![[語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全]Law and Order(3)_第1頁](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/25/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df1.gif)
![[語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全]Law and Order(3)_第2頁](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/25/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df2.gif)
![[語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全]Law and Order(3)_第3頁](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/25/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df3.gif)
![[語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全]Law and Order(3)_第4頁](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/25/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df4.gif)
![[語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全]Law and Order(3)_第5頁](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/25/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df/9bb50bd4-a56b-498e-baa5-a8f69c9412df5.gif)
1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全Law and Order(3)Law and Order(3)Part TwoGrammar and Vocabulary Choose one word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 問題:1. Demand in some key _ such as coal, steel and shipbuilding has collapsed.A.departmentsB.sectionsC.fractionsD.sectors答案:D問題:2.
2、 Small sailboats are also more _ capsizing when encountering huge waves.A.inclining toB.likely toC.apt toD.prone to答案:D問題:3. The only solution was to address the roots of conflictspoverty, _ and human distress.A.diffusenessB.interrogationC.destitutionD.embody答案:C問題:4. Many of the same principles app
3、ly for more academic environments where it will be up to you to _ the level of the content.A.tuneB.conformC.shapeD.mold答案:A問題:5. Cards _ and refreshments _, we left the control and very soon we were going up-hill on the B5105.A.marking, takingB.marked, takenC.were marked, were takenD.to mark, to tak
4、e答案:B問題:6. The minister _ planned features for the new museum, including a virtual-reality theater.A.pronouncedB.broadcastC.heraldedD.circulated答案:C問題:7. The museum will _ three-dimensional movies about the history of the Acropolis monuments.A.castB.exhibitC.projectD.display答案:C問題:8. He explained ho
5、w they helped Mr. Madoff perpetuate the crimeusing historical stock data from the Internet to create _ trade blotters.A.fakeB.crookedC.mockD.fallacious答案:A問題:9. The political conflict has paralyzed the countrys culture and politics to the point where Belgium limped along without a government for the
6、 better part of two years. The underlined part probably means _.A.for more than two years there was no governmentB.for almost two years there was no governmentC.for two years the government was betterD.there was no government in the following two years答案:B問題:10. The kidnappers demanded compensation
7、for the release of the hostages, _, one million dollars.A.viz.B.etc.C.per seD.et al.答案:A問題:11. _, Geithner had no intention of announcing to the US Senate that he had been surprised by the crisis.A.Much as would he have likedB.As much he would have likedC.Much as he would have likedD.Would he have l
8、iked as much答案:C問題:12. Indeed, the etiquette in this situation calls for you to _ his behaviortake out your smart phone and pretend to check all the things going on in your life.A.mockB.forgeC.spawnD.ape答案:D問題:13. The issue of womens equality and political freedom is not peripheral to the security o
9、bjective of preventing terrorists operating inside Afghanistan. _, it is absolutely central.A.ThereforeB.Apart from thatC.In other wordsD.At the same time答案:C問題:14. In selecting a material, the engineers interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition
10、_ it is subject.A.whereB.whichC.in whichD.to which答案:D問題:15. A pod of dolphins _, rushed to the sea lions aid. Mission accomplished, the dolphins dispersed.A.alerting thisB.alerted by thisC.alerting to thisD.alerted this答案:B問題:16. Instead, they figure out a really great goal to go after and find way
11、s to move _ to get there.A.head and toeB.heart and soulC.heaven and earthD.up and down答案:C問題:17. These cases show that officials can commit almost any criminal offence or break any rule and get away with _ when other employees would get the sack.A.a slap on the wristB.a knock on the heartC.a pat on
12、the shoulderD.a punch in the eye答案:A問題:18. The ministers expect the IMF to _ at least half as much as European countries, just as it did for the rescue of Greece.A.kick downB.ramp upC.chip inD.work out答案:C問題:19. Gallagher took a taste, and then I heard her _ her lips, and saw a hungry gleam in her s
13、unken eyes.A.smackedB.whackedC.partedD.slapped答案:A問題:20. _ financial aid will not protect enrollment from cancellation, so you must make other financial arrangements to protect your enrollment.A.WaitingB.PendingC.DependingD.Expecting答案:BReading Comprehension In this section there are four passages f
14、ollowed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Higher education in America is no longer the preserve of a privileged elite, with more than seven million undergraduates now enrolled in the roughly
15、 2,600 colleges and universities that grant bachelor or higher degrees. In 2002, the most recent year for which figures are available, 1,291,900 students received bachelors diplomas and 606,958 completed graduate programs. The latter figure is worth noting, since it tells us that almost half of thos
16、e who are completing college believe that a single degree wont suffice for what they want to do or be. A census study last year found that among adults aged thirty to thirty-four, only 41 percent had attended high school without going to college. These high school graduates, moreover, represent a dw
17、indling part of the population. Another 32 percent had earned at least a bachelors degree, while 27 percent had spent time on a campus, whether a community college or a four-year college, without finishing. Viewed one way, that figure shows a high attrition rate. The claim that almost six in ten Ame
18、ricans in their early thirties have had some kind of college experience thus needs further scrutiny. The experience can range from small seminars in philosophy at Colgate to lectures in motel management at Southwest Missouri State. Some colleges have rigorous core curriculums: students elsewhere mus
19、t choose courses from huge catalogs in order to amass the 128 credits needed for a BA. Reed College in Oregon limits its enrollment to 1,312 students, while at Michigan State University an entering student would be one of 34,617. In fact, there are places open for anyone who wants to pursue a bachel
20、ors degree and can pay for it, and many colleges must work hard to attract students. In a study published this year, James Fallows concluded that for all but the richest ten or twenty universities, an important part of managing enrollment is simply being sure that enough paying customer will show up
21、 each fall. The Princeton Review, a commercial organization with no ties to the university, compiles useful information about what it calls the best 257 colleges in the country. It reports that reputable although less well known schools like Creighton, Duquesne, and Evergreen State accept at least 8
22、5 percent of those who apply. But for many American families, knowing that there are many openings is not reassuring. On the contrary, increasing numbers of parents are investing money and energy to ensure that their children be accepted by a college that is recognized and admired. Ross Doughat writ
23、es candidly about these efforts in his memoir of student life in Harvards class of 2002, Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class. People send their children to Harvard, above all, he says, because they want them to succeed. And an early sign of their success will be the college they
24、 attend. When friends ask where the children are going. Parents want to give a response that brings congratulatory smiles; yet the number of schools that evoke this reaction is relatively small. True, people may recall having heard, say, of Carleton and Grinnell; but they dont see them as being amon
25、g the first tier. As Doughat writes, ambitious parents dont want to be seen as having children whose attainment was less than the best. Regional loyalties are being replaced by the growing power of a handful of national name brands. A neurologist in Tulsa who himself went to Oklahoma State now wants
26、 Dartmouth or Duke for his daughter, and a senior vice-president at Procter 答案:A2. Many American parents want to make sure that their children will _.A.apply to universities with the best curriculumB.go to the richest ten or twenty universitiesC.be enrolled by one of the prestigious universitiesD.ch
27、oose those universities with a large enrolment答案:C3. The author implies that _.A.many students are not accepted because of enrollment limitsB.universities compete to attract students who are willing to payC.the less well known universities may offer lower tuition feesD.more and more parents invest t
28、heir money unwisely答案:B4. What is considered important in the choice of universities according to parents?A.People know them better than others.B.People have heard of their names.C.They are near their hometown.D.They have well known alumni.答案:A5. What do universities benefit from the competition for
29、 students?A.Multiple submissions increase enrolment percentage.B.A high rejection rate raises their standing and rankings.C.A pledge to attend increases acceptance rates.D.Universities can enroll twice the number of students.答案:B An unexpectedly robust German economic rebound has allowed the eurozon
30、e to escape recession, highlighting diverging fortunes across the region but also the countrys scope for lifting the prospects of weaker rivals. German gross domestic product expanded 0.5 percent in the first quarter of the year compared with the previous three months, a much stronger pace of growth
31、 than economists had forecast. As a result, eurozone GDP remained flatrather than contracting as had been widely expecteddespite further falls across much of southern Europe and stagnation in France, the eurozones second-largest economy. Although the eurozone debt crisis could yet deliver an economi
32、c shock, Germany has emerged from the crises of the past few years as one of the worlds best-performing advanced industrial economies. Unemployment is near record lows since reunification in 1990, while business confidence remains high. GDP in Europes largest economy had contracted 0.2 percent in th
33、e final three months of last year, which largely explained a 0.3 percent fall in eurozone GDP, and raised fears of a technical recession, defined as two quarters of negative growth. But German weakness was only temporary. Eurozone divergences have complicated the task of the European Central Bank. A
34、lthough interest rates are widely seen as too low for Germany, the rest of the bloc is not yet ready for any policy tightening. Jens Weidmann, Bundesbank president, is prepared to tolerate a German inflation rate above the eurozone averagebut Germans deep-seated worries about inflation trends limit
35、the ECBs room for maneuver. German politicians, meanwhile, have come under international pressure to use fiscal policy to boost domestic consumer spending as way of further stimulating demand for imports. Some signs of a eurozone rebalancing have already emerged, however. The main driver of German g
36、rowth in the first quarter was exports, according to the countrys statistical office. That reflected German success in selling top of the range manufactured goods and services outside the eurozoneespecially to China and Russia. But German domestic demand also picked up in the first quarter, which wo
37、uld have sucked in exports from other parts of eurozone and beyond. Germany is the most important export market for most European economies. Italys exports to Germany in the first quarter were almost 11 percent higher than a year before, while Spanish exports were up more than 4 percent. People thin
38、k that German private consumption has to increase very strongly for Germany to act as a growth motor for the eurozone, said Andreas Rees, European economist at UniCredit in Munich. But if you look at trade in the eurozone, consumer goods do not play a decisive role. It is capital and intermediate go
39、odsparts of the manufacturing processthat matter. Still, with fiscal austerity programs starting to bite, the eurozones economic outlook remains bleak. The latest data are unlikely to dispel worries about the effect of the regions re-escalating debt crisis or the ramifications of a possible Greek ex
40、it. We havent got through the crisis yetthere is a long road ahead of us, warned Markus Kerber, director of Germanys BDI industrial association. 6. What is the main idea of this article?A.The euro zone is getting from bad to worse.B.Germany is helping other countries out of the recession.C.Germany k
41、eeps eurozone from grip of recession.D.The European Central Bank is impotent in saving the eurozone.答案:C7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.France is the euro zones second-largest economy.B.Euro zone GDP has been falling since last year.C.The high unemployment greatly diminishes confi
42、dence.D.German weakness was not haunting.答案:B8. What is complicating the task of the European Central Bank?A.GDP in Germany had contracted in the final three months of last year.B.German politicians surrender to pressure.C.German is over dependent on export.D.The divergences on the interest rates of
43、 the eurozone.答案:D9. What stimulates Germany economic growth?A.Their insistence on low interest rates.B.The growth of export and domestic demand.C.The government policy.D.The change of global economic climate.答案:B10. What is the future of the euro zone?A.Bright and promising.B.Gloomy but with hope.C
44、.Hopeless.D.Not mentioned.答案:C Britains hospital doctors want the coalitions controversial NHS shakeup to be scrapped, with many fearing it will lead to health services being privatised, a poll has revealed. Almost 7 in 10 members of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which represents hospital d
45、octors, want the health and social care bill withdrawn. The findings of the RCPs poll of its members views on the bill are another blow to ministers efforts to convince doctors their plans are right, and are a significant addition to the medical communitys almost unanimous opposition to it. The RCP
46、polled its 25,417 fellows and members. Of those, 8,878 responded (35%). The survey followed the colleges recent extraordinary general meeting to decide its stance on the bill, after some members said it was not being robust enough in its opposition. When asked for their personal views of the bill, 6
47、9% (6,092) said they rejected it as it stood; only 6% (525) accepted it; 22% (1,971) said they neither completely accept nor completely reject it; and the other 3% (290) did not offer an opinion. Of the 8,878 responders, 49% (4,386) said they wanted the RCP to seek withdrawal of the bill, while slig
48、htly fewer-46% (4,099)said it should continue to engage critically on further improving the bill. The other 4% (393) did not offer a view either way. A third question, asking RCP fellows and members what their main concerns were related to the bill and the wider health agenda, showed that large numb
49、ers of hospital doctors fear it will have a negative impact. Concern about possible privatisation of the NHS, and the planned extension of competition between healthcare providers and choice for patients, loomed large, though many are also worried about the effect of handing control of 60bn of patie
50、nt treatment budgets from April 2013 to local groups of GPs called clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). CCGs will exercise considerable power, including over the commissioning of services for patients from hospitals. The RCP members top concerns about the bill were: 1. Training, education and resea
51、rch (5,550 put in their top five concerns) 2. Use of the private sector (5,414) 3. Commissioning by clinical commissioning groups (4,905) 4. Choice and competition (4,866) 5. Proposed structural change (introducing the new NHS national commissioning board, CCGs, etc) (4,687) 6. Role of secretary of
52、state (3,216) The poll also found widespread unease about issues already facing the NHS at the frontline, including the quality of patient care, budget cuts, staff shortages and patients not getting continuous care. We believe that this is the single biggest survey among the medical royal colleges,
53、with the highest turnout, and while it shows there is a clear majority of the RCPs fellows and members who would personally reject the bill, opinion is divided almost equally on whether the RCP should continue to critically engage or now call for the withdrawal of the bill, said Sir Richard Thompson
54、, the RCPs president. The areas of most concern to RCP fellows and members are the areas on which we have been strongly lobbying government, MPs, peers and other stakeholders: training, education and research; use of the private sector; commissioning by clinical commissioning groups; and choice and
55、competition, he added. The Department of Health played down the importance of the poll, pointing out that the doctors wanting the bill scrapped represented just 17% of the RCPs membership. While it is disappointing that some members of the Royal College of Physicians have voted to reject the bill, i
56、t is worth noting that only a third of the colleges 25,000 members voted in this process, and under half of those members have asked for it to be withdrawn, said Lord Howe, the health minister in the House of Lords. We have already strengthened the health bill following the listening exercise and ha
57、ve responded directly to the points raised by the Royal College of Physicians, including making clear that competition would only be used to benefit patients, never as an end in itself. We welcome the fact that thousands of doctors have called on their college to continue to engage with the government on its plans for improving the health servi
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