1、Passage 1There are stories about two U . S . preside nts. An drew Jacks on andMartin Van Bure n , which attempt to explain the American English termOK . We don know if either story is true , but they are both interesting .The first expla nati on is based on the fact that Preside nt Jacks on hadvery
2、little educati on . In fact, he had difficulty read ing and writ ing . Whenimporta nt papers came to Jacks on, he tried to read them and the n had hisassistants explain what they said . If he approved of a paper . he wouldwrite “ all correct ” on it. The problem was that he didn tknow how tospell .
3、So what he really wrote was “ ol korekt ”. After a while , heshortened that term to “ OK”.The sec ond expla nati on is based on the place where Preside nt VanBuren was born, Kin derhook , New York . Van Bnren sfrie nds orga ni zeda club to help him become Preside nt They caned the club the OldKinder
4、hook Club , and anyone who supported Van Buren was called“ OK ” .31. The author_A. believes both of the stories B . does nbelieve a word of the storiesC . is not sure whether the stories are true D. is tell ing the stories justfor fun32. Accord ing to the passage, Preside nt Jackson_A . couldn draw
5、up any documents at allB. didn t like toread important papers by himselfC . often had his assistants sign documents for himD .wasn goodat reading , writing or spelling33 . Accord ing to the first story, the term “ OK_ A. was approved of byPreside nt Jacks onB . was thetitle of some Official docume n
6、tsC . was first used by Preside nt Jacks on D . was an old way to spell“ all correct34 .According to the second story , the term OK ” _A . was the short way to say old Kin derhook Club ” B . meant theplace where Preside nt Van Buren was bornC . was the name of Van Buren clubD . was used to callVan B
7、uren supporters in theelectio n35 . According to the second story . the term “ OK ” was first used _A . by Van Bure nB . in a preside ntial elect ionC . to organize the Old Kinderhook Club D . by the members of the Old KinderhookClub ” Passage 2Although the Un ited States covers so much land and the
8、 landproduces far more food tha n the prese nt population needs, its people areby now almost entirely an urban society Less than a tenth of the people areen gaged in agriculture and forestry(林業(yè)),and most of the rest live in oraround tow ns, small and large . Here the traditi onal picture is cha ngin
9、g :every small tow n may still be very like other small tow ns , and the typicalsmall tow n may represe nt a widely accepted view of the country , but mostAmerica ns do not live in small tow ns any more . Half the populati on nowlives in some thirty metropolita n areas(1arge cities with their suburb
10、s、ofmore than a million people each a larger proportion than in Germany orEngland , let alone France . The statistics(統(tǒng)計)of urban and ruralpopulation should be treated with caution because so many people who livein areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a n earby tow n eachday . As the r
11、ush to live out of tow n con ti nues . rural areas with in reachof tow ns are gradually filled with houses , so that it is hard to say at whatmoment a piece of country becomes a suburb But more and more thetypical America n lives in a metropolita n rather tha n a small tow nenvironment36 If now Amer
12、ica has 250 million people how many of them are engagedin agriculture and forestry?A About 25 million B More than 25 million C Less than 25 million D. Less than 225 million37 Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion ofpeople living in metropolitan areas?A United States B Ger
13、manyC FranceD England 38Whats the meaning of the word “ metropolitan ” in the middle of thepassage?A .Of a large city with its suburbs B Of small and largetowns COf urban areasD Of rural areas39 According to the passage , what can we learn about small towns inthe United States?A Most small towns bec
14、ome gradually crowdedB Smalltowns are still similar to each other C As the traditional picture is changing , towns aredifferent D .Small towns are turning into large cities 40 Why is it hard tosay when a piece of country becomes a suburb?A Because they are the sameB Because the rush takesplace too q
15、uicklyCBecause the process is gradualDBecause more and moreAmericans live in metropolitan areasPassage 3If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago , we shouldprobably have to say that we could not remember But if we had kept a bookand had written in it an account of what we did each day,
16、 weshould be able to give an answer to the question.It is the same in history Many things have been forgotten because wedo not have any written account of them Sometimes men did keep a recordof the most important happenings in their country , but often it wasdestroyed by fire or in a war Sometimes t
17、here was never any writtenrecord at all because the people of that time and place did not know how toWrite For example ,we know a good deal about the people who lived inChina 4 , 000 years ago, because they could write and leave writtenrecords for those who lived after them But we know almost nothin
18、g aboutthe people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa because theyhad not learned to write Sometimesof course,even if the people cannot write ,they may knowsomething of the past They have heard about it from older people , andoften songs and dances and stories have been made about the mos
19、timportant happenings ,and these have been sung and acted and told formany generations For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did inthe past This we may call remembered history Some of it has now beenwritten down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is ,because w
20、ords are much more easily changed when used again and againin speech than when copied in writing But where there are no writtenrecords , such spoken stories are often very helpful 41. Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage?A“ Remembered history ”, compared with written history
21、,is less reliableB Written records of the past play the most important role in ourlearning of the human history C A written account of our dailyactivities helps US to be able to answer many questions DWhere there are no written records there is no history 42 We know very little about the central Afr
22、ica 200 years agobecause _A there was nothing worth being written down at that timeB .the people there ignored the importa nee of keep ing a recordC.the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fireD.the people there did not know how to write43.“ Remembered history ” refers to .A. history based o
23、n a persons imaginationB .stories of importa nt happe nings passed dow n from mouth tomouthC .songs and dances about the most importa nt eventsD .both B and C44._“ Remembered history ” is regarded as valuable only when_.A. it is writte n dow nB .no writte n acco unt is availableC. it proves to be ti
24、meD . people are interested in it45 .The passage suggests that we could have lear ned much moreabout our past tha n wedo now if the ancient people had_A . kept a writte n record of every past eve ntB. not bur nt theirwritte n records in warsC. told exact stories of the most important happeningsD .ma
25、de more songs and dancesPassage4When Mrs . Joseph Groeger died recently in Vienna , Austria , peopleasked the obvious,“ Why did shelive to be 107? ” An swers were provided by a survey con ducted among148 Vienn ese men and wome n who had reached the age of 100.Somewhat surprising was the fact that th
26、e majority had lived most of theirlives in cities . In spite of the city s image as an un healthy place, city living often provides ben efits that country livi ng can lack . One factor seemsto be importa nt to the Ion gevity(長壽)of those in terviewed .This factor is exercise .in the cities it is ofte
27、n faster to walk shortdistances than to wait for a bus . Even taking public transportation oftenrequires some walking . Smaller apartment houses have no elevators(電梯),and so people must climb stairs . City people can usually walk to localsupermarkets Since parking spaces are hard to find, there is o
28、fte n no alternative to walki ng .On the other hand, those who live in the country and suburbs do nothave to walk every day . In fact, the opposite is ofte n true . To go to school,work, or almost any where else, they must ride in cars.31. The Vienna survey may help to explain_A . the complaints of
29、people in apartment houses B . the cause of MrsGroegerdeathC . the Iongevity of people like Mrs . GroegerD. the image ofcities in general32 . The purpose of the sec ond paragraph is to list some_A . ben efits of walk ingB . occasi ons for walk ing in city lifeC. comme nts made by city people D . pro
30、blems of city livi ng33 . To reach the third floor of a building . it would probably be mosthealthful _A. to take the elevator B . to walk up the stairs C . to ride in a carD . to find an alter nativeto walki ng34 . People who live in the country probably do more driving than walkingbecause _A . the
31、y don live n ear bus in ess areasB. they don t n eed theexerciseC . they n ever have park ing problemsD . they can t afford to takethe bus35 . A con clusi on that can be draw n from this passage is that _A . air pollution is not serious B . anyone can live to be107C. country people should move to th
32、e city D. walking is a healthfulexercisePassage 5For any En glishma n , there can n ever be any discussi on as to who is theworld greatest dramatist(劇作 家).Only one name can possibly suggestitself to him : that of William Shakespeare Every Englishman has someknowledge , however slight , of the work o
33、f our greatest writer . All of USuse words , phrases and quotations from Shakespeareswritings that havebecome part of the com mon property of the English-speaking people .Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words weused , rather like the old lady who was taken to see a perf
34、ormance ofHamlet and complained that it was full of well known proverbs andquotations .Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use ofthe great resources of the English Ianguage. Most of US use about fivethousand words in our normal use of English ; Shakespeare in his worksused ab
35、out twenty-five thousand .There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate therichness and variety of the EnglishIanguage than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it .Such a study is well worth the effort(it is not , of course, recommended tobeginners)even though some
36、 aspects of English usage, and the meaningof many words , have changed since Shakespeards day.36. En glish people_A . have never discussed who is the world greatest dramatistB . never discuss any issue concerning the world greatest dramatistC. are sure who is the world greatest dramatistD . do not c
37、are who is the world greatest poet and dramatist37.Every Englishman knows_A . more or less about ShakespeareB . Shakespeare, but onlyslightlyC . all Shakespeares writi ngsD . only the n ame of thegreatest En glish writer38 . Which of the followi ng is true? A . We use all the words, phrases and quot
38、ations from ShakespeareSwritings .B . ShakespearWs writings have become the property of those who arelearning to speak English .C . It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of thewords they useD All the words people use are take n from the writi ngs of Shakespeare39 . What d
39、oes the word proverb ” mean?_A . Familiar sayingsB . Shakespeareplays .C . Complaints .D . Actors and actresses.40 . Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeareused En glish? A . English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare S time .B . By doing SO one can be fully aware
40、 of the rich ness of the En glishIan guageC. English words are now being used in the same way as inShakespeare s timeD. Begi nners may have difficulty lear ning some aspects of En glishusagePassage 6Trees are useful to man in three very important ways : they provide himwood and other products ; they
41、 give him shade ; and they help to preventdrought(干旱)and floods .Unfortunately , in many parts of the world , man has not realized that thethird of these services is the most importa nt .In his eager ness to drawquick profit from the trees , he has cut them dow n in large nu mbersTwo thousand years
42、ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its treesto build warships , with which to gain itself an empire It gained the empirebut , without its trees , its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fellto pieces , the country found itself faced by floods and starvation .Even where a government rea
43、lizes the importanee of a plentiful supplyof trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this . They cutdown the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees So ,uni ess the gover nment has a good system of con trol , or can educate thepeople , the forests slowly disa
44、ppearThis does not only mean that there will be fewer trees . The results areeven more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break the soil up ,allowing the rain to sink in , and also bind the soil . This preve nts the soilfrom being washed away . But where there are no trees , the rain fa
45、lls onhard ground and flows away on the surface , and this causes floods and therain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow When all the topsoil isgone . nothing rema ins but worthless desert .41. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways , the most important ofwhich is that they can_A
46、. keep him from the hot sunshineB . enable him to buildwarshipsC. make him draw quick profit from them D .protect him from droughts andfloods42. It s a great pity that_A . man is only interested in building empiresB. man iseager to profit from treesC. man hasntrealized the importanee of trees to him
47、 D. man hasn t foundout that he has lost all trees43. Sooner or later the forests will disappear_ .A. uni ess a country has a ple nty supply of trees B . uni ess people stopcutt ing dow n their treesC . uni ess all people are taught the importa nee of pla nting treesD . uni ess the gover nment puni
48、shes those who cut trees in stead of planting them44 . The word “ bi nd ” in Paragraph 5 means_”A . to wash awayB . to make wet C . to make stay togetherD . to improve45. When there is a heavy rain . trees can help to prevent floods . as theycan _A . keep rain from falli ng dow n to soft gro undB ,
49、cause the soil toallow rain water to sink inC . preve nt the soil from being washed awayD .make the topsoilstick togetherPassage 7Some of the no tebooks George Wash ington kept as a young man arestill in existe nee . They show that he was learning Latin , was veryinterested in the basics of good beh
50、avior in society, and was readingEnglish literature .At school he seems only to have been interested in mathematics . Infact, his formal education was surpris in gly brief for a gen tlema n , and incomplete For un like other young Virginian of that day , he did not go to theCollege of William and Ma
51、ry in the Virginian capital of Williamsburg . Interms of formal training then, Washington contrasts sharply with someother early American Presidents such as John Adams, Thomas Jeffers onand James Madis on . In later years, Wash ington probably regretted hislack of in tellectual training He never fel
52、t comfortable in a debate inCongress( 國會),or on any Subject that had not to do with everyday,practical matters And because he never learned French and could notspeak directly to the French leaders, he did not visit the country he admiredSO much . Thus, un like Jeffers on and Adams , he n ever reache
53、d Europe31. Why didn Washington go to college?_A . His family could not afford it .B A college educati on wasrather un com mon in his time .CHe didn t like the young Virginian gentlemenDThe authordoesnt give any reason32 Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he _A 1acked practice
54、 in public speakingBfelt his educationwas not good enoughC didnt like arguing and debating with peopleD felt that debatingwas like intellectual training33 The reason why Washington didn t visit France wasprobably_th_a_t_heA didn t really care about goingB didn t know French1eadersC couldn t communic
55、ate directly with the French leadersDwas too busy to Navel34 According to the author _A Washington slack of formal education placed him at a disadvantagein later lifeB Washington should have gone to France even though he could notspeak FrenchC Washington was not as good a president as Adams, Jeffers
56、on orMadisonD Washington was a model for all Virginian gentlemen35 The main idea of the passage is that Washingtons education _A was of great variety , covering many SubjectsB was probably equal to those of most young gentlemen of his timeC may seem poor by modern standards but was good enough for h
57、istimeD was rather limited for a presidentPassage 8Like most people , 1 was brought up to look upon life as a process ofgetting It was not until in my late thirties that 1 made this importantdiscovery : giving-away makes life so much more exciting You need notworry if you lack money This is how 1 ex
58、perimented with giving-away If anidea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes tome, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper One discoveryI made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give awayanything in this world without getting something back ,
59、though the returnoften comes in all unexpected form One Sunday morning the local postoffice delivered an important special delivery letter to my home , though itwas addressed to me at my Office 1 wrote the postmaster a note ofappreciation More than a year later I needed a post office box for a newbu
60、siness 1 was starting 1 was told at the window that there were no boxesleft ,and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list As 1 wasabout to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He hadoverheard(無意中聽至 U )our conversation . “Wasntit you that wrote USthat letter a year ago about del
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