1、lesson 1> 1-1-4lecturer: today, i am going to talk to you about one of the most important historical figures in european history一napoleon bonaparte let's start by talking about his early life napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of corsica when he was only 10 years old, his father sent him
2、 to mil讓ary school in france napoleon was not a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and in mil讓ary sciencewhen napoleon was 16 years old, he joined the french army. in that year, 1785, he began the military career that would bring him fame, power, riches, and fin
3、ally, defeat after eight years in the army, napoleon became a general. he was only 24.napoleon had many victories on the battlefield, but he also became involved in french law and politics and in 1804 at the age of 35, he became the first emperor of francenapoleon was many things he was, first of al
4、l, a brilliant military leader his soldiers were ready to die for him as a result, napoleon won many military victories at one time he controlled most of europe, but some countries, including england, russia, and austria, fought fiercely against napoleon his defeat一his end一came when he decided to at
5、tack russia in this military campaign against russia, he lost most of his army the great french conqueror died alone, deserted by his family and his friends the year was 1821, and napoleon was only 51 lesson 2、1-2-4lecturer: the lecture for this class is about the city of pom peii and the natural di
6、saster that occurred there alm ost 2,000 years ago.today many rich people who live in large m etropolitan areas such as beijing; paris; and new york leave the city in the summer .they go to the m ountains or to the seash ore to escape the city noise and heat .two thousand years ago, w ealthy romans
7、did the same thing .they left the city of rom e in the summer m any of these w ealthy romans spent their sum m ers in the city of pom peii, a beautiful city located on the bay of naples, on the mediterranean seain the summer of the year 7 9 ce; a young roman boy who later becam e a very fam ous roma
8、n historian was visiting his uncle in pom peii .the boy's name was pliny the younger one day pliny was looking up at the sky. he saw a frightening sight 11 was a very large dark cloud .this black cloud rose high into the sky. what pliny saw was the eruption of the volcano called m ount vesuvius
9、.rock and ash flew through the air .the city of pom peii was at the foot of m ount vesuviuswhen the volcano first erupted, m any people were able to get out of the city and escape deathin fact, 18,0 0 0 people escaped the terrible disaster unfortunately, there was not enough tim e for everyone to es
10、cape .more than 2,0 0 0 people died .these unlucky people w ere buried alive under the volcanic ash .the eruption lasted for about three dayswhen the eruption was over; pom peii was buried under 20 feet of volcanic rock and ash .the city ofpompeiiwas forgotten for alm ost 1,7 0 0 yearsin the year 1
11、748 an italian farm er w as digging on his farm as he was digging, he uncovered a part of a w all of the ancient city of pom peii. soon, archaeologists began to dig in the areaas tim e w ent by, m uch of the ancient city ofpompeiiwas uncovered .today, tourists come from all over the w orld to see th
12、e ruins of the fam ous city of pom peiilesson 3 1-3-4lecturer: td like to talk to you today about steve jobs. jobs was someone who changed the world, because he changed the way people act every single day.jobs was born in 1955. he grew up in california, in an area that later became known as the sili
13、con valley. when he was about 14 years old, he became friends with stephen wozniak wozniak was what people in those days called an electronics “whiz kid." he liked to design and build his own electronic equipment.in 1975, wozniak started designing a personal computer. this was at a time when no
14、body owned personal computers in their homes. jobs was young. he was only 20. but even then he had a sharp business brain. jobs convinced wozniak that they could build these personal computers in his garage and sell them. a year later, jobs and wozniak founded the apple computer company, and started
15、 building and selling personal computers.when their apple ii computer went on the market in 1977, it became a huge success! suddenly, there was a mass market for a computer that people could buy at a store and use sitting in their own homes! the apple ii became the world's first mass- produced p
16、ersonal computer, and by the age of 25, steve jobs was a millionaire.jobs was brilliant in many ways, but he was not always very good at working with other people. he needed everything to be perfect, and this caused problems at apple. in 1985, then, jobs left apple and started a new computer company
17、, and soon after he also went into business w讓h a company called pixar. pixar was a company trying to develop a system for using cgicomputer-generated imageryto be used in animated films. and jobs was just the person to help them.in 1995, pixar released the movie ntoy stoiyh. it was the first full-l
18、ength, computer-gene rated, animated film. it was a big hit and pixar became a very, very prof讓able company and steve jobs became a very, very rich mana billionaire in fact.in the 10 veers after leaving apple, lobs learned a lot aboutworking with people and running a company. so when he returned to
19、apple in 1995, he made many changes.without jobs, apple was not doing so well. but jobs had a vision. he didn't only want personal computers to be useful, he also wanted them to be beautiful objects that people would enjoy looking at and using .in 1998, apple introduced the imac, a new desktop c
20、omputer, and the next yeai; the ibook, a new laptop computer. people thought both were veiy attractive and they immediately became very popular, and apple became a profitable company again.but steve jobs wasn't finished. he had an even bigger vision. he believed that personal computers would bec
21、ome the center, the hub, of people's digital lives. so in 2001 jobs introduced apple s "dig讓ml hub" strategy. he told the world that the computer would become the hub of all their electronic equipment. you could connect your camera, your music player, and your video recorder to the com
22、puter and manage all your videos, photos, and music using itunes, imovie, iphoto, and other apple programs, or "epps." over the next 10 years, apple created products that made jobs' vision a reality. in 2001, the company introduced the ipod, which quickly became the most popular digita
23、l music player. in january 2007, jobs introduced the iphone and suddenly your phone became like a mini computer .it was like having an ipod, a camera, and a phone all in one device that you could hold in your hand. then three years later he released the ipad onto the market this really was a small,
24、light computer that you could hold in your hand. and to use 讓 all you had to do was touch the screen.jobs' final vision before he died in october 2011 was apple icloud. this is a system that allows apple users to store and manage their data and applications, not in their computer, but over the i
25、nternet.jobs may be gone, but there is no question that his vision lives on. jobs was someone who changed the world, not just for our own time, but maybe, who knows, for all time.lesson 4、1-4-4lecturer: l e ta ik a little today a b o u t h o w roller coasters w o rk a n d th e physics involved in a
26、rid e o n ao lbcoaster. i'm sure m a n y o f y o u have taken a rid e o n a roller coaster.p e rs o n a lly, 1 d o n ;t ever w ant to rid e o n o n e again w h e n i w a s y o u n g, m y siste r to o k m e o n a roller co a s te r. a n d i never fo rg o t that frightening experience.a s im p le
27、roller coaster consists o f a fra m e w ith a track o n it. t h e tra ck is very m u ch lik e a train tra ck. t h is tra ck goes over a series o f h ills a n d around curves fo llo w in g a p a th th a t ends a t th e s a m e p la ce it s ta rte d. a train of cars travels around o n th is tra ck, v
28、e ry fa s t. t h e ca rs h a v e tw o s e ts o f w heels .one s e t o f w heelsoils o n to p o f th e track a n d th e o t h e r s e t o f w h e e i s ro ils below th e track. t h e w heels below th e track a re there to keep th e fa st-m o v in g cars fro m com in g o ff th e track.roller-coaster c
29、a rs, a s you p ro b a b ly k n o w , d o n ft h a v e a n y m o to rs o r e n g in e s, in s te a d, a chain p u ils th e cars u p th e first, ta lie st a n d steep est, h ill. a n d th is is h o w th e rid e begins .then, a t th e to p o f th e h ill, th e chain co m e s o ff th e ca rs, a n d g r
30、a v ity takes o v e r. g ra v ity pushes th e cars d o w n th e other s id e o f th e h ill. t h e taller and steeper the first h ill is, th e fa ste r the rid e w ill b e, a n d th e fa rth e r the cars w ill tra v e i.as th e cars roll d o w n h ill, they g a in speed. w h e n th e y reach th e bo
31、ttom o f th e first h ill, th e cars have enough speed a n d energy to send th e m u p th e n e xt h ill. a s th e cars near the to p o th e second h ill, th e y begin to slow down b u t th e iijh e ca rs reach th e to p o f th a t h ill a n d start d o w n th e other s id e, a n d g ra v ity again
32、pushes th e m tow a rd th e g ro u n d. t h is process repeats o n each h ill.0 k ; s o le t's g o o v ethis process again. f irsth e cars a re pulled b y a chain up th e first, h igh est h ill. then th e y g o down a very steep slope a t th is p o in t, th e re is enough energy to pull th e car
33、s u p a n d o v e r th e n ext h ill. a ga in, w hen they reach th e bottom o f th a t h ill, there is enough e n eg y to dim b th e next h ill. t h eo lie r-co a ste r ca rs lo s e energy a s th e rid e continues, s o th e h ills have to b e s m a lie r tow a rd th e e n d o f th e track f in a lly
34、, w e roll to a sto p o n ground le v e i, rig h t w here w e began.t o m o r r o w we w ill ta ik a b o u t th e fo rc e s that p re ss o n o u r bodies a n d keep us in o u r seats w h e n th e ca rs o f a ro lie coaster travel in a lo o p th a t p u ts us upside down lesson 5、1-5-4lecturer: what
35、i'd like to talk to you about today is child language development. i know that you all are trying to learn a second language, but for a moment, let*s think about a related topic: how children learn their first language. what do we know about how babies develop their language and communication ab
36、ility? well, we know babies are able to communicate as soon as they are bom一even before they learn to speak. at first, they communicate by crying. this crying lets their parents know when they are hungry, or unhappy, or uncomfortable however, they soon begin the process of acquiring language the fir
37、st stage begins a few weeks after birth. at this stage, babies start to make cooing noises when they are happy then, at around four months they begin to babble babies all over the world begin to babble around the same age, and they all begin to make the same kinds of babbling noises by the time they
38、 are ten months old, however, the babbling of babies from different language backgrounds sounds different. for example, the babbling of a baby in a chinese-speaking home sounds different from the babbling of a baby in an english-speaking homebabies begin a new stage of language development when they
39、 start to speak their first words at first, they invent their own woixls for things for example, a baby in an english- speaking home may say ubabam for the word ball or 'kiki" for cat. in the next few months, babies will acquire a lot of words. these words are usually the names of things th
40、at are in the baby s environment, words for food or toys, for example they will begin to use these words to communicate with others for example,讓 3 baby holds up an empty juice cup and says "juice," the baby seems to be saying, "i want more juice" or 41 may i have more juice?&quo
41、t; this word juice is really a one-word sentence the next stage of language acquisition begins around 18 months, when babies begin to say twoword sentences they use a kind of grammar to put words together. the babies produce what is called "telegraphic" speech, meaning they leave out all b
42、ut the most essential words an english-speaking child might say something likendaddy, up/ which actually means "daddy, pick me up, please/ then, between two and three years of age, children learn more and more grammar. for example, they begin to use the past tense of verbs. in other words, they
43、 learn the rule for making the past tense of many verbs the children begin to say things such as "i walked home" and "i kissed mommy.” they also oveigeneralize this new grammar rule and make a lot of mistakes for example, children often say such things as "i goed to bed" ins
44、tead of "i went to bed," or "i eated ice cream" instead of "i ate ice cream/ in other words, the children have learned the past-tense rule for regular verbs such as walk and kiss, but they haven't learned that they cannot use this rule for all verbs. some verbs like eat
45、are irregular, and the past tense forms for irregular verbs must be learned individually. anyway, these mistakes are normal. the children will soon learn to use the past tense for regular and irregular verbs correctly they then continue to learn other grammatical structures in the same way.if we sto
46、p to think about it, it's quite amazing how quickly children all over the world learn their language it's also amazing how similar the process is for babies all over the world. you probably don't remember anything about how you learned your first language but now that you ve learned some
47、thing about the process, think about how the process of learning a first and second language may be similar and different. after class, why not make a list of some similarities and differences in the processes of child and adult language learning. then well talk about it next time we meet.lesson 7、1
48、-7-4lecturer: when people think about a robot, they often picture a machine that looks something like a human being however, that's not always the case! most robots do not look much like a human being at all. they look like machines, because that's what most of them areindustrial machines. t
49、oday, fm going to talk mostly about industrial robots used in industry these are robots that do work that for humans would be physically demanding, repetitive, dangerous, or very boringmost industrial robots work on an assembly line in a factory for example, a robot might put lids on jars of fruit o
50、r stack boxes for shipping. in a car factory, robotic arms on the assembly line join the parts of the car together other robots tighten the bolts on the car s wheels or paint the car. there are thousands of robots putting cars together in auto assembly plants these robots are very precise when repea
51、ting a task for example, they always tighten bolts with the same exact amount of force they always move a heavy engine to exactly where it should be. and they always put a hole in the exact, same place in every car door, hour after hour. these areexamples of robots doing the work humans could do, bu
52、t the robots are doing the work more efficiently and precisely.so, just how do robots work? to do its job, a robot first needs a control system this control system directs the robot's mechanical parts. the control system of a robot is, so to speak the robot s "brain/ so how does a robot &qu
53、ot;learn" which action to do first and which of its moving parts needs to do that action?the robot learns its job w讓h the help and guidance of a human being. to teach an industrial robot to do something, first a person must use a handheld computer. the computer is used to guide the robots "arm and hand" through the motions it needs to do. then the robot stores the exact movements in t 讓s computer memory the robot has sensors to gather information. so now, the robot will use its sensors to direct its
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