1、長(zhǎng)寧區(qū)初三英語(yǔ)第一學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量抽查試卷(滿(mǎn)分150分,完卷時(shí)間100分鐘)考生注意:本卷有7大題,共94小題。試題均采用連續(xù)編號(hào),所有答案 務(wù)必按照規(guī)定在答題卡上完成,做在試卷上不給分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽(tīng)力)L Listening comprehension (聽(tīng)力理解) (共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片)(6分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the qu
2、estionyou hear (根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話和問(wèn)題,選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福海?分)7. A. Mike' s8. Betty' s9. Julia' sD.8. A. WhiteB. BrownC. BI ueD.BI ack9. A. OnceB. TwiceC. ThreetimesD.Four times10. A.Ina fash i on shop B.InrestaurantC. Ina schooII ibraryD.In a supermarket11.A.At7:00 .B. At7:30 .C. At8:00 .D.At8:3012.A.A tea
3、cherB.A doctorC.A Iibrar ianD.student13.A.Because she i siI I today.B.Because she has I eft h i s homeworkathome.C. Because she' s failed in his writing exam.D. Because she doesn' t know what to wr ite.14.A. The food i n the schooI canteen i s very expens i ve.B. The food in the school cante
4、en tastes delicious.C. A new cook wiI I come to the schooI canteen soon.D. She doesn' t I i ke the food i n the schooI canteen.C. Listen to the passage and tel I whether the fol lowing statementsare true or false (判斷下列句子是否符合你聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容,符合的用表示,不符合的用 “F”表示)(6分)15. Nancy jumped off a swing (秋千)and broke
5、 her dog.16. Nancy felt very sad, for she couldn' t take part in the spr ingdance performance.17. When Ms. Chang learnt Nancy' s I eg was broken, she was near I y mad.18. Nancy refused to go on stage because the crutches (拐杖)looked stup i d.19. Though Nancy? s cast(石膏夾)looked big and clumsy,
6、 she danced at night.20. Final I y Nancy' s dance moved the aud i ence so much that they gave her many roses.D. Listen to the passage and comp Iete the fol lowing sentences (聽(tīng)短文,完成下列內(nèi)容。每空格限填一詞)(10分)21. The summer course teaches how to designcomputer games.22. The course enab I es you to get a ch
7、ance to two top game des i gners.23. The course i s from to August 14th th i syear, five more days than Iast year.24. You can pay online if you want to takethe summer course.25. Please br ing a photo of yourseIf and your when coming for the course.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 語(yǔ)音,詞匯和
8、語(yǔ)法)11. Choose the best answer (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福海ü?0分)26. Which of the fol lowing words as pronounced as /m a :k/A. matchB. MarchC. markD. math27. The teacher tells us that newspaper read i ng i s way toimprove our English.A. aB. anC. theD. /28. Tom, you are the person I ' m I ook i ng! Come to he I p
9、me deaI with the case.A. atB. forC. afterD. up29. The wor Id is changing fast, and we are unaware of whatis going to happen.A. usB. ourC. oursD.ourseIves30. We saw a coup I e of I aptops, but of them was rea I I y whatwe wanted.A. ne itherB. allC. bothD.e i ther31. We can get more about i nternat i
10、ona I affa i rs on the Internet than before.A. report suggest i onB. bookC. i nformat i on D.32.Do you knowDor is has been in the Science ClubI guess she has been in it sinee she came to our schooI.A. how soon B. what timeC. how much D.how Iong33. The mess a I ong the r i ver has been c I eaned up,
11、so the r i ver no Ionger smeI Is .A. bad I yB. badC. goodD. we I I34. Steven asked the tax i dr i ver to dr i ver a I i tt I e becausehe had to catch the Iast tra i n.A. quicklyB. the most quickly C. more quicklyD. I ess quickly35. You' I I not make any progress you get r id of your bad habit of
12、 study.A. becauseB. afterC. i fD.unI ess36. The Br itish swimmer received a Iot of cheers from the audience he Iost the race.A. as soon asB. thoughC. unt i ID.before37. You hurry to the meeting now because it is put off till 12:30 at noon.A. shouldn' tB. needn, t C. can' tD.mustnT t38. Tim
13、39; s sister as a waitress in a big restaurant for thetime being.A. was work i ng B. workedC. has workedD.i s work i ng39. The lawyer by a few reporters when he appears in the ha I I this afternoon.A. wi I I be interviewedB. has been interviewedC. i s i nterv i ewedD. was i nterv i ewed40. In my opi
14、nion, it is never a good idea to Iet your pet whatever it wants.A. eatB. ateC. to eatD.eat i ng41. The robber in the police station still denied anythingabout the bank robbery.A. knowB. to knowC. knowingD. knew42. Be carefuI with your money when you are in a crowded underground, A. don' t youB.
15、won' t youC. do youD. wi I I you43. great fun it is to go fishing in the countryside at the weekend!A. How anB. WhatC. What aD. What44. Cou I d you he I p me, James There i s someth ing wrong with my smart phone. I can put it right.A. That' s rightB. Never mindC. Don' t worryD. What a pi
16、ty45Remember to givemy best wishes to your parents.A. OK, I wi I IB. 11 doesn' t matter C. It' s hardto say D. Yes, p I ease11L Comp Iete the fol lowing passage with the words or phrases inthe box. Each can only be used once.(將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空限填一詞,每詞只能填一次)(共8分)A. now that B. joined C. just D.
17、r ight away E. destroyedTwo men waIked through the countryside toward another vi I I age. As they come to the edge of a river, they saw an old woman sitting there upset because the br i dge was 46 by the storm, and she was too weak to walk across the stream. The f i rst man said 47, “Weare taI I eno
18、ugh, and we can carry you acrossn The second man thought it troub I esome, but he agreed re I uctant ly (不情愿地).So the two men 48 the bridge, I i fted her between them and carr i ed her across the r i ver. When they got to the other side, they set her down and she went on her way gratefu I I y. After
19、 they had wa I ked another mi I e or so, the second man began to comp lain “My back began to hurt for I ift ing her. " The f i rst man 49 smi led and nodded without a word.A. breath B. contro I C. ser i ous D.the past E. fartherThe second man comp I a i ned every other mile, h i s back pa i n g
20、ot more and more 50 . On the 5th mile, he couldn' t stand it any more and fe I I down on the grass. "My back i s hurt i ng me so bad I y. I can' t go any 51 because of the pai n and it i s a I I because we had tocarry that silly woman across the r i ver ! v Out of 52, he asked“Why aren&
21、#39; t you comp I a i n i ng about it Doesn' t your back hurtv“Of course not. " The f i rst man rep I i ed. "You have been carrying the woman s i nee we I eft the r i ver bank. But I set her down five miles ago. ”We are often I i ke that second man who keeps on comp I a i n i ng and ca
22、n' t get over the pain of 53 . Years Iater, we will still be carrying the burden, worn out and can' t go any further.IV- Comp I ete the sentences w i th the g i ven words i n the i r proper forms(用括號(hào)中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子)(共8分)54. When T i na was sad, her mother often to I d her some to make her h
23、appy, (joke)55. The young coup I e p I an to have a baby i n the fol lowing year, (two)56. Damin was a . He usua I I y went fishing with a boat i n the I ate afternoon, (fish)57. I hadn, t seen Andera for ages. When I appeared before him, he I ooked very . (surpr i se)58. A good diet shouId pIenty o
24、f fresh vegetables andfruits, (including)59. The rising number of cars made the a i r i n the c i ty become even . (bad)60. Angela' s interest in Chinese I iterature come from her parent, (ma i n)61. The I ady fe 11 and sa i d that she would comp lain to the manager, (happy)V- Rewrite the follow
25、ing sentences as required (根據(jù)所給要求,改 寫(xiě)下列句子。每空格限填一詞)(共14分)62. Molly had to come to the ai rport at six that morning. (改 為否定句)Molly to come to the ai rport at si x thatmorn i ng.63. Most sportsmen on the basketba I I team are ta II and strong. (對(duì) 劃線部分提問(wèn)) do most sportsmen on the basketba I I team I i k
26、e64. Don' t forget to say sorry to others when you do somethingwrong.(保持句意基本不變)Don' t forget to others when you do someth i ng wrong.65. “Have you ever been in a maglev train” Our science teacher asked us.(合并成一句)Our science teacher asked us we ever been in a maglev train.66. Short-term memor
27、y can hold about seven item of information at a time.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))About seven item of information can at atime by short-term memory.67. Sometimes chi Idren are too young to teI I the bad from the good. (保持句意基本不變)Sometimes chi Idren are young they can' tteI I the bad from the good.68. Br itain, with,
28、traveI around, you, a I oca I tour guide, had better.(連詞成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分讀與寫(xiě))IX. Reading Comprehension (閱讀理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福海?2 分)Basic PhotographyMy favor ite area in Britain i s a country cal led Northumber land i n the north-east of the count
29、ry. I like it because it has mounta i ns, the sea and history. The mountains are not very high. In China you wou I d probab I y ca I I them hills rather than mounta i ns as they are I ess than 1,000 meters high, but there is something wild about these mounta i ns you get a fee I i ng of space and fr
30、eedom. You can wa I k for miles without meeting another person.Northumber I and i s fu I I of history. There are seven cast I es, some of them were ruined and the others still there as they were centur i es ago. You can find graves going back to prehistoric (史前的),times and strange carvings on rocks
31、which nobody understands. The coast I ine is dramatic too, with beautifuI sandy beaches. These beaches are rare I y crowded because the weather i s unpred i ctab I e and the NorthSea i s very cold! Peop I e don, t go for seaside ho I i days toNorthumber I and because of the co I d sea and weather, s
32、o even i n h i gh season there aren' t many tourists.There i s an i s I and called Ho I y I s I and off the coast of Northumber I and, you can get to the i s I and by car or on foot when the t ide i s out. There i s a I so one cast I e I part icu I ar I y I i ke. It i s a 14h century cast Ie whi
33、ch stands on a cliff r ight by the sea. The cast Ie i s a I most comp IeteIy ruined, but i t Iooks dramatic and romantic because you can still see the gate and two of its owners. On a summer' s day you can I i e on the beach nearby and I et your mi nd wander as you Iook at th is dream-1 ike cast
34、 Ie. On a winter ' s day you can wa I k to the cast I e and watch the waves crash i nto the c I i ff, wonder i ng how thi s cast I e has stood so I ong aga i nst the forces of nature.I once said to a f r i end of mine that I thought this castle by the sea was the most beaut ifuI place in the wor
35、 Id. She Iaughed and said there must be many more dramatic p I aces i n the wor I d. I n one way, I ' m sure she' s right, but for me, it' s not just about what a p I ace Iooks like, it' s about what it says to you.69. In China peopIe probabIy ca I I them mountains which are 1,000 me
36、ters high.A. I ess thanB. near lyC. more thanD. almost70. How are the seven cast Ies in Northumber landA. They are modern and fantastic.B. They are a I Icomp Iete and magnificent.C. Some hasn' t changed at a I I for centur i es. D. Some are fuI I of strange carv ings.71. Not many peopIe visit th
37、e beautiful beach because of.A. the soft sandsB. the cold sea and weatherC. the warm seaD. the i sI and nearby72. Which of the fol lowing is NOT TRUE about the reason why the author I ikes the 14th century cast IeA. It was built i n the 14th century on a c I i f f r i ght by the sea.B. It looks very
38、 dramatic and romantic with two towers but no gate.C. The author can Iet his mind wander as he Iooks at this dream-1i ke cast Ie.D. The author can wa I k to the cast I e and watch the waves crash i nto the cIi ff.73. From the Iast paragraph in the passage, we know.A. the author, s fr iend agreed on
39、hi s opinion about the cast Ie.B. the author doesn' t th i nk there are many more dramatic p I aces i n the worId.C. the author? s f r i end pays no attent i on to the beaut i fu I scenery.D. what the author cares i s not on Iy the scenery but a I so the fee Ii ng he can get from it.74. You can
40、get the passage from the foI lowing mater ia I s EXCEPTA. science fiction B. journaIs C. newspapersD. magaz i nesB. Choose the words or expressions and comp Iete the passage (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞語(yǔ)完成短文)(12分)The f i rst day of university our professor introduced himself and cha I I enged us to get to know someo
41、ne we d i dn' t a I ready know. I stood up to Iook around when a 75 hand touched my shouIder. I turned around to f ind a wr inkIed (有皺紋的),I itt Ie old Iady with a smi Ie. She 76 a minute and said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I ' m eighty-seven years oId. Can I give you a hug” I Iaughed a
42、nd responded,“Of course you may! n and she gave me a big one.We became immed i ate f r i ends. Every day for the next three months, we would I eave cI ass together and ta I k nonstop. I a I ways I oved I istening to this 'time machine' 77 she shared her wisdom and exper i ence wi th me. Over
43、 the course of thi s year Rose became a campus roIe mode I and she 78 made f r iends wherever she went. She Ioved to dress up and she Ioved the attent ion from the other students.At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our footba I I c I ub. I ' I I never forget what she taught us. Sh
44、e was i ntroduced and stepped up to the p I atform. As she began to de I i ver he prepared speech, she dropped her cards on the floor. A I ittIe upset she simply said, "I'm sorry I ' m so nervous. I 79 beer for Lent (大裔節(jié))and this wine is ki I I ing me! I ' I I never get my speech ba
45、ck in order ” As we I aughed, she c I eared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow oId because we stop pl ay ing. There is a huge 80 between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow oIder, but it does take taIents and abilities to grow up”O(jiān)ne week after gradu
46、ali on Rose d i ed peacefuI Iy i n her sIeep. However, these words have been passed a Iong in loving memory of ROSE.75. A. gent I eB. co I dC. hardD.awfu I76. A. leftrefusedB. returnedC. hesitatedD.77. A. unt i IasB. butC. thoughD.78. A. rare I yB. eas i I yC. suddenlyD. carefuI Iy79. A. gave upturn
47、ed upB. put upC. took up D.80. A. cha i nB. resultC. dea ID.d i fferenceC. Fi I I in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng) 的詞,使其內(nèi)容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給)(14分)Chi Idren grow quickIy, especial ly thei r feet. But many fami I ies, cannot a 81 new shoes when a child needs them. As a result, about 300 mill
48、ion chi Idren around the worId go barefoot. Those chi Idren r i sk picking up di seases and parasites (寄生蟲(chóng))from the soil.An Amer ican man has a s 82 for those barefoot k i ds - a shoe that grows with the child. Kenton Lee i s the creator of The Shoe ThatGrows. He exp Iains how the shoe works and how
49、 it i s ab I e to I ast so long.“It grows i n three p I aces: the front, the s i de and the back with the chi Id. It can Iast up to five years. The b 83 is compressed (壓名需的)rubber I i ke t i re rubber. The top i s just high - quality Ieather. ”The shoe comes in two sizes: smaI I that fits chi Idren
50、aged 4 to 9 and large for chi Idren aged 9 to 14. Lee says he got the idea for the shoe while worki ng as a v 84 i n an orphanage in Kenya. ” and there was a I ittIe girl in a white dress walking next to me. And I just remember Iooking down and seeing how smaI I her shoes were. And she had to c 85op
51、en the front of her shoes to I et her toes(腳趾)stick out. At that time I just remember thinking, wouldn" t it be nice if there were a pai r of shoes that couId grow with her feetM However, Lee says it was i 86 to turn his idea into a reaI ity at that time. "Yet I kept writing down I shouId
52、do this because of this or because of that. Al I these reasons why it rea I Iy was important for me to try to make the shoes grow are to try to he I p them. Final Iy, in 2009 Lee founded a non-profit organization cal led Because Internationale Together, they have sent over 50,000 pai rs of shoes to
53、70 countr ies. Lee says a pai r shoes gives a child seIf-worth and more chances to succeed b 87 much protect i on.D. Answer the questions (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問(wèn)題)(12分)You are invited to a I arge party. Loud music i s p I ay i ng, and I ots of peopIe are dancing. Do you dance or ta Ik to as many peopIe as you
54、can caI I a I I night Later, you cannot fa I I as Ieepyou want more conversation! Or do you prefer a quieter corner Or perhaps you cannot wait to go home ear Iy and re I ax by yourseIf.Which of these people sound most I ike you Person A, who tr ies to ta I k to everyone and stays I ate Or Person B,
55、who prefers to keep qu i et and I eaves ear IyI f you sa i d Person A, you are probab I y more extroverted (性格 夕卜向的).If you said Person B, you are probabIy more introverted (內(nèi) 向的). Or perhaps you are Person C and fa I I somewhere i n the middle. Introverted and extroverted people are two common Iy u
56、sed words to descr i be a person' s persona I i ty. And they are a I so common I y misused and misunderstood.Introverts may be thought as quiet, shy and timid. Extroverts may be thought as bo I d, conf i dent, I oud and ful I of energy. I ntroverted and extroverted peopIe may fit those descr i p
57、t i ons. But these same descr i pt ions do not define (下定義)introversion and extrovers i on proper Iy.I ntroverts and extroverts use the i r bra i ns differently, and they get thei r energy different Iy. Introversion is the state of being most Iy concerned with one' s own mentaI Iife. Extrovers ion i s the opposite. Extroversion is the state of being most Iy concerned with what is outside oneseIf.PeopIe who consider themseIves introverts may say they "need to be a lone to charge the i r batteries” . However, i ntroverts may still I i ve being socia I and going to part ies. But s
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