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1、Extensive reading 克隆技術大事記克隆技術大事記 1938年年: :德國科學家首次提出克隆想法。德國科學家首次提出克隆想法。 1952年年: :科學家開始用青蛙進行克隆實驗??茖W家開始用青蛙進行克隆實驗。 1970年年: :克隆青蛙實驗取得突破克隆青蛙實驗取得突破, ,青蛙卵發(fā)育青蛙卵發(fā)育 成了蝌蚪成了蝌蚪, , 但是在開始進食以后死亡。但是在開始進食以后死亡。 1981年年: :科學家進行克隆鼠實驗科學家進行克隆鼠實驗, ,據(jù)稱用據(jù)稱用 鼠胚胎細胞培育出了正常的鼠。鼠胚胎細胞培育出了正常的鼠。 1984年年: :第一只胚胎克隆羊誕生。第一只胚胎克隆羊誕生。 1997年年2月月

2、24日日: :英國羅斯林研究所宣布英國羅斯林研究所宣布 克隆羊培育成功。科學家用取自一只克隆羊培育成功??茖W家用取自一只6 6歲歲 成年羊的乳腺細胞培育成功一只克隆羊。成年羊的乳腺細胞培育成功一只克隆羊。 1998年年2月月23日日: :英英國國PPL醫(yī)療公司宣布醫(yī)療公司宣布, 該公司克隆出一頭牛犢該公司克隆出一頭牛犢“杰弗遜先生杰弗遜先生”。 1998年年7月月5日日: :日日本科學家宣布本科學家宣布,他們利他們利 用成年動物體細胞克隆的兩頭牛犢誕生。用成年動物體細胞克隆的兩頭牛犢誕生。 1998年年7月月22日日: :科學家采用一種新克隆科學家采用一種新克隆 技術技術, ,用成年鼠的體細胞

3、成功地培育出用成年鼠的體細胞成功地培育出 了第三代共了第三代共5050多只克隆鼠多只克隆鼠, ,這是人類第這是人類第 一次用克隆動物克隆出克隆動物。一次用克隆動物克隆出克隆動物。 1999年年5月月31日日: :美國夏威夷大學的科學美國夏威夷大學的科學 家家, ,利用成年體細胞克隆出第一只雄性利用成年體細胞克隆出第一只雄性 老鼠。老鼠。 19991999年年6 6月月1717日日: :以美藉華人科學家楊以美藉華人科學家楊 向中為首的研究小組利用一頭向中為首的研究小組利用一頭1313歲高歲高 齡的母牛耳朵上取出的細胞克隆出小齡的母牛耳朵上取出的細胞克隆出小 牛。牛。 20002000年年1 1月

4、月3 3日日: :美國著名華人楊向中美國著名華人楊向中, , 用體外長期培養(yǎng)后的公牛耳皮細胞成用體外長期培養(yǎng)后的公牛耳皮細胞成 功克隆出功克隆出6 6頭牛犢。頭牛犢。 20002000年年1 1月月: :美國科學家宣布克隆猴成功美國科學家宣布克隆猴成功, , 這只恒河猴被命名這只恒河猴被命名“泰特拉泰特拉”。 20002000年年3 3月月1414日日: :曾參與克隆小羊曾參與克隆小羊“多利多利” 的英國的英國PPLPPL公司宣布公司宣布, ,他們成功培育出他們成功培育出5 5頭頭 克隆豬??寺∝i。 Please enjoy some pictures about dinosaurs. 霸王龍

5、霸王龍tyrannosaurus 劍龍劍龍stegosaurs 角龍角龍 ceratopsids 雷龍雷龍 brontosaurus 翼龍翼龍pterodactyl Answer the following questions: 1. Why shouldnt you clone an extinct animal if there isnt enough diversity in the group? 2.Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo? 3.Why cant you c

6、lone the DNA of animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years? 1. Why shouldnt you clone an extinct animal if there isnt enough diversity in the group? Keys: There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses. 2. Why is it wrong to clone an extinct a

7、nimal if it would have to live in a zoo? It is not a good idea to clone an animal that would have to live in a zoo because it is not a suitable habitat to develop and increase its numbers. The zoo is not a natural environment for a wild animal. 3. Why cant you clone the DNA of animals that have been

8、 extinct longer than 10,000 years? The DNA of animals more than 10,000 years old is not suitable for cloning, for it cant survive so long. The writer of the text_ A. is excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals B. believes that extinct animals can be brought back to life by cl

9、oning C. thinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals like dinosaurs D. dreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth 主旨大意主旨大意 2. The film Jurassic Park is popular because _. A. people are interested in the subject of cloning B. all the actors are dinosaurs C. it was directed by a scient

10、ist who clones dinosaurs D. it proves very interesting 細枝末節(jié)細枝末節(jié) A 3. Which of the following is true? _ Mice were cloned in 1981. B. Dolly the sheep was the first cloned animal. C. The name of the cloned cow is “Bison” D. China was successful in cloning mammals. 4. The reasons why a group of cloned a

11、nimals all die of the same illness do NOT include_. A. they have the same arrangement of genes B. there isnt enough diversity in the group for it to overcome illnesses C. the illness is a new one D. their arrangement of genes can not resist that new disease 5. We can infer from the text that_ A. sci

12、entists are experimenting to clone dinosaurs B. dinosaurs will never return to the earth C. cloned animals will only live in the zoo D. the DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10 000 year 推理判斷推理判斷 True or false. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals because they think it can make mon

13、ey. The animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can be brought back to life through cloning. If we can clone any extinct animals, we should let them live in a zoo. F F F The popularity of the film Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several different kinds of extinct din

14、osaurs, proves how interested ordinary people are in the subject. 長句難句長句難句 電影電影侏羅紀公園侏羅紀公園的歡迎證實的歡迎證實 了普通人對這一話題是多么感興趣了普通人對這一話題是多么感興趣, 在該電影中一位科學家克隆了幾種不在該電影中一位科學家克隆了幾種不 同的恐龍。同的恐龍。 in which引導定語從句引導定語從句, how引導引導 賓語從句。賓語從句。 2. From time to time people suggest that the animals that have disappeared from the

15、 earth, like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. 人們時常設想從地球上消失的動物人們時常設想從地球上消失的動物, 例如恐龍例如恐龍,有可能通過克隆技術使它有可能通過克隆技術使它 們復活。們復活。 from time to time有時有時, 間或間或, 偶爾偶爾, = occasionally, now and then。 3. It is useless to clone an animal if there is not enough diversity in the group fo

16、r it to overcome illnesses. 該群中如果沒有足夠的多樣性使它該群中如果沒有足夠的多樣性使它 克服疾病克服疾病, ,克隆動物就沒有用??寺游锞蜎]有用。 當動詞不定式、動名詞或從句作主語當動詞不定式、動名詞或從句作主語 時時, 通常把它們放在謂語之后通常把它們放在謂語之后, 而用而用it 作句子的形式主語。作句子的形式主語。 4. Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways. 群中的多樣性指的是擁有基因排列群中的多樣性指的是擁有基因排列 方式不

17、同的動物。方式不同的動物。 with their genes arranged in different ways作作定語定語, in different ways 以不以不 同的方式。同的方式。 5. .but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to their children. .其他的將存活下來并傳遞給其后其他的將存活下來并傳遞給其后 代抵抗這種病的能力。代抵抗這種病的能力。 resist 作及物動詞主要有三個義項作及物動詞主要有三個義項: 抵抗抵抗, 對抗對抗; 抵擋抵擋, 防止防止;

18、 (與與cannot, could not連用連用) 無法抗拒無法抗拒, 無法抵擋。無法抵擋。 base on/upon 以以為基礎為基礎, 依據(jù)依據(jù) 其結構為其結構為: base sth. on/upon sth. is based on/upon 6. Based on what we know now, you can not clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10000 years. 據(jù)我們現(xiàn)在所知據(jù)我們現(xiàn)在所知, 絕種一萬年以上的絕種一萬年以上的 動物不能克隆。動物不能克隆。 May the best animal wi

19、n! Which extinct animals are worth restoring by means of cloning? Choose one and use the information to help you argue why this animal should be restored to the earth. Auroch (1627) Dodo bird (1755) Quagga (1883) A sample dialogue (P16) S1: I think the dodo bird should be returned to the earth. It h

20、asnt been extinct very long. So its DNA will still be good enough for cloning. S2: Yes and sailors in the past always described the dodo as being a very friendly animal. So it would make a good pet. It wasnt too large either. I cant see any other extinct animals becoming a pet, can you? S1: No, inde

21、ed. 1 know its a bird like the Great Auk but neither of them could fly. So if you kept either, it wouldnt escape from a park, a family or its home in the wild. You could also farm a dodo, unlike all the others, and produce many of them as exotic pets. S2: And what about its large nutritious eggs? Ju

22、st one would feed a large family. So theres more than one reason for producing it in commercial numbers. S1: Did you know that its meat is very tasty too! Perhaps it could be farmed like ostriches and provide a good source of protein. S2: The only problem is that it needs hot climate to survive. But thats easy to provide with all its other advantages. I dont think any of the other animals stands a chance against the dodo. S1: So we both agree that the best extinct animal to be cloned is the dodo bird. S2: Yes. 3. A sample report(p.17) The dodo is the most su


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