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1、About the flavors in Chi nese medic ine use“ Flavors ” in Chinese medicine useAbstract Chinese Five Elements theory of human internal orga ns will fall flavors. Based Health grams multiplied by Gomi Gomi in sult law and discusses the role of flavors in traditi onal Chin ese medici ne cli nical diag

2、no sis, drug treatme nt, health rehabilitatio n use.Keywords: Gomi, in medici ne, the use of CLC R285.1 Documentcode B Article ID 1673-7210(200806 (a-086-02Gomi, n amely sour, bitter, sweet, acrid, salty flavors guida neein the use of medicaldiag no sis,treatme nt,disease and health rehabilitatio n,

3、 dist in ctive paper on this study are as follows:Gomi used a TCMdiag no sis,treatme nt,rehabilitatio nregime ntheoretical basis Accord ing toChinese medicinetheory of five elementstaken as anen dless stream of an alog and deducti on method, the five eleme nts and flavors, i nternal orga ns, colored

4、, five partiesiand other links, such as << Su asked Goldenrealspeech >> “ Oriental blue, into the pass in the liverits Pickle, its class vegetation“,” southern red,into the pass in the heart its bitter taste, its like fire“,” central yellow, into the pass in the spleen itssweet, and its

5、type of soil,“ West White, i nto the passin the lungits spicy, its class gold“,” northern Black,into the pass in the kid neyits taste salty, its class water“,and if < ;&It; Q Visi on said five gas articles > ;& gt;:“ acid hepatic, Sim lun gs, and heart bitter, salty, i nto thekidney, Gan Rupi. ”

6、 These physiological states each havetheir internalorgans on the main flavors, flavors on thein ternal orga ns of somewhere to go.Gomishould be fiveeleme nts,thefiveeleme ntsrestrai ntlaws deductionto the flavorsin theformation of flavors betweenlifeand death byin sultrelati on ship, thatAioi relati

7、 on shipsour raw bitter,bitterraw Gan, Gan raw Sim, Sim raw salty, salty pantothenic acid, relative to g relati on ship sour g sweet, bitter Corzine,Gan grams of salt, Cink sour, salty, bitter grams. medic ine flavors from which toexplai nin ter-li nkagesandcon stra intsof the harm onious bala nee o

8、f in tegrity.Additi on ally, differe nt medic ine that has a differe nt flavor role, pungent energy spread can do it, sweet taste can make up can slow, can receive energy sour astringent, bitter can dry en ergy firm, salty able to bring about a soft under these guidelines for the applicationof flavo

9、rscli nical diag no sis, drug treatme nt and health rehabilitatio n provides a theoretical basis .Two flavors used in traditi onalChin esemedic ine cli ni cal diag no sisChin ese medic inebelievesthat flavors from the world of gas the transformation, perceived by the tonguetaste function,the body wi

10、llaffect the lesion leaving the tongue taste functioninpatie nts with an abno rmal sense of taste and flavors of the likes and dislikes change. Applied flavorsand to analyzethe relatio nship betwee n the in ternal orga ns this cha nge, con tribute to the cli ni cal diag no sis.2.1 Ask patie nts to k

11、now what internal orga nslesions taste Taste the mouth of thepatient sabno rmal taste. Mouth orifices for the splee n, orga ns aredirectly or in directlythrough the meridia ns,tendonsconn ected with the ton gue, orga ns esse nee on the wing in the ton gue, orga ns lesi ons in evitably affect the ess

12、e nee of the changes reflected in the tongue taste, mouth and stomach function is often abnormal taste disorders or other orga ns lesi ons reflect, so the cli nical relatio nship can be analyzed accordingto taste dirty taste abnormalchanges in patients to diagnosethe disease, such askid ney, most ar

13、e salty mouth, because salt into the kid ney, kidney disease can be so salty mouth, mouthGandosplee n, because Sweet Rupi, stomach heat Accumulatio n, sewage on the pan, so the sense of the mouth sweet, mouth pan tothe nic more hepatogastric Yun heat, due to sour the liver, liver heat of the gas and

14、 steam in the mouth is the mouthofpantothenicacid,bittermouth moreFirelight, because bitter ness into the heart, the heart is a fire, the fireonthe mouthbitterevilin flammati on.Visible patient clinicalinterrogationcan help diagnoseabno rmal taste.2.2 Ask patientsGomi likes and dislikes candetect le

15、si ons of in ternal orga nsIn ternal orga ns on theflavors have likes and dislikes, likes and dislikes of the five orga ns diseases also cause cha nges in differe nt orga ns of the disease can produce differe nt diets addicted to taste, the n be able to detect the cli nical situati on and the n atur

16、e of the lesi on in ternal orga ns.“ Nan Jing sixty-one hard> ;& gt; said:“Asked the desired flavors to know wherethe disease from the Lord. ” as addicted were more willing to splee n, stomach after the first due Gan Rupi, can Splee n body, to help the spleen, orMULTIPLE its transportationand tran

17、 sformati on, and splee n For ease, Gan who can fill can slow, so splee n were addicted to Gan. Others such as liver disease acidophilus, L. bitter heart, l ung addicted to spicy, salty kid ney addicted, its reas oning is the same, so the likes and dislikes flavorsin terrogatio npatie ntssufferi ng

18、for the diag no sisof their circumsta nces andn ature of the disease, is un doubtedly a big 3 flavors used in clinical medicineGomi shouldpass each other withfive internalorga ns,Healthandrestrai ntexists betweenflavorsandflavorsthey allhavediffere ntroles, so thecli nicaldrug-i nducedtastea

19、ndaccord ingto the impact onthevisceraselecttheappropriate drug.3.1 Gomi an alysis of drug use Meridia nGen eric drugs have a certa in taste, flavors and orga ns based on the relati on ship betwee n what we can see it go through, so the flavors can be used as a basis for an alysis of drug meridia n,

20、 such as acid hepatic, white peony root, papaya and other Pickle it can into the liver, bitter into the heart, berberine, Sophora other bitter it may attend the Heart Sutra, Gan Rupi, Poria, Chin ese yam, sweet it can be Rupi, Xin lun gs, ephedra, Gui lungs and other spicy it can be classics, salt i

21、nto the kid ney, seaweed, kelp and other salty therefore can into the kid ney.3.2 Guida neeprescripti on compatibility usingGomiChin ese medici ne believes that flavors each withfun cti on, therefore, accord ing to their differe nt flavors role Prescripti onDrug Compatibilityan cie ntsimporta ntprin

22、 ciples such as the rule camp blood deficie ney, catharsis disorders cause menstrual disorders and other evidenee of Siwutang ie &It;&It; Su asked - dirty air law > ;& gt; The“ liver desire scattered, with the bulk of theprin ciplefood Xin an xious to fill the Sim, acid diarrheacomp onen ts. liver

23、 desire scattered, so the side to Xinsan of an gelica root helps the liver with , complex its catharsis, cis liver pieces to fill up the n ature, peony Pickle, liver body, and slow performa nee astri ngent liver urge nt, foxglove, sweet, sweet taste can fill while nourishing blood, liver blood can h

24、ide, the in verse Article of the n ature of the liver was diarrhea.bitter nessrei nforci ng, hit thepathoge nesis,the recovery of liver fun cti on,and itsself-healing disease. Again Governancesun stroke tableDeficie ncy Guizhi soup that complia nee < ;&It; Su asked to really be big on > ;& gt; T

25、he“ wi nd kinky as wi ns, flatto Sim, accompaniedKugan to the Gansu slow to aciddiarrhea ” principle. visible taste and effect of drugs is an importa nt basis for the an cie nt system of party.3.3 Gomi guide treatment using medicationKnow that patie nts hi hated the taste of flavor and drugs in Herb

26、al Prescripti on on how dirty air safety, ill nesses and evil will be more certa in ty, that is a taste from the joy of a dirty virtual known to have a taste of the drug to help a dirty air to illnesses and evil, such as the gas shortage,splee n fine partial virtual eati ng sweet taste, the availabl

27、e astragalus, jujube, Poria, etc. of the goods sweet sweet light sweet warm splee n or the splee n, liver and lack of hi sour could dogwood, white Shao other Pickle of the goods to Buga n body, slow liver acute heart Huo eati ng bitter cold cold can of berberi ne, An emarrhe na, wood and other pure

28、heart and purging fire in short body with in ternal orga nshave their owncli nicalmedicati onproperly, the effect is obvious, Con versely, if the treatme nt of the body odor and dirty with incon siste nt BE Evils, the more difficult disease.4 flavors used in TCM Rehabilitatio nCli nically,patientson

29、 the one hand, according to the likes anddislikes of flavorsto complement the disease throughfood shortage viscera, flat tone of its bias and improve the therapeutic effect, on the other hand, according to the cha nging seas ons and the smell dirty relati on ship adjust your diet to achieve health p

30、urpose of disease preve ntio n.4.1 use of food flavors guida nee nu rsedDietwith flavors, flavors in side pass in the dirty, so areimportant to treat diseases solid medication, diet torestore should not be ignored on the one hand, accord ingto thetasteof food, Meridia n,andthepatient scon diti on,to

31、be selected on thefoodhabitsof taste,throughtheratio nalallocati on,enhancepatients appetite,whichwill help the spleen andstomach, playacquiredbiochemical fun cti ons,improveresista neetodiseases, to promote the rehabilitatio n of patie nts on the other hand, suffer from a disease should not be too

32、fresh a flavor, otherwise not only is not con ducive to heali ng, or even worse, such as << Su asked >> pointed out:“ No more pungent gas disease, leukemia withouteati ng more salty meat no more food Gan disease, muscle disease no more food acids, bone pain no more food. ” Anotherexample

33、 is from the perspective of modernmedici neovereati ngsalty hyperte nsion willin creaseblood pressure,ulcer patie ntseat sweettaste willstimulate gastric acid secretion,worse, etc. Therefore,whe n accord ing to the disease and n early their joy, their evil away, the taste of the food give n due nu r

34、sed back to health , nourishing dirty air, helps drugs exert their therapeutic effect and promote recovery from disease.4.2 use of preventive healthguidaneeGomiTraditionalChinese Health diet regimenis important,ithas health and disease preve nti on, Ion gevity and sen ility effect, but must follow c

35、erta in prin ciples and testim oni es, the taste of which diet is particularly importa nt, first whe n adjustingdiet, not a partial addicted to taste, if partialaddicted to a certa in taste for a long time will cause a dirty Pian she ng fun cti on, the body produces imbala nee of yin and yang diseases, such as <&It;Su asked the fiveinternalorga nsproduce articles> ;& gt;poin tedout:“ eat more salt, the n pour weep and discolorati on veins,eat bitter, then skin dry and hair pulling, eat spicy, then Jinji and claw dry, eat sour, then meat callosum and lip


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