



1、黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境良性維持評價指標體系探討孫遠擴山東黃河河務局中國濟南250011內容提要 河口生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持是黃河健康生命良性維持的主要標志之一,是實現(xiàn)黃河治理終極目標的九條措施之一。本文在界定生態(tài)環(huán)境內涵的基礎上,通過對黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境現(xiàn)狀及影響 因子分析的剖析,提出了維持黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境良性維持的 6 項主要評價指標及其閾值,即確保河道不萎縮、維持河道一定的排洪能力、維持海岸不蝕退、黃河口濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持和發(fā)展、海洋 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持、維持黃河口經(jīng)濟持續(xù)發(fā)展等,進而提出了實現(xiàn)評價指標應采取的主要對策建議。關鍵詞 黃河口 生態(tài) 指標1 生態(tài)環(huán)境的內涵生態(tài)環(huán)境是指由生物群落及非生物自然因素組成

2、的各種生態(tài)系統(tǒng)所構成的整體,主要或完全由自然因素形成,并間接地、潛在地、持久地長遠地對人類的生存和發(fā)展產(chǎn)生影響。生態(tài)環(huán)境并不等同于自然環(huán)境,僅有非生物因素組成的整體,雖然可以稱為自然環(huán)境,但并不能叫做生態(tài)環(huán)境。2 黃河三角洲生態(tài)環(huán)境存在的主要問題黃河三角洲位于東經(jīng) 11805至 11915北緯 3655至 3815,曾經(jīng)是一個以灌木林、灌草叢和草地為主的天然生態(tài)系統(tǒng),受工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和人為活動的影響,已由過去的天然生態(tài)系統(tǒng)逐漸變?yōu)楦鳛橹鞯臉O不穩(wěn)定的脆弱的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。生態(tài)環(huán)境日益惡化,主要表現(xiàn)在:2.1 柳灌叢面積減少20 世紀 50 年代林地覆蓋率達 40以上,面積達 9.3104 hm2,現(xiàn)僅零

3、星殘存 2.3104 hm2,面積減少了約 75。2.2 天然草場重度退化1980 年有草地 18.5104hm2,是山東省唯一的天然草地資源。1986 年草地減少了 8.5104 hm2,目前草地面積又減少了 2.0104 hm2,退化面積達 45。2.3 大面積土地鹽漬化20 年代和 30 年代的沖積土,現(xiàn)已重度鹽漬化,撂荒棄種;40 年代和 50 年代沖積地,現(xiàn)已進入大面積鹽漬化階段;僅有 60 年代和 70 年代的新沖積土尚比較適宜于糧食生產(chǎn)。2.4 近海海域有機污染導致富營養(yǎng)化三角洲淺海和灘涂受到一定程度石油污染,污染區(qū)底棲生物種類明顯減少。淺海海域出現(xiàn)富營養(yǎng)化傾向,1989 年 5

4、 月該海區(qū)發(fā)生了“赤潮”現(xiàn)象。2.5 河流污染導致生物多樣性降低除黃河水質基本能夠達到地表水環(huán)境質量標準三類標準外,其余河流均已嚴重污染,河流 水生生物種類減少,生物多樣性指標降低,在潮河等嚴重污染河段大型無脊椎動物和魚類已經(jīng)絕跡。2.6 物種及遺傳多樣性受到威脅二十世紀五、六十年代,三角洲荒野草坡常有狐出沒,八十年代后已滅絕。中華絨螯蟹原為該區(qū)域優(yōu)勢水產(chǎn)資源,因水質污染已構不成捕撈對象,大銀魚也基本絕跡。入??诘牡恩q曾盛名國內外,近年來處于瀕危。近海的中國對蝦、大小黃花魚、三疣梭子蟹等經(jīng)濟水產(chǎn)種類的可捕撈量不斷銳減。植物資源中的地筍、甘草等 10 多種野生藥用植物、牧草,現(xiàn)已瀕危。野大豆是重

5、要的種質資源,現(xiàn)僅零星分布。動植物遺傳資源受威脅的狀況令人堪憂。3 維持生態(tài)環(huán)境良性維持的主要評價指標3.1 濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持的黃河水需求黃河口濕地是形成較晚的新生濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng),其主要生態(tài)功能是作為珍稀鳥類的棲息地、繁殖地和遷徙地。根據(jù)河口濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的結構及組成,分別計算濕地系統(tǒng)各組成部分的水量需求,然后對各部分生態(tài)需水量進行耦合,確定濕地整體的生態(tài)需水量,計算結果見表 1。表 1黃河河口濕地生態(tài)需水量單位:108m3項目最小生態(tài)需水植被蒸散發(fā)需水23.96濕地土壤需水4.64生物棲息地需水2.47補給地下水需水3.48總生態(tài)需水34.553.2 濱海區(qū)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持的黃河水需求近海水

6、生生物首先要滿足 46 月份魚蝦產(chǎn)卵、孵化高峰季節(jié)的需水要求,入海流量為300500m3/s,相應的入海流量為 23.639.3 億 m3。如果取小值 23.6 億 m3,根據(jù) 46 月份的總天數(shù) 91 天,換算成流量則為 300.16 m3/s。3.3 維持河流自凈的黃河水沙需求黃河流域水資源保護局研究認為,按黃河全下游達到類水的目標,在所有排污口均達標排放、支流口達到類水的前提下,黃河下游河道的自凈水量至少應維持在 200m3/s 以上,采用 200m3/s作為維持河流自凈的最小流量,則年水量需求為 63.072108 m3/a。3.4 確保河道不萎縮,維持河道排洪能力的水量需求通常情況下

7、水流的挾沙能力是和流量的高次方成比例的,在水量相同的情況下,集中下放比平均下放時的挾沙能力提高數(shù)倍。2002 年黃河進行的首次調水調沙試驗過程中,控制花園口站2600m3/s 以上流量持續(xù) 10.3 天,平均含沙量為 13.3kg/m3,艾山站 2300m3/s 以上流量持續(xù) 6.7 天,利津站 2000m3/s 以上流量持續(xù) 9.9 天。試驗結果為:黃河下游河槽全程發(fā)生明顯沖刷,其中艾山以上沖刷 0.137 億 t,艾山至河口河段沖刷 0.225 億 t。主槽沿程沖刷 1.063 億 t,灘地淤積 0.701 億 t。下游平灘流量均有一定程度的增加。利津以下主槽輸沙用水量為 41m3/t。4

8、綜合各項研究成果,為了維持河道輸沙平衡,汛期利津站輸沙用水最小需水量為 150 億 m3, 根據(jù)汛期總天數(shù)(123 天)換算成平均流量則為 1411.47 m3/s,而且 2000m3/s 以上流量應連續(xù)保持10 天以上。3.5 維持海岸不蝕退的黃河來沙需求經(jīng)研究,黃河河口年輸沙量的臨界值約為 4 億噸,大于該值則海岸淤積,小則蝕退。維持黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境的綜合水需求。黃河水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)具有明顯的季節(jié)性特征,濕地需水、河流自凈需水各個時段需水按照天數(shù)比例進行分配,濱海需水全部在 4-6 月,河道不萎縮需水全部在汛期的 7-10 月。由于濕地和濱海需水不重合,兩者相加,而河流自凈需水、河道不萎縮需水(沖

9、沙需水)與濕地濱海需水相互重合,故各個時段的生態(tài)需水取三者之中的最大值。綜合計算得出黃河河口生態(tài)需水量及其過程見表 2。則 46 月、710 月、113 月 3 個時段生態(tài)需水分別為26.09、32.21、150 億 m3,年需水為 208.31 億 m3。如果以流量表示,則黃河河口生態(tài)需水量及其過程見表 3。則 46 月、710 月、113 月 3 個時段生態(tài)需水分別為 200、409.72、1411.47 m3/s(其中 710 月 2000m3/s 以上流量應連續(xù)保持 10 天以上),年平均為 660.54 m3/s。表 2黃河河口生態(tài)需水量及其過程(億 m3/a需水時段天數(shù)濕地需水濱海

10、需水河流自凈需水河道不萎縮需水海岸不蝕退需水生態(tài)需水總量非汛期(11-3 月)15114.2926.0926.09非汛期(4-6 月)918.6123.6015.7232.21汛期(7-10 月)12311.6421.25150.00150.00全年36534.5523.6063.07150.00208.31表 3黃河河口生態(tài)需水量及其過程(m3/s)需水時段天數(shù)濕地需水濱海需水河流自凈需水河道不萎縮需水海岸不蝕退需水生態(tài)需水總量非汛期(11-3 月)151109.56200.00200.00非汛期(4-6 月)91109.56300.16200.00409.72汛期(7-10 月)12310

11、9.56200.001411.471411.47全年365109.56200.00660.544 確保黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境需水的措施4.1 加強黃河立法,將有關指標上升到法律層面加強黃河法的立法工作,將維持生態(tài)環(huán)境需水指標在黃河法中給予明確。4.2 加強水資源統(tǒng)一調度管理全面貫徹實施黃河水量調度條例,實行斷面流量地方行政首長負責制,逐步建立健全流域與區(qū)域相結合的水資源管理與調度體制,進一步加強流域水資源統(tǒng)一管理和調度。4.3 采取必要的法律、經(jīng)濟、輿論手段和工程措施,實行嚴格的入河排污準入制度和入河排污總量控制,加強水污染防治。4.4 節(jié)約用水河口地區(qū)目前渠系有效利用系數(shù)僅為 0.5,工業(yè)水生產(chǎn)重復

12、利用率僅為 20左右,城市用水有效利用率僅為 55左右,建議采取技術的、經(jīng)濟的、法律上的手段,提高水的利用效率,加強節(jié)水型社會建設,在節(jié)水中求發(fā)展,強化節(jié)水措施,調整種植結構,合理規(guī)劃產(chǎn)業(yè)布局。4.5 充分利用黃河水之外的水資源4.5.1 其它河流充分利用小清河等河流的水資源。4.5.2 雨水建造雨水采集工程,采集的雨水可以用于灌溉、洗車、沖廁、景觀等。4.5.3 污水凈化擴大污水處理規(guī)模,除了傳統(tǒng)的污水處理廠外,在生活區(qū)可以建一些人工濕地進行污水處理, 亦可用于灌溉、洗車、沖廁、景觀等。4.5.4 海水淡化發(fā)揮靠海優(yōu)勢,大力興建海水淡化廠,彌補淡水不足。4.6 外流域調水東平湖作為南水北調東

13、線工程規(guī)劃的調蓄水庫,可以利用東線工程的空閑時間,抽調長江,相機向黃河下游補水,增加進入利津斷面水量,補充河口生態(tài)環(huán)境用水,改善河口生態(tài)環(huán)境。5 結論黃河三角洲濕地面積廣闊,類型多樣,生態(tài)功能與價值極其重要,但濕地形成時間短,水分補給條件較差,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)脆弱。受流域水資源短缺及人類活動影響,黃河河口出現(xiàn)了濕地面積萎縮、生物多樣性衰減等生態(tài)環(huán)境問題,河口的生態(tài)完整性及穩(wěn)定性受到威脅。根據(jù)黃河河口的實際生態(tài)用水需求,黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境的主要評價指標為:是否滿足黃河口濕地 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持的黃河水需求,濱海區(qū)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持的黃河水沙需求,維持河流自凈的黃河 水沙需求,確保河道不萎縮,維持河道排洪能力的水

14、量需求,維持海岸不蝕退的黃河來水來沙需求, 灘區(qū)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)良性維持的黃河水沙需求。綜合計算得出黃河河口 46 月、710 月、113 月 3 個時段生態(tài)需水分別為26.09、32.21、150 億 m3,年需水為 208.31 億 m3。黃河河口生態(tài)需水量是一個動態(tài)的概念,其值隨著其生態(tài)系統(tǒng)保護目標、規(guī)模及人們對其生態(tài)功能要求的不同而變化。要確保黃河口生態(tài)環(huán)境需水,需要采取立法、加強水資源統(tǒng)一調度、污染防治、節(jié)約用水、利用其它水資源以及流域外調水等措施。由于目前對河口生態(tài)系統(tǒng)結構與功能及其需水機理與規(guī)律的研究尚少,因此,仍有很多問題如濕地合理保護規(guī)模的確定、關鍵物種需水特性、生態(tài)水量配置所帶來的

15、生境適宜性變化等等,有待于今后進一步研究。參考文獻:1 黃河口最小生態(tài)環(huán)境需水量研究綜述朱玉偉 拾兵 黃勇 焦志洋 人民黃河 2004.42 基于包氣帶水分運移數(shù)值模型的黃河三角洲蒸發(fā)量研究邵景力,崔亞莉,張德強地學前緣,2005,12(特刊)3 黃河三門峽以下水環(huán)境保護研究崔樹彬,宋世霞等黃河流域水資源保護局,2002.4 山東黃河調水調沙試驗效果分析山東黃河河務局Discussion about Appraisal Index System to Maintain Ecological Environment Good in the Yellow River DeltaSun Yuanku

16、oYellow River Shandong BureauJinan PRC250011Abstract The ecosystem good maintenance of the Yellow River delta is one of the main symbols to maintain a healthy life of the Yellow River, and is also one of the nine measures to realize the ultimate harness objective for the Yellow River. This article p

17、uts forward 6 main appraisal indexes, their threshold values and main countermeasures to realize the upper appraisal ones to maintain the ecological environment good in the Yellow River delta, namely which is how to guarantee the river course not to wither, maintain flood water expel ability of the

18、river course in a higher level, maintain the seacoast not to draw back, maintain wetland ecosystem of the Yellow River delta develop well, maintain the sea ecosystem benign , maintain the economy sustainable development of the Yellow River delta and so on.Key words Yellow River Delta;Ecology; Indexe

19、s1 Conception of ecological environmentEcological Environment refers to an integration consisted of biocoenosis and abiotic natural factors. The latter is its main part and affecting the human beings survival and development indirectly, potantially and permanently.2 Main problems of ecological envir

20、onment in Yellow River Estuary deltaYellow River Estuary Delta is situated between east longitude from 11805to 11915 and North latitude from 3655 to 3815. It was a natural ecological system with shrub forest and meadow in the past. Because of human beings activities and produce of agriculture and in

21、dustry, the natural ecological system has been changing into a quite unstable and tender plow ecological system. The ecological system here is becoming worse and worse, which behave as follows:2.1 Willows and shrubs are decreasingAccording the statistics, the forest coverage was over 40% in 1950swit

22、h the area of over 9.3104 hm2, but now it has decreased by 75% with the area of 2.3104 hm2.2.2 Natural lawn degrades heavilyThe lawn here is the unique natural lawn resources in Shandong Province. The area of lawn was 18.5104 hm2 in 1980s and it decreased by 8.5104 hm2 by 1986. It decreased by 45 of

23、 2.0104 hm2 by now.2.3 Macro-dimension fields are salinizingThe alluvial soil formed in 1920s and 1930s has abandoned for its heavy degradation; most of the alluvial soil formed in 1940s and 1950s has salinized; and only the young alluvial soil formed in 1960s and 1970s can be used to plant provisio

24、ns.2.4 Organic pollution in the greater coasting area has resulted in eutrophicationBecause shallow sea and waterfront is polluted to some extent, the category of benthos in that area has decreased apparently in Yellow River Delta. For example, “Red Current” happened in May 1989 here.2.5 Diversity o

25、f life has decreased from the pollution of nearby riversExcept the Yellow River whose quality can meet with the standard of National Surface Water Quality Standard , the other nearby rivers have all polluted seriously. So the category of aquatic creatures is decreasing and the diversity index of lif

26、e is descending also. For an instance, macro-invertebrates and fishes have already died off.2.6 The diversity of species and genetic has been threatenedFoxes often can be seen in the wilderness of Yellow River Delta in 1950s and 1960s, but they had extirpated since 1980. Chinese claw-crab was its mo

27、st advantaged aquatic resource, but now its so less to be caught a great deal for the water pollution. Macro-silver-fish has also died off almost. The genetic of resources of animals and plants is been threatening.3 The main appraisal index system to maintain ecological environment good in the Yello

28、w River delta3.1 The Yellow River water requirement to maintain ecological environment good of marshThe marsh of Yellow River Delta is a young marsh ecological system, whose ecological function is to be used as the place of habitat, breeding and come-going of rare birds. The marsh water requirement

29、consists of the requirements as follows: evapotranspiration of plants, soil, habitat and the recharge to the underground. The calculation result of each part and the total is shown in Table 1.Table1 The ecological water-requirement amount of Yellow River delta marshunit:108m3ItemsThe least water-req

30、uirement amountevapotranspiration of plants23.96soil4.64habitat2.47the recharge to the underground3.48total34.553.2 The water-requirement to maintain ecological environment good of littoral regionThe water-requirement to meet with the spawn and hatch of aquatic creatures in the littoral region is 30

31、0500m3/s,accordingly the water amount is 2.363.93 billion m3.Take the minimum of 2.3 billion m3 here.3.3 The water requirement to maintain the Yellow River cleannessTake the water quality in the main channel of whole low Yellow River meeting with the standard ofNational Surface Water Quality Standar

32、d, the waste water drainaged from drainage sluices meeting with relative standard and the water quality in the tributaries of whole low Yellow River meeting with the standard V of National Surface Water Quality Standardas a premise, the water requirement to maintainthe Yellow River clean need over 2

33、00m3/s at least. Take 200m3/s as the minimum discharge, the annualwater-requirement amount is 63.072108 m3/a.3.4 The water requirement to maintain the Yellow River channel unatrophyUsually the sediment carrying capacity is proportional to the times of discharge, which means the sediment carrying cap

34、acity when water is drainaged concetrately is several times higher than even drainage. In order to maitain the balance of sediment transport of main channel, water and sediment regulation of these 4 years shows that the minumun water amount at Lijin is 15.0 billion m3 with an averaged discharge of 1

35、411.47 m3/s in flood season, and the discharge which is more than 2000m3/s should last more than 10 days continiously.3.5 The sediment requirement to maintain the seacoast not to draw backMany studies show that the critical value of sediment transport at the Yellow River Estuary is 0.4 billion tons.

36、 When the sediment amount is more than the critical, the seacoast will silt, otherwise it will draw back.Synthetic water requirment to maintain ecological environment good in the Yellow River Delta. Aquautic ecological environment has an apparent character of season. The water requirment of wetland

37、and self-clean of the river is all over the whole year; The water requirment of seacoast is from April to June completely; The water requirment of river channel is from July to October in flood season completely.Because the time of water requirement of self-clean of the river, maintaining the river

38、channel not draw back and wetland is the same, take the maximum of these three kinds of water requirement as the water requirement value.The ecological water requirment amount is 2.609 billion m3 from April to June,3.221 billion m3 from July to October, and 15 billion m3 from December to March of ne

39、xt year(see Table 2). In other words, the ecological water requirment amount is 200 m3/s from April to June,409.72 m3/s from July to October, and 1411.47 m3/s from December to March of next year. The time more than 2000 m3/s should last more than 10 days continuously. The annual average is 660.54 m3

40、/s(see Table 3).Table 2The ecological water requirement amount and the calculation procedure(0.1billion m3/aWater requirment perioddaysWater requirment of wetlandWater requirment of seacoastWater requirment of selfcleanWater requirment of maintain he river channel notatrophyWater requirment of maita

41、in the seabank not draw backtotalNo flood season(11-3)15114.2926.0926.09No flood season(4-6)918.6123.6015.7232.21Flood season(7-10)12311.6421.25150.00150.00Whole year36534.5523.6063.07150.00208.31Table 3The ecological water requirement amount and the calculation procedure(m3/s)Water requirment perio

42、ddaysWater requirment of wetlandWater requirment of seacoastWater requirment of selfcleanWater requirment of maintain heriver channel notatrophyWater requirment ofmaitain the seabank notdrawbacktotalNo floodseason(11-3)151109.56200.00200.00No floodseason(4-6)91109.56300.16200.00409.72Flood season(7-

43、10)123109.56200.001411.471411.47Whole year365109.56200.00660.544 Suggestions to maintain the ecological envoironment good of the Yellow River delta4.1 Enhance to build Yellow River Law to take the water requirement indexes to maintain ecological envoironment good of the Yellow River Delta as one par

44、t of this law.4.2 Enhance the united regulation and management of Yellow River water resources. Carry out the regulation act of Yellow River water quantityall roundly. Implement the responsible rule ofadminastration chief of the discharge in some crossections. Combine the river basin and region mana

45、gement. Enhance the unitd basin management of regulation and management of Yellow River water resources.4.3 Carry out carefully the permission rule of polluants into rivers and the control rule of total polluants. Take necessary measures of law, economy, promotion and project to prevent pollution.4.

46、4 Water save. Effective utilization coefficient of canals in the Yellow River Delta is only 0.5 or so, the recycle ratio of industrial water is 20%, which are quite lowwer than than in advanced countries. Suggest to adjust he planting structure, make a reasonable layout of interests and take some ne

47、cessary measures of technology, economy,law and promotion to promot water save.4.5 Utilize the other water resources except the Yellow River4.5.1 the other water resources of rivers are as Xiaoqinghe river, Guanglihe river and so on.4.5.2 Precipitation. Build some rain-collection projects to store p

48、recipitation. The rain water can be used in irrigation, car-wash, toilet-wash and landscape and so on.4.5.3 Sewage clarification. Enlarge the scale of sewage plants to promot the capacity of sewage clarification. In some living areas, man-made wetlands can be built to treat sewage. Of course this ki

49、nd of water can be used in irrigation, car-wash, toilet-wash and landscape and so on.4.5.4 Saline water conversion. Try best to build some saline water conversion plants to freshen the seawater to reedem the shortage of fresh water in this area.4.6 Utilize the water transfered from the Yangtse River

50、 basin. Dongpinghu lake is one of the storage reservoirs of water transfer project from South to North, store the Yangtse River water during the idle time of the project to recharge the Yangtse River water into the Yellow River and its delta to enlarge the discharge at Lijin and promot the ecologica

51、l envoironment of the Yellow River delta.5 ConclusionsThe Yellow River delta is wide with a very important ecological function and valule.There are many kinds of creatures. But the wetland is so young and worse water-recharge condition, so the ecological system is quite vulnerable.Because of the imp

52、act from the shortage of water resources and activities of mankind, some problems such as comes out the atrophy of wetland,the attenuation of beta-diversity and so on. The completeness and stability of the ecological system of the Yellow River delta has threatened.According to the actual ecological

53、water requirement of the Yellow River delta, the 6 main appraisal indexes to maintain the ecological environment good in the Yellow River delta and their threshold values are as follows: how to guarantee the river course not to wither, maintain flood water expel ability of the river course in a higher level, maintain the seacoast not to draw back, maintain wetland ecosystem of the Yellow River delta develop well, maintain the sea ecosystem benign , maintain the economy sustainable development


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