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1、O 字部A: I really dont understand your objection to globalization.B: I simply think that globalization will harm established communities.objectionn. 1.反對,異議; 2.反對的理由 A: I just want you to know that the words you said hurt me.B: Well, I want you to know that hurting you wasnt my objective.objectiven. 目

2、標,目的a. 客觀的,不帶偏見的A: Why cant you go to the movie?B: Id love to go, but I feel like I have a obligation to help George with his homework, since he helped me with mine last week.obligationn. 義務,責任A: Would you like some help carrying that box?B: Dont feel obliged to, but Id love your help.obligevt. 1.迫使

3、;2.施恩于,幫的忙; 3.使感激A: It seems like the students have behaved etter since the new principal arrived.B: Thats a good observation.observationn. 1.注意, 觀察; 2.言論,評論; 3.常pl. 觀察資料,觀察數(shù)據(jù); 4.觀察力A: Do you mind if I observe your classroom today?B: Of course not.observevt. 1.注意到,觀察到; 2.觀察; 3.評說, 評論; 4.遵守,奉行A: Ther

4、es an official observe visiting the plant today, so all of the workers should be on their best behavior.B: In an ideal world, the workers would be on their best behavior with or without an observe.observern. 觀察者, 觀察員A: What has been the biggest obstacle in your relationship?B: Probably the fact that

5、 we live on opposite sides of the country.obstaclen. 障礙(物), 妨礙A: I was able to obtain two tickets to the game tomorrow. Would you like to go?B: Sure, Id love to.obtain.vt. 獲得,得到vi. 通用, 存在, 流行A: Isnt it obvious that Rachel hates me?B: Actually, I dont think Rachel hates you at all.obviousa. 顯然的,明顯的A:

6、 How often do you wear this suit?B: Not very often; only on special occasions.occasionn.時刻,時候,場合;重大(或特殊)活動,盛會;時機,機會;起因,理由vt.引起,惹起on occasion(s)有時,間或A: Would you like a hamburger?B: No, thanks. Aside from the occasional hotdog, I never eat meat.occasionala. 偶爾的,間或發(fā)生的A: Whats your fathers occupation?B

7、: Hes a fireman.occupationn.工作,職業(yè);(人)從事的活動,消遣;占領(lǐng),占據(jù)A: I want you to know that you occupy a special place in my heart.B: And you in mine.occupyvt.占,占用,占領(lǐng);使忙碌,使從事A: Did you hear that Fred was late for work yesterday?B: Now thats a rare occurrence! Hes almost always on time.occurrencen.發(fā)生的事情,事件;發(fā)生,出現(xiàn)A:

8、 Did you enjoy the party?B: Not really. There was a very odd mix of people.odda.奇特的,古怪的;臨時的,不固定的;單的,不成對的;掛零的,剩余的,余下的n. pl.可能性,機會against all (the) odds盡管有極大的困難,盡管極為不利 at odds with與不和,與爭吵,與不一致odds and ends零星雜物,瑣碎物品A: Will you please stop making fun of my hair?B: Im sorry; I didnt mean to offend you.of

9、fendvt. 冒犯,得罪,傷害的感情;使厭惡,使不舒服;違反,違犯A: What offence is he charged with?B: Hes charged with disturbing the peace.offensen.犯規(guī),違法行為;冒犯,得罪A: Do you think shes a good comedian?B: She may be good, but her humor is too offensive for me.offensivea.冒犯的,無禮的,使人不快的;進攻的,攻擊性的n.進攻,攻勢A: Are there any errors in my pap

10、er?B: It looks like you omitted a word in this sentence.omitvt.省略,刪節(jié);遺漏,疏忽A: I hate cutting onions, because they make me cry.B: You should wear goggles to protect your eyes.onionn.洋蔥,洋蔥類植物A: How did she escape from her cell?B: It appears that she was able to escape through the small opening between

11、the bars.openingn.口子,洞,孔;(正式的)開始,開端;(職位的)空缺a.開的,開始的A: Do you like to go to the opera?B: Not really. Id rather go to a rock concert.operan.歌劇A: Weve decided to give you operational control of the company.B: Im certain that Im up for the job.operationala.運轉(zhuǎn)的,即可使用的;操作上的A: I cant find my friends telepho

12、ne number in the phone book.B: Have you tried calling the operator?operatorn.話務員,報務員;操作員A: Why are you such a staunch opponent of the President?B: Because I strongly disagree with his opinions.opponentn.敵手,對手;反對者A: I cant believe youre giving up the opportunity to go to the Bahamas for spring break!

13、B: Id rather save my money and take a bigger trip next year.opportunityn.機會,時機A: Why did you oppose the decision of the school board?B: Because I felt that it was unfair to my child.opposevt. 反對,反抗A: Why does the moon look so much bigger tonight?B: Its an optical illusion.opticala.光(學)的;眼的,視力的;視覺的A:

14、 Do you think youll get the job?B: Theres a chance that Ill get it , but Im not terribly optimistic.optimistica. 樂觀(主義)的A: It wasnt the job I wanted, but I had no other options.B: Well, at least you have a job now.optionn.選擇;選擇權(quán),選擇自由;(供)選擇的事物(或人),選課A: Do we have to do all of the problems on the test

15、?B: The first three problems are mandatory, but the last one is optional.optionala.可以任選的,非強制的A: How did you do on the oral exam?B: Not very well, Im not very good at expressing myself in word.orala.口頭的,口的A: The satellite has been in orbit around the earth for the last fifteen years.B: How much longe

16、r will it stay up there?orbitn.軌道v.(繞)作軌道運行A: I thought the music for the play was excellent.B: So did I. The live orchestra added so much to the atmosphere.orchestran.管旋樂隊A: You have such an orderly office.B: I try to keep it this way, because I have trouble working in a messy office.orderlya.整齊的,有

17、秩序的A: What was it that jump-started the economy here?B: Several years ago they discovered a huge underground supply of iron ore.oren.礦,礦石A: How did your friend die?B: All if his major organs failed at ann.器官;風琴;機構(gòu);新聞媒介,宣傳工具A: Why do you only buy organic vegetables?B: Because Im afraid of the

18、 pesticides on non-organic anica.有機(體)的,有機物的A: Congratulations on being made the new head of the organization!B: Thank anizationn.團體,機構(gòu);組織A: I need someone to help me organize this meeting.B: Id love to help you, but I really dont have the anizevt.組織,把編組;使有條理A: Im really

19、 curious to find out the origins of my ancestors.B: There are websites that might be able to help you in your research.originn.起源,來源,起因;常pl.出身,血統(tǒng)A: What does your organization do?B: Our original purpose was to help homeless women, but now weve expanded to helping all homeless people.originala.起初的,原來

20、的;獨創(chuàng)的,新穎的;原版的,原件的n.原件,原作A: How much is an ounce of gold worth?B: Im not entirely sure, but I know that its worth a lot.ouncen.盎司A: Regardless of the outcome of the game, I hope that you kids play hard.B: We will, Coach.outcomen.結(jié)果A: Where does your family live?B: We live in an outer suburb of Chicag

21、o.outera.外面的,外表的;遠離中心的,外層的A: Why do you play golf every Saturday?B: I use it as an outlet for all of the frustration that builds up during the week.outletn.出口,出路;(感情,精力等)發(fā)泄途徑A: Have you finished your paper?B: Not yet, but my outline is done.outlinen. 1提綱,要點,概要;外形,輪廓,略圖vt.概述,概括;描外形,描輪廓A: How do you m

22、anage to have such a positive outlook on life?B: I just try to live in the moment.outlookn. 1.觀點,見解;展望,前景A: Why did the output of the factory go down last month?B: I hear that they were having some machine troubles.outputn.產(chǎn)量;輸出,輸出功率vt.輸出(信息、數(shù)據(jù)等)A: Well, weve been in college for four years now, and

23、graduation is just around the corner.B: From the outset we all knew that this day would come.outsetn. 開始,開端at / from the outset開端,開始A: I love the unique use of color and texture is this piece.B: It truly is an outstanding painting.outstandinga.突出的,杰出的,顯著的;未解決的,未償付的A: Do you think that new student is

24、 an athlete?B: Judging from his outward appearance, I would guess that he probably is.outwarda.外表的,向外的,外面的ad. -(s)向外A: Im such a bad drawer that all of my circles look like ovals!B: Just try not to get discouraged.ovaln.橢圓形a.橢圓形的A: Whats cooking in the oven?B: A turkey for tonights dinner.ovenn.烤箱,爐

25、A: How would you rate your teams overall performance?B: I think we really played a good game today.overalla.總體的,全面的,綜合的;全部的ad.總的來說n.pl.工裝褲,工作服A: How have you been able to overcome so many obstacles?B: Through perseverance and endurance.overcomevt.戰(zhàn)勝,克服;(感情等)壓倒,使受不了A: Look at that hawk flying overhea

26、d.B: Its so graceful!overheadad.在頭頂上a.在頭頂上的,上面的,架空的n.常pl.經(jīng)常費用,管理費用A: Id like to buy that beautiful house overlooking the lake.B: Im sorry, but that ones already been sold.overlookvt.忽視,忽略,未注意到;寬恕,寬容;俯瞰,俯視A: Why do you think she became such an overnight sensation?B: Perhaps she just appeared on the m

27、usic scene at the right time.overnightad.在整個夜里;在短時間內(nèi),突然a.一整夜的;似乎在一夜之間出現(xiàn)的,突然的A: How many years were you living overseas?B: I lived overseas for a total of twelve years.overseasad. 在(或向)海外,在(或向)國外a.(在)海外的,(在)國外的,(向或來自)外國的A: If we row harder, we might be able to overtake the next boat and move into thi

28、rd place.B: But Im so tired that I can barely move my arms!overtakevt.追上,趕上,超過;突然降臨于,意外地碰上A: How much money do you owe Jared?B: Over a thousand dollars.owev.欠(錢),應給予,應該做A: Owing to tonights rain, weve decided to cancel the concert.B: Will it be rescheduled?owinga.應付的,未付的owing to 由于,因為A: Who is the o

29、wner of this car?B: I am.owner物主,所有人A: I feel a real ownership of this novel, because I spent so much time working on it.B: You really did a great job.ownershipn.所有(權(quán)),所有制A: Why cant humans survive alone in space?B: Because there is not enough oxygen.oxygenn.氧氣,氧字部A: Why dont you apply for a job as

30、a teacher?B: Because I dont think I have the right qualifications .qualificationn. 資格,資格證明,合格證書;限制,限定,限定性條件 A: Did you qualify for the final round?B: Just barely, but I did.qualifyv.(使)勝任,(使)具有資格,(使)合格A: How long is the queue for the movie?B: About fifteen minutes.queuen.(人或車輛的)行列,長隊vi. (up)排(成)隊(等候

31、)jump the / a queue 不按次序排隊,插隊A: I hate my job.B: Why dont you quit ?quitv.停止,放棄;離開,辭職A: Well be having a brief quiz in class tomorrow on the material we studied today.B: How many questions will be on the quiz ?quiz n.智力競賽,答問比賽;小測驗vt.考查,盤問A: Did you like my paper?B: It was great I particularly liked

32、your use of quotations .quotationn.引文,引語,語錄;報價,牌價,行情A: I truly believe that civilization will destroy itself within the next twenty years.B: Can I quote you on that?quote v.引用,援引n.引文,引語;報價,牌價;pl.引號N 字部A: Why are those people naked?B: Because they dont believe in wearing clothes.nakeda. 赤身的,裸露的;赤裸裸的,

33、無遮蔽的 A: It seems that some people, namely Fran and Alex, dont care about the future of the company.B: I think youre being a bit harsh on lyad.即,也就是A: All people, regardless of nationality, should have a voice in the global economy.B: Thats an admirable ideal, but it may be hard to put into

34、practice.nationalityn.國籍,民族A: What do you expect the company to provide for you?B: Well, naturally, Ill need a place to stay.naturallyad.當然,自然;天然地,天生地A: Whats the longest job youve ever held?B: I worked on a naval base for twenty years.navala.海軍的A: Were looking for someone with good navigation skill

35、s to work on the ship.B: I think I know just the right person for the job.navigationn.航行(學),航海(術(shù)),航空(術(shù));導航,領(lǐng)航A: Why didnt you join the navy?B: Because I get seasick whenever Im on a boat.navyn.海軍A: I get nervous carrying so much money in my pocket.B: Why dont you go to a nearby bank and make a depos

36、it?nearbya.附近的ad.在附近A: Do you think that everyone should go to college?B: Not necessarily.necessarilyad.必要地,必需地;必定地,必然地A: Why did you get married?B: I got married out of necessity, not because I wanted to.necessityn.必需品;必要(性),(迫切)需要of necessity無法避免地,必定A: Ill never learn how to play the piano!B: Stop

37、 being so negative all the time.negativea.否定的;反面的,消極的n.(照片的)負片,底片;負數(shù)A: How can you quit your job?B: I was working so hard that I was beginning to neglect my children.neglectvt.忽視,忽略;疏忽,玩忽n.疏忽,玩忽A: If we are unable to negotiate a settlement, then well have to go to trial.B: Please do your best to neg

38、otiate a settlement. because Id like to avoid a trial.negotiatevt.洽談,協(xié)商;順利通過,成功越過vi.協(xié)商,談判A: Why dont we use Negro anymore to refer to Black people?B: Because it is considered offensive.Negron.黑人A: Do you like living in such a small neighborhood?B: Yes, I love being able to know all of my neighbors.n

39、eighborhoodn.四鄰,街坊;臨近地區(qū),附近,居民點in the neighborhood of 在附近,大約A: My sisters going to have a baby.B: Youre going to have a nephew!nephewn.侄子,外甥A: Julie has really been getting on my nerves for the past few days.B: Maybe you should avoid seeing her for a while.nerven.神經(jīng);勇氣,膽量get on sbs nerves惹得某人心煩A: Can

40、 you see the birds nest up in the tree?B: Yes, and I can see the two baby birds in it!nestn.巢,窩vi.筑巢A: Why cant I check my e-mail?B: Because the networks down. It should be back up in a few workn.網(wǎng)狀物;廣播網(wǎng),電視網(wǎng);(電信與計算機)網(wǎng)絡,網(wǎng)狀系統(tǒng)A: Do you agree with the company or the union in the labor dispute?B

41、: Im trying to remain neutral this time.neutrala.中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的A: I hate going to work every day.B: Nevertheless, if you want to support your family, working is something you must do.neverthelessad.仍然,然而,不過A: My brothers going out of town, so would it be all right if my niece stayed with us for a few

42、 days?B: Of course it would be all right.niecen.侄女,甥女A: Why did you wake up screaming in the middle of the night?B: Because I was having a nightmare.nightmaren. 噩夢;可怕的事物,無法擺脫的恐懼A: When was your first kiss?B: When I was nineteen.nineteennum.十九,十九個A: Did you know that there is more nitrogen than oxyge

43、n in the Earths atmosphere?B: I did not know that.nitrogenn.氮A: Why did you skip class?B: Because I was tired of listening to the teachers nonsense.nonsensen.胡說,廢話;冒失(或輕?。┑男袆覣: What are we having for dinner tonight?B: Noodles with sauce, unless youd prefer something else.noodlen. 面條A: Can I have an

44、extension on my paper?B: Normally I would say no, but this time Ill make an exception.normallyad.通常,正常地A: How do we get to your house?B: Just keep driving north on the highway, and weve the first exit into Virginia.northa.東北的,東北部的,來自東北的ad.向東北A: Where did Don move to ?B: Ive heard that he and his wif

45、e moved to somewhere in the northeast of the country.northeastn.東北(方),東北部a.東北的,東北部的,來自東北的ad.向東北A: Why did you do so poorly on the test?B: Because I lost the notebook that bad all of my notes for the class in it, and so had no way to study.notebookn. 筆記簿A: Is the scar on my face noticeable?B: Only if

46、 I look every closely.noticeablea.顯而易見的A: Im happy to notify you that youve won the lottery!B: How much did I win?notifyvt.通知,告知,報告A: Were you surprised by the surprise party?B: I had a notion that something was going on, but I had no idea that there was going to be a party.notionn.概念,觀念;意圖,想法,(怪)念頭

47、A: Is “jump” a noun or a verb?B: Actually, it can be both.nounn.名詞A: I hear that youre writing a novel.B: Its really just a short story.noveln.(長篇)小說a.新穎的,新奇的A: I feel like my lifes going nowhere.B: Maybe you need to reevaluate some of your goals.nowheread.任何地方都不get nowhere使無進展,使不能成功nowhere near遠遠不,

48、遠不及A: Do you think that nuclear power is safe?B: If it isnt, were all in deep trouble.nucleara.核子的,核能的,核武器的;核心的,中心的A: We need to come up with a few great products to serve as the nucleus for our future development.B: To do that, we need to hire some quality engineers.nucleusn.(原子)核;核心A: I wish Saman

49、tha would stop being such a nuisance.B: I think you should cut her a little slack; shes just trying to impress you.nuisancen.令人討厭的東西(或狀況,行為),討厭的人A: I noticed that there were numerous mistakes in the report you submitted yesterday.B: I apologize. I didnt get much sleep the night before, and did a ter

50、rible job on the report.numerousa.眾多的,許多的A: Where does your daughter stay while youre at work?B: She stays at a nursery, and I pick her up after work.nurseryn.托兒所,保育室;苗圃A: Why do you wear nylon stockings?B: Because they keep my legs warm.nylonn.尼龍L 字部PART IA: I always label my socks so that they don

51、t get lost in the wash.B: I never label my socks, which is probably why I loose them so often.labeln.標簽,標記;標號vt.貼標簽于;把稱為 A: I spent all day in the laboratory looking at soil samples under a microscope.B: Do you ever get bored of being cooped up inside all day like that?laboratoryn.實驗室A: When Jim was

52、 a young lad, he would work out in the gym every morning before school.B: Thats amazing! I dont think I could ever be that self-motivated.ladn.男孩,小伙子A: You can come with me to the store as long as you dont lag too far behind.B: I promise I wont slow you down.lagvi.走得慢,落后n.滯后,(時間上的)間隔A: When I got ho

53、me I found you sleeping on the living room sofa, quiet as a lamb.B: I was trying my best to stay awake until you got home.lambn.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉A: My landlord was very unhappy to hear that I did not have enough money to pay the rent.B: Would you like to borrow some money from me?landlordn.地主,房東,(旅店)店主A: Wh

54、en I grow up, I want to work as a landscape designer.B: Me, too. I love working in the yard and creating beautiful gardens.landscapen.風景,景色;風景畫;全景vt.美化的景觀A: Yesterday I was given a ticket for changing lanes without signaling.B: Really? I didnt know that such a law was actually enforced.lanen.(鄉(xiāng)間)小路,小巷;車道,跑道,泳道;航道,航線A: I always seem to get a cramp when I swim laps in the pool.B: Maybe its because you eat too much before going swimmi


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