1、1. Hush-a-bye, baby,Daddy is near,Mammy's lady,And that's very clear.不要吵,小寶寶,爸爸陪你來(lái)睡覺(jué);媽媽不是男子漢,這件事情你知道。2.Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top,When the wind blows the cradle will rock;When the bough breaks the cradle will fail,Down will come baby, cradle and all.小寶寶,睡樹(shù)梢,風(fēng)兒吹,搖籃搖,樹(shù)枝斷,搖籃掉,里面寶寶嚇一跳。3.B
2、ye, baby bunting,Daddy's gone a-hunting,Gone to get a rabbit skinTo wrap the baby bunting in.睡吧睡吧胖娃娃,爸爸打獵頂呱呱;剝下一張兔子皮,回家好裹胖娃娃。4.He next met a barber,With powder and wig,He play'd him a tune,And he shaved an old pig.理發(fā)師,他碰著,戴著假發(fā)真時(shí)髦;給他拉首開(kāi)心典,他給老豬剃豬毛。5.Barney Bodkin broke his nose,Without feet we
3、 can't have toes;Crazy folks are always mad,Want of money makes us sad.巴尼碰破大鼻子,沒(méi)腳不能長(zhǎng)腳趾;瘋瘋顛顛是瘋子,沒(méi)錢只能哭鼻子。6.A Little Betty BlueLost her holiday shoe,What can little Betty do?Give her anotherto match the other,And then she may walk out in two.小貝蒂,丟只鞋,這個(gè)難題怎么解?給只鞋,配那只,穿著鞋兒好上街。7.Bbb, baaa, black sheep,
4、Have you any wool?Yes, sir, yes, sir,Three bags full;One for the master,And one for the dame,And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane.咩咩咩,黑綿羊,多少羊毛身上長(zhǎng)?先生先生你來(lái)看,三個(gè)口袋鼓囊囊;一袋主人面前放,一袋是為主婦裝,一袋送給小男孩,住在前面小街巷。8.As a little fat man of BombayWas smoking one very hot day,A bird called a snipeFlew away wi
5、th his pipe,Which vexed the fat man of Bombay.孟買有個(gè)胖老頭,大熱天里把煙抽;一只鷸鳥(niǎo)飛過(guò)頭,搶走他的大煙斗,惹得老頭把氣慪。9.When I was a little boyI had but little wit;'tis a long time ago,And I have no more yet;Nor ever, ever shallUntil that I die,For the longer I liveThe more fool am I.當(dāng)我是個(gè)小男孩,那時(shí)我就沒(méi)腦袋;現(xiàn)在我的頭發(fā)白,還是沒(méi)有長(zhǎng)腦袋;直到哪天進(jìn)棺材,永遠(yuǎn)不
6、會(huì)長(zhǎng)腦袋;活的日子越是長(zhǎng),我就越是沒(méi)能耐。10. When I was a little boyMy mammy kept me in,But now I am a great boyI'm fit to serve the king;I can hand a musket,And I can kiss a pretty girlat twelve o'clock at night.當(dāng)我是個(gè)小男孩,媽媽叫我家里呆;現(xiàn)在我是男子漢,效忠國(guó)王理應(yīng)該。拿起火槍能打獵,抓起煙斗抽起來(lái);到了午夜十二點(diǎn),敢吻漂亮小女孩。11.Christmas comes but once a year;
7、And when it comes, it brings good cheer,a pocketful odd money, and a cellar of beerAnd a good fat pit to last you all the year.一年一次圣誕,圣誕人人喜歡,又有酒又有錢,豬肉夠吃一年。12.Come, butter, come,Peter stands at the gateWaiting for a butter cake,Come, butter, come.黃油黃油快凝固,黃油黃油快凝固;彼得等著要進(jìn)屋,黃油甜餅好進(jìn)肚。黃油黃油快凝固。13.Charley, Ch
8、arley,Stole the barleyOut of the baker's shop.the baker came outAnd gave him a clout,Which made poor Charley hop.偷大麥,偷大麥,查理竟然偷大麥,面包房里偷出來(lái)。面包師,追上來(lái),用刀一拳打過(guò)來(lái),查理一瘸又一拐。14.Cock, cock, cock, cock,I've laid an egg,Am I to go ba-are foot?Hen, hen, hen, hen,I've been up and down,To every shop in tow
9、n,And cannot find a shoeTo fit your foot,If I'd crow my hea-art out.公雞公雞可聽(tīng)見(jiàn),我剛生下一只蛋,光腳走出真難看。母雞母雞聽(tīng)我說(shuō),我的鐵鞋都踏破,城里商店都去過(guò),低的鞋子沒(méi)著落;為了給你找鞋穿,我的嗓子都喊破。15.The cock crowns in the morn,To tell us to rise,And he that lies lateWill never be wise;For early to bed,And early to rise,Is the way to be healthyAnd wea
10、lthy and wise.公雞來(lái)報(bào)曉,催人起得早;誰(shuí)要睡懶覺(jué),腦子不開(kāi)竅;早睡又早起,有個(gè)好身體,早起又早睡,聰明又智慧。16.Two little dogsSat by the fireOver a fender of coal dust;Sad one little dog,If you don't talk, why, I must.兩只小狗狗,坐在火爐旁,靠在圍欄上;一只小狗說(shuō),你老是沉默,只好聽(tīng)著我。17.Let over leg,As the dog went to Dover,When he came to a stile,Jump he went over.小狗一步一
11、挪,慢慢走向多佛;路上碰到欄桿,縱身它就跳過(guò)。18.Put your finger in Foxy's hole,Foxy's not at home;Foxy's at the back doorPicking at a bone.指頭放進(jìn)狐貍窩,狐貍不在他的窩;他在后門(mén)地上坐,捧著骨頭用嘴嘬。19.Round and round the gardenLike a teddy bear;One step, two step,Tickle you under there.花園里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一樣;一步兩步走來(lái),給你撓撓癢癢。20.If you are gentlema
12、n,As I suppose you be,You'll neither laugh nor smileAt the tickling of your knee.你是大人樣,正如我想象,撓癢不會(huì)動(dòng),不笑也不嚷。21.Wine and cakes for gentlemen,Hay and corn for horse,A cup of ale for good old wives,And kisses for young lasses.美酒甜餅?zāi)腥讼玻刹莅孜柜R匹;啤酒送給女當(dāng)家,親吻送給小女娃。22.I would, if I could,If I couldn't how
13、 could I?Could you, without you could, could ye?Could ye? could ye?Could you, without you could, could ye?我能我就做,不能怎么做?我不能咋做?你不能咋做?咋做?咋做?你不能咋做?23.Oh that I were where I would be,then would I be where I am not;But where I am there I must be,And where I would be I can not.想到哪里到那里,想去哪里在這里;身在哪里呆那里,無(wú)法時(shí)時(shí)趁我
14、意。24.Jerry Hall,He is so small,A rat could eat him, Hat and all.杰利個(gè)子小,三塊豆腐高;耗子吃掉他,連人帶衣帽。25.Lucy Locker lost her pocket,Kitty Fisher found it;Not a penny was there in it,Only ribbon round it.露茜丟了錢袋,基蒂撿到錢袋;里面分文沒(méi)有,只有一根緞帶。26.There was an old man,And he had a calf,And that's half;He took him out of t
15、he stall,And put him on the wall,And that's all.從前有個(gè)老頭,他有一頭小牛,兒歌唱了半首;圈里牽出小牛,把牛栓在墻頭,兒歌已經(jīng)到頭。27.What's the news of the day?Good neighbor, I pray?They say the balloonIs gone up to the moon.請(qǐng)問(wèn)我鄰居,有啥新消息?聽(tīng)說(shuō)那氣球,飛進(jìn)月球里。28.A wise old owl lived in an oak;The more he saw the less he spoke;The less he spo
16、ke the more he heard.Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?聰明貓頭鷹,住在橡樹(shù)梢;越是見(jiàn)得多,越是說(shuō)得少;越是說(shuō)得少,越是聽(tīng)得多。都學(xué)貓頭鷹,大人這樣做。29.I love little pussy,Her coat is so warm,And if I don't hurt herShe'll do me no harm.So I'll not pull her tail,Nor drive her away,But pussy and IVery gently will play.我愛(ài)
17、小貓咪,穿上暖毛衣;我不把她欺,她不把我欺。我不拉她尾,讓她來(lái)這里;我和小貓咪,一起做游戲。30.Rain, rain, go away,Come again another day.大雨大雨快離開(kāi),隔些日子再過(guò)來(lái)。31.Pit, pat, well-a-day,Little robin flew away;Where can little Robin be?come into the cherry tree.小小知更鳥(niǎo),邊叫邊飛掉;飛到哪里去?飛進(jìn)櫻樹(shù)去。32.On Saturday night shall be my careTo powder my locks and curl my h
18、air;On Sunday morning my love will come in,When he will marry me with a gold ring.周六晚上事繁雜,涂脂抹粉卷頭發(fā);周日早晨情人到,送我戒指娶回家。33.Thirty days hath September,April, June, and November;all the rest have thirty-one,Excepting February alone,And that has twenty-eight days clearand twenty-nine in each leap year.三十天,是九
19、月,四月六月十一月;剩下都是三十一,唯一例外是十月;二十八天是平年,二十九天是閏年。34.I saw a ship a-sailing,A sailing on the sea,And oh but it was ladenWith pretty things for thee.一艘輪船迎風(fēng)開(kāi),輪船航行在大海;一船貨物滿滿載,上好貨物為你帶。35.Snail, snail,Come out of your hole,Or else I'll beat youAs black as coal.Snail, snail,Put out your horns,I'll give yo
20、u breadAnd barley corns.蝸牛蝸牛,快快出洞,不然打你,鼻青臉腫。蝸牛蝸牛,快快伸角,給你大麥,給你面包。36.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.小星星,亮晶晶,低是什么小精靈!高高住在云天外,好似鉆石嵌明鏡。37.He that lies at the stock,Shall have a gold rock;He that lies at the wall,Shall have a go
21、lden ball;He that lies in the middle,Shall have a gold fiddle.睡在床邊,有塊金石頭;睡在海邊,有只金皮球;睡在中間,有只金提琴。38.Swan swim over the sea,Swim, swan, swim!swan swam back again,Well swum swan!天鵝游的真快,轉(zhuǎn)眼游過(guò)大海,天鵝游的真快,轉(zhuǎn)眼游了回來(lái)!39.Little Tee-wee,He went to sea,In an open boat;And while afloat,The little boat bended,My story&
22、#39;s ended.一個(gè)小弟弟,漂泊在海面,只身沒(méi)有伴;乘只小木船,小木船變彎,故事已講完。40.Go to bed, Tom,Go to bed, Tom,Tired or not, Tom,Go to bed, Tom.湯姆湯姆去睡覺(jué),湯姆湯姆去睡覺(jué),不管現(xiàn)在累不累,湯姆湯姆去睡覺(jué)。41.Little Tommy little mouseLived in a little house;He caught fishesIn other men's dishes.湯米小老鼠,住在小木屋;別人菜盤(pán)里,湯米把魚(yú)捕。42.Little Tommy Tucker,Sings for his supper:What shall we give him?White bread and butter.How shall he cut itWithout a knife?How will he be marriedWithout a wife?湯米小伙子,吃飯唱曲子:給他什么吃?黃油和面包。要是沒(méi)有刀,怎么切面包?至今沒(méi)媳婦,怎么當(dāng)丈夫?
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- 《團(tuán)隊(duì)的凝聚力》課件
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