



1、ANALYSIS OF CASEClass: oneName: Wang DanID Number: w0973103Due date: may 24thBackgro und In formati on:This case happe ned in the Denver Mint, and it is a federal workplace whereheavily guarded against intrusion.It seems like this workplace is very safe , butactually it ' s not.The compla int fi

2、rst bega n in 1997, a woma n found the atmosphere completelyhostile toward females. But she was retaliated. Then similar thi ngs happe ned in2001, when a female employee found some sex magazines in her male colleague' soffice whe n she was clea ning and the same thi ngs happe ned on her a couple

3、 mon ths later.She complained but nobody response her. Another female employee filed a claimof retaliation and sexual harassment with the facility ' s EEOofficer in 2000. In 2003, the 71 womenfiled the petitionalleging a hostile work environment but EEOCstill take no acti on .And sexual harassme

4、 nt still happe ned in 2004 and 2005.Fi nally, the U.S. Mi nt and the female employees who had filed the class compla int reached a proposed settleme nt and pay the females $8.9 millio n.QUESTION 1: What HR problems were evide nt at the Den ver Mint?The most evident problem in this company is the ho

5、stile work environment tothe female. It in eludes three detailed problems. First, the male workers put someporno graphic magaz ines in the office, offered to pay the female worker for sex and even propositioned the female. These all offend the females, it means like thefemales don ' t get a good

6、 work place, when they complain about it ,they never getthe correct treatment, and what they have is the reprisal for their complain. Second, after the females filed petition,the hostile situationsstillcontinued. It meansthat the Denver Mint doesn' t think much of it. The failure management of t

7、hissituation is the second problem of the HR resource. Another HR problem is the lack of equal employme nt opport un ities. Den ver Mint favored the male staff and any female staff that filed compla ints it took Ion ger to act on it and also favors ruli ng.Further, not only that any female employee

8、that went further with the complaintwas either dismissed or had her duties reassigned. Like the female staff that was required to work at home and had all her duties reassigned just because she filed an EEO charge claimi ng discrim in ati on. The other example is that of the highest ranking womanat

9、Den ver Mi nt. This represe nts un fair dismissal and discrimi natio n of wome n who are the min ority at Den ver.QUESTION: Somebus in ess use a zero-tolera neepolicy-un acceptableand detrime ntalbehavior is not tolerated un der any circumsta nee. Is a zero-tolera nee policy an appropriate resp onse

10、 for combat ing sexual harassme nt? Why or why not?I think the zero-toleraneepolicy an appropriate response for combating sexualharassment. “ A zero-toleranee workplace safety policy is designed to addressissues that directly affect the safety of employees and the operation of the company. It is un

11、derstoodthat violat ing azero-tolera nee policy results in term in ati onofemployment. ”Codes of con duct are a useful litmus test of the quality of man ageme nt.A resp on sible workculture which tackles the sexual harassme nt should bestricter, because it can create a better environment for the wor

12、ker especially the female worker, and it is a good way to make the in dividuals lose their job for the cauti on.Maybe some one will say that this is too strict, but what we are talk ing about is the sexual harassment and even the women' s rights. Cause sexual harassment isano ther form of sex di

13、scrim in ati on.And after all, the happe ning of sexualharassment is due to the abuse of power, no matter physical or position in the office. It should be bann ed, so the zero-tolera nee policy is in dispe nsable.Accord ing to my survey, the Denver Mi nt is the world's largest Mi nt. In 2003, 32

14、 pla nt workers said the factory ence appears porno graphy; wome n are forced to accept from the male employees and man agers of sexual discrim in ati on and sexual harassment. It happened in the 2003,the year after several female workers complained . But apparently,the situation didn ' t change

15、 but became moreserious-theopen reading of pornography. In this case, the zero-toleraneeworkplace safety policy is very n ecessary. It can create a safe and comfortable workplace for the female.It is a policy that punishes all offences severely, no matter how minor.Argume nts for sexual harassme nt,

16、 using a zero tolera nee policy will be good insetting an example any future person intending to do will be scared. But arguments against what constitutes sexual harassmentare subjective. For instanee it maybetaken by one person as sexual harassment, for another it may just be mere acquaintance. So

17、the standard of this punishment is very important.If the managerscan' t bala nee it well, it may give rise to the bad work en vir onmen t. It may eve nlead to high employee expulsion as a result of the offences committed, and it may be a waste of time to deal with this kind of cases, so the prop

18、er bus in ess is igno red.So when we use a zero-tolerance policy, find the right balance is the most importa nt.QUESTION: what types of training might you suggest for the employees of the Denver Mint? Expla in what this training should in clude and how you would prese nt it?In my opinion, the first

19、thing is to explain the detailed HR policy to theworkers. Managers should also repeat the job description,a written statement thatdescribes a job typically,job content, environment, and conditions of employment.This is the first thing they should know, based on the en vir onment of the Den verMint-i

20、t should be safe, and withouthard relati on ship betwee n the workers.Managers should also clarify the job specification it states the minimum qualificati ons that a pers on must possess to perform a give n job successfully.Man agers should emphasize the importa nee of respect the co-workers. Based

21、onthe character of the Denver Mint -safe is the most importa nt, man agers shouldalso emphasize the safety of the company. Companyas it is, the efficiencyand thequalify have the direct relati on shipto the profits. This should be the employees'concern not the erotic magaz ine.Given this, classro

22、om lectures is good for employees. First we can ask theemployees what is the character of the Denver Mint, and also the important thingto adva nee in office as well as how to get a rise. Then let them compare with the work they are doing. Then extract the content all above.QUESTION 4:If you were the

23、 superi ntendent in charge of this facility what steps would you take now that a settlement has been reached to ensure that your workplace become a model workplace?(Hint: You might want to look up the U.S. Mint Strategic pla n at www.usm in .)Managers should publish the writtendocument included the punishment andi ncentives, the zero-toleranc


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