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1、(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內(nèi)容是山我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們 對(duì)文中內(nèi)容進(jìn)行仔細(xì)校對(duì),但是難免會(huì)有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻 譯)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)帶來(lái)便利。同時(shí)也真誠(chéng)的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我 們進(jìn)步的源泉,前進(jìn)的動(dòng)力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺(jué)得對(duì)您有幫助請(qǐng)收藏以便隨時(shí)查閱,最后祝您生活愉快業(yè)績(jī)進(jìn)步,以 下為(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯的全部?jī)?nèi)容。(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯Inverter1 IntroductionAn inverter i

2、s an eIectri cal device that converts d i rect current (DC)to alternating current (AC) ; the converted AC can beat any requ i redvoltage and frequency with the use of appropr iatetransformers ,swi tch i ng ,and control c i rcu i ts. So I i dstate i nvertershave no mov i ngparts and are used in a wid

3、e range of appI ications, fromsmaI I switchingpower suppIi es i n computers, to I arge eIectr i c utility h i ghvo11agedi rect current appIications that transport buIk power.Inverters arecommon Iy usedtosupp I y AC power from DC sources such asso I ar paneIs orbatter i es.There aretwoma i n types of

4、 i nverter。 The output ofa mod i f i ed s i newave i nverters imi I ar to a square wave output exceptthat the outputgoes to zero volts for a time before switching positive or negative。 Iti s simple and I ow cos t and i s compa ti b I e with mos t elec tronic devices.except for sensitive or special i

5、zed equ i pment, for examp Ie certain Iaserpr inters A pure sine wave inverter produces a near Iy perfect sine wave output ( 3% total harmonic d i stortion) that is essentially the same as named because ear I y mecha ni ca I AC to DC con ver ters were made to work in reverse , and t hus were n in ve

6、r ted, to con ver t DC to AC. The in ver ter performs the opposite function of a rectifier。utilitysuppI i ed gr i d powerThuseIectronic deviceso Th i s i s the type des i gn is more comp Iexr and costs 5 or eIectri cal i nverter i s a h i ghpowerit is compa t i b 丨 e with a I I AC used in grid-tie i

7、nverters。 Its 10 times more per unit power The eIectronic osci I Iator It is so(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯2 AppIicat i ons2o 1 DC power source utiIizationAn inverter converts the DC eIectricity from sources such as batteries, so I ar paneIs, or fueI cells to AC e I ectricity。 The eIectrieity can be at any requ i

8、 red voltage; i n particuI ar it can operate AC equ i pment des i gned for ma i ns operation, or rectified to produce DC at any des i red voltageGr i d tie i nverters can feed energy back into the d i stribution network because they produce alternating cur rent with the same wave shape and frequency

9、 as supp I i ed by the d i s trib ution sys tem. They can a I so switch off automaticaI Iy in the event of a bIackout. Microinverters convert d i rect current from i nd i v i duaI so I ar paneIs into alternating current for the eIectrie gr i d They are gr id tie des i gns by defau112.2 Uninterruptib

10、le power suppliesAn uni nterruptibIe power suppIy (UPS ) uses batter i es and an inverter to supp I y AC power when ma i n power i s not ava i I ab I e o When ma i n power i s restored, a rectifier suppl ies DC power to recharge the batter ies.2O 3 Induction heatingInverters convert low frequency ma

11、in AC power to a higher frequency for use in induetion heating. To do this, AC power i s f i rst rectified toprov i de DCpower.The inverterthen changestheDCpower tohighfrequency ACpower o2.4 HVDCpowertransmissionWith HVDC powertransmi ss i on,AC power is rectifiedand h i gh vo11 ageDC power i strans

12、mitted to anotherI ocation。 Atthereceiving I ocati on,an i nverter in a static inverter pI ant converts the power back to AC.(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯2O 5 VariabIe-frequency drivesA var i abIe一frequency dr i ve controIs the operating speed of an AC motor by controlling the frequency and voltage of the power su

13、ppI ied to the motor。 An inverter prov i des the controlled power. In mos t cases , the var i abIe一frequency dr i ve i ncIudes a rectifier so that DC power for the inverter can be provided from ma in AC power Since an inverter i s the key comp orient, var i ab I ef reque ncy dr i ves are some ti mes

14、 cal led in ver ter dr i ves or just inverters。2o 6 Electric vehicle drivesAd justable speed motor controI inverters are cur rently used to power the traction motors in some eIectrie and d i eseIeIectrie rai I vehicles as we I I as some battery eIectrie vehicles and hybr id eIectrie h i ghway vehicl

15、es such as the Toyota Pr i us and F i sker Karma. Various improvements in inverter techno logy are being developed specifically for eIectrie vehicIe appl ications。In vehicleswith regenerative brak ing, the inverter a I so takes power from the motor ( now acting as a generator) and stores it in the b

16、atter i eso2o 7 The general caseA transformer a I Iows AC power to be converted to any des i red voltage,but at thesame frequency oIn ver ters, p I us rec ti fiers for DC. can bedes i gned toconvert from any voltage,AC or DC, to any other voltage,a I so AC orDCt at any des i red frequency oThe outpu

17、t power canneverexceed thei npu t power, but eff i c i enciescan be high, with asma I Iheat oproportion of the power dissipated as waste3 Ci rcuit description3.1 Basic designsIn one simple inverter ci rcui t ,DC power i s connected to atransformer through the centre tap of the pr imary windingo A sw

18、itch is(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯rap idly swit ched back and for th to allow cur re nt to flow back to the DC source fol lowing two alternate paths through one end of the pr imary winding and then the other. The alternation of the di rection of current in the pr imary wind i ng of the transformer produces alter

19、nating current (AC) in the secondary ci rcuit。The eIectromechanica丨 vers i on of the switch i ng dev i ce i ncIudes two stationary contacts and a spr i ng supported mov i ng contact. The spr i ng ho I ds the movabIe contact aga i nst one of the stationary contacts and an eIectromagnet pulls the mova

20、ble contact to the oppos i te stationary contact. The current in the eIectromagnet is interrupted by the action of the switch so that the switch continuaI Iy switches rap idly back and forth。 Th i s t ype of electromechanical i nverter switch, cal led a v i brator or buzzer , was once used i n vacuu

21、m tube auto mob i I e radios o A s imi I ar mechanism has been used in door bells, buzzers and tattoo guns.As they became avai IabIe with adequate power ratings, transi stors and var ious other types of semiconduetor switches have been incorporated into inverter ci rcuit designs3o 2 Output waveforms

22、The switch in the simple inverter descr i bed above , whe n not coup Ied to an output t ransformer, produces a square volt age waveform due to its simple off and on nature as opposed to the sinusoidal waveform that is the usuaI waveform of an AC power suppIy. Using Four ier ana lysis, per iodic wave

23、forms are represented as the sum of an infinite ser i es of sine waves The sine wave that has the same frequency as the or iginal waveform i s called the fundame ntal comp orient。 The ot her sine waves , cal led harmonics, that are incIuded in the ser ies have frequencies that are integraI mult ip l

24、es of the fundamental frequencyo(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯The qua Iity of output waveform that is needed from an inverter depends on the charac ter is tics of the connected load o Some I oads need a near I y perfect sine wave voltage supply in order to work proper Iy o Other loads may work quite we I I with a s

25、quare wave voltage。3.3 Three phase invertersThreephase inverters are used for var iabIefrequency dr i ve appIications and for high power appI ications such as HVDC power transmi ss i on。 A basic threephase inverter consists of three single-phase inverter switches each connected to one of the three l

26、oad term ina Is For the most bas ic controI scheme, the operation of the three switches is coordinated so that one switch operates at each 60 degree point of the fundamental output waveform. Thi s creates a I i netoTine output waveform that has s i x st eps。 The s i xstep waveform has a zero-vo It a

27、ge step between the positive and negative sections of the square-wave such that the harmonics that are multipIes of three are eI iminated as descr i bed above Whe n carr i er ased PWM techniques are appIi ed to s i xstep waveforms , the bas i c overaI I shape , or envelope, of the waveform i s reta

28、i ned so that the 3rd harmonic and its mu Itipies are canceI Ied4 History4o 1 Early invertersFrom the late nineteenth century through the middle of the twentieth century, DCto-AC power convers ion was accompI i shed us ing rotary converters or motorgenerator sets (M-G sets) 。 In the early twentieth

29、century. vacuum tubes and gas filled tubes began to be used as switches in inverter ci rcuits o The most widely used type of tube was the thyratron。The origins of eIectromechanicaI inverters exp I a i n the source of the term inverter. Ear Iy ACto一DC converters used an induetion or synchronous AC mo

30、tor d i rectconnected to a genera tor ( dyn amo ) so that the(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯generator s commutator reversed its connections at exactly the r ight moments to produce DC. A later development is the synchronous converter, in which the motor and generator windings are combined into one armature. with sli

31、p r ings at one end and a commutator at the other and only one field frame o The resu11 with either is ACin,DC一out. With an M一Gset. the DC can be con s i dered to be separa tely gen era ted from the AC ; with a synchronous converter, in a certain sense it can be considered to be n mechanicaI Iy rect

32、ified AC” o G i ven the r i ght aux i Ii ary and controI equ i pme nt. an M一G set or rot ary con ver ter can be H ru n backwards 乃, converting DC to AC. Hence an inverter i s an inverted converter.4.2 Contro11ed rect i f i er invertersSince ear Iy transistors were not avai IabIe with suff icient vol

33、tage and curre nt ratings for mos t inver ter app I i ca tions, it was the 1957 introduction of the thyr i stor or s i Ii concontrolled rectifier (SCR) that i n i tiated the transition to solid state i nverter c i rcu its.The commutation requi rements of SCRs are a key consideration in SCR ci rcu it

34、 desig ns。 SCRs do not turn off or commutate automat i ca I I y whe n the gate controI signal is shut off。 They only turn off when the forward current is reduced to be Iow the minimum holding current, which var i es with each kind of SCR, through some external process For SCRs connected to an AC pow

35、er source , commutation occurs naturaI Iy every time the po I ar i ty of the source volt age reverses. SCRs con nec ted to a DC power source usuaI Iy requ i re a means of forced commutation that forces the current to zero when commutation is requ i red The I east comp Ii cated SCR c i rcu its empIoy

36、 naturaI commutat ion rather t han forced commutation. With the add i tion of forced commu tat ion c i rcu its, SCRs have been used i n the types of inverter ci rcuits descr ibed above。 In appIications where(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯inverters transfer power from a DC power source to an AC power source ,it is po

37、ssibIe to use AC-toDC controI led rectifier ci rcuits operating in the inversion mode In the inversion mode, a controI led rectifier c i rcu it opera tes as a line comm utated in ver ter. Th i s type of opera tion can be used in HVDC power transmi ssion systems and in regenerative braking operation

38、of motor controI systems。Another type of SCR inverter ci rcuit is the current source input (CSI) in ver ter. A CSI in ver ter i s the dua I of a six-s tep volt age source inverter. With a current source inverter. the DC power suppIy i s configured as a current source rather than a voltage source. Th

39、e inverterSCRs are switched in a six-step sequence to di rect the current to athree-phaseAC 1oad as a stepped current waveform CS1 i nvertercommutat i onmethods inc1ude 1oad commutat ion and para 1 1 e 1 capacitorcommutat i on.With both methods, the input current regu1 ation assists thecomm utati on

40、。 With I oad comm utati on, the load i s a syn chro nous motor operated at a Iead ing power factor. As they have become ava i IabIe in h i gher voltage and current ratings, semi conductors such as trans i stors or IGBTs that can be turned off by means of control signals have become the preferred swi

41、tching components for use in inverter ci rcuits。4o 3 Rectifier and inverter pulse numbersRectifier c i rcu its are often classified by the number of current pu I ses that flow to the DC s i de of the rec ti fier per eye I e of AC i npu t voltage。 A single一phase ha If ave rectifier i s a one-puIse c

42、i rcu it and a single一phase fuI I一wave rectifier i s a two-pulse c i rcu it. A three- phase ha If ave rectifier i s a three-puIse c i rcu it and a three-phase fuI I-wave rectifier i s a s i x一puIse c i rcu it。With three-phase rectifiers, two or more rectifiers are sometimes connected in ser i es or

43、para I IeI to(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯obta i n higher voltage or cur rent ratings。 The rectifier i nputs are suppI i ed from spec i a I transformers that prov i de phase sh i fted outputs。Th i s has the effec t of phase multi plica ti on。 S i x phases are obtained from two transformers, tweIve phases from thre

44、e transformers and so on.The associated rectifier ci rcuits are 12-pulse rectifiers, 18一puIse rectifiers and so on。 When controlled rectifier c i rcu its are operated i n the i nvers i on mode, they wouId be cI ass i f i ed by puIse number a I so o Rectifier c i rcu its that have a h i gher puIse nu

45、mber have reduced harmonic con tent in the AC i npu t curre nt and reduced ripple in the DC output volt age oI n the inversion mode , c i rcu its that have a h i gher pu I senumber have Iower harmonic content in the AC output voltage waveform.逆變器1簡(jiǎn)介逆變器是一種能將直流電轉(zhuǎn)化為可變的交流電的電子裝置,使用適當(dāng)?shù)淖儔浩鳌?開(kāi)關(guān)以及控制電路可以將轉(zhuǎn)化的交

46、流電調(diào)整到任何需要的電壓以及頻率值。 固定的逆變器沒(méi)有移動(dòng)部件,其應(yīng)用范圍極其廣泛,從小型計(jì)算機(jī)開(kāi)關(guān)電源,到大 型電力公司高壓直流電源應(yīng)用,運(yùn)輸散貨。逆變器通常用于提供從諸如太陽(yáng)能電池 板或電池直流電源轉(zhuǎn)換的交流電源.。逆變器有兩種主要類(lèi)型。對(duì)修改后正弦波逆變器輸出是一個(gè)類(lèi)似方波輸出,輸出去除了一時(shí)間為零伏特,然后才轉(zhuǎn)到正或負(fù)。它的電路簡(jiǎn)單而且成本一般較低,并與大(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯多數(shù)電子設(shè)備兼容,除了敏感或?qū)S迷O(shè)備,例如某些激光打印機(jī)。純正弦波逆變器 產(chǎn)生一個(gè)近乎完美的正弦波輸出u (3%的總諧波失真),它本質(zhì)上與公用事業(yè)電網(wǎng) 提供的相同。因此它與所有的交流電子設(shè)備兼容。這是網(wǎng)逆變

47、器配合使用的類(lèi)型。 它的設(shè)計(jì)更為復(fù)雜,成本5人以上每單位功率。門(mén)電逆變器是一種高功率電子振 蕩器的10倍。它是如此命名是因?yàn)樵缙跈C(jī)械A(chǔ)C到DC轉(zhuǎn)換器的工作作了相反,因此 是“倒“,轉(zhuǎn)換成直流到交流。變頻器的整流執(zhí)行相反的功能2應(yīng)用2o 1直流電源利用率逆變器將直流電,如電池,太陽(yáng)能電池板,燃料電池等轉(zhuǎn)換為交流電直流電。轉(zhuǎn) 換的交流電可以是任意需要大小的交流電,特別是它可以操作交流設(shè)備用于電源操 作,或者濾波產(chǎn)生任何需要的直流電壓。配電網(wǎng)絡(luò)逆變器可以將能量反饋到分配網(wǎng)絡(luò),因?yàn)樗麄儺a(chǎn)生的交流電和分配網(wǎng)絡(luò) 提供的交流電的波形和頻率可以是一樣的。而且他們也可以自動(dòng)關(guān)斷輸出當(dāng)遇到停 電事故時(shí)。微型逆變器

48、將由個(gè)人太陽(yáng)能電池板產(chǎn)生的直流電轉(zhuǎn)化為交流電并入電網(wǎng)。 接從個(gè)人的太陽(yáng)能電池板的電流它們使用默認(rèn)的輸電網(wǎng)設(shè)計(jì).2.2不間斷電源不間斷電源(UPS)當(dāng)主電源無(wú)法使用時(shí)使用電池和逆變器提供交流電源.當(dāng)主電 源恢復(fù)時(shí),一個(gè)整流器供應(yīng)直流電源對(duì)電池進(jìn)行充電.2o 3感應(yīng)加熱逆變器將低頻交流電源轉(zhuǎn)化為更高的頻率以用于感應(yīng)加熱使用。要做到這一點(diǎn),首先 交流電源經(jīng)過(guò)濾波提供直流電源.該逆變器,然后更改為高頻率的交流電源直流電源。 2.4高壓直流輸電隨著高壓直流輸電,交流電源進(jìn)行整流和高壓直流電源被傳輸?shù)搅硪粋€(gè)位置。在接收 的位置,在一個(gè)靜止變流器廠將直流電源轉(zhuǎn)換回交流電2o 5變頻驅(qū)動(dòng)器一個(gè)變頻驅(qū)動(dòng)控制器通

49、過(guò)控制供應(yīng)給電機(jī)的電源電壓和頻率來(lái)控制交流電機(jī)的運(yùn)行 速度逆變器提供控制信號(hào)。在大多數(shù)情況下,變頻驅(qū)動(dòng)器包括一個(gè)整流器,因而提(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯供給逆變器的直流電源可以由交流主電源提供。由于逆變器是關(guān)鍵部件,變頻驅(qū)動(dòng) 器有時(shí)也被稱(chēng)為逆變器驅(qū)動(dòng)器或只是逆變器2o 6電動(dòng)汽車(chē)驅(qū)動(dòng)調(diào)速電動(dòng)機(jī)控制逆變器是目前用于電力牽引在一些電動(dòng)和柴油電動(dòng)軌道車(chē)輛以及 一些電池電動(dòng)汽車(chē)上的電機(jī),如豐田Prius和菲斯克嶋瑪混合動(dòng)力電動(dòng)汽車(chē)高速公路 交通工具。在變頻技術(shù)的各項(xiàng)改善措施正在制定專(zhuān)門(mén)針對(duì)電動(dòng)車(chē)輛的應(yīng)用。與更新 制動(dòng)車(chē)輛,還需要從變頻器的電機(jī)(現(xiàn)在作為發(fā)電機(jī))和它儲(chǔ)存在電池里的電源。2.7 一般情況

50、下一個(gè)變壓器允許交流電源被轉(zhuǎn)換為任何所需的電壓,但是卻在相同的頻率。逆變 器,直流加整流器,可以設(shè)計(jì)成任何轉(zhuǎn)換電壓,交流或直流,在任何需要的頻率,以 任何其他電壓,也可以是交流或直流。輸岀功率不能超過(guò)輸入功率,但效率可以很高, 可以允許作為一部分余熱消耗掉功率很小的一部分.3電路描述3. 1基本設(shè)計(jì)在一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的逆變電路中,直流電源通過(guò)初級(jí)繞組的中心抽頭連接到變壓器。開(kāi) 關(guān)以極高的頻率來(lái)回切換,使電流回流在變壓器的初級(jí)繞組里流過(guò)一個(gè)方向后再向 另一個(gè)方向流動(dòng)。初級(jí)繞組里電流方向的變化通過(guò)變壓器在次級(jí)繞組里產(chǎn)生交變電 流.在開(kāi)關(guān)設(shè)備機(jī)電版本包括兩個(gè)固定觸點(diǎn)和彈簧支撐移動(dòng)接觸點(diǎn)。彈簧持有一個(gè)可 移動(dòng)

51、的觸體來(lái)和固定觸點(diǎn)接觸,電磁鐵拉動(dòng)可移動(dòng)的觸體到對(duì)而的固定的觸體。在電 磁鐵的電流中斷的交換機(jī)中,使交換開(kāi)關(guān)不斷來(lái)回迅速切換迅速。這種機(jī)動(dòng)逆變器 式開(kāi)關(guān),稱(chēng)為一個(gè)振動(dòng)器或蜂鳴器,曾經(jīng)在真空電子管汽車(chē)收音機(jī)中使用。一個(gè)類(lèi) 似的電子裝置己用于門(mén)鈴,蜂鳴器和紋身槍。當(dāng)開(kāi)關(guān)管有有足夠的額定功率,晶體 管和半導(dǎo)體開(kāi)關(guān)各種其他類(lèi)型的的電子開(kāi)關(guān)器件可用己納入逆變器電路設(shè)計(jì).3o 2輸岀波形上述簡(jiǎn)單的逆變器中的開(kāi)關(guān),當(dāng)不耦合到輸岀變壓器時(shí),輸出電壓波形由于開(kāi)關(guān)管 簡(jiǎn)單的導(dǎo)通或關(guān)斷產(chǎn)生一個(gè)方波電壓輸出,而不是交流電最常見(jiàn)的正弦波形,它是一 個(gè)AC電源波形通常由于其簡(jiǎn)單。利用傅里葉分析,周期性波形表示為一個(gè)無(wú)窮級(jí)數(shù)(完整)逆變器外文文獻(xiàn)及翻譯的正弦波的總和。正弦波中和原始波形具有相同的頻率的波稱(chēng)為基波。其他頻率的 正弦波,稱(chēng)為諧波,這是該系列中包括有頻率是基波頻率的整數(shù)倍.輸出波形


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