1、how to interview like top mbapraise for how to interview like a top #99ff99'>mba“a must read! as someone who has also recruited top #99ff99'>mba can-didates for investment banking, i unequivocally recommendhow to interview like a top #99ff99'>mba. it does an exceptional job ofex
2、plaining what recruiters at the most sought-after corporationslook for when deciding whom they should hire. easy to read andvery well organized, dr. leannes book covers important aspectsof the interview process and provides valuable anecdotes. read-ers will ?nd the 100 tough questions and how to ans
3、werthem particularly useful. i wish i had had this book as aresource when i was interviewing for a job years ago.”yahphen yvonne changcolumbia university and oxford university graduatevice president, debt capital marketsinvestment banking groupbmo nesbitt burns inc.“dr. leannes how to interview like
4、 a top #99ff99'>mba has codi?ed thenuances of landing a job in a way that ia former recruiter formckinsey & co. who currently hires for my venture capitalfirm and, at the board level, selects senior management inportfolio companies?nd extremely compelling. i highly rec-ommend how to i
5、nterview like a top #99ff99'>mba!”dale lefebvremit graduate, harvard business school and harvard law school graduate former mckinsey & company consultantmanaging partner, pharos capitalthis page intentionally left blank.how tointerviewlike a top#99ff99'>mbajob-winning strategie
6、s from headhunters, fortune 100 recruiters, and career counselorsdr. shel leannecopyright ? 2004 by shelly leanne. all rights reserved. manufactured in the united statesof america. except as permitted under the united states copyright act of 1976, no part ofthis publication may be reproduced or dist
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16、to use the work, even if any of them has been advised of thepossibility of such damages. this limitation of liability shall apply to any claim or causewhatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract, tort or otherwise. doi: 10.1036/0071458573contentspreface viiintroduction xipa rt i best p
17、racticesc h a p t e r 1 create a great first impression 3c h a p t e r 2 do your homework in four key areas 15c h a p t e r 3 use your résumé as an effectiveinterviewing tool 33c h a p t e r 4 demonstrate a fit through yourresponses to key questions 55c h a p t e r 5 shape the interview wi
18、th responses to open-ended andturnaround questions 69c h a p t e r 6 address clear weaknesses (without apologizing!) 81c h a p t e r 7 present a strong explanation ifyouve been out of work 87vfor more information about this title, click herec h a p t e r 8 demonstrate business relevance if youre a n
19、ontraditional hire 97c h a p t e r 9 end your interview excellently 111c h a p t e r 10 follow up, reinforcing a positive, lasting impression 119pa rt ii 100 tough questions and how toanswer themgeneral résumé questions 127questions about career goals 137questions about the available job 1
20、41questions about your education 155questions about yourqualifications 163questions about your leadership 171questions about your careerprogression 187questions about losing or leaving your job 191other difficult questions 195personal questions 201personality questions 209end-of-interview questions
21、223index 227vi contentsprefaceover the years, i have bene?ted from outstanding academic andcareer advice and from excellent mentoring and interview coach-ing. many of my successesfrom gaining admission to top universities,to landing jobs within prestigious companies such as mckinsey & com-pa
22、ny and morgan stanleywould not have been possible except for thewonderful mentoring i have received over the years. my gratitude forthis assistance created in me years ago a dedication to empowering otherpeople with knowledge and resources, helping enable them to make theirown dreams become reality.
23、 for more than ?fteen years, i have devel-oped my own perspectives on interviewing and career management bestpractices, and i have conveyed those perspectives to others, helpingthem to secure access to excellent jobs and academic programs as aresult. i have enjoyed designing educational resources us
24、ing differenttools that prod people to think deeply about how they can best developtheir talents, how they can put them to use, and how they can effectivelydraw on educational resources to open doors of opportunity.in this work, i am happy to share important insights about inter-viewing. the art of
25、interviewing excellently is relevant not only forthose in business, but for those pursuing employment in many other?eldsfrom law to the nonpro?t sector. similarly, the insights of thisbook can help you regardless of whether you are seeking full-timeemployment, part-time employment, internships, or a
26、dmission into aca-demic programs.viicopyright ? 2004 by shelly leanne. click here for terms of use.in the past, i have enjoyed serving as an interview coach to studentsat harvard college, the harvard kennedy school of government, andharvard business school. i have equally enjoyed witnessing the impa
27、ctthat interview coaching can bring, as i have watched those students gainaccess to top graduate schools such as harvard, stanford, yale, andcolumbia, and top companies such as mckinsey & company and gold-man sachs. as one student commented after gaining admission tocolumbia universitys grad
28、uate school of business, “the admissionsinterviewer actually told me before we ?nished that he was very im-pressed by my answers!”indeed, when it comes to interviewing, delivery is keyin terms ofyour résumé presentation, and in terms of your interactions with theinterviewer before, during,
29、 and after the interview. it is not merely yourquali?cations that matter, but how you communicate your quali?cations,and whether you effectively portray yourself as an excellent choice anda wonderful ?t for the job or opportunity at hand. those who knowhow to interview excellently generally fare bet
30、ter in securing job inter-views, internships, scholarships, or admission to competitive academicprograms. when you have become adept at communicating your qual-i?cations and candidacy in compelling terms and promoting yourself inways that will make the interviewer see you as the ideal candidate, you
31、are likely to be pleased more often with your interview outcomes.i hope this work will help provide you with knowledge and best prac-tices that empower you in the interviewing process. by coming tounderstand the underlying purpose of questions posed and how to pre-sent your quali?cations in the most
32、 compelling light, it is my hope youwill learn how to interview excellently.in this book, i draw on input from professionals who are or havebeen engaged in recruiting efforts at fortune 100 and other top com-panies such as ibm, procter & gamble, j. p. morgan chase, verizon,american express,
33、cisco systems, intel, lucent technologies, staples,prudential, oracle, smith barney citigroup, mckinsey & company,morgan stanley, goldman sachs, ernst & young, and pricewater-housecoopers. i must thank the fortune 100 and other corporate exec-utives for sharing their insights with me
34、. i must also thank thosecorporate executives, executive recruiters, and career counselors whoviii prefacetook the time to allow me to interview them, so that we could includetheir insights directly in this book. i hope you enjoy the excerpts frommy conversations with them, which are woven throughou
35、t this text.i thank wilbert watts, jr., my wonderful husband and best friend,for his love and encouragement. i thank my family, the geigers and theholloways, for their years of dedication and support. thank you in par-ticular to aunt mildred geiger, uncle william geiger, aunt annlewis, uncle alonzo
36、lewis, uncle edward geiger, and my lovelybrother david geiger, jr. i express gratitude to christine baker, for-merly of the harvard bureau of study counsel, for years of excellentmentoring. thank you to lorelee parker and julie taylor, two won-derful friends. thank you to sponsors for educational op
37、portunity fortheir excellent work. i express my deep appreciation to nina graybill,my literary lawyer, for her steadfast support and insightful advice. i givea hearty thank-you to my editor, mary glenn, who was so dedicatedand encouraging throughout the entire editing process. a big thank-you also t
38、o nancy hall, my project editor, who provided excellent workand support, which helped bring this book to fruition.preface ixthis page intentionally left blank.introductionin todays business world, competition for jobs has never been keener.rather than keeping the same job for twenty years, a worker
39、typi-cally changes jobs at least ?ve times in a lifetime. in addition, the poolof job applicants is seemingly expanding, as companies have come torecognize the value that nontraditional candidates (engineers, lawyers,health care professionals, and the like) can bring to general managementpositions.
40、responding to this highly competitive environment, top u.s.business schools have intensi?ed the preparation they provide their#99ff99'>mba students who are seeking full-time employment. students areexposed to guest lecturers, bene?t from private coaches, and receivevideotaped mock interviews
41、to give them detailed feedback and coach-ing. these efforts enable #99ff99'>mba graduates from top u.s. programs to?ne-tune their responses to tough questions in job interviews.overall, headhunters agree that in recent years, attractive candidatesfor competitive jobs have developed a much mor
42、e re?ned approach tointerviewing than past applicants. recognizing these trends, how tointerview like a top #99ff99'>mba: job-winning strategies from headhunters,fortune 100 recruiters, and career counselors introduces you to some“best practice” interviewing techniques. whether you are seekin
43、g your?rst full-time employment, switching jobs, applying for a part-time job,or preparing for graduate school admission interviews, this book intro-duces you to approaches that can sharpen the delivery of your inter-6><#00aa00'>view. the insights in this book can be helpful not only fo
44、r businessinterviews, but also for candidates in other ?elds from law to the non-pro?t sector.xicopyright ? 2004 by shelly leanne. click here for terms of use.the best practices highlighted in this book are garnered from fourmain sources. i introduce best practices and advice based upon my yearsof e
45、xperience as a fortune 100 professional, strategic adviser, and careercounselor. in addition, i draw on input from professionals who are orhave been engaged in recruiting efforts at companies such as ibm,procter & gamble, j. p. morgan chase, verizon, american express,cisco systems, intel, lu
46、cent technologies, staples, prudential, oracle,salomon brothers, morgan stanley, goldman sachs, mckinsey &company, ernst & young, and pricewaterhousecoopers, among oth-ers. my work with #99ff99'>mba students at harvard, wharton, columbia,cornell, yale, and mit has also informe
47、d the writing of this work, ashave my conversations with executive recruiters (“headhunters”) fromsuch institutions as berkhemer clayton and garb jaffe and associates.ten common interview mistakesbased upon my experience and many conversations with fortune 100recruiters, headhunters, and career coun
48、selors, i have been struck bythe pronounced themes that have emerged about the common mistakescandidates make during job interviews. the ten common interview mis-takes were easily identi?able. among these were the failure to create apositive ?rst impression and the inability to communicate the relev
49、anceof ones professional experience to the job offered. effective interviewpreparation seeks to address these common mistakes. thus, this bookis organized around these ten common mistakes and is structured toconvey best practices, helping you learn how to employ the best prac-tices of excellent inte
50、rviewing. top ten interview mistakes1. failed to make a great ?rst impression? treated informal interviews carelessly? dressed poorly? ignored business etiquette? failed to demonstrate enthusiasmxii introduction2. did not appear versed in the basics about the company, industry,available job, or inte
51、rviewer3. failed to present an effective résumé? didnt have a strong story line? failed to articulate value of work experience or skills? failed to back up claims on résumé4. failed to demonstrate a ?t for the position? unable to communicate the relevance of education orprofessio
52、nal experience to the job available? unable to communicate a ?t with the culture of thecompany5. had inadequate answers to common, open-ended or“turnaround” questions6. failed to adequately address concerns about clear weaknesses7. did not satisfactorily explain periods of unemployment8. couldnt exp
53、lain the relevance of “nontraditional” workexperience to the available job (in the case of nontraditionalcandidates)9. asked disturbing question(s) at the end of the interview10. didnt leave a positive lasting impressionbest practicesto address these common mistakes and introduce you to best practic
54、es,this book is divided into two parts. part i provides ten chapters cen-tered around best practices, to help you address the top ten mistakesassociated with job interviewing. these chapters explain how toapproach the interview and sharpen your delivery. they include prac-tical advice, anecdotal exa
55、mples, details about useful techniques, exam-ples of interviewing success factors, and work sheets to help you mapyour own approach to your job interview.chapter 1, centering around the best practice “create a great firstimpression,” addresses the most common mistakes interviewees makefailing to dre
56、ss well, ignoring key business etiquette, and treating anintroduction xiiiinformal interview too casually. the chapter also provides techniquesand tips you can employ to help create a great ?rst impression.chapter 2, centers on the best practice “do your homework in fourkey areas,” and addresses another common mistake: a candidates fail-ure to appear versed in the basic facts about the interviewing company,industry, adverti
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