1、醫(yī)學(xué)護(hù)理專業(yè)英語詞匯大全精編WORD版OffiCe mom【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8 醫(yī)務(wù)部 medical administration division 院辦 hospitd administration OffiCe護(hù)理部 nursing department值班室duty room醫(yī)護(hù)辦公室Staff OffiCe填表內(nèi)容:name 、 agegender、 address 、 WOrk place、 POSt code、 ID numbertelephone number句型:Where don" t you feel well?Whi
2、Ch department do you Want to register with?you have to fill in this registration Card The registration Card COntainS ()TOPiC 2單詞:辦理病歷 buy a CaSe history 史 PaSt medical history家族史fam訂y history個(gè)人病史 PerSOnaI history 過敏史allergies檢査資料 InSPeCtiOn data血液檢査blood test 化驗(yàn)室數(shù)據(jù)IabOratOry data一般資料 PhySiCaI data生理
3、指標(biāo) PhySiCaI SignS 其他檢査數(shù)據(jù)Other Iab data 住院治療情況hospital COUrSe 卡的種類medical Card 醫(yī)療卡 SOCiaI SeCUrity Card 醫(yī)???medical insurance Card 信用卡 bank Card / fiscard句型:She has much experience With that kind Of case.She made a CIiniCaI record for the Pdtierit.The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.TOPiC 3
4、單詞:診斷方法 diagnostic method望診 inspection問診 inquiry聽診 auscuItdtiOn叩診 PerCUSSiOn觸診 PaIPation面部 facial OrganS眉毛 eyebrow睫毛 eyelash眼皮 eyelids鼻子nose 下巴Chinn di:zksnt, tsvda, jretks'ntdri:lntidtnti:kaSndnntikgjlnt 美 ntikogjlnt鬢角temple 趣孔PUP訂嘴 mouth舌頭tongue額頭 forehead眼瞼eyelid面頰Cheek嘴唇IiP藥物種類:止痛藥 analgesic
5、s止咳藥 antitussive利尿藥diuretics止瀉藥 antidiarrheal解毒藥antidote抗癌藥 antiCarCinOgen抗凝藥 antiCOagUlant血管舒張藥 VaSOdiIatOrvsda, let退燒藥 antipyreticsntpa, retks 美 ntpa, retks祛痰藥 expectoreintkspektrnt美kspktnt止血藥 hemostatichi:nf sttk止癢藥 antipruriticnti:p'tk 美 ntairp, rrtk抗風(fēng)濕藥 antirheumaticnt:9hu:mtk美nt:9hu:Dltk抗菌
6、/抗生素antibioticsntba, tks強(qiáng)心藥 CardiaC tonicka:di:k tnk血管收縮藥 VaSOCOnStriCtOrvskn, strkt抗癲癇藥 antiepilepticntap,IePtk鎮(zhèn)靜藥SedatiVesedtv解痙藥 antispamodic*anesthetics ntspz, mdk * * ns' tks句型:What are the SymPtOms?Can you tell me how did it get started?TOPiC 4單詞: 處方 PreSCriPtion看處方 you,re your PreSCriPtio
7、n過敏 be allergic to消毒 StellliZe sterlaz棉球 SWabsw?b皮試 Skin test反應(yīng) reactionreceptionist預(yù)約 make an appointment With the可能引起過敏的食物:小麥Wheat雞蛋egg乳制品 dairy PrOdUCtS deri.香蕉banana花生PeanUt 魚 fish腰果 IUmbar LImb (r) beans芝麻SeSame醬油 SOy SaUCe句型:HOld StilI PIeaSe It is importsnt that you don" t SkiP a day, Or
8、 the treatment WilI be Of no effectYOU ShOUId follow your treatment With Plenty Of rest in bed急診室TOPiC 1、 receiving the CalI and Sending the ambulanceTOPiC 2、 emergency Patient receivingTOPiC 3、 inquiry and SettlementTOPiC 4、 EmergenCy arrangementTOPiC 1單詞:救護(hù)車ambulance 急救醫(yī)護(hù)人員ParamediC prmedk現(xiàn)場(chǎng)SCene醫(yī)
9、院醫(yī)師內(nèi)科醫(yī)師PySiCianEfznJ神外醫(yī)師neurosurgen麻醉科醫(yī)師anesthetist,nes tst理療科 PhySiOtheraPiStfzi erpst營(yíng)養(yǎng)科醫(yī)師dieticianda, tn流行病醫(yī)師epidemiologistepdirm, ldst婦科醫(yī)師gynecologygan, kid泌尿外科醫(yī)師 UrOlOgiCaI SUrgeOn jr, Idkl藥劑醫(yī)師PharmaCiStfa:msst整形科醫(yī)師PlaStiC SUrgeOn傳染病科醫(yī)師 doctor for infectious diseases nfeks衛(wèi)生醫(yī)師 hygienist hddi:ns
10、t 助產(chǎn)士 InidWife急救 making an ambulance 人工呼吸 wtificial respiration respren輸氧 OXygen therapy輸血 blood transfusion trnsfju:n止血 StOp/arrest the blood止咳喘 relieve dyspnoea and COUgh ds, Pni:句型:PIeaSe tell me What the matter is.Try to CaIm down, madamSO tell me Where you are and we' 11 be thereCOUld you t
11、ell me exactly Where you areCan you tell meyour PhOne numberWe WilI have an ambulance in about ten minutes.PIeaSe PUt a bandage round the wound.CIean CIOth instead Of bandage is okay.Don' t move him HOld StiI1. ArreSting bleeding is the most important thing at this moment. There is an accident O
12、n the Third Ring ROad and a man has been knocked down by a Car I' 11 get to the SCene TelI the ambulance driver to be PreParedTOPiC 2單詞:擔(dān)架 StretCher輕點(diǎn) easy does it氧氣罩 OXygen mask遭遇 encounter人體所需營(yíng)養(yǎng):糖 SUgar蛋口質(zhì) PrOtein無機(jī)鹽 inorganic salt/InineraI脂肪fat 水 Water維生素VitaInin句型:PrePare ice PaCk for the Pa
13、tient Bandage the WOUnd PUt a PieCe Of ClOth On the WOUnd to diminish the inflammation He has, t got UP yetTOPiC 3單詞:診斷 diagnosis開藥方PreSCribe打針inject肌肉注射 IntramUSCUlar injection預(yù)防注射inoculation止血 arrest the bleeding Of blood治療 treatment配藥 f訂I a PreSCriPtion皮下注射 hypodermic injection靜脈注射 intravenous in
14、jection 點(diǎn)滴注射 fluid infusion句型:Try to move your arm as Iittle as POSSibIe YOUr elbow SeemS to be not all right.SO to be On the Safe side, you' d better go to See the doctor Where do you feeluncomfortable?TOPiC 4單詞:關(guān)節(jié)joint膝蓋骨kneecap骨盆PeIViS肝臟IiVer膽囊 gall bladder胰腺 PanCreaS脾 SPIeen十二指腸duodenum 闌尾 a
15、ppendix盲腸 blind gut 食管gullet熱敷 hot COnIPreSS冷敷 COld COmPreSS洗胃 gastric IaVage灌腸enema導(dǎo)尿 UrethraI CatheteriZatiOn包扎dress拆線 remove the StitCheS止血 hemostasis縫合切口 SeW UP the incision心臟按摩 CardiaC massage句型:Are you the PatientS relation We are arranging the OPeratiOn. Be Calin andIiSten to me. HiS COnditiO
16、n is a Iittie SeriOUS HiS IegS WaS SeriOUSly damaged SO PerhaPS it has to be amputated He has IOSt much blood BUt itOnly released his COndition.Yes, We WilI try but not definitely. We need your SignatUre On the OPeratiOn report/the guarantee Ietter That Can release his COnditiOn. He needs blood tran
17、sfusion. I PrOmiSe you to try OUr best外科TOPiC 1、 handling injury Or WOUndTOPiC 2、 OPeratiOn SChemeTOPiC 3 PreOPeratiVe PreParatiOnTOPiC 4 recuperation after the OPeratiOnTOPiC 1單詞:割傷CUt燙傷burn出血 bleeding瘀傷bruise外傷trauma曬傷 a SUn burn 手指扭傷 SPrained finger骨折 fracture 扭傷SPrain擦傷 SCratCh燙傷SCaId脫臼 dislocat
18、ion蜜蜂蟄傷a bee Sting句型:PUt her On the bed Here are SOme anti-inflammatory tablets Take Off her watch, ring and anything bounding her Don" t rip away the ClOth On the burn, Or it WOUld be infected HeIP her WaSh the WOUnd Under the running Water Don' t apply anything to the burn till it is SUgg
19、eSted Or Ordered by the doctor FOr example SOmeOne WilI apply SOme gentian ViOIet to the burn, but the COIOr is too dark that it makes impossible for the doctor to See the burn CIearI y.TOPiC 2單詞:器官移植 Organ transplantation 心臟heart肺 IUng 腎 kidney骨髓 bone marrow肝移植 IiVer transplantation胃 gastrie transp
20、lantation毛發(fā) hair transplantation干細(xì)胞移植 Stem CelI transplantation療法 therapies針灸療法food therapy中醫(yī)療法 traditional ChineSe medicine therapy音樂療法music therapy精神療法 PSyChiatriC therapy句型:Are you the relative Of YOIandaWe have WOrked OUt the OPeratiOn SCheme Whatfunctions Can this PrOgram PerfOrmTOPiC 3單詞: 大腦br
21、ain食道 esophagus小腸 SmalI intestine大腸 Iarge intestine直腸rec turn句型:DO you feel bet ter YOU ShOUld be Very CarefUI in a Week Or two. DO the doctors have much experience in OPerating YOU WilI get intensive Care if your husband StayS With you. That is helpful for your recovery. By the WayJ is there any Pr
22、ObIem I need to Pay attention to before the OPeration YOUr diet ShOUld be given SPeCiaI attention. YOU just need to relax and keep CaIm. HaS it gotten WOrSeTOPiC 4單詞:吃藥 take medicine洗澡 take a bath 上廁所 SPend a Penny換床單 Change bed SheetS 句型:YOU are going to be discharged from hospital tomorrow The doc
23、tor has Written you a Certificate for you. COmPIete recovery WilI StilI take a IOng time DOnnOt mention it. That is OUt duty內(nèi)科TOPiC 1、 diagnosis Of diseasesTOPiC 2、COnSUItatiOn 專家會(huì)診TOPiC 3 PreSCriPtiOn and SUggeStiOnS 開藥及提示TOPiC 4 further CiiagnOSi 復(fù)診檢查TOPiC 1單詞:咳嗽COUgh咽喉痛 SOre throat花粉熱hay fever痙攣
24、COnvUISiOn 神經(jīng)痛 heart disease痢疾 dysentery 失冃民insomnia發(fā)燒fever流感 influenza肝炎 hepatitis濕疹eczema腎結(jié)石 renal CaICUlUS 心力衰竭h(yuǎn)eart fdlure 闌尾炎 appendicitis 皰疹herpes腦中風(fēng)StrOke打噴嚏SneeZe破傷風(fēng)tetanus風(fēng)濕癥 rheumatism貧血anemis 腹膜炎 PeritOnitiS句型:IS there any Other SymPtOm LaSt night She had a terrible headache and her nose
25、WaS StUffed up. FOllOW the doctor* S WOrdS By the Way , does She has a history Of PUlmOnitiS I WilI Write you a PreSCriPtiOn. And is She got worse, take her to the hospital immediately ThiS Ofterl OCCUrS at this age It SeemS that my throat is inflamedTOPiC 2單詞:鎮(zhèn)靜藥SedatiVe特效藥 SPeCifiC medicine抓藥 have
26、 a PreSCriPtion Inade UP輕瀉藥IaXatiVe服藥 take medicine退熱藥 antiPyretiC換藥 Change dressings預(yù)防藥 PreVentative medicine血液成分: 血小板PlateIetS白細(xì)胞 White blood CellS 紅細(xì)胞 red blood CellS血漿 PIaSIna句型:SOrry to have kept you Waiting Let me introduce these experts to you. They COme from SeVeraI well-known IOCaI hospita1
27、. I Want to ask more detailed QUeStiOnS What are her SymPtOmS these days HaVe you taken her temperature DOeS She have a PerSiStant COUgh IS her COUgh more Iike WheeZing IS SheSUffering from IaCk Of appetite We reached a COnCIUSiOn that She has CaUght PUImOnitiS.The illness USUalIy OCCUrS on Children
28、 WhO are in POOr health The medicine On it WilI help her a great dea1. YOU Can Change dressings for the PatientTOPiC 3單詞:藥片tablet藥膏 Ointment藥丸Pill藥粉 medicinal POWder 藥水 IiqUid medicine醫(yī)院分類 Ch訂dre S hospital句型:Can you fill the PreSCriPtiOn for me, PIeaSeBy the Way , you got thisPreSCriPtiOn from Dr.
29、Karl, didn' t youTake two Of these tablets three times day after meals YOU Can also refer to the instructions On it. Make SUre you read them CarefUIIy. Shake the bottie before drinking I hope you Can recover SOOn I have a SeVere Pain in my StOmaCh You* d better go to Children, S hospital for hel
30、p JUSt a moment, PIeaSeTOPiC 4、單詞:水痘 ChiCkenPOX尿布疹 diaper rash口吃 Stammer腮腺炎mumps上網(wǎng) SUrf Online吃辣椒 eat hot PePPerS句型:Are you COming for your child" S further diagnosis HOW is your child' S COnditiOn going HOW IOng does it IaSt HaS She taken medicine On time PUImOnitiS USUalIy OCCUrS On Child
31、ren. If it is delayed , it may even CaUSe danger Of IOSing Iife IS there any remedial measure YOUr child' S infIammation is basically COntrOlIed YOUr ChiId is now OUr Of danger She WilI be all right SOOrl if She takes medicine On time Taking medicine On time is the guarantee Of recovering She is
32、 not allowed to dabble in Water and have a COld drink, TUCk her UP Wherl She is SleePing She OnIy needs SOme time to recover婦幼保健TOPiC 1、婚前體檢 PremaritaI PhySiCaI examinationTOPiC 2、常規(guī)孕檢 routine PregnanCy CheCkTOPiC 3、兒科常見病 COmmOn PediatriC diseasesTOPiC 4 兒科注射 PediatriC injectionTOPiC 1單詞:乳汁不足 IaCk O
33、f IaCtatiOn引導(dǎo)分泌物 Vaginal discharge 宮頸糜爛 erosion Of CerViX 宮頸息肉 CerViCaI POlyP 宮頸肥大 hypertrophy Of CerViX 宮頸粘膜炎endocervicitis 剖腹產(chǎn) CeSarean SeCtion 接觸性出血COntaCt bleeding下腹部腫塊abdominal IDaSS常規(guī)盆腔檢査PelViC exam乳房自檢 breast SeIf-exam宮頸裂傷 CerViCaI IaCeratiOn妊娠 PregnanCy脫垂感 SenSatiOn Of PrOIaPSe 外生殖器檢査 extern
34、al genital exam 臨床乳腺檢査CIiniCaI breast exam 測(cè)量指標(biāo):體溫 temperature 身高h(yuǎn)eight血壓 blood PreSSUre 脈搏PUlSe體重Weight心跳 heart beat身體部位名稱:肚臍navel腰 WaiSt屁股 buttock臀部hip鎖骨 COllar bone脊柱 backbone肩胛骨 ShOUlder blade腹部 abdomen肩 ShOUIder顱骨SkUlI 肋骨rib肩關(guān)節(jié) ShOUIder joint 胸骨 breastbone句型:It is Very necessary to have a CT SC
35、an. DO you feel UnWelI in your () Maybe you Can measure your () first PIeaSe describe your trouble in detail to me. Wherl did this Pain begin Are you always in the blues YOU ShOUld Pay SPeCiaI attention.TOPiC 2單詞:檢査CT身體檢查CT examination產(chǎn)后檢査 PhySiCal examination心理檢査 PSyChOIOgiCaI examination胃腸檢査 gastr
36、ointestinal examination句型:Well, Whdt WaS the amount Of menstrual flow Wherl WaS the your IaSt PeriOd IS your menstruaaion regular WelL any Other discomforts HOW about your appetite I SUggeSt you having a PregnanCy test The result Of the PregnanCy test is POSitiVe YOU are Pregnant COngratUIatiOnS! Wh
37、ere is the Pain I am afraid it is a Sigrl Of miscarriage YOU ShOUld Stay in bed except for eating Or going to the toilet I WilI give SOme medicine by injection and orally, YOU ShOUld CalI the emergency immediately WheneVer the bleeding becomes more SeVere than usual. COme back in a Week for a CheCk
38、up.TOPiC 3單詞:一陣 bout小兒科 Pediatrie department婦產(chǎn)科 ObStetries and gynecology department眼科 OPhthaImOIOgy department耳鼻喉科 ENT department皮膚科 Skin department倉U傷科 traumatolOgy department麻醉科 anesthesiology department牙科 dental department泌尿科 UrOIOgy department矯形外科 OrthOPediC SUrgery department 病理科 PathOIOgy dep
39、artment新生兒驚厥 neonatal COnVUlSiOnS 高熱驚厥 febrile COnVUlSiOnS新生兒肺炎 PneUmOnia Of the newborn早產(chǎn)兒 Premature infant拉肚子 SUffer from diarrhea昏厥faint肚子痛 StOmaChaChe新生兒肝炎 neonatal hepatitis新生兒敗血癥 neonatal SePtiCelnia背痛 backache嘔吐VOmit胸痛 CheSt Pain耳朵痛earache句型:He had a IOng bout Of illness IaSt year What SeemS
40、to be the trouble Withyour ChiId Can you tell me What he had for SUPPerHaS he VOmited IS there anyOther SymPtOm WhiCh Part NOW you have to take your Child to get his tools tested I WilI Write OUt a SIiP for you to take to the Iibrary. Wait for a WhiIe and PiCk UP the report, and then bring it back t
41、o me. FOllOW the doctor' S advice I do advise you to remind your Child Of avoiding OiIy food for the next few daysTOPiC 4單詞:營(yíng)養(yǎng)豐富的食物谷類CereaI奶類 milk & diary PrOdUCtS肉類meat貝類 ShellfiSh干果類nuts蛋類 egg PrOdUCtS根莖類 root VegetabIeS魚蝦 fish and PraWn豆類 beans and PeaS 瓜果類fruits句型:It is time for me to gi
42、ve you IV fluids IV fluids Can PreVent bacteria from entering your body and CaUSing an infection. ThiS IV fluids must be given SIOWIy SO as not to get his heart OVerIOaded What, S happened YOU WilI be WelI SOOrl after the injection. What ShOUld my Child Pay attention to after injection. DO IlOt eat
43、SPiCy and greasy food They are rich in VitaminS and minerals Thank you for your advice YOU WOUld better take your Child to department Of CardiaC SUrgery. YOU ShOUld eat more Cerea1.中西藥房TOPiC 1、PriCing 劃價(jià)TOPiC 2、Charging and taking medicine 收費(fèi)和取藥TOPiC 3、 dealing With QUeStiOnSTOPiC 4、 medicine bulk P
44、UrChaSeTOPiC 1單詞:藥方、處方 PreSCriPtiOn 給。定價(jià)PriCe 國(guó)產(chǎn):domestic制造商 manufacturer句型:Can you have it PriCed for me They are just SOme respiratory tract drugs IWilI CheCk it for you.TOPiC 2單詞:激活 activate收費(fèi)處CaShier門診手術(shù)室 OUtPatient OPerating room掛號(hào)處 registration門診治療室 OUtPatient treatment room門診注射輸液室 injection a
45、nd transfusion room普通采血室 Ordinary blood drawing room句型:The money has been transferred from your account. DO you have a HeaIthInSUranCe CradThen SWiPe your Card here, PIS And input your PaSSWOrd Can I make the Payment hereTOPiC 3單詞:中藥 ChineSe herb西藥 WeStern medicine處方藥 PreSCriPtion drug膠囊 CaPSUIe非處方藥
46、 OVer the COUnte外用藥 PreVentative medicine口服液 OraI IiqUid板藍(lán)根 radix isati制藥的 PharmaCeUtiCaI折扣 discount存貨StOCk包裝 PaCking 回扣rebate 北京協(xié)和醫(yī)院 Peking UniOn medical COllege hospital 北京同仁醫(yī)院 Beijing tongren hospital北京中日友好醫(yī)院 China-JaPan friendship hospital句型:I USed to be allergic to SOme medicine The manufacture
47、r has recently Changed the name Of the medicine Can you tell me how to Simmer the herb medicine Add SOme Water and Simmer it gently for 20 IninUteS YOU Can be assured about that.定期體檢TOPiC 1、常規(guī)檢查 WelIneSS CheCkSTOPiC 2、 X-ray and CT examinationTOPiC 3、 B-mode UItraSOUnd examinationTOPiC 4、 blood test
48、 and Urine testTOPiC 1單詞:項(xiàng)目items正常的normal 脈搏PUISe磅秤SCale 增加gain常規(guī)檢査 WelIneSS CheCkS血糖 glucose定期檢査 PeriOdiC CheCk血脂IiPidS句型:I WOUld Iike to have WelIneSS CheCkS HOW many items are included? WellneSS CheCkS include blood PreSSUre , pulse, weight, height and BMI. Let me take your blood PreSSUre first N
49、OW you Can Stand On the SCaIe and I WilI take your Weight YOU must have gained much Weight I SUggeSt adopting a healthy way. It is Very necessary to have WelIneSS CheCkS regularly.TOPiC 2單詞:紙條、單子SIiP儀器 apparatus毀壞 degradation 對(duì)講機(jī)intercom急診觀察室ObSerVatiOn room句型:Here is the SIiP for fluoroscopic exami
50、nation. GO and Stand in front Of the X- ray apparatus OnCe you feel UnCOmfOrtabIeT you Can tell me through the intercom immediately.TOPiC 3單詞:凝膠gel病歷 CaSe history申請(qǐng)單 application病歷袋 Sheet-for-case history診斷書 medical Certificate領(lǐng)藥單 requisition for drugs句型:HaVe you been retaining urine? Here is the rep
51、ort and the doctor WilI tell you the details MOSt UItraSOUnd examinations are SimiIarTOPiC 4單詞: 藥庫 drug StOrage血庫 blood bank庫房 StOre room句型:Are you here to take a blood test ReIaX Can help keep the Veirl full and make the blood drawing easier Can you make a fist YOU Can get the resuIt in the afterno
52、on.住院處TOPiC 1、admission PrOCedUre and SiCkbed arrangements 住院手續(xù)及安排病房TOPiC 2、Ward-round 查房探視TOPiC 3、intensive Care Unit 高危病房TOPiC 4、護(hù)工看護(hù) nursingTOPiC 1單詞:就診區(qū) OUtPatient area 住院區(qū) inpatient area必需品necessity 病房Ward句型:YOU Can go through the admission PrOCedUre here YOU have to fill in this form CarefUlIy
53、 and I WilI make you a record Of hospitalization. YOU ShOUld feel at home here If you need anything , just PreSS this button.TOPiC 2單詞:床上擦浴bed-bath膨脹 distend傷口 WOUnd胃腸蠕動(dòng)PeriStalSiS流質(zhì)fluid敷料 dressing打嗝 belching炎癥 inflammation 消化不良indigestion感染 infection 內(nèi)出血 internal bleeding鼻塞 StUffed nose嗓子癢 itchy t
54、hroat視力模糊 blurred ViSiOn排尿困難dysuria通大便 IOOSening your StOOIS便秘 COnStiPatiOn含漱液gargling句型:Lying in bed all day makes me UnCOmfOrtabIe all OVer DO you feel distended in the abdomen DO you feel distended and nausea HOW is the Patient going after the SUrgery DOeS he StilI need intravenous infusion and P
55、eniCilIiOnTOPiC 3單詞:病情加重exacerbate 檢査 inspect時(shí)期term 儀器 instruments緊急關(guān)頭CriSiS句型:YOU Can PUt your mind at ease OUr nurses are PrOfeSSiOnalIy trained andIOOking after the Patient WelI are their responsiIbiIities YOU ShOUld register hospitalization With the nurse first OnCe the Patient exacerbated , We Can deal With it at OnCeTOPiC 4單詞:巡回round異樣 disuniform黑頭粉刺blackhead水泡 blister丘疹PimPIe疣 Wdlet 雞眼COrn瘢痕SCar 煙熏類食品SmOked foods腌制類食品 marinated COOked foods煎炸類食品fried foods句型:I hope you Can recover regularly. The food ShOUld be easy to digest and h
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