



1、第1頁共4頁B3M4 Sandstorms in AsiaPart One Teaching Design第一部分教學設計Period 1Reading andstorms in AsiaGoalsTo learn to read passages with different types of infinitiveTo learn to read with strategiesFocusWordsmass, process, forecast, cycle, melt the ice, major, pollute, complainExpressionsmass outside the p

2、alace, take a week for your application to be processed, be forecast fortomorrow, automatically cycle, recycle the cardboard boxes, pollute the lake, complamthat., complain all dayPatterns1.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.2.To have been caught in a sandst

3、orm was a terrible已xperience, he said.3.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result ofdesertification 4.When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go out.5.To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.Aids Multimedia facilities, tape-record

4、e匚photos. diagramsProceduresStep 1: Wanning up by looking and sayingPlease look at the photo on the screen. What is it? Yes, it is sandstorms.Cold snap brings sandstormsThe warm spring in North China is sometimes interrupted with cold air andspread of sandstorms.According to weather experts, many ar

5、eas of Shaanxi, Shanxi, andHebei provinces and western regions of Northeast China experience duststorms in spring.Although different areas see dust affected weather of varying degrees,a sharp drop in temperature is experienced across the entire region.Increasing desertification is the main reason fo

6、r the frequent sandstorms in North China in recent years.However, compared with the years from 1999 to 2002, 2006 has so far seen far fewer sand storms.One reason 2006 has seen fewer sandstorms is that there was a lot of rain and snow in Northern China lastwinter, providing favorable conditions for

7、spring vegetationWarming up by learning about BACKGROUND INFORMATION第2頁共4頁Sandstorms, i.e., strong winds filled with dust particles, blow through North China frequently. NorthernChinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei Province have been primary sources of sandstormsin previous years. Meteo

8、rologists said this type of weather is caused by frequent movements of cold air overthe regions and increased dryness due to rising temperatures in Spring, making surface soil easily blownaway.Step 2: Before you readPlease go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation

9、of the word, therelationship between its pronunciation and its spellingStep 3: While you read1. TX pe of writing and sununaries of Sandstorms in AsiaType of writingAn exposition writingSununaries of 1stpartSandstorms: amajor disaster for many Asian countries for centuriesSummaries of 2ndpartSandstor

10、ms: strong, dry winds that carry sandSununaries of 3rdpartNorthwest China: part of the sandstorm center in Central AsiaSummaries of 4lhpartSandstorms sometimes affecting BeijingSummaries of 5lhpartThe Chinese Central Weather Station: forecasting a sandstormsome weeks before it arriving in BeijingSum

11、maries of 6lhpartThe desert: only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing2. A diagram of Sandstorms in AsiaSandstorms: a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries Sandstorms: a major disaster formanyAsiancountriesforcenturies3 Complete the article with one word in each blankAsandstorm

12、isa major_1_ for many Asiancountries.Beingstrong,drywindscarrying _2_sandstorms are第3頁共4頁often so thick that you cannot see the sun. and the wind is sometimes _3_ enough to move sand dunes. Thefour main places in the world where sandstorms _4_ found are Central Asia, North America, Central Africaand

13、 Australia. Northwest _5_ is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia Sandstorms sometimes cometo Beijing Citizens _6_ up to an orange sky and strong winds. The storms sometimes go on all _7_ andtraffic becomes very slowly.The Chinese Central Weather Station is _8_ to forecast a sandstorm some w

14、eeks before it arrives in Beijing,but its strength _9_ terrifies people The desert is only 250 kilometres away to the west of 10 To preventit coming nearer. the government is planting trees.Kevs: 1 disaster2 sand3 strong4 are5 China6 look7 day8 able9 sometimes10 Beijing4. Answer the reading comprehe

15、nsion questions according to the textI A mass campaign has been started to help solve the problem of_.A. sandstorm B. desert C. water shortage D. high temperature2. The four main places in the world where there are sandstorms are_ A. North Asia, South America, Central Africa and AustraliaB. Central

16、Asia, North America, Central Africa and AustraliaC. North Europe, Central America, West Africa and AustraliaD. Central Asia, North America. Central Africa and Australia3. Sandstorms begin in_areas.A. countrywide B. mountainous C populated D. desert4. To prevent_ coming nearer, the government is plan

17、ting trees A. sandstorms B strong winds C. deserts D. bad weatherKevs: 1-4 ADDDStep 4: After you read1.Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book If possible, make your own sentences withthese expressions Useful expressions from Sandstorms in Asiaa major disaster, try many ways to sol

18、ve this problem, a mass campaign, help solve., dry winds, carrysand, move sand dunes, describe a terrible sandstorm. as a child, in the desert, be caught m., a terribleexperience, m desert areas, ill recent years, as a result ofkdesertification , become desert, cut down trees anddig up grass, affect

19、 Beijing, wake up to an orange sky and strong winds, cover the city in a thick,brown-yellow dust, forecast a sandstorm advise people not to go out, to be cycling in a sandstorm,make.ill, wear a mask, prevent .coining nearer, plant trees, for the next five yearsSentences made with expressions from Sa

20、ndstorms in Asia1 Earthquake isa major disasterfor Japanese people2.Theytried many ways to solve this problem.3.They have starteda mass campaignto improve niral education in China4.His ideahelped solvemy problem 5.Strongeby windswere blowing across the land.6.The windcarries sandto the city where we

21、 live7.Wind is strong enough tomove sand dimesto a distant place 8.I am not able todescribe a terrible sandstorm.第4頁共4頁9.As a childI experienced lots of terrible windsin the desert.10.Iwas once caught ina strong wind.11. That wasa terrible experienceI had in the most frightening and the most dangero

22、us situation.12.In desert areas,sandstorms are not hard to seein recent years.13.As a result of desertificatiojin much land isbecoming desert.14.You can notcut downtrees anddig upgrass15.Air pollutionaffectsBeijing greatly.16.We dont like towake up to an orange sky and strong windsone day.17.The cit

23、y wascovered ina thick brown-yellow dust.18.It is not possible toforecast a sandstormat present.19.He wants toadvisepeoplenot to go outduring a sandstorm.20.Cycling in a sandstormis fun.21 Bad weathermakes me HL22 To go out you need towear a mask23.Ways must be found topreventdesertcomingnearer to the cities.24.We have topla


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