1、預(yù)定義變量 Pre-defined Variables double Ask通貨的買入價(jià)示例:if(iRSI(NULL,0,14,PRICE_CLOSE,0)25)OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,3,Ask-StopLoss*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point,My order #2,3,D2005.10.10 12:30,Red);return;int Bars返回圖表中的柱數(shù)示例:int counter=1;for(int i=1;i75)OrderSend(EURUSD,OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,3,Bid+StopLoss
2、*Point,Bid-TakeProfit*Point,My order #2,3,D2005.10.10 12:30,Red);return(0);double Close返回指定索引位置的收盤價(jià)格示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv,FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume);/ write datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(
3、handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);int Digits返回當(dāng)前通貨的匯率小數(shù)位示例:Print(DoubleToStr(Closei-1, Digits);double High返回指定索引位置的最高價(jià)格示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;Hi
4、gh;Low;Close;Volume);/ write datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);double Low返回指定索引位置的最低價(jià)格示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;High;Lo
5、w;Close;Volume);/ write datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);double Open返回指定索引位置的開盤價(jià)格示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;High;Low;Cl
6、ose;Volume);/ write datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);double Point返回當(dāng)前圖表的點(diǎn)值示例:OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,3,0,Ask+TakeProfit*Point,Red);datetime Time返回指定索引位置的時(shí)間示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRIT
7、E, ;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume);/ write datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);double Volume返回指定索引位置的成交量示例:int handle, bars=Bars;handle=FileOpen(file.csv, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,
8、;);if(handle0)/ write table columns headersFileWrite(handle, Time;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume);/ erite datafor(int i=0; iFileWrite(handle, Timei, Openi, Highi, Lowi, Closei, Volumei);FileClose(handle);)Applied price enumeration價(jià)格類型枚舉示例:ConstantValueDescriptionPRICE_CLOSE 0 收盤價(jià)PRICE_OPEN 1 開盤價(jià)PRICE_HI
9、GH 2 最高價(jià)PRICE_LOW 3 最低價(jià)PRICE_MEDIAN 4 最高價(jià)和最低價(jià)的平均價(jià)PRICE_TYPICAL 5 最高價(jià)、最低價(jià)和收盤價(jià)的平均價(jià)PRICE_WEIGHTED 6 開、收盤價(jià)和最高最低價(jià)的平均價(jià)Drawing shape style enumeration畫圖形狀樣式枚舉,形狀:ConstantValueDescriptionDRAW_LINE 0 Drawing line. DRAW_SECTION 1 Drawing sections. DRAW_HISTOGRAM 2 Drawing histogram. DRAW_ARROW 3 Drawing arrow
10、s (symbols). DRAW_NONE 12 No drawing. 樣式:ConstantValueDescriptionSTYLE_SOLID 0 The pen is solid. STYLE_DASH 1 The pen is dashed. STYLE_DOT 2 The pen is dotted. STYLE_DASHDOT 3 The pen has alternating dashes and dots. STYLE_DASHDOTDOT 4 The pen has alternating dashes and double dots. Moving Average m
11、ethod enumeration移動平均線模式枚舉,iAlligator(), iEnvelopes(), iEnvelopesOnArray, iForce(), iGator(), iMA(), iMAOnArray(), iStdDev(), iStdDevOnArray(), iStochastic()這些會調(diào)用此枚舉ConstantValueDescriptionMODE_SMA 0 Simple moving average, MODE_EMA 1 Exponential moving average, MODE_SMMA 2 Smoothed moving average, M
12、ODE_LWMA 3 Linear weighted moving average. Object properties enumeration物件屬性枚舉ConstantValueDescriptionOBJPROP_TIME1 0 Datetime value to set/get first coordinate time part. OBJPROP_PRICE1 1 Double value to set/get first coordinate price part. OBJPROP_TIME2 2 Datetime value to set/get second coordinat
13、e time part. OBJPROP_PRICE2 3 Double value to set/get second coordinate price part. OBJPROP_TIME3 4 Datetime value to set/get third coordinate time part. OBJPROP_PRICE3 5 Double value to set/get third coordinate price part. OBJPROP_COLOR 6 Color value to set/get object color. OBJPROP_STYLE 7 Value i
14、s one of STYLE_SOLID, STYLE_DASH, STYLE_DOT, STYLE_DASHDOT, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT constants to set/get object line style. OBJPROP_WIDTH 8 Integer value to set/get object line width. Can be from 1 to 5. OBJPROP_BACK 9 Boolean value to set/get background drawing flag for object. Series array identifier系列數(shù)組
15、標(biāo)識符ConstantValueDescriptionMODE_OPEN 0 Open price. MODE_LOW 1 Low price. MODE_HIGH 2 High price. MODE_CLOSE 3 Close price. MODE_VOLUME 4 Volume, used in Lowest() and Highest() functions. MODE_TIME 5 Bar open time, used in ArrayCopySeries() function. Time frame enumeration特殊常量ConstantValueDescription
16、PERIOD_M1 1 1 minute. PERIOD_M5 5 5 minutes. PERIOD_M15 15 15 minutes. PERIOD_M30 30 30 minutes. PERIOD_H1 60 1 hour. PERIOD_H4 240 4 hour. PERIOD_D1 1440 Daily. PERIOD_W1 10080 Weekly. PERIOD_MN1 43200 Monthly. 0 (zero) 0 Time frame used on the chart. Trade operation enumeration交易類型ConstantValueDes
17、criptionOP_BUY 0 Buying position. OP_SELL 1 Selling position. OP_BUYLIMIT 2 Buy limit pending position. OP_SELLLIMIT 3 Sell limit pending position. OP_BUYSTOP 4 Buy stop pending position. OP_SELLSTOP 5 Sell stop pending position. Web colors table顏色表 BlackDarkGreenDarkSlateGrayOliveGreenTealNavyPurpl
21、inkGainsboroPeachPuffPinkBisqueLightGoldenRodBlanchedAlmondLemonChiffonBeigeAntiqueWhitePapayaWhipCornsilkLightYellowLightCyanLinenLavenderMistyRoseOldLaceWhiteSmokeSeashellIvoryHoneydewAliceBlueLavenderBlushMintCreamSnowWhite技術(shù)指標(biāo)調(diào)用 Technical Indicator callsdouble iAC( string symbol, int timeframe,
22、int shift) 計(jì)算 Bill Williams Accelerator/Decelerator oscillator 的值: 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線shift - 位移數(shù) 示例:double result=iAC(NULL, 0, 1);double iAD( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift) 計(jì)算 Accumulation/Distribution indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線shift - 位移數(shù) 示例:double resul
23、t=iAD(NULL, 0, 1);double iAlligator( string symbol, int timeframe, int jaw_period, int jaw_shift, int teeth_period, int teeth_shift, int lips_period, int lips_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bill Williams Alligator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線jaw_period - 顎線
24、周期jaw_shift - 顎線位移teeth_period - 齒線周期teeth_shift - 齒線位移lips_period - 唇線周期 lips_shift - 唇線位移 ma_method - 移動平均線種類applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,MODE_GATORJAW,MODE_GATORTEETH 或MODE_GATORLIPS shift - 位移數(shù) double jaw_val=iAlligator(NULl, 0, 13, 8, 8, 5, 5, 3, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, MODE_GATORJAW, 1);
25、double iADX( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Movement directional index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) if(iADX(NULL,0,14,PRICE_HIGH,MODE_MAIN,0)iADX(NULL,0,14,PRICE_HIGH,MODE_
26、PLUSDI,0) return(0);double iATR( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int shift) 計(jì)算 Indicator of the average true range 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) if(iATR(NULL,0,12,0)iATR(NULL,0,20,0) return(0);double iAO( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bill Willia
27、ms Awesome oscillator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iAO(NULL, 0, 2);double iBearsPower( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bears Power indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) dou
28、ble val=iBearsPower(NULL, 0, 13,PRICE_CLOSE,0);double iBands( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int deviation, int bands_shift, int applied_price, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bollinger bands indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期deviation - 背離bands_shift - Bands位移 applied_pri
29、ce - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) if(iBands(NULL,0,20,2,0,PRICE_LOW,MODE_LOWER,0)Low0) return(0);double iBandsOnArray( double array, int total, int period, double deviation, int bands_shift, int mode, int shift) 從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Bollinger bands indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量period - 周期
30、deviation - 背離bands_shift - Bands位移 applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) if(iBands(NULL,0,20,2,0,PRICE_LOW,MODE_LOWER,0)Low0) return(0);double iBullsPower( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bulls Power indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timefra
31、me - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iBullsPower(NULL, 0, 13,PRICE_CLOSE,0);double iCCI( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Commodity channel index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) if(
32、iCCI(NULL,0,12,0)iCCI(NULL,0,20,0) return(0);double iCCIOnArray( double array, int total, int period, int shift) 從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Commodity channel index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) if(iCCIOnArray(ExtBuffer,total,12,0)iCCI(NULL,0,20,PRICE_OPEN, 0) return(0);double iCustom( string
33、symbol, int timeframe, string name, . , int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 自定義指標(biāo) 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線name - 自定義指標(biāo)名稱. - 自定義指標(biāo)參數(shù) mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iCustom(NULL, 0, SampleInd,13,1,0);double iDeMarker( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int shift) 計(jì)算 DeMarker indic
34、ator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iDeMarker(NULL, 0, 13, 1);double iEnvelopes( string symbol, int timeframe, int ma_period, int ma_method, int ma_shift, int applied_price, double deviation, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Envelopes indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識ti
35、meframe - 時(shí)間線ma_period - 移動平均線周期ma_method - 移動平均線模式ma_shift - 移動平均線位移applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型deviation - 背離mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iEnvelopes(NULL, 0, 13,MODE_SMA,10,PRICE_CLOSE,0.2,MODE_UPPER,0);double iEnvelopesOnArray( double array, int total, int ma_period, int ma_method, int m
36、a_shift, double deviation, int mode, int shift)從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Envelopes indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量ma_period - 移動平均線周期ma_method - 移動平均線模式ma_shift - 移動平均線位移deviation - 背離mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iEnvelopesOnArray(ExtBuffer, 0, 13, MODE_SMA, 0.2, MODE_UPPER,0 );double iForc
37、e( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Force index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期ma_method - 移動平均線模式applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iForce(NULL, 0, 13,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);double iFractals( string symbol, int tim
38、eframe, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Fractals 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iFractals(NULL, 0, MODE_UPPER,0);double iGator( string symbol, int timeframe, int jaw_period, int jaw_shift, int teeth_period, int teeth_shift, int lips_period, int lips_shift, i
39、nt ma_method, int applied_price, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Fractals 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線jaw_period - 顎線周期jaw_shift - 顎線位移teeth_period - 齒線周期teeth_shift - 齒線位移lips_period - 唇線周期 lips_shift - 唇線位移 ma_method - 移動平均線種類applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double jaw_val=i
40、Gator(NULL, 0, 13, 8, 8, 5, 5, 3, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, MODE_UPPER, 1);double iIchimoku( string symbol, int timeframe, int tenkan_sen, int kijun_sen, int senkou_span_b, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Ichimoku Kinko Hyo 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線tenkan_sen - 轉(zhuǎn)換線 jkijun_sen - 基準(zhǔn)線 senkou_span_b
41、- 參考范圍b mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double tenkan_sen=iIchimoku(NULL, 0, 9, 26, 52, MODE_TENKANSEN, 1);double iBWMFI( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift) 計(jì)算 Bill Williams Market Facilitation index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iBWMFI(NULL, 0, 0);double iMoment
42、um( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Momentum indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) if(iMomentum(NULL,0,12,PRICE_CLOSE,0)iMomentum(NULL,0,20,PRICE_CLOSE,0) return(0);double iMomentumOnArray( double array,
43、 int total, int period, int shift) 從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Momentum indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) if(iMomentumOnArray(mybuffer,100,12,0)iMomentumOnArray(mubuffer,100,20,0) return(0);double iMFI( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int shift) 計(jì)算 Money flow index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)sym
44、bol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) if(iMFI(NULL,0,14,0)iMFI(NULL,0,14,1) return(0);double iMA( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Moving average indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期ma_shift - 移動平均
45、線位移ma_method - 移動平均線模式applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) AlligatorJawsBufferi=iMA(NULL,0,13,8,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,i);double iMAOnArray( double array, int total, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int shift) 從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Moving average indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量period - 周期ma_shift
46、 - 移動平均線位移ma_method - 移動平均線模式shift - 位移數(shù) double macurrent=iMAOnArray(ExtBuffer,0,5,0,MODE_LWMA,0);double macurrentslow=iMAOnArray(ExtBuffer,0,10,0,MODE_LWMA,0);double maprev=iMAOnArray(ExtBuffer,0,5,0,MODE_LWMA,1);double maprevslow=iMAOnArray(ExtBuffer,0,10,0,MODE_LWMA,1);/-if(maprev=macurrentslow)A
47、lert(crossing up);double iOsMA( string symbol, int timeframe, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Moving Average of Oscillator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線fast_ema_period - 快均線周期slow_ema_period - 慢均線周期signal_period - 信號周期applied_pric
48、e - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) if(iOsMA(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,1)iOsMA(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,0) return(0);double iMACD( string symbol, int timeframe, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period, int applied_price, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Moving averages convergence/divergence 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)
49、symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線fast_ema_period - 快均線周期slow_ema_period - 慢均線周期signal_period - 信號周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) if(iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0)iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,0) return(0);double iOBV( string symbol, int timeframe, in
50、t applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 On Balance Volume indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iOBV(NULL, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);double iSAR( string symbol, int timeframe, double step, double maximum, int shift) 計(jì)算 On Balance Volume indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識time
51、frame - 時(shí)間線step - 步幅maximum - 最大值shift - 位移數(shù) if(iSAR(NULL,0,0.02,0.2,0)Close0) return(0);double iRSI( string symbol, void timeframe, int period, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Relative strength index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期applied_price - 應(yīng)用價(jià)格類型shift - 位移數(shù) if(iRSI(NULL,0,1
52、4,PRICE_CLOSE,0)iRSI(NULL,0,14,PRICE_CLOSE,1) return(0);double iRSIOnArray( double array, int total, int period, int shift) 從數(shù)組中計(jì)算 Relative strength index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)array - 數(shù)組數(shù)據(jù)total - 總數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)量period - 周期shift - 位移數(shù) if(iRSIOnBuffer(ExtBuffer,1000,14,0)iRSI(NULL,0,14,PRICE_CLOSE,1) return(0);double iRVI(
53、 string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int mode, int shift) 計(jì)算 Relative Vigor index 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線period - 周期mode - 來源模式,參見指標(biāo)線分類枚舉shift - 位移數(shù) double val=iRVI(NULL, 0, 10,MODE_MAIN,0);double iStdDev( string symbol, int timeframe, int ma_period, int ma_method, int ma_shift, int applied_price, int shift) 計(jì)算 Standard Deviation indicator 的值 : 輸入?yún)?shù)symbol - 通貨標(biāo)識timeframe - 時(shí)間線ma_period
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