1、好的論文題目是成功的一半 好的論文,每一個部分都需要精雕細(xì)琢。我們先來看看 Science, Nature 子刊上用的都是 些什么題目,至U底這些題目暗含哪些玄機(jī)?以下是從2016年發(fā)表的論文中隨機(jī)挑選的一些 題目,我將其做了一下簡單的分類: 第一類:對比型 1. Water splitt ing-bios yn thetic system with CO 2 reducti on efficie nciesexceedi ngphotosy nthesis. (Scie nee, 2016, 352, 1210) 類彳以:Scalable water splitting on particu
2、late photocatalyst sheets with a solar-to-hydroge n en ergy con vers ion efficie ncyexceed ing 1% (Nature Materials 2016,15,611-615) 這種題目適合哪類文章?適合于那種性能極其顯著的文章(可以創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的文章),比如說 Nocera et al. 的Scie nee, 2016, 352, 1210,直接與光合作用進(jìn)行對比,給人的震撼是非 常強(qiáng)的。這種對比效果能夠一下子抓住人們的眼球,吸引著讀者進(jìn)行閱讀。 要點(diǎn):使用這樣的題目首先你的實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果得夠牛,你對于實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果要足夠
3、自信, 對于背景知 識的了解得要足夠深。 因?yàn)槿∵@樣的題目意味著你要真正達(dá)到了某一個高度。如果明明有很 多大海在那里,你個小池塘和小水坑進(jìn)行比較,那么會鬧笑話的。 第二類:動名詞結(jié)構(gòu) 2.1 Quan tify ingthe promoti on of Cu catalysts by ZnO for metha nol syn thesis (Science,2016, 352, 969-974.) 2.2 Explori ngthe origi n of high optical absorpti on in conjugated polymers. (Nature Materials 20
4、16, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4645) 2.3 Promoti ng soluti on phase discharge in Li-O2 batteries containing weakly solvat in gelectrolyte soluti ons (Nature Materials 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4629) 2.4 Recon struct ingsolute-i nduced phase tran sformatio ns with in in dividual nan ocrystals (NatureMaterials 201
5、6,doi:10.1038/nmat4620) 2.5 Tailori ng the n ature and stre ngth of electro n-phonon in teract ions in the SrTiO3(001) 2D electron liquid (Nature Material, 2016, doi:10.1038/nmat4623) 我簡單地檢索了下Nature Materials上面的文章題目,發(fā)現(xiàn)這種類型的題目真的非常多。 那么為什么大家非常青睞這種形式呢?這種形式到底有什么好處? 我個人也很喜歡這種樣子的題目,當(dāng)然一定要跟論文的實(shí)際情況吻合哈,不要強(qiáng)湊。這
6、種動 名詞形式的結(jié)構(gòu)最大的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是主觀能動性很強(qiáng)。給人的一種感覺是:你在設(shè)計(jì)整個實(shí)驗(yàn),而 不是碰巧發(fā)現(xiàn)了某個現(xiàn)象??蒲行枰既滑F(xiàn)象,但是理性地科學(xué)研究追求一切能夠有據(jù)可循, 能夠主動地把握而不是被動接受奇跡的降臨。 3. 突出兩個重點(diǎn)(實(shí)現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)以及實(shí)現(xiàn)的方法/應(yīng)用的領(lǐng)域) 3.1 Surface fun cti on alizati onof two-dime nsi onal metal chalcoge ni desby Lewis acid -base chemistry( Nature Nano tech nology2016, 11,465-471 ) 3.2 Prot on tra
7、n sfer dyn amicscon trol the mecha nism of O2 reduct ionby a non-precious metal electrocatalyst(Nature Materials,2016, doi:10.1038/nmat4636 ) 3.3 Femtosec ondcon trol of electric curre nts in metallic ferromag netic heterostructures(Nature Na no tech nology 2016, 11,455-458 ) 3.4 Improved air stabil
8、ity of perovskite solar cellsvia solution-processed metal oxide tran sport layers (Nature Nan otech nology, 2016,11,75-81) 這種類型的題目非常的好懂,重點(diǎn)非常突出,給人一種開門見山的感覺,在很多論文中非常 恰當(dāng)。 以3.1為例,兩個重點(diǎn)非常明確:1.實(shí)現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)是什么?Surface functionalization of2. 實(shí)現(xiàn)的方法是什么?Lewis acid-base chemistry. 4. 突出先進(jìn)儀器或者手段 4.1 In situ hydrod yn am
9、ic spectroscopyfor structure characterizati on of porous en ergy storage electrodes (Nature Materials,2016, 15,570-575) 4.2 Kin etics of the self-assembly of nan ocrystal superlattices measured by real-time in situ X-ray scattering(Nature Materials, 2016, doi:10.1038/nmat4600) 4.3 In situ mapp ingof
10、 the en ergyflow through the en tirephotos yn thetic apparatus (Nature Na no tech nology, 2016,doi:10.1038/nchem.2525) 4.4 Optimized qua ntum sensing with a sin gle electr onspin usingreal-time adaptive measureme nts(Nature Nano tech nology, 2016,11,247-252) 有些文章,一幅圖就值了一篇Science。有些表征手段或者研究方法生來就是讓人膜拜
11、的, 特別是一些原位的表征手段,能夠直觀地告訴人們以前得不到的一些信息。在這種情況下, 用它來做個題目一點(diǎn)都不過分吧。 最后對以上幾類標(biāo)題的共性做一下簡單的總結(jié):1)好的論文題目往往都能夠緊貼文章內(nèi)容, 并將其核心亮點(diǎn)突顯出來;2)標(biāo)題中的字真的是一字千金,廢話不要有,一定要簡潔明了; 3)用詞要準(zhǔn)確,盡量米用中性詞,不要帶主觀色彩,不要扣大帽子引起審稿人反感,但是 又要合適地體現(xiàn)亮點(diǎn),好的論文題目要學(xué)會不卑不亢。 二.正文中各種常用句型匯總 一、在Introduction 里面經(jīng)常會使用到的一個句子: 很多文獻(xiàn)已經(jīng)討論過了。 它的可 能的說法有很多很多,這里列舉幾種我很久以前搜集的: A.
12、Solar en ergy conversion by photoelectrochemical cellshas bee n inten sively investigated.(Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740 ) B. This was dem on strated in a nu mber of studies thatshowed that composite plasm on ic-metal/semic on ductor photocatalysts achieved sig ni fica ntly higher rates in various pho
13、tocatalytic react ions compared with their pure semic on ductor coun terparts. C. Several excelle nt reviews describ ing do not discuss these topics these applicati ons are available, and we D. Much work so far has focused on splitt ing for the sake of chemical stability. wide band gap semic on duct
14、ors for water (DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151) E. Recent developme nts of Lewis acids and water-soluble orga no metallic catalysts have attracted much attention. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641- 3666 ) F. An in teresti ng approachin the use of zeolite as a water-tolera nt solid acidwas described by Ogawa et al (C
15、hem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641- 3666 ) G. Con siderable research efforts have bee n devoted tothe direct tran siti on metal-catalyzed conversion of aryl halides toaryl n itriles. (J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 7984-7989) H. There are many excelle nt reviews in the literature deali ng with the basic con cepts of
16、 the photocatalytic processa nd the reader is referred in particular to those by Hoffma nn and coworkers,Mills and coworkers, and Kamat.(Metal oxide catalysis,19,P755) I. Nishimiya and Tsutsumi have reported on (proposed ) the in flue nee of the Si/Al ratio of various zeolites on the acid stre ngth,
17、 which were estimated by calorimetry using ammonia. (Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641- 3666) 二、在results and discussion中經(jīng)常會用到的:如圖所示 A. GIXRD patter ns in Figure 1A show the bulk structural in formatio n on as-deposited films. B. As show n in Figure 7B, the steady-state curre nt den sity decreases after cycl
18、i ng between 0.35 and 0.7 V, which is probably due to the dissolution of FeOx. C. As can be see n from parts a and b of Figure 7, the reacti on cycles start with the thermody namically most favorable VOx structures(J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 24950 - 24958 ) 這與XX能夠相互印證: A. This is supported bythe ap
19、peara nee in the Ni-doped compo unds of an ultraviolet-/isible absorpti on band at 420-520nm (see Fig. 3 in set), corresp onding to an en ergy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eV. B. This is consistent with the observation fromSEM -EDS. (Z.Zou et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 332 (2000) 271-277) C. This i
20、n dicates a good agreeme nt betwee nthe observed and calculated inten sities in monoclinic with space groupP2/c whe n the O atoms are in cluded in the model. D. The results are in good con siste nt withthe observed photocatalytic activity. E. Ide ntical con clusi ons were obta ined in studieswhere t
21、he SPR in te nsity and wavele ngth were modulated by man ipulati ng the compositi on, shape,or size of plasm onic nano structures. F. It was also found that areas of persiste nt diverge nt surface flow coincide with regions where convection appears to be consistently suppressed even whe n SSTs are a
22、bove 27.5C 三. 值得注意的是. A. It must also be men ti oned thatthe recycli ng of aqueous orga nic solve nt is less desirable tha n that of pure orga nic liquid. B. Ano ther in teresti ng finding is thatzeolites with 10-membered ring pores showed high selectivities (99%) to cyclohexa nol, whereas those wit
23、h 12-membered ring pores, such as mordenite, produced large amounts of dicyclohexyl ether. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641- 3666) C. It should be poin ted out thatthe nano meter-scale distributi on of electrocatalyst cen ters on the electrode surface is also a predo minant factor for high ORR electrocat
24、alytic activity. D. Notably, the Ru II and Rh I complexes possessing the same BINAP chirality form an tipodal amino acids as the predo minant products. (An gew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41:2008 -2022) E. Given the multitude of various tran sformati ons published,it is no teworthy that only very few dis
25、tinet activation methods have been identified. (Chem. Soc. Rev, 2009, 38, 2178-2189) F. I t is importa nt to highlight thatthese two direct ing effects will lead to differe nt enan tiomers of the products even if both the“ H-bon d-catalyst” and the catalyst act ing by steric shieldi ng have the same
26、 absolute stereochemistry. (Chem. Soc. Rev,2009, 38, 2178-2189) G. It is worthwhile men tio ning thatthese PPNDs can be very stable for several mon ths without the observati ons of any floati ng or precipitated dots, which is attributed to the electrostatic repulsi ons betwee n the positively charge
27、 PPNDs result ing in electrosteric stabilizatio n.(Adv. Mater., 2012, 24: 2037-2041) 四. .仍然是個挑戰(zhàn) ratio nally A. There is thereby an urge nt n eed but it is still a sig ni fica nt challe nge to design and delicately tail or the electroactive MTMOs for advaneed LIBs, ECs, MOBs, and FCs.(An gew. Chem. I
28、 nt. Ed.2 014, 53, 1488- 1504 ) B. However, systems that are sufficie ntly stable and efficie nt for practical usehave not yet bee n realized. C. It rema ins challe nging to develop highly active HER catalysts based on materials that are more abundant at lower costs. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2011, 133,7
29、296 7299) D. One of the great challe ngesin the twen ty-first cen turyis unq uesti on ably en ergy storage. (Nature Materials 2005, 4, 366 - 377 ) 五. 眾所周知 A. It is well established (accepted) / It is known to all / It is com monly known that many characteristics of functional materials, such as comp
30、ositi on, crystalli ne phase, structural and morphological features, and the sur-/i nterface properties betwee n the electrode and electrolyte, would greatly in flue nee the performa nee of these unique MTMOs in electrochemical en ergy storage/co nversion applicatio ns.(An gew. Chem. I nt. Ed.2014,5
31、3, 1488- 1504 ) B. It is gen erally accepted (believed) thatfor a-Fe2O3-based sen sors the cha nge in resista nee is mainly caused by the adsorpti on and desorpti on of gases on the surface of the sen sor structure. (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 582) C. As we all know, soybea n abo unds with carb on, n itr
32、oge n and oxyge n eleme nts owing to the existe nee of sugar, prote ins and lipids. (Chem. Commun, 2012, 48, 9367-9369) D. There is no denying that their prese nee may mediate sp in mome nts to alig n parallel without acti ng alo ne to show dO-FM. (Na noscale 2013, 5, 3918-3930 六. 正如下文將提到的. A. As wi
33、ll be described below(也可以是 As we shall see below ) , as the Si/Al ratio (Chem. in creases, the surface of the zeolite becomes more hydrophobic and possesses stro nger affinity for ethyl acetate and the nu mber of acid sites decreases. J. Am. Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641- 3666 ) B. This behavior is to
34、be expected andwill be further discussed below.( which Soc. , 1955, 77, 3701707) C. There are also some small deviati ons with respect to the flow direct ion, we will discuss below. (Scie nee, 2001,291,630-633) D. Below, we will see what this implies. E. Complete details of this case will be provide
35、d at a later time. E. 很多論文中,也經(jīng)常直接用 see below 來表示,比如:The observation of nanocluster spheres at the ends of the nano wires is suggestive of a VLS growth process (see below ). (Scienee, 1998,279, 208-211) 七. 這與XX能夠相互印證 A. This is supported bythe appeara nee in the Ni-doped compo unds of an ultraviolet-
36、/isible absorpti on band at 420-520 nm (see Fig. 3 in set), corresp onding to an en ergy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eV B. This is consistent with the observation fromSEM -EDS. (Chem. Phys. Lett. 2000, 332, 271 -277) C. Ide ntical con clusi ons were obta inedin studies where the SPR inten sity and wav
37、ele ngth were modulated by man ipulati ng the compositi on, shape, or size of plasmonic nanostructures.( Nat. Mater. 2011, DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3151) D. In additi on, the shape of the titrati on curve versus the PPi/1 ratio,coin cidi ng with that obta ined by fluoresce nt titrati on studies, suggested t
38、hat both 2:1 and 1:1 host-to-guest complexes are formed. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 9463-9464) E. This unu sual lu min esce nee behavior isin accord with a recent theoretical predict ion; MoS 2, an in direct ban dgap material in its bulk form, becomes a direct ban dgap semico nductor when thi nne
39、d to a mo no layer. ( Nano Lett. , 2010, 10, 1271-1275) 3.我們的研究可能在哪些方面得到應(yīng)用 A. Our ?ndings suggest that the use of solar en ergy for photocatalytic water splitti ng might provide a viable source for clean hydrogen fuel, once the catalytic ef?ciency of the semic on ductor system has bee n improved by
40、in creas ing its surface area and suitable modi?cati ons of the surface sites. B. Alo ng with this gree n and cost-effective protocol of syn thesis,we expect that these no vel carb on nano dotshave pote ntial applicati ons in bioimagi ng and electrocatalysis.(Chem. Com mun., 2012, 48, 9367-9369) C.
41、This system could pote ntially be applied as the gain medium of solid-state orga ni c-based lasers or as a comp onent of high value photovoltaic (PV) materials, where destructive high en ergy UV radiati on would be con verted to useful low en ergy NIR radiati on. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 29-43) D
42、. Since the use of graphe ne may enhance the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 un der UV and visible-light irradiatio n, graphe ne-TiO2 composites may pote ntially be used to enhance the bactericidal activity. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41,782-796) E. It is the first report that CQDs are both amino-fun
43、ctionalized and highly fluoresce nt, which suggests their promis ing applicati ons in chemical sensin g.(Carb on, 2012, 50, 2810-2815) 八. 什么東西還尚未發(fā)現(xiàn)/系統(tǒng)研究 A. However,systems that are sufficie ntly stable and efficie nt for practical usehave not yet bee n realized. B. Nevertheless,for conven ti onal na
44、no structured MTMOs as men ti oned above, some problematic disadvantages cannot be overlooked.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488- 1504 ) C. There are relatively few studies devoted todeterm in ati on of cmc values for block copolymer micelles. (Macromolecules 1991,24, 1033-1040) D. This might be th
45、e reas on why, despite of the great i nflue nee of the preparati on on the catalytic activity of gold catalysts,no systematic study concerning the syn thesis con diti onshas bee n published yet. (Applied Catalysis A: Gen eral 2002, 226,1 -13) E. These possibilities rema in to be explored. F. Further
46、 effort is required tounderstand and better control the parameters domin at ing the particle surface passivatio n and result ing properties for carb on dots of brighter photoluminescenee. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2006, 128,7756-7757) 九由于/因?yàn)?A. Liquid ammonia is particularly attractive as an alter native
47、 to water due to its stability in the prese nee of stro ng reduci ng age nts such as alkali metals that are used to access lower oxidatio n states. B. The unique n ature of the cyanide liga ndresults from its ability to act both as a donor and a n acceptor combined with its negativecharge and ambide
48、ntate nature. C. Qdots are also excelle nt probes for two-phot on con focal microscopy because they are characterized by a very large absorption cross secti on (Scie nee2005, 307, 538-544). D. As a result of the reductive strategy we used and of the strong bonding between the surface and the aryl gr
49、oups, low residual curre nts (similar to those observed at a bare electrode) were obta ined over a large window of pote ntials, the same as for the un modified pare nt GC electrode. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 5883-5884) E. The small Tafel slope of the defect-rich MoS2 ultrath in nano sheets is ad
50、va ntageous for practical applicati ons, since it will lead to a faster in creme nt of HER rate with in creas ing overpote ntial.(Adv. Mater., 2013, 25: 5807-5813) F. Fluoresce nt carb on-based materials have draw n in creas ing atte nti on in rece nt years owing to exceptional advantages such as hi
51、gh optical absorptivity, chemical stability, biocompatibility, and low toxicity.( An gew. Chem. I nt. Ed., 2013, 52: 3953- 3957) G. On the basis of measurements of the heat of immersion of water on zeolites, Tsutsumi etal. claimed that the surface con sists of siloxa ne bondings and is hydrophobici
52、n the regi on of low Al con te nt. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641-3666) H. Nan oparticle spatial distributio ns might have a large sig ni fica nee for catalyst stability, give n that metal particle growth is a releva nt deactivati on mecha nism for commercial catalysts. 十.很重要 A. The inhibition of addit
53、ional nucleation during growth, in other words, the complete separati on of n ucleati on and growth,is critical(esse ntial, importa nt) for the successful syn thesis of mon odisperse nan ocrystals. (Nature Materials 3, 891 - 895 (2004) B. In the current study, Cys, homocysteine (Hcy) and glutathione
54、 (GSH) were chosen as model thiol compo unds since theyplay importa nt (sig ni fica nt, vital, critical) roles in many biological processes and mon itori ng of these thiol compo undsis of great importa nee for diagnosis of diseases.( Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 1147-1149) C. This is because accord ing
55、to nu cleati on theory, what really mattersin additi on to the cha nge in temperature(bTsupersaturati on) is the cooli ng rate.( Chem. Soc. Rev, 2014, 43, 2013-2026) 十一.相反/不同于 A. On the con trary,monon uelear complexes, called sin gle-i on magn ets (SIM), have show n hysteresis loops of butterfly/ph
56、 onon bottle neck type, with n egligible coercivity, and therefore with much shorter relaxati on times of magn etizati on. (An gew. Chem. I nt. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413Y417) B. In con trast,the Dy compo und has sig ni fica ntly larger value of the tran sversal mag netic mome nt already in the ground stat
57、e (ca. 10- 1 ub), therefore allowi ng a fast QTM.(An gew. Chem. I nt. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413 T417 ) C. In con trast to the structural similarity of these complexes, their magn etic behavior exhibits stro ng diverge nee. (An gew. Chem. I nt. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413-4417) D. Con trary toother con duct ing po
58、lymer semic on ductors, carb on n itride is chemically and thermally stable and does not rely on complicated device manu facturi ng. (Nature materials, 2009, 8(1): 76-80.) E. Un like the spherical particles they are derived from that Rayleigh light-scatter in the blue, these nano prisms exhibit scat
59、teri ng in the red, which could be useful in develop ing multicolor diag no stic labels on the basis not only of nan oparticle composition and size but also of shap e. (Scie nee 2001,294, 1901-1903) 十二發(fā)現(xiàn),闡明,報道,證實(shí) 可供選擇的詞包括:verify, con firm, elucidate, ide ntify, defi ne, characterize, clarify, establ
60、ish, ascerta in, expla in, observe, illu min ate, illustrate, dem on strate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest, suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose , report, describe , facilitate the identification of 舉例: A. These stacks appear as nano rods in the two-dime
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