1、ABC教育培訓(xùn)學(xué)校外國文教專家聘用合同書Foreign Staffer' s Employment Contract of ABCTraining school甲方:ABC教育培訓(xùn)學(xué)校Party a: ABC Training school乙方:Party B:本合同由ABC教育培訓(xùn)學(xué)校制定和印刷2017年版This contract is made and printed bAB 3C Training school2017 Edition甲方:ABC 教育培訓(xùn)學(xué)校(以下簡稱“甲方”)Party a: ABC Training schoolreferred to as “ Party
2、 A )法定代表人:高文英Legal Represe ntative:wenying gao注冊地址:內(nèi)蒙古呼倫貝爾 海拉爾金水岸一號寫字層樓Registered Address: the third floor, jin shuia n area hailer inn erm ong olia郵編:022108Post Code:022108乙方:(以下簡稱“乙方”)Party B:(hereafter referred to as “ Party B”)國籍: 性別:Nationality: Gender:護照號碼: 出生日期:年月日Passport No.:Date of Birth:在
3、華通訊地址:Permanent Address in China: 郵政編碼:Post Code:國外住所地通訊地址:Postal Address for Origi nal Domicile:郵政編碼:Post Code 電子郵箱:Email Address:電話: 傳真:Tel. No. : Fax No. :根據(jù)中華人民共和國法律、法規(guī),雙方在平等、自愿、協(xié)商一致 的基礎(chǔ)上簽訂本聘用合同。甲、乙雙方的權(quán)利和義務(wù)由本合同中約定, 雙方確認已經(jīng)充分理 解,并且將完全履行合同的任何條款。 除非乙方在訂立合同當(dāng)時明確 表示保留或者取消,否則乙方放棄任何針對本合同條款的抗辯權(quán)。The rights
4、 and obligations of Party A and Party B are established in the Con tract. Both Parties con firm they fully un dersta nd and will impleme nt completely any provisi ons in the Con tract. Un less Party B explicitly expresses his reservati ons over and his wish to can cel certa in provisi ons whe n maki
5、 ng the Con tract, Party B waives his right of defe nse on any of the provisi ons.一、合同期限Chapter I. Contract Term第一條Article 1.1.1本合同期限自2017年9月3日起,至2018年9月3止。The Con tract covers the term from _3 day of Sept. , 2017to 3 day of sep.2018.1.2本合同規(guī)定乙方的試用期為1個月,自2017年9月102017年10月10日止。The probati onary period
6、 for Party B is one mon th, starti ng from _J day of Sept.10,2017to 30 day of Sept.10, 20171.3甲方可根據(jù)乙方的實際工作能力和表現(xiàn)決定是否縮短試用 期。試用期內(nèi)任何一方可依法書面通知對方解除本合同。Party A will decide whether or not to shorten the probationary period based upon Party B s proved capacity. During the probationary period, either Party ca
7、n termi nate the Con tract upon in formi ng the other Party in a writte n form accord ing to law.1.4試用期內(nèi)乙方有不符合甲方錄用標準的行為,由于乙方故意 隱瞞原因使甲方在試用期滿后才得以知曉的,甲方有權(quán)按照試用期內(nèi)解除本合同的規(guī)定解除與乙方的聘用合同,甲方不需向乙方支付經(jīng)濟補償金。Should Party B con duct acts duri ng the probatio nary period that do not meet Party A' s recruitme nt re
8、quireme nts and Party A does n ot know them until after the probationary period because of Party B s intentional efforts to conceal them, then Party A has the right to terminate the Con tract in accorda nee with provisi ons con cer ning term in ati on of the Con tract duri ngthe probatio nary period
9、 without pay ing any compe nsati on to Party B.二、工作崗位Chapter n . Job Description第二條工作崗位Article 2. Job Description.2.1甲方根據(jù)工作需要及乙方的崗位意向,聘用乙方在部門,擔(dān) 任英語教師專業(yè)崗位工作。Party A employs Party B served in English teacher post in the Service, according to Party A s needs and Party B s desire.2.2乙方應(yīng)始終勝任受聘崗位,并且高效履行相應(yīng)
10、的各項職責(zé)和 義務(wù)。Party B should all along rema in qualified for the post and perform releva nt resp on sibilities and obligati ons in a highly efficie nt manner.2.3乙方在本合同履行期間不能直接或間接地受聘于其他單位。Party B should not be employed by any other compa ny or in dividual either directly or in directly duri ng the Con tr
11、act term.三、工作報酬及納稅Chapter 川.Salary and Income tax第三條工資Article3 .Salary3.1甲方按國家分配制度的有關(guān)規(guī)定確定乙方應(yīng)得的工資報酬。乙方的月工資為8000人民幣(稅前)。Party A fixes Party B' s salary in accorda nce with releva nt rules under the national allotment system. Party B s monthly payment is 5000RMB Yuan (taxable).3.2乙方病假工資按照中國相關(guān)法律規(guī)定發(fā)放
12、。When taking sick leave, Party B is paid in accordanee with the releva nt laws and regulati ons in China3.4由于乙方違反甲方規(guī)章制度損壞甲方財產(chǎn),或者違反聘用紀 律和制度受到經(jīng)濟處罰,或者違反本合同應(yīng)當(dāng)支付違約金、賠償金 的,甲方有權(quán)從乙方的工資中予以扣除。Party A has the right to make deductions from Party B ' s salary in case Party B disregards Party As rules and dam
13、ages Party As property, fined economically for violation of employment rules and regulations, and pay pen alty or compe nsatio n for violati ng the Con tract.第四條工資支付Article4 .Payment of salaries4.1甲方每月10日以前以貨幣形式支付當(dāng)月的工資。如遇法定 節(jié)假日,則提前至最近的一個工作日發(fā)放。Party A shall give payme nt to Party B in the form of cur
14、re ncy before the 10th of the corresp onding mon th. If the date coin cides with a legal holiday, the payday is moved up to the precedi ng workday.九月的薪水將與十月的薪水一并于十月給付。4.2如果甲方因為不可控原因或者其他重大事件造成不能按時 支付乙方工資的,甲方應(yīng)提前三天通知乙方,經(jīng)通知乙方后最長可以延期十日支付。Should Party A be un able to make the payme nt on time because of u
15、ncon trollable reas ons or other sig nifica nt eve nts, Party A should no tify Party B 3 days in adva nee. Party A can postp one the payme nt for a maximum of 10 days.第五條個人所得稅Article5 .Personal income tax5.1申報和繳納個人所得稅是乙方的義務(wù),甲方按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定 在乙方的工資或其他報酬內(nèi)代扣代繳。It is Party B ' s obligati on to report and p
16、ay pers onal in come tax. I n accorda nee with releva nt n ati onal regulati ons, Party A performs the duty of deduct ing the tax from Party B' s salary and other in come and pays it to tax authorities.5.2除非甲、乙雙方另有約定,乙方依據(jù)本合同取得的均為含稅 工資和其他報酬。Uni ess Party A and Party B agree otherwise, all the sal
17、ary and other in come that Party B receives un der this Con tract are taxable.四、行政審批Chapter IV .Administrative examination and approval第六條行政審批Article6 .Administrative examination and approval6.1甲方負責(zé)提供乙方申請簽證所需材料,包括但不限于工作許可邀請確認函Party A is resp on sible for provid ing the required materials for the app
18、lication of the visa, including but not limited to "work permit" and "in vitati on con firmati on letter".6.2乙方負責(zé)在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)提供甲方要求用于申請簽證所需材 料。如果乙方未能在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)提供相關(guān)材料,則乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)不能成 功簽證的責(zé)任。Party B is responsible for providing the materials requested for applicati on for visa applicati on to Part
19、y A. If Party B fails to provide the releva nt materials on time, Party B shall bear the resp on sibility for the failure of work visa.6.3乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)甲方要求提供的材料所產(chǎn)生的費用,包括但不 限于簽證申請費、所在國體檢費、無犯罪記錄證明費。Party B shall bear the cost of the materials provided by Party A, including but not limited to the visa applica
20、tion fee, where the state in specti on fee, no crim inal record certificate fee.六、保險Chapter Wnsurance第八條保險Article8 l nsurance8.1乙方必須在其本國購買保險。Party B must buy in sura nee in their own country8.2 一旦出現(xiàn)中國所購保險無法完全償付損害,且甲方需先行墊 付相關(guān)費用時,乙方有義務(wù)配合甲方聯(lián)系其本國保險公司并進行溝 通。一旦乙方獲得其本國保險公司的理賠,乙方應(yīng)償還甲方先行墊付的相關(guān)費用。如果乙方本國保險公司賠償?shù)?/p>
21、金額小于甲方為乙方墊付的費用,乙方僅需向甲方支付該賠償金額。Once the in sura nee purchased in China cannot be completely liquidated damages, and Party A shall pay in advanee for the costs associated with, Party B shall have the obligati on to cooperate with Party A to con tact the in sura nee compa nies and to com muni cate. If
22、Party B obta ins its own in sura nee compa ny claims, Party B shall pay Party A in adva nee of the releva nt expe nses .If the domestic in sura nee compa nies can not meet the Party A pay for Party B in adva nee, Party B is required to pay the amount of compe nsati on to the Party of the first part.
23、七、住宿及餐飲Chapter VD .Accommodation and catering第九條住宿及餐飲Article9 .Accommodation and catering9.1甲方為乙方提供住宿:Party A shall provide Party B with accommodati on:9.1.1甲方為乙方提供包含空調(diào)、熱水、廚房、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等。甲方將 負責(zé)一切費用,包括租金、水費、電費、氣費、網(wǎng)費和物管費Party A shall provide Party B with an apartment。Apartments should in elude air con diti on
24、ing, hot water, kitche n, n etwork, etc. Party A will be responsible for all expenses, including water, electricity, gas costs, fees and property man ageme nt fees.9.2何由于錯誤使用或故意行為所導(dǎo)致的公寓及其附屬設(shè)施 的損壞將由行為人負責(zé)賠償。Any damages of the apartme nt and its an cillary facilities caused by the wrong using or inten
25、ti onal act shall be liable for compe nsatio n by the perpetrator.八、福利待遇Chapter 忸.Benefits第十條休假ArticlelO .Vacation10.1乙方享受中國公民法定帶薪節(jié)日休假:元旦、春節(jié)、清明 節(jié)、國際勞動節(jié)、端午節(jié)、國慶節(jié)、中秋節(jié)以及法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定的其 他節(jié)假日。Party B is en titled to the same legal holidays as Chin ese citize ns, which include New Year' s Day, Spring Festiva
26、l, Qingming Festival, International Labor Day, Duanwu Festival, Chinese National Day, Mid-autumn Festival and other holidays designated by law and regulati ons.10.2如果乙方按其國籍和信仰在圣誕節(jié)、感恩節(jié)、復(fù)活節(jié)等節(jié) 日請求休假,則要做好相關(guān)調(diào)課工作。If Party B according to their nationality and belief request some holidays in the Christmas,
27、Than ksgi ving, Easter and other holidaysParty B should do some cha nging to this course.九、教學(xué)安排及著裝要求Chapter IX .Teaching schedule and dress code第十一條教學(xué)安排Articlell .Teaching schedule11.2甲方安排其授課內(nèi)容。Party A shall arra nge the teachi ng contents11.3乙方允許,甲方可以為乙方安排額外的任務(wù)。具體費 用由甲方和乙方協(xié)商確定。With Party B's pe
28、rmissi on, Party A can arrange additi onal tasks for the partyB. The fee shall be determined by Party A and Party B n egotiati on.第十二條著裝及行為要求Article 12Dress code12.1乙方必須符合著裝要求,不能穿短裙、背心、拖鞋等進入 教室。Party B must comply with the dress code, can not go in to the classroom weari ng short skirts, vest, slipp
29、ers, etc.12.2乙方必須遵守教室相關(guān)規(guī)定,不能在教室里吸煙或吃東西。Party B must comply with the releva nt regulati ons of the classroom, can not smoke or eat in the classroom十、工作紀律和獎懲Chapter X .Work Discipline and Reward & Punishment第十三條工作紀律Article13 .Work discipline13.1乙方應(yīng)遵守國家的法律、法規(guī)。Party B must abide by the Chin ese laws
30、 and regulati ons.13.2乙方須向甲方匯報工作情況,并在工作范圍內(nèi)接受甲方所有的合理指示。Party B is required to report to Party A on his work and accepts all reas on able in structi ons of Party A in relatio n to the work.13.3乙方應(yīng)遵守甲方規(guī)定的各項規(guī)章制度和聘用紀律,自覺服從甲方的管理。甲方經(jīng)過合法程序在本合同簽訂之前及履行期間不時制定并通過的規(guī)章制度和聘用紀律均為乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守的范圍。Party B must follow the rul
31、es and employme nt discipli ne formulated by Party A and accept Party A s supervision. The rules and employment discipline that Party A initiates through legal proceedings before the sig ning of the Con tract and duri ng its impleme ntati on are all docume nts to be abided by Party B.13.4乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)認真學(xué)習(xí)甲方的
32、企業(yè)文化、愛崗敬業(yè)、遵守職業(yè)道德、努力鉆研業(yè)務(wù)、不斷進?。粦?yīng)當(dāng)積極參加甲方組織的各種培訓(xùn), 提高職業(yè)技能。Party B should seriously study Party A s corporate culture, dedicate himself/herself to work, respect the professi onal code of ethics and make a con ti nu ous effort to improve his/her professi onal skills. Party B should also partake actively in
33、 various training programs orga ni zed by Party A.第十四條懲處Article14 .Penalties乙方如果違反甲方的規(guī)章制度、聘用紀律以及本合同的有關(guān)規(guī) 定,甲方將進行批評教育、經(jīng)濟處罰,直至解除本合同,并不支付任 何補償費用。Should Party B violate Party A ' s rules, employment discipline or stipulatio ns in the Con tract, Party A may adm onish Party B, inform him/her of the cor
34、rect procedure, impose economic and administrative pen alties on Party B, and eve n termi nate the Con tract without pay ing any compe nsati on.第十五條病假和事假Article15 .Sick leave and casul leave15.1病假。如果乙方生病且無法工作,乙方應(yīng)立即告知甲方。 乙方須另外安排時間補課。If Party B is ill and unable to work, Party B shall inform Party A i
35、mmediately. Party B shall arra nge ano ther time for classes.15.2事假。如果乙方因個人原因需請事假,則應(yīng)該提前三天通 知甲方。乙方應(yīng)填寫相關(guān)補課表格并安排時間補課。If Party B n eeds to leave for pers onal reas ons, Party B shall inform Party A three days in adva nee. Party B shall fill out the form and arra nge time for makeup.第十六條遲到、缺課處理Article16
36、Late,absent treatment16.1如果乙方遲到不超過15分鐘,甲方有權(quán)扣除其一天的工 資。Party A enjoys the right to deduct the wages of a day's wages if party B is late no more tha n 15 mi nu tes .16.2如果乙方遲到超過15分鐘,甲方有權(quán)扣除其三天的工資。Party A enjoys the right to deduct the wages of three day's wages if party B is late more tha n 15 m
37、inu tes16.3如果乙方無故缺課,甲方有權(quán)扣除其五天的工資。Party A enjoys the right to deduct the wages of five day's wages if party B is abse nt without any reas ons.第十七條保密Article17 .Confidentiality17.1乙方對甲方負有保密義務(wù)。乙方須遵守甲方有關(guān)保密的規(guī) 章制度,服從甲方的保密管理,包括但不限于涉密文件的保存、傳遞、使用、銷毀等。Party B is obliged to maintain con fide ntiality for Pa
38、rty A. Party B should obey the rules con cer ning con fide ntiality formulated by Party A and is subject to supervisi on of Party A, i ncludi ng but not limited to the storage, delivery, use and disposal, etc.17.2乙方因工作接觸到的凡注有內(nèi)部資料、秘密、機密、絕密 等字樣的文件以及預(yù)發(fā)稿等均屬于涉密文件,乙方不得違反規(guī)定自行傳播,也不得以任何方式向任何第三方泄露或允許任何第三方使 用,
39、傳播的方式包括但不限于復(fù)制、發(fā)送電子郵件、攜帶密件、密品 到公共場所、在公共場所談?wù)撋婷芪募膬?nèi)容等。All the docume nts and preparatory manu scripts marked with internal docume nt, secret, con fide ntial and most-secret, etc available by Party B duri ng work bel ong to secrets-i nvo Ived docume nts. Party B shall n either dissem in ate them aga ins
40、t the rules nor disclose to the third party in any manner or allow the third party to use them. The methods of dissem in ati on in clude but not limited to copy ing, sending e-mail, tak ing secret documents or articles to public occasions, talking about the secret- invo Ived docume nts in public, et
41、c.17.3乙方違反保密義務(wù),除賠償甲方因此造成的損失外,應(yīng)按 照相關(guān)法律法規(guī)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的法律責(zé)任。If Party B disobeys the con fide ntiality obligati on, he or she shall not only compe nsate the loss of Party A, but also bear the releva nt legal liability in accorda nee with releva nt laws and regulati ons.17.4乙方保密義務(wù)的期限不受本合同期限的限制,自乙方知悉涉密文件時開始,至涉密文件
42、脫密時或者涉密文件已進入公共信息 領(lǐng)域時終止。The term of con fide ntiality obligati on by Party B is not limited to the term of this Con tract, starti ng from the date whe n party B knows the secrets-invoIved documents, to the date when the secrets-invoIved docume nts decrypted or en ters into public in formati on doma i
43、n.十一、合同的變更、終止、解除Chapter 幻.Amendment, Termination and Cancellation ofthe Contract第十八條聘用合同的變更Article18 .Amendment of the Contract18.1本合同依法簽訂后,合同雙方必須全面履行合同規(guī)定的義 務(wù),任何一方不得擅自變更合同。After the sig ning of the Con tract in accorda ncewith the law, both Party A and Party B should fulfill the obligations stipulat
44、ed in the Con tract faithfully. Neither Party A nor Party B can ame nd the Con tract without agreeme nt of the other party.18.2甲、乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,可以變更本合同;雙方未達成一 致意見的,本合同繼續(xù)有效。The Con tract can be ame nded if the ame ndme nt is agreed upon by both Parties after con sultati on. The Con tract continues to be va
45、lid if bothParties cannot agree on the ame ndme nt.18.3本合同履行過程中,由于國家和重慶市新頒布的法律、法規(guī)、政策發(fā)生變化,使本合同的部分條款無法繼續(xù)履行的,本合同應(yīng) 當(dāng)根據(jù)法律、法規(guī)、政策進行調(diào)整變更。While the Con tract is in force, if some of its terms become no Ion ger en forceable due to new laws, regulati ons and policies issued by China or Chongqing, the Con tract
46、 shall be ame nded in accorda ncewith the new laws, regulati ons and policies.18.4本合同履行過程中,由于客觀情況發(fā)生重大變化,致使本 合同無法繼續(xù)履行的,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,可以變更本合同。While the Con tract is in force, if objective con diti ons on which this Con tract is based cha nge so that the Con tract becomes no Ion ger en forceable, the Con tra
47、ct can be ame nded if the ame ndme nt is agreed upon by both Parties after con sultati on.第十九條聘用合同的終止Article19 .Termination of Contract19.1符合下列情形之一的,聘用合同即自行終止:The Con tract is term in ated automatically if any of the follow ing occurs:19.1.1聘用合同約定的期限屆滿,雙方?jīng)]有續(xù)簽聘用合同的。The Con tract expires and Party A a
48、nd Party B have not ren ewed theCon tract upon its expiratio n;19.1.2乙方達到法定退休年齡的。Party B reaches the man datory retireme nt age;19.1.3乙方死亡或者被人民法院依法宣告死亡或者宣告失蹤的。Party B dies or is declared dead or miss ing by the people s courts;19.1.4甲方依法破產(chǎn)、解散、被吊銷營業(yè)執(zhí)照或者被責(zé)令關(guān)閉 的。Party A is ban krupt, disba nded, has it
49、s operat ing lice nse revoked or is ordered to be closed dow n in accorda nee with the law;19.1.5法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定的聘用合同終止的其他情形。Any other circumsta nces occur un der which the Con tract must be termi nated as required by law.第二十條聘用合同的解除Article20 .Cancellation of Contract20.1經(jīng)甲、乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可以解除本合同。The Con tract can
50、 be can celed upon agreeme nt by both Party A and Party B followi ng con sultati on.20.2乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以隨時解除聘用合同,不 支付任何解除合同的費用:Party A is en titled to can cel this Con tract if Party B is found to be in any of the follow ing circumsta nces, un der which Party A will not pay any econo mic compe nsati
51、on for can celli ng the Con tract 20.2.1 在試用期內(nèi)被證明不符合條件的Party B is proved to be unq ualified for the work duri ng the probati on period;2022嚴重違反工作紀律或者甲方規(guī)章制度的。Party B is in serious violation of work discipline or of Party A ' s rules;20.2.3嚴重失職、營私舞弊、對甲方利益造成重大損害的。Party B commits serious dereliction
52、 of duty or practices graft, caus ing substa ntial damage to the Employer;20.2.4被依法追究刑事責(zé)任、行政拘留、司法拘留、強制戒毒的。Party B is sued for crim in al liability in accorda nee with the law, gets administrative or judicial detention and receives compulsory detoxificati on treatme nt;20.2.5被證明有欺詐行為、隱瞞與本合同以及工作有關(guān)的重大事
53、 實的。Party B is proved guilty of fraud, failing to reveal important in formatio n related to this Con tract or Party B s work.20.2.6抵達中國的時間太晚,以至于無法為其安排課程的。The time to arrive in China is too late so that PartyA fails to arrange the course for Party B.20.3有下列情況之一的,甲方可以解除聘用合同,但應(yīng)提前三十日以書面形式通知乙方:Party A ca
54、n can cel the Con tract if one of the followi ng circumstances occurs but must give Party B 30 days' prior written notice:20.4本合同訂立時所依據(jù)的客觀情況發(fā)生重大變化,致使本合同 無法履行,經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商不能就變更聘用合同達成協(xié)議的。A major change in the objective circumstances relied upon at the time of con clusi on of the Con tract ren ders it u
55、nen forceable and, after consultation, Party A and Party B are unable to reach agreement on ame nding the employme nt Con tract;20.4乙方解除本合同的,應(yīng)當(dāng)提前三十日以書面形式通知甲方, 試用期內(nèi)乙方解除本合同的,應(yīng)當(dāng)提前十天通知甲方。經(jīng)甲方批準后,乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)按照甲方規(guī)定辦理離職交接手續(xù)并結(jié)清有關(guān)費用、違約金。If Party B intends to can cel the Con tract, Party B should give Party A 30 days
56、' prior writte n no tice or 10 days' prior writte n no tice if Party B is in the probati on period. After approval by Party A, Party B should go through the term in ati on procedures as required by Party A and settle all releva nt fees and pay breach pen alty.20.5符合下列情形之一的,乙方可以隨時以書面形式通知甲方解除本
57、合同:Party B can inform Party A at any time to can cel the Con tract if one of the follow ing thi ngs occurs:20.5.1在試用期內(nèi);During the probatio nary period;20.5.2甲方有欺詐行為導(dǎo)致乙方簽訂本合同的;If Party A used deceptio n to in duce Party B to sig n the Con tract;20.5.3甲方未按照本合同約定支付乙方聘用報酬或者提供聘用條 件的。Party A does not pay
58、salary or does not offer worki ng con diti ons accord ing to the Con trac;20.6乙方依照本合同20.4條解除本合同,給甲方造成經(jīng)濟損失 的,應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任的。If Party B can cels the Con tract accord ing to 20.4 and has caused econo mic losses to Party A, Party B should pay compe nsati on to Party A;20.7乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方不能依據(jù)本合同20.3條解除 或者終止本合同:If Party B has one of the following conditions, Party A can not can cel or termi nate the Con tra
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