



1、Dying to Be T hin 01Unit 3 Look ing Good, Feeli ng GoodReadingDying To Be Thin Teaching PlanTeacher: Haby 顧旻12英語師范Teaching Plan(牛津高中英語模塊一第3單元Reading課時一)I. Teaching Material Analysisi. Name: Dyi ng to Be Th in ii. Teaching Hours: Forty-five Minutesiii. Period: The First Periodiv. Students: Students o

2、f Grade SevenII . Teaching AimsStude nts should be able to:i. Master reading methods and skills of a letter.ii. Grasp the important points of a letter and write a letter by themselves.iii. Have a sense of cooperating.iv. Have a clear and right view of the balanee of being healthy and looking good.II

3、I . Teaching Difficultiesi. How to un dersta nd .the content of three letters.ii. How to write a letter in a correct way.IV . Teaching Focusi. How to master reading methods and skills of a letter.ii. How to improve the ability of concluding, retelling and creating.V. Teaching Aidsi. The Multi-mediaV

4、I . Teaching ProceduresStep One: Lead-ini. See some pictures and choose which they like best.ii. Discuss how to lose weight and pick out the ways that is good for health.Step Two: Fast-readingi. Recall the important points of a letter.ii. Read these three letters quickly and an swer the questi ons.A

5、. Where does Amy come from?B. What kind of pills did Amy take?C. What caused Amy s liver to fail?D. Why could n t Zhou Li ng read Amy -mdilseStep Three: Detail-readingi. Read the first two letters and fill in the form.A.Emoti onsReasonsResultsEmoti onsReasonsReacti ons to ill nessEmoti onsReasonsLes

6、s ons Amy has lear ntB.What Amy didReasonsResultsAmy s emotionsMother s wordsC. Explain the differences between“ however ” and “ but ”.ii. Read the third letter and do the exercises.A. Suppose you are Zhou Lin, what will be included in your letter?B. Write some advice or suggestionsto help Amy lose

7、her weight in a healthy way.iii. Conclude and summarize.A. According to Para 2 in the first e-mail, Amy is an actress,.A. who ofte n exercises B. who wan ted to lose weightC. who became ill D. who ate littleB. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills?A. She was overweight. B. She was hav ing pro

8、blems.C. Her clothes did not fit.D. She wan ted to become slimmer.C. The pills did great harm to Amy .A. HeartB. lu ngsC. liver D. eyesD. What does Amy do now in order to recover?A. She goes to the gym everyday.B. She does exercise and eats healthy food.C. She stays in bed all day.D. She takes a lot

9、 of medici ne.E. Zhou Ling, Amy s friend.A. did not want to read Amy -mailss eB. was sorry to hear about Amy problemsC. thinks Amy should lose weightD. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessaryF. Amy s experienee is.A. an in teresti ng oneB. caused by her familyC. like that of some people in Chi na D. a problem on ly for actress.iv. Debate which is more important, looking good or feeling good?VII . Homeworki. Read the article after the tape at least two times and underline the phrases orsentences that you don t understand.ii. Preview the new words involved in the article. You can re


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