of the new po st.3) . The study of ancient Greece, the source of en lighte ned culture, was o nee see n as the basis of a sound moral and aesthetic un dersta ndi
31、ng.4) . He was as well acqua in ted with exile and imprisonment as he was with the BritishMuseum3. Fill in the bla nk in each sentence with a word or p hrase take n from the box, using its approp riate form.p rovostdistributerep rehe nsibleconsentpro fessen lighte nben efice ntadm ini sterbureaucrat
32、convictionsca ndal mores1). The new economic plan seeks to achieve a more equitabledistribution of wealth.2). A nu mber of enlightened landow ners have recen tly set an exa mple bymak ing landavailable at less tha n no rmal market value.3). The consensus amongst the worlds scientistsis that the worl
33、d is likely to warmup over the n ext few decades.4). It is useless trying to convince her that she does nt n eed to lose any weight.5). A great number of industries adm ini strative costs.have to sack managers to reduce their huge6). Sadly, the main beneficiariesofpension equality so far have been m
34、en, not women.7). He professed a violentdistastefor everything related to commerce, production,and money.8). To make a sound dipIo mat is to first believe that bureaucratic delays arein evitable.4. Make a sentence of your own for each of the given words with meanings other thanthose used in the text
35、. You may cha nge the part of sp eech of these words.1). rockOur film in dustry is on the rocks.2) . stressShe could think clearly whe n not un der stress.3) . p ermitIt is illegal for a foreignstudent with a J-1 visa to work, part-time or full-time,without a work p ermit.4) . soundHe was lying in b
36、ed, sound aslee p.5) . oddHow long have you lived here Twe nty odd years.6) . exclusiveThe con test was criticized for being too exclusive and uncomp etitive.5. Tran sform the follow ing senten ces, using verbless clauses wherever po ssible.1). The man could hardly walk, as he was stiff in every joi
37、nt.Stiff in every joint, the man could hardly walk.2). The soldiers were exhausted whe n they crawled into their slee ping bags.Exhausted, the soldiers crawled into their slee ping bags.3) . The rescue party brought the man dow n to the base camp: he was half-dead with the cold.Half dead with the co
38、ld, the man was brought down to the base camp by the rescue p arty.4) . Michaels father hurried to his room and woke him up because he was angry with him for overslee ping.Angry with him for oversleeping,Michaels father hurried to his room and woke him up.5) . Although he was a mathematicia n by tra
39、i ning, he became a famous lin guist.Although / Though a mathematicia n by training, he became a famous lin guist.6) . Our company will stick to our p olicy, whatever your object ions may be.Our company will stick to our p olicy, whatever your object ions.7) . Stellas friend did not need to work har
40、d for the diploma since he was the heirto a fortune.The heir to a fortune, Stellasfriend didnot need to work hard for the diploma.8) . Though he was an even-temperedman, Richardn evertheless became extremely angrywhe n he heard what Bob had said.An even-tempered man, Richardn everthelessbecame extre
41、mely angry whe n he heardwhat Bob had said.9) . Being a no torious burglar, Ted found it easy to force open the locked door.A no torious burglar, Ted found it easy to force open the locked door.10). He sat beside Diana, feeli ng the warmth of the sun aga inst his face, and asa result he was able to
42、relax for the first time in days.He sat beside Diana, feeli ng the warmth of the sun aga inst his face, ableto relax for the first time in days.Note: In a verbless clause, not only the verb, either finite or non-finite,but thesubject as well, is usually abse nt. It, therefore, takes the ell ip sis o
43、f clauseelements one stage further than the non-finite clause. The omitted finiteverb cangen erally be assumed to be a form of the verb be, and the subject, whe n omitted,can be treated as recoverable from the con text.On occasi on, a verbless clause can also be treated as a reduct ion of anon-fin i
44、teclause. A verbless clause can gen erally be a noun p hrase or an adjective p hrase,or, sometimes, such a p hrase p receded by a subord in ate conj unction.6. Put a word in each bla nk that is approp riate for the con text.Remorseless drinking has long bee n as much as a ritual of uni versity life
45、inthe U.S. as football, final exams and fraternity parties. (1) Almost every college graduate can spin at least a (2) few tales about a boisterous night of carousingthat cul min atedin sluggi ng shots of tequila at sun rise or toss ing drained kegs intothe p reside ntspo ol. Eve n Thomas Jeffers on
46、had to contend with agro up of drunkenrowdies who caused a n ear riot at the school that he (3) foun ded in 1819, theUni versity of Virgi nia. Ever since the n, p eriodical efforts to crack dow n on (4)excessive alcohol consumption among young scholars have been largely futile.Enforcing strict rules
47、 on uni versity turf seems to push the p arties (5) offcampus. Rais ing the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 in the 1980s merely triggereda boom in the (6) business of creati ng fake ide ntificati on cards.It is not clear in the study (7) whether American stude nts are drinking more tha nin the p as
48、t. I n fact, some schools claim to be see ing slight decli nes in overallalcohol consumption.But the findings suggest that amongthe many students who liketo bin ge, there is a more relen tless, des perate (8) quality to the pursuit ofintoxication.The drinkersalso seem more blas e than (9) ever about
49、 thecon seque nces. Look, this is nothin g, a 20-year-old Un iversity of New Hamp shirestude nt tells a rep orter as she dow ns her fourth beer at a mid-week p arty. We didthe same thi ng last ni ght and turned out for exams. We can (10) han dle it.IV. Tran slati on1. Tran slati ng Sentences1).沒有必要裝
50、出一副受到傷害的表情一一是你理虧。(put on)youre in the wrong.2).我一直認為快樂和知足比金錢和名望更重要。(count)Theres no n eed to put on that injured exp ressi onrve always believed that pleasure and self-contentednesscount more than moneyand fame.3).壓力很容易使人作出錯誤的決定。(lead sb. to do sth.)Bei ng un der p ressure can easily lead people to
51、make the wrong decisi ons.(content)4) .精英一族似乎滿足于只在他們那個小圈子里打交道。The elite seem content to socialize with the small circle of their own.5).學生在英語學習中必須強調培養(yǎng)交際能力。(lay stress upon)Stress should be laid upon the training of stude nts com muni cative comp ete nee in their En glish studies.6).董事會對公司在最困難的時刻收到的來
52、自各方的經濟援助表示謝意。(ack no wledge)The board of directors ack no wledged the finan cial assista nee received from allsources at the company s most difficult time.7).反對黨抗議那是由執(zhí)政黨操縱的舞弊選舉。(rigged)Oppo siti on p arties p rotested that it was a rigged electi on manipu lated by theruli ng p arty.8).他幾十年前作的許多預測現(xiàn)在都
53、被印證了。(tur n out )Many of his p redict ions made decades ago have turned out to be true now.2. Tran slati ng PassageTran slate the followi ng into En glish.美國人無論在生理上還是在精神上永遠處在矛盾混亂的狀態(tài)。我們拼命工作,許多人勞美國人相當友善好客, 樂于接待客人和陌生人, 然而 人們只會圍作一圈,冷漠旁觀。我們不惜巨資把困在 但當一個女孩在大街上尖聲呼救時,回應的只有砰然累而死,然后作為補償,我們玩命娛樂,形同自殺。我們既自強自立,同時又
54、完全依賴他人。 我們咄咄逼人,卻又毫無防衛(wèi)能力。我們溺愛孩子,但并不喜歡他們;反過來,孩子過分依 賴父母,卻又對父母滿腔怨憤。我們?yōu)樽约旱呢敭a、住房和教育而沾沾自喜,然而沒有一個男人或女人不希望下一代生活得更好。當一個人奄奄一息地躺在人行道上時, 樹上的貓或掉進下水道的狗拯救出來, 關閉的門窗和人們無聲的寂靜。參考譯文Americans seem to be in a state of turmoil, both physically and mentally. Wework too hard, and many die under the strain; and then to make u
55、p for that we playviolently like committing suicide. We are self-reliantand at the sametimeourdogscompletely dependent. We are aggressive, and defenseless. We overindulge children and do not like them; the children in turn are overly dependent and full of hate for their parents. We are complacent in
56、 our possessions, in our house, in our education, but it is hard to find a man or woman who does not want something better for the next generation. Americans are remarkably kind and hospitable and open with both guests and strangers, and yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the p
57、avement. Fortunes are spent getting cats out of trees and out of sewer pipes, but a girl screaming for help in the street draws only slammed doors, closed windows, and silence.V. Oral Activities1. Giving A TalkWhat is happening in our society Many things seem to have gone wrong, such as the poor quality powdered milk for babies, the unhealthy edible oil, the contaminate
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