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1、論文資料計算機程序設計外文翻譯資料軟件開發(fā)軟件工程采用工業(yè)化的方法做軟件設計。在信息系統(tǒng)屮工作的程序設計員、系統(tǒng)分析員和從業(yè)人員以及專 業(yè)人員都涉及軟件工程。這一節(jié)將向你介紹軟件開發(fā)的方法。1. 系統(tǒng)分析(1) 系統(tǒng)開發(fā)的生命周期(sdlc)是建立計算機系統(tǒng)的加礎。這是計算機專業(yè)人員和運作系統(tǒng)的使用者參 與的過程。這一過程開始時,通常由某一部門或使用者對應用程序或系統(tǒng)捉出正式的要求,隨后,對可行 性和預算進行研究,待批準后,根據(jù)sdlc實現(xiàn)該項冃。sdlc按以下的步驟進行:水分析:這是要了解和規(guī)定所涉及的問題。*設計:這涉及編寫程序、培訓人員、代碼變換和設備安裝等等。*調試:這是為了修正程序中

2、的錯誤。*使用和維修:這是為了使系統(tǒng)運轉正常,必耍時對系統(tǒng)進行改進。上述每一步驟,都有必要做出文件,包括軟件開發(fā)文件、用戶文件和參考文件。(2) 軟件工程屮使用的工具和技術目前,為了實現(xiàn)軟件工程,幾乎全都采用面向對彖技術。由于在人型企業(yè)和機關中使用的許多應用程序是 類似的,例如用于記錄新賬戶的表格也可以用于銷售、結算、制造和網站,這些表格作為軟件模塊可以共 亨或重新使用,這些表格通常存放在類似于數(shù)據(jù)庫的“庫”里。這種方法可以節(jié)省時間和成本,而r冇利于 企業(yè)運作的規(guī)范化。(a) 結構化技術 我們已經講過,使用結構化編程就可能創(chuàng)造更可靠、易于維修的程序,同吋,這樣的程序是有規(guī)律地安排 的,且便于修

3、改。事實上,除了結構化程序設計以外,結構化技術包括結構化系統(tǒng)分析、結構化系統(tǒng)設計 *結構化系統(tǒng)分析結構化系統(tǒng)分析采用“數(shù)據(jù)流程圖”(dfd)闡述系統(tǒng)中的過程。它演示數(shù)據(jù)怎樣從-節(jié)點流向另一節(jié)點,得出 邏輯系統(tǒng)的概念。這要求系統(tǒng)分析員合乎邏輯地思考該系統(tǒng)應當“做什么",然后決定建立系統(tǒng)。有趣的是, 這使系統(tǒng)分析員可以提出更有創(chuàng)見的解決問題的方案。*結構化系統(tǒng)設計在結構化系統(tǒng)設計中,使用“口頂向下”的方法把問題分解為幾個部分,并根據(jù)它們的大小和細節(jié)把它們安 排在一種層次結構中,這就解決了“怎樣做”的任務。*結構化程序設計程序員按照模塊的耍求編寫完成模塊功能的程序。(b) 客戶/服務器方法

4、客戶/服務器是一種計算機平臺,通常用于大規(guī)模計算或企業(yè)。一個簡單的例子就是www網絡一客戶pc 機訪問www網絡的許多服務器中的任何一個服務器中儲存的信息。oracle公詞的developer/2000和 powersoft公司的power builder 5. 0是先進的客戶/服務器方法的開發(fā)工具。另外,以java為基礎的客戶 /服務器已有廣泛的應用。(c) case 工具計算機輔助軟件工程(簡稱case)是在8()年代末開發(fā)的軟件工具,它使不同應用程序的設計、執(zhí)行和程 序z間的聯(lián)接得以自動化,因此,應用軟件的開發(fā)變得更快、更冇效。case作為一種工具可以以三種方 式使用:程序設計、再程序設

5、計和應用程序開發(fā)集成。(d) 信息工程 美國信息專家klav funks提出信息工程。1982年,他提出“軟件工程主要供分析員和程序員使用,而不由 使用者直接使用,而少使用者的通訊主要通過數(shù)據(jù)流程圖完成。信息工程把工作人員、管理階層和使用部 門的數(shù)據(jù)處理結成伙伴關系,而它的技術吸收了這三者的經驗在信息工程中,使用者發(fā)揮了完全的作用。事實上,沒有他們的參與,系統(tǒng)就不可能設計和建造。在設計 和建造這-系統(tǒng)時,信息工程使用了最新的軟件工具。它的h標就是使系統(tǒng)能高質量地工作并可盡快投產。 下表比較傳統(tǒng)的開發(fā)方法和信息工程。(e) 快速拼版方法使用快速拼版方法,開發(fā)者可以以最低的成本、最快的速度建造軟件

6、系統(tǒng)模型,而且它還為使用者提供獲 取感性知識的機會。通過使用拼版,使用者還可以進一步知道系統(tǒng)的要求,因此,它的優(yōu)點是明顯的: 使用者與開發(fā)者可以増進交流與理解,而軟件的耍求與功能可以更為明晰;它可以幫助消滅不協(xié)調或不 正確的耍求;它顯示出各種服務的應用可能性;它可以用作理解和確認耍求的工具。開發(fā)拼版的過程是交互式的和漸進的過程。拼版的評價和開發(fā)需要重復地做許多次,直到用戶滿意為止。用于軟件工程的各種工具與技術并不互相排斥而是相輔相成。我們應該根據(jù)軟件的性質和開發(fā)的條件選用 工具。2. 信息系統(tǒng)的管理商用計算機和計算機部門始于50年代,當時稱為“計算機房”,后來,ibm占領了商用計算機領域,隨之

7、其 命名也變成了“ibm房”、“數(shù)據(jù)處理”,“商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)處理”、“信息系統(tǒng)”、“管理信息系統(tǒng)”(mis)和“信息技 術,(it)這是現(xiàn)在最普遍的稱呼。為什么計算機部門的稱呼變化如此頻繁?原因是簡單的:計算機的任務、 工作、功能和應用在不斷地變化。(1)什么是信息技術?信息技術(it)指的是:水用于現(xiàn)代企業(yè)的復朵的計算機系統(tǒng); it計算機系統(tǒng)以信息的形式向商界各種人士提供數(shù)據(jù),供瓦解決問題、制訂方案和作決定z用。所有這些對商業(yè)和企業(yè)的活動都有影響。現(xiàn)在,it通過計算機網絡提供在線產品和服務。(2) it的管理人員像其它部門一樣,it部門受管理層和工作人員的管理。法信息主管(cio)”cio是it部

8、門的領導,通常是企業(yè)的副總裁。cio熟悉商業(yè)運作、企業(yè)目標和it,領 導it部門,監(jiān)管it部門的機構和人員;他與it供應商和協(xié)作人冇伙伴關系,因而能保證客戶滿童。他還 負責it人員的專業(yè)培訓。*知識主管(cko)o他的主耍職貴是管理和監(jiān)管知識形態(tài)的、非結構化信息。他必須能夠建立、組織和發(fā) 展知識,并決定正確使用或應用知識。* it技術人員。it技術人員包括系統(tǒng)分析員,系統(tǒng)設計員、操作人員和維修人員;他們的專業(yè)不同,工作 方式也不同。(3) 怎樣使用1t?(a) 數(shù)據(jù)搜集一p個新系統(tǒng)或應用程序建立起來并投入運行,就需要收集信息,并儲存和檢索之。收集的數(shù)據(jù)應是正 確、及時和完整的。必須防止錯謀數(shù)據(jù)

9、進人該系統(tǒng),否則,該錯謀信息就可能被當成正確的信息而處理。(b) it系統(tǒng)的組織大公司可能使用數(shù)十個甚至上百個信息系統(tǒng),其中的一些是為了幫助客戶(例如銀行的atm網絡),但 大多數(shù)是為了內部使用。在大多數(shù)(政府)機構,每一部門或功能機構都有自己的信息系統(tǒng)。(4) it的發(fā)展方向(a)客戶/服務器計算如前所述,客戶/服務器是一種由兩臺計算機互聯(lián)去完成共同任務的系統(tǒng)結構。通常,一臺服務器儲存數(shù) 據(jù)供用戶處理,它被稱為“后臺計算機”。其他的客戶計算機通常是pc機,稱為“前臺計算機”。(b) 數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)所冇的機構每夭都使用各種類型的數(shù)據(jù)庫,例如數(shù)據(jù)庫筲理系統(tǒng)(dbms)。沒冇dbms,現(xiàn)代金業(yè)就不可

10、能正常工作。(c) 數(shù)據(jù)倉庫數(shù)據(jù)倉庫中存放大量的數(shù)據(jù),為人們提供信息。數(shù)據(jù)庫與數(shù)據(jù)倉庫有許多共同點;但數(shù)據(jù)庫通常是小容量 的,是為一個功能單位或工作組設計和使用的;數(shù)據(jù)倉庫則從各種傳統(tǒng)系統(tǒng)(老式數(shù)據(jù)庫)收集信息。通 常,工作組創(chuàng)立其較小的實體,然后發(fā)展成為數(shù)據(jù)倉庫。(d) 電子商務把多個計算機和通訊技術集成起來,促進信息交流和商業(yè)活動.software developmentthe industrialization of software engineer!ng methods used software design. working in information systems desi

11、gn procedures, systems analysts and practitioners and professionals involved in software engineering. this section will brief you on software development methods.1. system(1) system development life cycle (sdlc) is the basis for the establishment of computer systems this is the computer professional

12、s and users to participate in the operation of the system process at the beginning of the process, usually by a department or user application or system on a formal request, then, the budget for the feasibility study and, pending approval in accordance with sdlc realization of the project.sdlc accor

13、ding to the following steps:* analysis: this is to understand and provisions of the issues involved.* design: this involves the preparation of procedures, staff training, equipment installation and transform code, etc.* debugging: this is to amend the mistakes in the process* use and maintenance: th

14、is is to make the system is running normally, if necessary, to improve the system.each of these steps arc necessary to make documents, including software development documents, user documentation and reference documents(2) the use of software engineering tools and technologiesnow, in order to achiev

15、e software engineering, almost all using object-oriented technology. as large enterprises and institutions in the use of many applications is similar, for example, used to record new account forms also can be used for sales, clearing, manufacture and websites, such forms as software modules can be s

16、hared or re-use, these forms are usually stored in the database similar to the hbankh, this approach can save time and costs, but will also help to standardize the operation of the enterprise(a) structure of technologywe have already mentioned, the use of structured programming may create more relia

17、ble, easy to maintain procedures at the same time, such a procedure is arranged regularly, and easy to revise in fact, in addition to structured programming, the structure of the technology, including structured systems analysis, structural system design, and so on.* structured systems analysisstruc

18、tured systems analysis using hdata flow diagramh (dfd), which describes the system in the process .it demonstrated how the data flows from one node another node, that logic system concept. this requires systems analysts logical to think (he system should be ” whal to do” and then decided to establis

19、h the system .in lereslingly, this can make the system more thoughtful analyst of the solution.* structured system designin the structure of the system design, the use of "top-down" approach to the problem decomposition parts, and according to their size and detail them in a hierarchical s

20、tructure, which solved the "what to doh tasks* structured programmingprogrammers prepared in accordanee with the reuirements of modules completed module functional procedures.(b) client / server approachclient / server is a computer platform, usually used for large-scale computing or enterprise

21、 a simple example is the www network pc customers visit the many www server in the network al any one server stored information. oracle's developer/2000 and powersoft's power builder 5. 0 is an advanced client / server development tool methods in addition, the java-based client / server has

22、been widely used(c) case toolcomputer-aided software engineering (case) in the late 1980s is the dcvclopmcnl of software tools, which cnable diffcrcnt applications of design, implementation and procedures to be connected bctwccn the automation, therefore, the development of application software has

23、become faster and more effective case as a tool can be used in three ways: program design, process re-design and application development integration(d) information engineeringthe united states put forward information specialists klav funks information engineering. in 1982, he put forward the ”softwa

24、re engineering mainly for the use of analysts and programmers, but not directly used by users, and users of telecommunications and data flow chart mainly through completion. information engineering to staff, management and use of the data-processing sector partnership, and its technology absoiption

25、charge of the three experience"in information engineering, users played a full role in fact, without their participation, the system can not be dcsigned and constructed the dcsign and construction of such a system, using the latest information engineering software tools. its goal was to make a

26、high-quality system can be put into operation as soon as possible and work.the following table more traditional development methods and information engineering.(e) fast make-up methodthe use of rapid make-up method, developers can at the lowest cost, the fastest rate of software system model, but it

27、 also provided for users to access emotional knowledge through the use of make-up, users can also further understand that the system requirements and therefore, its advantages are obvious: users and developers can enhance exchanges and understanding, and the requirements and functions of software ca

28、n be more clear; it can help eradicate uncoordinated or incorrect requirements; it shows the possibility of the application of various services; it can be used for understanding and recognition requirements tool.makeis the process of developing an interactive and gradual process. make-up evaluation

29、and development needs to do to repeat many times until the user is satisfiedfor software engineering tools and tech nologics are not mutually exclusive but complementary we should be based on the nature of software development and the conditions for selection tools2. the management information syste

30、mbusiness computers and computer sector began in lhe 1950s, then known as the ncomputer room” and later, ibm occupied the commercial computer field, then its name has become the nibmn, ,rdata processing11, hcommercial data processing/* ''information systems11, "managemen( information sy

31、stem" (mis) and "information technology11 (it) it is now the most common name why the name change in the computer sector so frequently? the reason is simple: computer tasks, work, functions and applications constantly change(1) what is it?information technology (it) refers to:for the compl

32、exity of the modern enterprise system;establishment and maintenance of computer systems functional departments and agencies;it computer system in the form of information to the business community to provide all kinds of data for its solve problems, develop programs and make decisions purposes all th

33、ose on commercial and business activities are affected now, through the computer network to provide it products and services online(2) it managerslike other sectors, it departments by the management and staff management.* information manager (cio), "the cio is leading the it department is usual

34、ly corporate vice president. cio familiar with the business operations, objectives and it enterprises. it departments leadership, supervision it sector institutions and personnel; he and it suppliers, and in collaboration with a partner, and so can - card customer satisfaction. he is also responsibl

35、e for the professional training of it personnel.* knowledge of the competent (cko). his main duty is to shape knowledge management and supervision, unstructured information. he must be able to establish, organizations and the development of knowledge, and decide the proper use or application of know

36、ledge* it technical staff. it technical staff, including systems analysts, system designers, operators and maintenance personnel; their professional different work methods are different.(3) how to use it?(a) data collectiononce a new system or application program built up and put into operation, wou

37、ld require the collection of information, and the storage and retrieval. the data collected is correct, timely “nd complete. we must prevent people wrong data into the system, or otherwise, the error message could be as correct information processing.(b) the organizational it systemslarge companies may use several dozen or even hundreds of information systems, some of which are designed to help customers (such as bank atm


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