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1、An alysis of task-based teach ing model in theTeachi ng of En glish GrammarPaper Keywords: task-basedteach ingstrategiesteaching grammar teaching task designAbstract: Thisarticle discusses how to use task-based teach ing model to study grammar, syn tax described in the impleme ntatio n of classroomt

2、eachingstrategies and task-basedapproachthe task of grammar teach ing desig n patter ns, so that the grammarless onsmore in teresti ng, more stude ntslearning grammar relaxed and happy.Currently, the teaching of English grammar, there are still some problems in the class when the teacher taught gram

3、mar or impleme ntati on of the spo on-fed teach ing, most of the time the teachers themselves in the talks, the stude nts lear ned grammar can not be applied to specific problemsin.thismonotonousteach ingofgrammar, we cannotfullyaroused theatte nti onofstudents,or to allow students a more solid gras

4、p ofgrammar, therefore, teachers must change the past, the idea of ?grammar teaching in the grammar classroom use task-based approach, make the classroom morein terest order to stimulatestude ntin terestinlearning.1, task-based approachTask-based teach ing in the 1980s, the rise and it is a t

5、eacher around a topic, there is some form of Ianguage selecti on, desig n lear ning tasks for stude nts to complete the task in the process of experieneeto understandIan guage.It has the followingcharacteristics:(1) thetask of teach ing emphasizes real-life task of the cen ter for teach ingactivitie

6、s, and not eno ugh practice-basedIan guage teach ing (2) the task of teach ing emphasizes the teach ingprocess, trying to get stude nts through thecompletion of real-life tasks in the learning process, so stude nts develop the ability to use En glish (3) the task of teaching should be conducive to t

7、eaching and learning activities required stude nts to lear n Ian guage kno wledge, the development of Ianguage skills, thereby enhancing the ability to use Ianguage, it is more emphasis on stude nts ability to use Ian guage.Task-based approach to teaching the focus of the task placed in it s most no

8、 table feature is the lear ning walls with. Task in the process, the stude ntsmake meaning through in teractive con sultati on to resolve problems in the classroom teachers focus on specific target desig n Ian guage clear and specific tasks.Stude ntsby ask ing, excha nges and other Ian guages ?the f

9、orm to complete the task, in order to cultivatestudents comprehe nsive ability to use En glish.2, the importa nee of teach ing grammarLearning English grammar in today s play an irreplaceable role, with some grammar more quickly to improve English Ianguage ability, and to improve verbal skills. To i

10、mprove the ability to com mun icate in En glish, itis necessary toexpand thekno wledgebase of studentsThe syn taxkno wledgeis anin tegralpart ofcom muni cativecompete nee,on ly to masterEn glishgrammar,inordertoimprovetheirEn glishcom muni cati onskills.Therefore,the teach ingofgrammar is very impor

11、ta nt.Previous grammar teach ing focus on impart ing kno wledge, repeated practice, while ignoring the syn tax of the applicati on in practice. New Curriculum advocates: the ability to focus on grammar teaching in the use of grammar in everydaycom muni cati on,improvecom muni cati onskills of stude

12、nts. Task-based teach ing isthat teachers design a rich scene to enable students to participate by completi ng the task in the teach ing process, and thus improve their overall la nguage proficie ncy.3, i n the grammar classroom teach ing strategies to impleme nt task-based approach3.1 The use of si

13、tuati onal approach, set the task ofteach ingLan guage teachers todesig na virtualen vir onment, you can use teach ing aids pictures, toys, or the use of computertech no logyto desig n multi-scree nanimation,to make English grammar lessons more vividand interestingfor students in more authenticIangu

14、ageen vir onment to lear n grammar. So that they more in terest in lear ning En glish.For example: in terrogative+infin itive usage.Group of stude nts into an eve n nu mber, the groupdivided into two parts, one for passengers, part of the in dige nous peoples.Passengers will travel on a small island

15、, but the isla nd is very stra nge, so they know they want to list a lot of problems, such as:We would n eed to find outHow to get to the capital.Where to stay.Aborig inal stude nts to imag ine the group tourists may encoun ter problems, how to prepare in adva nee for tourists to help.Passenger Grou

16、p on IndigenousPopulations andthe Visitor In formatio n comb in ati ons.This can stimulate en thusiasm for lear ning.3.2 The use of picture stories, set the taskPicturestory for teachingsimple past can be a story based on picture prompts.(1) orga nize stude nts accord ing to the picture write a sent

17、ence or two to in troduce the picture what happe ned,(2) pictures in chro no logical order;(3) Accord ing to thearrangementof the use of a good image to adjust theIan guage to make it into a cohere nt story.Photo Gallery by law, to learn the simple past ten se, so that stude nts remember more profo

18、und.3.3 Project-based homework to complete the task of teach ingIn troducti on of task-based teach ing projectassig nmen ts,the repetitive copy ing into a groupcollaboratio n tool for creative activities that help develop students multiple intelligenee, electronic help students practice,innovationaw

19、areness.Implementationof theproject for three stages, first is the planning stage, the class content and results of the project to pla n, teachers may project proposals in the Ianguagerequirements,stude nts may agree on the project strategy, the divisio n of tasks, such as members of the group, foll

20、owed by the implementation of stage, students collect, exchange the n ecessary in formatio n, the use of skills to complete taskssuch as the final phase of the stude nt show the classtodem on strate their lear ning outcomes, and obta ined from students and faculty feedback or comments so that not on

21、 ly allows stude nts in a meanin gful in the form of review andcon solidati onof thekno wledge,but also canstimulate the enthusiasm of students,for studentstodem on strate ability to provide the stage. 3.4 method using the game to completethe task ofteachingClass method to set the game to betterstim

22、ulate the en thusiasm of the stude nts, such as lear ning noun possessive pronoun and adjective possessive pronoun game set to find the owner.(1) the stude nts into the hands ofthe items itup on the podium,(2) to in vite the stude nts to the frontto send the goods to go, teachers acco unt activity r

23、ules,T: Now, look. What is this?Ss: A pen cilT: Yes, this is a pencil.But whose is it? Tom, isityours?Tom: No, it is not mine. I think it is Jim s.T: Is it yours, jim?Jim: Y es, it is mine.T: Here you are.Jim: Thank you, Ms.che n(3) turns to the front to come and collect things that stude nts find t

24、he owner, you can only take one thing, to en sure that other stude nts have the opport un itytoparticipate. Can activate the game grammatical rules sleek desig n and ease of appropriate activities and games will play an un expected teach ing effective ness.4, the task of desig ning the teach ing of

25、grammarTask-based teach ing is divided in to: proposed tasks, perform tasks and summary tasks three steps.4.1 make the task At this stage, the teacher in troduced new Ian guage kno wledge, set up a topic and start speak ingand writ ingaround thetopicof acomprehe nsivetraining anda differe ntsyn taxt

26、askprese nted. In troducti on to the topic, the teachers should be completed after a brief descripti on of the task.Aftercompletionof grammarlearningtask, teachers can provide stude nts with the n ecessary grammar materials, and guide them to access releva nt in formati on on the syn tax.4.2 tasks A

27、t this stage. The clever design of the grammatical structure as the material of daily life to the task, ask stude nts what they have lear ned the kno wledgeand skills to completecom muni cativetasks one by one,and by teachers and stude nts, cooperatio n and excha nge betweenstudentsachieve new gramm

28、ar accurate andsmooth applicati on.4.3 Summary task At this stage, teachers shouldsummarize grammatical structure, requiri ngstude ntstodo jobs related to grammar can be a feature grammar exercises to rein force the kno wledge, or a syn tax-orie ntedsyn tax of writte n expressi on exercises.5 Con clusi onIn the teaching of grammar in use task-based approach, closer to real life, you can effectively mobilize the enthusiasmof students to learn English, so they arenot tired of lear ning grammar, so that they can be more aggressive use of grammar, comprehe nsive developme


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