1、2014考研英語大作文第一段寫作方略:第一句:圖畫描述句第二句:圖畫影響句1. this picture generates a great concern among the public.這幅圖畫引起了公眾的極大關心。2. this picture invokes the general public's interests.這幅圖畫引起了公眾的興趣。3. this picture has triggered a heated discussion on the weibo, the most influential social media in china.這幅圖畫在微博上引起
2、了熱烈的討論。(中國最有影響力的社交媒體)4. this picture has stimulated a heated discussion on the we chat, the most influential social network, these days最近 這幅圖畫在微信上引起了熱烈的討論。(中國最有影響力的社交網絡)5. this picture captures the online community's great attention and abundant imagination.這幅圖畫引起了網絡群體的關注和想象。6. people were drawn
3、 by the truth disclosed by this picture.人們被這幅圖畫所揭示的事實所吸引。第三句:圖畫意義句1. simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning thanwhat we may sense at the first glance.雖然圖畫很簡單但是作者卻在傳遞著比我們第一眼看到的要復雜很多深刻很多的意義2. this simple picture touches a deep cord of the comp
4、lex social fabric.這幅簡單的圖畫深深觸及了復雜社會結構的一環(huán)。3. the drawing truly displays a status quo that is worthy of our attention.這幅圖畫確實展現(xiàn)了值得我們關注的現(xiàn)狀。4. we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the problem highlighted by this picture.對于圖畫所展現(xiàn)的問題我們無法忽視。5. it is tempting to accept the picture by its simple appearance,
5、but to neglect the profound implication that itsauthor tries to convey.讀這幅圖易望文生義忽視其深刻主旨。第一種類型:當下所面對的“無形社會問題”的寫作步驟:負面的展開:適用于不好的社會問題社會責任 傳統(tǒng)美德品質的缺失可能用到的主題詞:1 .愛國主義(patriotism2 .努力工作(hardworking3 .勤儉(plain living4 .相信科學(belief in science)5 .為人民®務的意識 (consciousness of serving the people)6 .團結互助(soli
6、darity and helping each other),7 .誠實守信(honesty credibility and being trustworthy8 .遵紀守法(observation of the law9 .中華傳統(tǒng)美德(traditional chinese values 勤 hardworking 儉 thrift 信 honesty, 孝 filial piety/ filialduty/filial respect禮 courtesy,忠 loyalty,仁 benevolence humanity and humaneness 愛 affection10 .現(xiàn)代美德
7、(modern virtues志愿者精神(volunteer spirit)契約精神(spirit of contact, observation of the law, abiding faithof the law第二段的展開:第一句:the picture does reveal that lack of credibffity is in largemeasure detrimental not only to the personallife ,but to the further development of the whole society.第二句:in no country
8、other than china, it has been said, is this problem more urgent and serious.或者:the past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owingto some policy being carried out,bringing some problems at the same time, with the above one beingthe foremost.或者:the past three decades have witnessed our
9、overwhelmingly excessive emphasis on material benefits andunawareness of the importance of credibility which have beenincreasingly becoming indispensable to the healthof economy, the stability of polity and the pursuit of happiness.過去的三十年中我們過分的強調物質利益忽視了誠信的重要性而誠信對于健康的經濟穩(wěn)定的社會和對于幸福的追求而言都是必不可少的。第三句more
10、specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organizationsand even the whole society fail to noticethe damaging consequences of dishonesty when undergoing thedramatic social transformation.更具體的講在經歷劇烈的社會轉型的過程中個人企業(yè)組織甚至是整個社會都沒有能注意到誠信缺失帶來的危害。或者這種品質對于這個國家的發(fā)展而言是重要的因素它的缺失會不可避免的給我們造成危害?;蛘吆翢o疑問這種偉大的品質鑄就了這
11、個社會的支撐結構如果這種寶貴的財富以任何一種方式被忽略我們的社會都無法穩(wěn)定發(fā)展。第四句和最后一句it is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardlycan individuals or organizations make money,take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, i argue.that will be a sorry stat
12、e of affairs.我認為 不難發(fā)現(xiàn)要是沒有誠信在這樣一個競爭激烈的現(xiàn)代社會中從長期來看個人和組織是很難賺到錢賺到利潤的更不必說獲得財富了。那將是一個遺憾的局面?;蛘撸旱谒木浜妥詈笠痪鋘o thinking man would refuse to admit the fact that the commitmentto national and individual prosperityrequires a prevailing and flourishing trend of this driving force.put it another way, were there no cr
13、edibility, wewould never taste the real happiness of the success in the long run.任何一個有識之士都會承認如果要致力于國家富強和個人幸福就需要誠信這種驅動力形成流行和繁榮之勢。換句話講如果沒有誠信我們就不可能真正體會到真正的幸福 和成功。這種品質是社會發(fā)展的基礎是我們不可能缺失的。或者honesty and integrity, any perceptive observer would never hesitate to admit that, if become a generalfeature of the
14、society, would contribute to both the well -being of individuals and a nation as a whole.任何一個有識之士都會承認如果誠信成為這個世界的總體特征那么將不僅對個人利益有幫助而且對整個國家也有好處。換句話講促進人類社會往正確方向前進的力量真誠的缺失會導致前進的列車出軌會使得這個世界陷入一篇絕望的荒蕪之中。3. put another way, as a force propelling the human society forward in a virtuous direction, theabsence o
15、f the it will even cause the train of progress run offtrack, leaving the world in awilderness of desperation.鏈 第三段:(超級無敵結束段)confronting with such an intimidating reality, we are expected toenhance the sharp awareness ofconsequently damaging effects of ignoring honesty. it is imperative that this neg
16、ative/unfavorable/evil trend,constituting a permanent menace to harmonious society construction, be harnessed and curbed by thecorresponding laws and regulations. only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope towitness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the
17、 uttermost. (72 字)面對如此可怕的現(xiàn)實我們應該清醒的認識到因為忽視赫n而帶來的嚴重后果。對于不斷危害到和諧社會建設的這樣一種負面潮流我們應該用相應的法律和法規(guī)對其加以限制和控制。只有在一個理性的繁榮的和健康的環(huán)境下我們才能見證一個理想的場景:人民能最大程度地享 受他們的生活。話題障德問題解決第三段表達the importance of such an apparent crisis in morality reflected by the drawing has beenrealized by the public and the government. this is a p
18、romisingstart. we have been under growingpressure to establish a social credit system nation wide in a bidto create an honest and faithfulsociety. adding to the effort mentioned above are other solutions,such as developing public service,promoting voluntary service and the like. with thoseaccomplish
19、ments, people's sense of responsibility and the willingness to be candid and charitable willdefinitely be restored, i firmlybelieve.正面的展開:為評價一種好的社會現(xiàn)象。文化融合(cultural integration)社會公德(public morals第二段的展開:第一"旬:the picture tells us that volunteer spiri is and remains to be an integral part in th
20、is ever rapid changingmodern society.這幅圖畫告訴我們在如此快速發(fā)展的現(xiàn)代社會中志愿者精神將一直是不可或缺的部分。第二句:1.it isl the modern virtues hat spark and fuel the sustained social progress and continuous betterment ofculture when we are undergoing the ever most rapid economic growth.volunteer spirit emerges as the mostthriving one
21、among them.當我們在經歷著最快的經濟增長的時候正是一些現(xiàn)代社會的美德引發(fā)和促進了持續(xù)的社會進步和不斷的文化發(fā)展而志愿者精神正是其中最醒目的?;蛘?.這一人類品質是這個國家社會發(fā)展的重要部分這種品質的缺失會給我們造成巨大的損失?;蛘?.這一偉大的品質鑄就了我們社會的支撐結構如果這種寶貴的品質以任何一種可能的方式被忽略我們的社會都不能穩(wěn)定發(fā)展?;蛘?.這一品質是促進我們社會發(fā)展的和提升我們整體生活水平的中堅力量。如 果沒有這一力量我們進步的列車有可能會停止甚至會出軌使我們陷于一片絕望的荒蕪中?;蛘?. decades of nonstop economic development in
22、china have led somepeople to worry about moraldegradation in the newly rich society. however a set of virtue codes have steadfastly held the ground,bringing about ever responsible citizens of the society andnurturing the growth of culture at the sametime. volunteer spirit is surely one of the most p
23、rominent.兒十年不停滯的經濟發(fā)展使得一些人很擔心在當下繁榮社會中的道德缺失。但是一系列的道德規(guī)范穩(wěn)住了局面為這個社會塑造了有責任的公民同時還培育了文化的增長。而志愿者精神就是其中最顯著的。第三句people in the need can obtain financial aids, material support,mental comfort or spiritual back fromvolunteer's work.有需要的人能從志愿者的工作中獲得經濟上的幫助物質上的支持精神上的撫慰和精神第四句i.with the influence of this spirit, p
24、eople who have benefited fromother's good deeds will treat others with love, sincerity, sympathy, enthusiasm, hospitality or generosity.在這種精神的感召下那些從善行中受益的人將會用愛用真誠 用同情用熱情好客和除慨來對待其他人?;蛘?.being the beneficiary of a kind of volunteering deeds inspires us to act that way toward a third person andprov
25、ides a huge boost to the sound evolution of a nation.受益于這種志愿者的行為會使我們用這樣的方法對待第三個人這樣就為國家的健康發(fā)展提供了巨大的促進。最后一句1.in other words, were there no volunteer spirit, we would never taste the civilization of the modern society.或者:2. simply put, it inspires and boosts the sound evolution of our nation.簡單講 這種力量激發(fā)并
26、促進了我們國家的健康發(fā)展。第三段的展開:版本一:any thinking man would admit that our ardent love for life willfurther guarantee the prosperity of thislife-affirming force which will usher a completely new horizon forthe great renewal of our nation. in view of theimportance of such a positive phenomenon, we must, doubtless
27、,establish a coordinated mechanism to ensure itseverlasting rewarding effects on our society. only in a reasonable,prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy theirlife to the uttermost(i argue.)(90 字)任何一位有識之士都會承認我們對于生活的深深的熱愛將會進一步確保這種生命正能量的繁榮這種力
28、量將會為我們民族的復興開創(chuàng)一個全新的局面。正是考慮到這種正面現(xiàn)象的重要性毫無疑問 我們將確立一個協(xié)調的機制來確保其作用于我們社會的持久的回報效果。只有在一個理性的繁榮的和健康的環(huán)境中我們才有可能見證到一個理想的場景人們能最大化的享受他們的生活.版本二:第一"旬:to make the world a better place, the positive momentum of this kind shall be made known and followed bypeople in every profession and in every corner.為了讓這個世界變成更好的地
29、方這種正能量應該被這個社會每個行業(yè)每個角落的人所知曉和遵守。第二句:it would not be a stretch to say that the world will become a bigloving family if good -willing deeds like thisbecomes a common practice that happens daily.不夸張的講如果這樣的善行能成為每天都發(fā)生的行為那么這個世界將變成一個有愛的大家庭。第三句:and once it takes root in the heart of every member of this socie
30、ty, the fruit will be the dazzling light thatdispels darkness and creates harmony.一旦這種品質在每個社會成員的心中扎根產生的果實將會是炫目的明燈去除黑暗創(chuàng)造和諧。夢想和目標的第三段:taking this topic a step further, a nation must as well drawstrength from a higher goal that all of itsmembers share so that it can grow steadfastly and stably both ine
31、conomic and in cultural terms. aboveall, individuals and organizations alike all need a star, a goal, or better put a dream to navigate us in thegreat voyage of life.傳統(tǒng)文化:第二段第一"旬:the picture does demonstrate that, traditional chinese festivals, the invaluable cultural heritage embodyingour shar
32、ed belief, spirit and history, have been increasinglyneglected by us.正如上圖所示體現(xiàn)了我們共同的信念、精神和歷史的中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日一一我們無價的文化遺產正逐漸被我們所忽視。第二句:it is mournful that such time -honored holidays are playing an ever insignificant role in our lives andgradually declining to the background,這種歷史沉淀的傳統(tǒng)竟然漸漸淡化在我們的生活中扮演越來越不重要的角色實在令
33、人感傷。第三句:because if they finally become just dead symbols or abstractconcepts to be found in dusted books, we would 夢想和目標的第三段 :taking this topic a step further, a nation must as well drawstrength from a higher goal that all of itsmembers share so that it can grow steadfastly and stably both ineconomi
34、c and in cultural terms. aboveall, individuals and organizations alike all need a star, a goal, or better put a dream to navigate us in thegreat voyage of life.傳統(tǒng)文化:第二段第一"旬:the picture does demonstrate that, traditional chinese festivals,the invaluable cultural heritage embodyingour shared beli
35、ef, spirit and history, have been increasinglyneglected by us.正如上圖所示體現(xiàn)了我們共同的信念、精神和歷史的中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日一一我們無價的文化遺產正逐漸被我們所忽視。第二句:it is mournful that such time -honored holidays are playing an ever insignificant role in our lives andgradually declining to the background,這種歷史沉淀的傳統(tǒng)竟然漸漸淡化在我們的生活中扮演越來越不重要的角色實在令人感傷。第三句
36、:because if they finally become just dead symbols or abstractconcepts to be found in dusted books, we would be in danger of lost our uniqueness as a people who persist intothis day with records of continued civilization andbecome just another state wholly consumed by the prevailing pop culture.因為如果它
37、們最終只是成為無生命的符號或塵封在書本中的抽象概念的話 我們就會失去作為一個文明始終未中斷的民族的獨特性和世界上很多其它國家一樣僅僅成為一個擁有流行文化的地方?;蛘遲raditions like them are powerful cohesive forces that bond ustogether, giving us clues of our ancestors'struggles and achievements and infusing sense of pride into us as the direct lineage of great heroes.它們這樣的傳統(tǒng)是聯(lián)系我們的強大凝聚力它們留有祖先奮斗的痕跡和成就讓我們驕傲告訴白己我們是英雄的傳人。第
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