1、一、漢譯英11、中繼線: trunk line12、傳輸速率: transmission rate1、 時分多址: TDMA( Time Division網絡管理: network management13、MultipleAddress/TimeDivision幀結構: frame structure14、Multiple Access )15、移動手機: Mobile Phone手2、 通用無線分組業(yè)務: GPRS機 HandsetGeneral Packet Radio Service16、蜂 窩 交 換 機 :( Cellular3、 國際電報電話咨詢委員會:CCITT)switche
2、s )(電池開關 cell switch4、 同步數字體系:SDH Synchronous蜂房 )(cellDigital Hierarchy(同步數字序列)天線: Antenna17、5、 跳頻擴頻: FHSSfrequencyhopping微處理器: microprocessor18、spread spectrum19、國 際 漫 游 : International6、 同步轉移模塊:STM synchronousroamingtransfer module20、短消息: short message7、 綜合業(yè)務數字網: ISDN21、信噪比: SNR(Signal to NoiseInt
3、egrated ServicesDigitalNetworkRatio)8、 城域 網: MAN Metropolitan Area數 字通 信 :Digital22、Networkcommunication9、 傳輸控制協議 / 互聯網協議: TCP/IP系統容量: system capacity23、TransmissionControl蜂 窩 網 : cellnetwork24、Protocol/Internet Protocol( cellularnetwork )( Honeycomb10、服 務 質 量 : QOS Quality ofnets )Service25、越區(qū)切換: H
4、andover準26、互聯網: internet9、 GSM:全球移動通信系統27、調制解調器: modemGlobalSystemforMobile28、頻譜: spectrumCommunications29、鼠標: Mouse10、CDMA:碼分多址 Code Division30、電 子 郵 件 : electronicmailMultiple AccessE-mail11、ITU:國際電信聯盟31、子網: subnetInternationalTelecommunication32、軟件無線電: softwaredefinedUnionradios12、PCM:pulse code
5、modulation脈33、網絡資源: network resources沖編碼調制二、英譯漢13、WDM: 波 分 復 用 Wavelength1、 mobile communication:移動通信Division Multiplex2、 Computer user :計算機用戶14、FCC:聯邦通信委員會3、 Frame format :幀格式Federal communications commission4、 WLAN: wirelesslocalarea15、PSTN:公用電話交換網network無線局域網絡Public Switched Telephone Network5、 C
6、ommunication protocol:通信協16、NNI: 網 絡節(jié) 點借 口 Network議Node Interface6、 Transmission quality:傳輸質量17、WWW:萬維網 World Wide Web7、 Remote terminal :遠程終端18、VOD :視頻點播8、 International standard:國際標Video-On-Demand19、VLR:訪問位置寄存器Visitor Location Register20、MSC: 移 動 交 換 中 心MobileSwitching Centre21、HLR: 原 籍 位 置 寄 存 器H
7、omeLocation Register22、VLSI:超大規(guī)模集成電路VeryLargeScaleIntegratedCircuits23、Bluetoothtechnology :藍牙技術24、Matched filter:匹配濾波器25、ADSL:非對稱數字用戶環(huán)路AsymmetricalDigitalSubscriberLoop 非對稱數字用戶線路(AsymmetricDigital Subscriber Line)26、GPS: 全 球 定 位 系 統GlobalPosition System27、ATM:異步傳輸模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode三、漢譯英1、
8、脈沖編碼調制(PCM)依賴于三個獨立的操作:抽樣、量化和編碼。PCM is dependent on three separate operations: sampling, quantizing and coding。2、像 TCP和 IP 那樣的協議已經被設計出來,當然,它們還需要被更新和維持。Protocols like TCP and IP have already been designed, of course,but they need to beupdated and maintained 。3、碼分多址是一種前景廣闊的寬帶數字工作系統。One form of digital
9、wide band operation which has good future potential is CDMA。4、互聯網是可提供很多網絡資源的最大的信息庫。The internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very largenetwork resources.5、開發(fā)蜂窩式移動電話系統并將其在許多城市中推廣應用的原因之一是傳統的移動電話系統存在容量有限、服務性能差、頻譜利用率低的缺點。One of many reasons for developing a cellular mobile
10、telephone system and deployingit in many citiesis the operational limitationsof conventional mobile telephonesystem;limited servilecapability ,poor serviceperformance ,and inefficientfrequency spectrumutilization.6、來自發(fā)端借口不見的定時新號被加到數據調制解調器上,以使計算機與數傳機同步。在接收端,從數據流中取出同步脈沖式計算機同步。Timing signals from the i
11、nterface assembly at the transmitter are applied to the data modem to synchronize the computer and the data set. At the receivers synchronization pulses are derived from the data stream to synchronize the computer.7、我們正處于通信網絡革命的開始,越來越大的容量需求,各種各樣的應用,以及服務質量正在對光網絡提出巨大的需求。We are at the beginning of a re
12、volution in communications networks, where increasingcapacity, variety of applications, and quality of service are placing enormous demands on the optical network.8、目前在歐洲正在開發(fā)第三代移動通信系統,其目的是要綜合第二代系統的所有不同業(yè)務并覆蓋更廣泛的業(yè)務(話音、數據、視頻、多媒體)范圍,而且還要與固定電話網絡的技術發(fā)展保持一致和兼容。The third generation mobile communication syste
13、m currently being developed in Europe, intended to integrate all the different services of the second generation system andcover a much wider range of broadband services (Voice 、data 、video 、multimedia)consistent and compatible with technology developments taking place within the fixed telecommunica
14、tion networks.9、在現代對多媒體的描述中,我們所具有的技術已開始向人類具有的能力邁進;通過使用計算機技術、軟件和其他技術,如 CD-ROM。不僅能將視頻圖像和音頻綜合在一起,而且可以與其他計算機用戶進行交互工作。In the modern presentation multimedia we now have the technology that can begin to move towards an ability already held by the humanbeings in that by using computer, technology,software a
15、nd other technology, such as CD-ROM not only can we bring together audio and visual images but interactive with other computer users.10、為彌補這些問題,要在基本結構中加入大量的高效中繼線。高效中繼線用于直接連接有大量的節(jié)點間通信業(yè)務量的各交換中心。通信量常常是通過網絡中可用的最低層次傳送的。To compensate forthese problems,a largenumber of high usage trunksaugment the basicarc
16、hitecture. High-usage trunks are used for direct connection between switching centers with high volumes of internodes traffic. Traffic is always routed through the lowest available level of the work.11、光纖網絡的革命剛剛開始,并正快速向未來的帶寬無線、可靠和低費用的在線世界發(fā)展。The revolution of optical network is just beginning, and is
17、 advancing very swiftly toward a future online world in which bandwidth is essentially unlimited 、reliable and low-cost. 12、實際設備通常使用 8kHz 的采樣速率,而如果每個樣值用 8 位碼的話,則話路是由一個重復速率 64kHz 的脈沖流來表示。Practical equipments, however, normally use a sampling rate of 8 kHz, and if 8 digitsper sample value are used the
18、 voice channel becomes represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64 kHz.13、是由于SDH設備在這些方面的標準化,才提供了網絡運營者所期望的靈活性,從而能低價高效地應付帶寬方面的增長并為后十年中出現的新的用戶業(yè)務作好準備。It is the standardization of these aspects of SDH equipment that will deliver theflexibility required by network operators to cost effe
19、ctively manage the growth inbandwidth and provisioning of new customer services expected in the net decade.四、英譯漢1、 The cellularconcept isdefinedby two features, frequencyreuseand cellsplitting.Frequency reuse comes intoplayby using radio channelson thesame frequencyincoverageareas that are far enoug
20、h apart not to cause co-channel interference. This allowshandling of simultaneous calls that exceed the theoretical spectral capacity. Cellsplitting is necessary when the traffic demand on a cell has reached the maximum=m andthe cell is then divided into a micro-cellular system. The shape of cell in
21、 a cellularsystem is always depictedas a hexagon and the clustersize can be seven,nine or twelve.蜂窩的概念由兩個特點決定,頻率復用和小區(qū)分割。在相鄰覆蓋區(qū)域足夠遠的而不至于引起共用信道干擾的,通過使用同一頻率的無線信道,頻率再利用才起作用。這樣可以出來同時出現的呼叫并超出理論頻譜容量。當小區(qū)的業(yè)務需求增到最大時,就要被劃分,小區(qū)就要被劃分成9個或 12更小的蜂窩系統區(qū)域,蜂窩系統的小區(qū)形狀常被描述成六邊形,一群小區(qū)數量可以是個。2、Before you can use the Internet,y
22、ou must choose a way to move data between theInternetand your PC. This link may be a high-speed data communication circuits, a local areanetwork (LAN), a telephone line or a radio channel. Most likely, you will use a Modemattached to your telephonelineto talkto the Internet.Naturally,thequalityof yo
23、urInternet connection and service, like many other things in life, is dictated by theamount of money you are willing to spend.Although allthese servicescan well satisfythe needs ofthe usersforinformationexchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users. Not only should the usersknow where the
24、 resources locate,but also he shouldknow someoperating commandsconcerned.在使用 Internet之前,必須使用一種方法在呢的PC機和 Internet之間傳遞數據,這種連接的鏈路可以是高速數據通道電路,局域網,電話線路或無線信道。 最有可能的是, 你使用 Modem連到電話線上與Internet 對話。當然像生活中許多其他事物一樣,與Internet 連接服務和質量是由你花錢的數量來決定的。雖然這些所有的服務可以很好滿足用戶交換信息需要,但用戶仍舊需要具有特定的先決條件,用戶不但要知道信息資源的位置而且要知道一些有關的操
25、作命令。3、 Packet switching achieves the benefits discussed so far and offers added features.It provides the full advantage of the dynamic allocation of the bandwidth, even whenmessages are long. Indeed,withpacker switching,many packetsof the same message maybe in transmission simultaneously over consec
26、utive links of a path from source todestination, thus achieving a pipelining effect and reducing considerably theoverall transmission delay of the message as compared to message switching. It lendsto require smallerstorageallocationat the intermediate switches.Italsohas bettererror characteristicsan
27、d leadsto more efficienterrorrecoveryprocedures,as it dealswith smaller entities. Needless to say, packer switching presents design problems of its own, such as the need to reorder packets of a given message that may arrive at the destination node out of sequence.分組交換除具有以上討論的有點之外,還具有一些特點。它提供帶寬動態(tài)分配的全
28、部優(yōu)勢,甚至當報文很長時依然如此,由于有分組交換,一個報文的多個分組確定可以通過原點到終點通路中多個鏈路同時傳送,因而道道“管道”傳送的效應,與報文交換相比,他大大的減少了報文整體傳送時延。在中間交換設備中這種方式只需要較小的存儲分配區(qū)域。分組交換的誤碼特性較好,由于它只涉及很短的長度,因而導致更高效的糾錯方式。當然,分組交換也有自身設計上的麻煩,例如,當報文無序到達目的節(jié)點時,需要重新對該報文進行分組排序。4、 As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can b
29、e converted to digital form, the amount of stuff available to Internet userscontinues to grow. At some points very soon after the nationwide Internet started togrow, people began to treat the Net as a community, with its own tradition and customs. 隨著越來越多的系統連接到互聯網,越來越多的信息被轉化為數字形式,互聯網用戶可利用的資料持續(xù)增長,在不久的
30、將來當國內互聯網的規(guī)模增加到一定程度時,人們開始把互聯網當做社區(qū)對待,并且擁有自己的傳統和習慣。5、 Three components are involved in a basic optical fiber system: the light source,the photodetector,and theopticaltransmissionline.The opticallightsourcegeneratestheopticalenergy which serves as theinformationcarrier,similartoa radiowave sourcesupplyi
31、ngelectromagneticenergy atradiowavewavelengthsas theinformationcarrier.The opticalphotodetectordetects theopticalenergy and convertsit into an electrical form. The optical fiber transmission line is the equivalent ofcopper wires and function as the conductor of optical energy.基本的光纖系統涉及到3個部分:光源、光檢測器和
32、光纜。光源產生的能力作為信息的載體,類似于具有電磁能的無線電波用波長作為信息載體,光檢測器檢測光能并將其轉化為電能的形式,光纜等效于銅線具有傳導光能的作用。6、 The fixed telephone service is global and the interconnection varies from coaxialcable to optical fiber and satellite. The national standards are different, but withcommoninterfacesand interfaceconversion, interconnecti
33、oncan take place.Formobilethe problem is far more complex, with the need to roam creating a need for complexnetworks and system. Thus in mobile the question of standards is far more crucial tosuccess than fixed systems.The GSMsystem isbased on a cellularcommunicationsprinciplewhich was firstproposed
34、as a concept in the 1940s by Bell System engineers in the U.S. The idea came out ofthe need to increase network capacity and got round the face that broadcast mobilenetworks, operatingindenselypopulated areas,could be jammed bya very smallnumberof simultaneous calls. The power of the cellular system
35、 was that it allowed frequencyreuse.全球范圍內的固定電話通過同軸電纜、光纜和衛(wèi)星相連。盡管各國的通信標準不同,但是由于有共同的接口和接口轉換設備,互連問題得以解決。對于移動通信存在漫游問題,網絡和系統就比較復雜,所以移動通信的標準問題就更關鍵。1940 年有美國貝爾系統工程師提出的蜂窩通信原理是GSM系統的基礎,其思路是在人口密集的區(qū)域由于一些同時發(fā)起的呼叫導致網絡擁塞,采用蜂窩系統可以增加系統的容量,蜂窩系統的優(yōu)點在于頻率的重復利用。7、 The advantage of SDH are mainly reflected in the following:
36、1)Lower network elementcosts: With a commonstandard, compatible equipment will be availablefrom many vendors.In a highly competitive market prices will bevary attractive. 2) Better networkmanagement: Withbetternetwork management, operators willbe ableto mote efficientlyuse the networkandprovidebette
37、rservice.Theconceptof TMN(TelecommunicationManagement Networks)is under study by CCITT. Some TMN standards defining managementsystem interfacesalready exist.3)Fasterprovisioning:Ifnew circuitscan be softwaredefined to use existingspare bandwidththen provisioningwill be mush faster.The onlynew connec
38、tionneeded will be from thecustomer s premisesto the nearestnetworkaccessnode.SDH的優(yōu)點是: 1、較低的網絡成本:由于具有共同的標準,許多供應商提供的設備可以兼容,激烈的時長競爭可以降低成本, 2、更好的網絡管理:運營商有能力提供更有效的業(yè)務,電信網管標準正在由 CCITT 指定,定義管理接口的相關標準已經出臺。3、快速準備:如果新的電路可被軟件來定義,利用現有的空閑頻段從用戶到最近的網絡節(jié)點,接入的準備工作將更快。8、 If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particularmessage willalways be obtainedby simplydetectionthe presence or absence of the p
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