1、聽力水平地提高是沒有捷徑可以走的,它需要考生們平時堅持進行自我訓(xùn)練。有些同學(xué) 平時聽得不多,考前卻希望走捷徑,最好來個“三天速成s這種態(tài)度是非常錯誤的。其實, 所謂“捷徑"、“速成"只是傳授些解題的方法和技巧,聽的能力還是要靠長期的訓(xùn)練培養(yǎng)???生只有掌握了科學(xué)、正確的方法,才能在短時間內(nèi)取得較大提高,否則,就會出現(xiàn)這樣的情 況,幾乎每天都在聽,可就是感覺進步太慢。如果有好的訓(xùn)練方法,就能讓考生事半功倍, 體會到聽力能力飛躍時的欣喜。一般來說聽力訓(xùn)練可以分為精聽和泛聽兩大類,聽力能力的提高,一定要把精聽與泛聽 相結(jié)合。因為聽力考試要求考生既要能準(zhǔn)確無誤地聽出某些重要的數(shù)據(jù),
2、年代,人名,地名及事 實,又要兼顧把握大意的訓(xùn)練,這要求考生必須把精聽與泛聽結(jié)合起來,交替練習(xí)。因此平時考 生在練習(xí)的時候也要注意這個問題。所謂精聽,就是反復(fù)地聽,直至聽懂每一詞每一字;材料可以選擇聽力中的對話和短文。 在這環(huán)節(jié),聽寫是比較好的訓(xùn)練手段。在精聽時,要首先熟悉聽力材料中的生詞,對有些難句 可以反復(fù)聽。精聽練習(xí)能幫助考生在較短時間內(nèi)取得較大的提高的最好手段。如何做精聽練 習(xí)呢?考生應(yīng)找個安靜的地方,準(zhǔn)備好紙筆,聽一句,寫一句,就像做聽寫一樣。遇到?jīng)]聽 清的句子和詞,可以反復(fù)地聽,盡量將整篇短文記下來。一段時間后,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的聽力 能力獲得了質(zhì)的飛躍。而泛聽則首先著眼于量大,只求掌
3、握大意,不必了解每個細節(jié)。泛聽通常在休息或臨睡 前進行。泛聽的內(nèi)容可以廣一些,使自己能多涉獵各式內(nèi)容的材料,可以是對話、短文,可 以是影視錄音,電臺的英文節(jié)目,平為依據(jù),也可以依據(jù)個人的興趣愛好。泛聽的遍數(shù)由材 料難度和自己的程度來決定包括voa、bbc的新聞節(jié)目都是不錯的選擇。這些材料的選擇 可以以自己的聽力水,一般不要超過三遍否則就失去了泛聽的意義,泛聽時,不宜中間打斷, 要一氣呵成,精聽則可在句子之間或困難之處停下機器,倒帶重聽。光泛不精,會養(yǎng)成似是 而非,不求甚解的習(xí)慣,反之,則見樹不見林,抓不住大意。所以這兩種訓(xùn)練哪一種也不應(yīng) 偏廢。但是考生在進行訓(xùn)練得的時候要注意下面的一些問題:1
4、. 聽一些自己感興趣的材料興趣是學(xué)習(xí)外語的最好的動力,對于聽力也不例外。只有有了興趣才會有學(xué)習(xí)的動力,也才 能增強學(xué)習(xí)的信心。因此考生可以根據(jù)自己的愛好和興趣來選擇適合自己的聽力材料。例如, 喜歡看電影的考生不妨多聽聽影視錄音體會里面的對白是如何表達人物的思想感情的,可以 將經(jīng)典對白背誦;喜歡音樂的考生可以多聽聽國際廣播電臺的英語節(jié)目,甚至在聽英文歌曲 時,試著仔細聽歌詞,看自己能記下多少。2. 聽力練習(xí)要循序漸進正如英語學(xué)習(xí)一樣,聽力的練習(xí)也要由單詞開始,然后逐步進入句子和文章。聽力的起點, 最重要的一點就是聽懂單詞。在練習(xí)聽單詞的時候,考生應(yīng)該一個單詞一個單詞的練。一個 單詞要念和聽并重,
5、只有你說的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),你才可能一聽就知道是什么單詞!所以對英語有了一 定基礎(chǔ)的同學(xué),要練好聽力還是從單詞入手,在背單詞的時候,一開始就應(yīng)該記單詞的讀音, 那樣再練聽力就容易了!練習(xí)短句,開始的時候,大家不要想著去聽什么新聞和短文,應(yīng)該 是短句!最后是短篇文章,最好的方法是背短篇的文章,因為聽力考的是對語篇的高級理解, 只有把前后句子聯(lián)系起來才可能去理解,也只有這樣才可能在聽到前一句就想到后一句的基 本內(nèi)容!而且背短文對考生的語感和作文以至閱讀都有莫大的提高!3. 聽時切記要專心考生們在聽英文時,還無法做到像聽母語那樣,可以邊做其他的事情邊聽新聞。如果不專 心的話,就會感到一只耳朵進,一只耳朵出,似乎
6、什么也沒抓住。因此,在訓(xùn)練時,一定要 做到專心致志。4不要只見樹不見林很多考生將自己聽力欠佳的原因歸咎于詞匯量少,一聽到自己不熟悉的詞就會卡殼,老去 琢磨那個詞是什么意思,從而影響了對整個語篇的理解,這就是所謂見樹不見林。在聽的時 候,不要擔(dān)心個別單詞的意思,即使有個別詞沒聽懂也沒有關(guān)系,重要的是要掌握整個語篇 的大意。5. 配合原文三聽法很多考生買了這樣或那樣的聽力訓(xùn)練教材,這些教材一般都附有聽力材料原文。怎樣才能 讓文字材料更好地促進聽力能力呢?考生可以采取至少聽三遍的方法。第一遍是專心聽,不 要看原文,看看自己到底能聽懂多少內(nèi)容,第二遍時可以邊聽邊默讀原文,理順第一遍時沒 有聽懂的地方,
7、聽第三遍時不要看原文,看自己能否將整個語篇聽懂。6. 不要忘記記筆記記筆記能讓考生更多地掌握所聽的內(nèi)容,養(yǎng)成隨手記筆記的習(xí)慣能使聽力快速進步。首先 應(yīng)判斷所聽文章的主題是什么,再聽語篇就這個主題提出了什么樣的論點,以提綱的形式記 下來,(筆記應(yīng)只要集中在動詞和名詞上),對于自己覺得重要的細節(jié)也應(yīng)盡量記下來。7. 聽與說是緊密相聯(lián)的。聽能促說,說能帶聽。有些同學(xué)聽力不好的一個原因是自己的語音語調(diào)不正確,沒有掌握諸 如連讀、弱讀、失爆、簡化之類的語音知識。因此跟聽力材料中正確的語音語調(diào)對不上號, 往往誤聽某些詞的發(fā)音,或者雖聽出了大部分乃至全部詞的發(fā)音,卻無法理解其真正的含義。 比如:"
8、an old lady”中的“an old"聽上去就像一個單詞;同樣是一句“he's a driver."由于語調(diào)的 不同,就會帶來不同的效果:若是降調(diào),那只是一般的陳述事實;若是升調(diào),就表示說話者 對他是一名司機的情況并不了解。另外,交談的過程本身也是訓(xùn)練聽力的一個過程。voa英語一from voa learning english, this is explorations in special english. tm jeri watsonand fm jim tedder. today we visit a small museum in the ameri
9、can state of maryland. it is called the national cryptologic museum. there you will find information that was once secret.the national cryptologic museum is on fort george g. meade, a military base near washington, dc. it tells the story of cryptology and the men and women who have worked in this un
10、usual profession.the word cryptology comes from the greek “kryptos logos: it means “hidden word: cryptology is writing or communicating in ways designed to hide the meaning of your words.the museum has many examples of equipment that was once used to make information secret. it also has equipment th
11、at was developed to read secret messages. the method of hiding exact meanings is called coding. people have used secret codes throughout history to protect important information.the national cryptologic museum celebrated 60 years of cryptologic excellence in 2012. one event there marked the sixtieth
12、 anniversary of the national security agency. two former nsa workers shared their memories of operating a code machine called sigaba.many skills are needed to send and translate secret messages- the first and most important skill is knowing how to keep a secret. helen niebouar worked in washington d
13、uring world war two and for the united states military in japan after the war."the officers in charge of the code rooms would remind us constantly to keep our mouth shut. don't even mention one thing about where a message came from and certainly nothing it said. and theym say, 'now when
14、 you have a top secret clearance that is what it means, top secret. keep your mouth shut/ so we got reminded a lot?"the sigaba machine made plain information a secret language to those who lacked the equipment to understand it. the one that helen niebouar operated was a complex device. the nati
15、onal cryptologic museum displays both early and modern tools that have been used in secret communications.one display at the museum explains american attempts to read japanese military information during world war two. japan's navy used special machines to change its written information into sec
16、ret codes. this coded information was then sent by radioto navy ships and military bases. the information included secret military plans and orders-the leaders of the japanese navy believed no one could read or understand the secret codes. they were wrong. americans were working very hard to learn t
17、he japanese code. the united states urgently needed to break the code to learn what japan was planning.in 1940, an american woman named genevieve grotjan found some information being repeated in japanese coded messages. at the time, she was a civilian working for the government in washington, dc. he
18、r discovery helped the united states understand secret japanese diplomatic messages.after the united states understood the code, it was possible to study messages from the japanese ambassador to germany and to his supervisors in japan.understanding these messages helped the united states prepare for
19、 a possible war in the pacific with japan. yet, the united states was surprised by the japanese attack on pearl harbor, hawaii. the japanese military did not send coded military information to the country's diplomats. military messages used different codes.after the attack on pearl harbor, an am
20、erican naval officer named joseph rochefort struggled to understand the japanese navy code. he worked on the american base at pearl harbor. it was early in 1942. the american naval commander in the pacific ocean was chester nimit乙 his forces were much smaller than the japanese naval forces. and the
21、japanese had been winning many victories. joseph rochefort had worked for several months to read the secret japanese naval code called jn-25. if he could understand enough of the code, he would be able to give admiral nimitz very valuable information. the admiral could use this information to plan f
22、or battle. by the early part of the year, mr. rochefort and the men who worked with him could read a little less than 20 percent of the japanese jn25 code.from the beginning of 1942, the japanese code discussed a place called “af: joseph rochefort felt the japanese were planning an important battle
23、aimed at "aft but where was "af"? after several weeks, he and other naval experts told admiral nimitz that their best idea was that the "af" in the japanese code was the american-held island of midway. admiral nimitz said he must have more information to prepare for such an
24、attack.the navy experts decided to trick japan. they told the american military force on midway to broadcast a false message. the message would say the island was having problems with its water-processing equipment. the message asked that fresh water be sent to the island immediately. this message w
25、as not sent in code.several days later, a japanese radio broadcast in the jn25 code said that "af" had little water; joseph rochefort had the evidence he needed"af" was now known to be the island of midway. he also told admiral nimitz the japanese would attack midway on june thir
26、d.the admiral secretly moved his small force to an area near midway and waited for the japanese navy. the battle that followed was a huge american victory. experts now say the battle of midway was the beginning of the american victory in the pacific. that victory was possible because joseph rochefor
27、t learned to read enough of the japanese code to discover the meaning of the letters "af: one american code has never been broken. perhaps it never will. it was used in the pacific during world war two. for many years the government would not discuss this secret code. listen for a moment to thi
28、s very unusual code. then you may understand why the japanese military forces were never able to understand any of it.the code is in the voice of a native american. the man you just heard is singing a simple song in the navajo language. very few people outside the navajo nation are able to speak any
29、 of their very difficult language.at the beginning of world war two, the united states marine corps asked members of the navajo tribe to train as code talkers.the cryptologic museum says the marine corps code talkers could take a sentence in english and change it into their language in about 20 seco
30、nds. a code machine needed about 30 minutes to do the same work.the navajo code talkers took part in every battle the marines entered in the pacific during world war two. the japanese were very skilled at breaking codes. but they were never able to understand any of what they called “the marine code
31、:eight members of the choctaw tribe were the first code talkers- they worked in teams during world war one using their native language that was unknown in europe. a choctaw would translate a message in english into his native language and send it by radio. another choctaw would receive the message a
32、nd change it back to english.the cryptologic museum has many pieces of mechanical and electric equipment used to change words into code. it also has almost as many examples of machines used to try to change code back into useful words.perhaps the most famous is a world war two german code machine ca
33、lled the enigma. the word "enigma” means a puzzle or a problem that is difficult to solve.the german military used the enigma machine to communicate orders and plans. the united states, britain, and the government of poland cooperated in learning to read information sent by the enigma. it took
34、thousands of people and cost millions of dollars to read the enigma information. however, the time, effort and money resulted in a quicker end to the war against nazi germany.the national cryptologic museum belongs to the national security agency one of the agencys many jobs is cryptography for the
35、united states government. the work of the nsa is not open to the public. however, the museum tells the stories of the men and women who worked for the nsa long after their work is no longer secret.each part of the museum shows the value of this secret, difficult and demanding work. visitors say it i
36、s very interesting and fun to see equipment and read documents that were once very important and very, very secret.this program was written by paul thompson and onka dekke匚 fm jim tedde匚and um jcri watson. join us again next week for explorations in special english on the voice of america.voa英語二from
37、 voa learning english, this is the technology report in special english.recently we reported on a program called apps for apes. it was started by the new york-based nonprofit organization orangutan outreach the program which introduces apple's ipad to orangutans in zoos sparked an interest among
38、 our listeners- we decided to answer some of the questions they sent in.but first, we had our own question: how to pronounce the name of the ape. many people wrongly say horangutang/t with a g at the end. maybe, because orangutans are orange, people relate the name to the colo匚 but there is no conne
39、ction. orangutan outreachrichard zimmerman explains where the name came from.“people in malaysia and indonesia would say orang hu tan and its actually, it doesn't mean orange. orang is the malay or indonesian word for man or human, and utan comes from hutan with an h, which means forest. so esse
40、ntially, orangutan means person of the forest/5one of our listeners asked how orangutans would react to seeing another orangutan using the ipad when they themselves are not using it. me zimmerman explains that the orangutans all want to use the tablet when they see it. this desire could come from wanting the sa
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