



1、Passage 1opportunity use achieve mejob quiet successful towards prepare treat care differe neeOpport unity don t come ofte n. They come every once in a while. Very ofte n, they come 1and go by without being no ticed. Therefore, it is advisable that you should value and treat them with 2. Whenan oppo

2、rt unity prese nts itself, it brings a promise butn ever realizes it on its own .If you want to3someth ing or intend to fulfill oneof your ambiti ons you must work hard, make efforts and get4. Otherwise, you willtake no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. It is clear that in orde

3、r to be highly qualified for our future 5, we should make every possible preparation.The differe nee betwee n a man who succeeds and one each6opport un ities. Thesuccessful pers on always makes full preparati ons to meet opport un ities as they arrive on time. The7pers on, on the other hand, works l

4、ittle and just wait to see them passby. Obviously, the two differe nt attitudes8opport un ities may lead to quitediffere nt results.In9opinion, there areple nty of opport un itiesfor every one inour society .In our society, only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make10of the

5、m to achieve their purpose. opport un ity use achieve me job quietsuccessful towards prepare treat care differe nee.Passage 2somebody feel day successfully lie you pleasa nt discover careful losein structio n embarrassOn eday, a stude nt was talk ing with a professor 教授, who s kind to those who wait

6、ed on his1. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes2on the path小路,which, they supposed, belonged to a poor man working in a nearby field 田地.Hehad nearly finished his 3work. The student cameto a stop, and said to the professor,“ Let s play a hoax on the man: wehide his shoes, hide ourselves

7、and wait to see how4he would be whe n he finds thathis shoes are 5. “My friend, answered the professor,“Weshould never enjoyourselves while mak ing thepoor sad. Now you are rich, why not give yourself a much greater6by help ing thepoor man? Put a coin into each shoe, hide ourselves and see what will

8、 happen to him. Thestude nt did so, and they both places themselves beh ind the n earby trees. After finishing his work, Putt ing his foot into one of his shoes, he felt somethi ng unu sual. He stopped7what it was and he found the coin. He took out the coin, surprised, and looked at it8for a while.

9、The n he looked around, but9was there. The n he startedto put on the other shoe. He got much more surprises whe n he found the other coin. The poor man the n looked up into the sky and shouted “ Thank You! The stude nt stood there with tears 眼淚in his eyes. “ Now, said the professor, “aren t you more

10、 pleased than if you had played10pla nned hoax? “ You ve taught me a less on which I will n ever forget, an swered the stude nt.Passage 3hand out match send out start Europe play America one hobby exact receive themHave you ever dreamed of writing to your favorite sports stars and getting replies fr

11、om them? Shi Menghui from Shi-jiazhuangForeign Language Shool did 1what most teenagershave thought about but never actually do. The 18-year-old girl 2140 letters to othercoun tries and heard back from more tha n 40 foreig n famous people so far.“It all3with my love of football, especially German foo

12、tball, Shi explained.“ I could never have imagined how the game would change my life. By the time of the4Champi on ships and the Germa n Bun desliga 德甲in 2004, Shi was a fan, especially of Germanclubs and players. She admired the 5hard work. “ Because the players wentabout the gamewith such speed an

13、d strength速度與力量, because they never give up, German football was sheer十足的entertainment from6to last, she said. But soon watching7and read ing footballmagaz ines were n t eno ugh for Shi. The tee nager bega n to write letters, i n En glish, to clubs, and a whole new part of her life bega n. In her fi

14、rstletter,to Bayer n Muni ch, she expla ined how she admired its players tale nts and sport ing attitude toward the game. She also wrote about her8andschool life. It felt just like talkingto an old frie nd! She in cluded her Chin ese address in the letter in the hope of9a reply.“By writing these let

15、ters,my English has greatly improved, said Shi. Shi wants to major in Germa n in college.“ I hope to meet Germa n Chan cellor總理An gelaMerkel one day and talk with myfavorite Germanstars in 10Ianguage, said Shi, whoseletter to Merkel received a reply at the end of last year.Passage 4succeed every one

16、 afraid in terest reply effect bring n ameshow serve direct opport unityIn our life, the first step of the lead領(lǐng)先usually meansthe final win, so the success or failure of your life may lie in whether you dare to1yourself. As a stude nt,I was most2to an swer questi ons in class. When ever the professo

17、r asked a questi on,I always lowered my head, for fear that the professor saw me. In a Ianguage class, an expert from the Commercial Bank gave a lecture. The speaker always wan ted3to follow him,so he asked how many students in the classroom learned Economics, but no one4. Theexpert said with a smil

18、e, “ Let metell you a story first. “WhenI first cameto the UnitedStates to study, there are ofte n lectures give n in the uni versity. Before the beg inning of every lecture, I found an5phe nomenon現(xiàn)象.The stude nts around me always tooka cardboard folded 折疊in half, wrote their6with the most eye-catch

19、ing color,and the n put it on the seat. So whe n the speaker n eeded the stude nts reaction, he couldsee and call the listener s name7. I couldn t understand, so I asked the studentin front of me. He told me with a smile:“ Thespeakers are usually all top-ra nking people,who can probably8you opport u

20、n ities.When your answer is to his satisfaction, it is very likely that he will give you more opportunities. This is a very simple reason. The fact was also like that, I really sawa few of myclassmates went to 9in the first-classcompanybecause of their excellentinsights 洞察力.This thing had a great10o

21、n me.Passage 5shop make good throw how they many give bag about use whatI would like to makea comment說明on the plastic bags which we use in our daily life .I thought that a bad effect from all these1on our en vir onment was well-k nown andthat most people know they should n ot keep2them but collect t

22、hem in the dustb in.However, one of the3n ear my house seems to use4of these bags tha n everbefore. Red ones,white ones and blue ones-it5no differenee. They don t care6the problems of en vir onment. They still use plastic bags to wrap most of things every day . Whe n I went shopp ing the other day,

23、I bought two thi ngs, and I7threebags to wrap8. Is it n ecessary9so many bags? Every one should realize10importa nt it is to clea n our en vir onmentPassage 6 take hurry break rece nt fail excit ing slow successful ofte n bring hear thereA boy who was n ervous on his first day of school climbed onto

24、 a third-floor bale ony陽(yáng)臺(tái)and put his legs over the side. His mother and teachers tried their best1himdown, but failed. However , a firefighter消防員who dressed as “Mr. Spider-man 2in saving him. Firefighter David Smith was called in after the six-year-old s teachers and mother3to9 get him dow n from th

25、e balc ony.“ He was ask ing for hismother, Mr. Smith said. “He was crying and wouldn t let any of us get near him. After 4a conversation between the boy s mother and his teachers about his love of superheroes, Mr. Smith 5hometo get his Spider-man clothes. “I told him Spider-manis6to save him. No one

26、 will hurt him now, Mr. Smith said.“Then I told him towalk slowly towards me. I was really n ervous that he might fall if he got too7andstarted running. The n the cryi ng boy8into a smile and walked in to thefirefighter s arms. The fictional superhero was created by writer Stan Lee in the early 1960

27、s. It has10become popular aga in through a series of movies made about him .Inthem he is acted by superstar Tobey Maguire, who acted with Kirste n Dunst and James Fran co.Passage 7 close do mean them lucky spell disappo int other think bad worry butMany childre n feel tempted誘惑的to cheat 欺騙sometimes.

28、 Most can refuse to do itand do the work by1. Some childre n cheat once and feel so bad that they n ever doit again. 2get caught and decide it isn t worth it. 3, somechildren startcheating and feel like they can t stop. Whether children are caught or not when they cheat in a test, they may feel bad.

29、 Even if the cheater feels fine or doesn t get caught, thatdoes n t 4it s OK. If you see someone5this or if some on easks to copy yourwork, you can tell a teacher or ano ther adult. If a child get caught cheat ing, the teacher may give the child a “zero , sand him or her to the headmaster s office,

30、and tell his or her pare nts about it. And it is6than the bad grade that makes other people7, like pare nts and teachers. Pare nts may worry that the child is n ot hon est and a teacher may be8to him or her next time. Karen, an English teacher in NewJersey,says, “It is always disappo inting whe n st

31、ude nts cheat because it makes me9thestudent doesn t believe in himself. I hope students can do their best.Cheaters cheatthemselves in a way because they don t make an honest try to learn as much as they can.For instanee, if you cheat your way through spelling tests, you won t learn how10.That can c

32、atch up with you whe n you get older.Passage_8angry well song also relax thi nk clea n whe n fin ger medici ne they whileI am a doctor. People ofte n come to see me because they have colds or coughs. People1cometo see mebecause they are sad or nervous. Sometimes2helps. But many doctors3that music ca

33、n help people feel better. I asked a few of my patie nts病人how music helps them. “ Sometimes I was4when I was a child . My family said,“ Play your feelings on the piano! Sometimes I play a loud5on the piano. SoonI feel calm平靜的.1 can laugh and cry through my6on the pia no .It s n aturalfor me. “ It s

34、like breathing 呼吸.“Listening to music helps me feel7. I like to listen to music and dance whenI8my house. “I play the violin.I like playing at night9it is quiet. After playing I amtiredand I am happy. I always sleep10after playi ng my violinAre you a musician? Good! Keep playing. If you are not a mu

35、sician, listen to music andsing or dance. It s good medicine .Passage 9 but country feel form in flue nee or play pleasa nt popular two sad writeOneof America s most important cultural products is her modern music. American popular music is1all over the world. It isenjoyed by people of all ages in a

36、ll countries.The reasons for its 2are its fast pace and rhythmic beat. The music has manyoriginsin the Un ited States. Country music coming from the3in the Souther n Un ited Statesis one source. Country music has the characteristics of simple themes and melodies, emotions expressed by country music

37、songs. A5origin of American popular music is the Blues.It is mostly about the6feelings of the difficult lives of America n blacks. It isusually played and sung by black musicia ns7it is popular with all America ns. Rockmusic is a n ewer form of music. This music style with fast and repetitious rhyth

38、m was8by the Blues and Country music. It was first known as rock-a nd-roll in the 1950s.Since then, there have been many9of rock music:hard rock, soft rock, pop rock, discomusic and others. Manyperformers of popular rock music are young musicia ns. New popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. People hear these songs sung in either En glish10otherIan gu


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