




1、course handouti. course titleessentials of english and american literatureii. teaching hours105 hoursiil course descriptionthis course intends to lead the students well on their way to literary thoughts, literary schools, major writers and their works in the history of british and american literatur
2、e. works are to be studied in both their literary context and the historical and cultural context of the time thereby helping students to make further studies in the fields of british and american literature.iv. course objectivethe aim of the course is to develop students9 interest in literature and
3、 to give the students a critical appreciation of english and american literary works. to obtain a basic understanding of english and american literature and culture, students are supposed to read the original version of literary texts and appreciate the plots, the theme, and the style of the texts.
4、furthermore, students are encouraged to appreciate the variety of perspectives and enhance reading and analytical skill, which will be of substantial help to establish the individual angle and voice within a broad range of opinions and findings.v. attendancethis course is compulsory for senior engli
5、sh majors.vi. subsequent coursesenglish and american poemsenglish and american short storiesenglish and american essaysvii. course syllablescf. attachmentviii. teaching plancf. attachmentix. evaluationa course paper at the end of the fifth term and a test at the end of the sixth term; classroom perf
6、ormance 30% ; paper or test: 70%x. textbooks and reference bookstextbooks1. bingshan, liu. a short history of english literature. henan renmin publishing house. 1993.2. yaoxin, chang. a survey of american literature. nankai university press-20033. yangqing, gui & xianglin, wu. selected readings
7、in english and american literature. foreign translation & publishing corp 1985.4. aimin, chen. reading american literature. nanjing normal university press. 1996.reference books1. shouren, wang. selected readings in english literature. higher education press.2001.2. boxiang, zhang. reading engli
8、sh literature. wuhan university press. 19973. jinguo luo. new selections of english literature. peking university press. 19964. zhengshuang, li & cuiting, li. study guide to english literature. tsinghua university press. 19985. yaoxin,chang. selected readings in american literature. nankai unive
9、rsity press. 1991xi. category of knowledge and skill of american and english literature cf. the next pageenglish literature篇目序 號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記憶理 解% *川chapter one eariyand nfedievalenglish liteiatuie1the making ofenglandthe earliest settlersthe britonsjthe roman conquestvthe english conquestjthe social con
10、dition of the anglo-saxonvanglo-saxon religious belief and its influencej2beowulfthe story of beowulfjanalysis of its contentv3feudal englandthe danish invasionjthe norman conquestjthe influence of the norman conquest on the english languagejsocial feature of the feudal englandvthe miseries of the p
11、easantsjthe rising of 1381jthe content of the romancejthe romance cyclesvthe class nature of the romancej4theenglishjballadsoral literaturevthe balladsjthe robinhood balladsj5chaucerlifevchaucer literary careervthe canterbury talesj篇冃序知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解> 一用chaptertwotheenglishrenaissa nee1old england
12、in transitionthe new monarchyvthe reformationvthe english biblethe enclosure movementthe commercial expansionjthe war with spainthe renaissance and humanismvthe beginning of the english renaissance2morelifeutopiautopia, book onevutopia, book twovmore's limitation3marlowelifetamburlainejthe jew o
13、f maltajdoctor faustusvsocial significance of marlowe playsmarlowe's literary achievementj5shakespearelifevperiods of shakespeare's dramatic compositionvfour great tragediesvshakespeare's complete worksvshakespeare's contributionshakespearian sonnetvthe theme and writing style of &qu
14、ot;sonnet 1 獷vrhetorical devices employed in "sonnet 1 曠v篇目序號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解運(yùn) 用chapterthreethe enlightenment1theenlightenmentpolitical backgroundjeconomic backgroundjtwo schools of enlightenmentjmoderate enlightenersjradical enlightenersjthe spirit of the enlightenmentjthe principal problem of th
15、e enlightenmentjthe english enlightenmentvthe classicismv2danieldefoethe first european noveljthe first english noveljlifejdefoe's novelsvthe plot of robinson crusoevthe theme of the noveljthe style of the noveljthe characterization of robinson crusoejthe limitation of daniel defoejthe significa
16、nt meaning of chapter viiv3jonathan swiftlifeja tale of a tubvthe battle of the booksvpamphlets on irelandvthe plot of gulliver's travelsjthe symbolic meaning of high heel and low heel in lilliputjthe symbolic meaning of houyhnhnms and my masterjthe main idea of chapter vijsocial evils attacked
17、by the authorjthe character of a chief minister and the methods by which he achieves his positionjswift's stylev篇目序 號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記憶理 解運(yùn)用chapter four romanticism1historicalbackgroundand definitionlatter half of the 18,h centuryliterary movementromantic revivalwilliam blake and robert bums2williamblake
18、life storyjsongs of innocence & songs of experiencejother poemsjhis position in english literaturevdetailed study of "london"v3robert bumslifethe poetry of bumsv"bruce at bannockburn“the tree of liberty”v“the slave's lament"“the toadcatcrjfeatures of bums,poetryvdetailed
19、study of "a red, red rose"篇n序號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記憶理 解運(yùn) 用chapterfiveromanticism1general introductionlyrical balladsvwilliam wordsworthjsamuel taylor coleridgejwalter scottjglorification of instinct and emotionjrespect of naturej2historical backgroundpolitical and social factorsvfrench revolutionjindus
20、trial revolutionv3main points of romanticismpoetical revivalvpassions and emotionsjnaturejrousseaujedmund burkej4romanticistswilliam wordsworthvsamuel taylor coleridgevrobert southeyjgeorge gordon byronvpercy bysshe shelleyvjohn keatsv5wordsworthlifevlyrical balladsvhis poetical principlej"comp
21、osed upon westminster bridge”jhis writing stylejdetailed study of "a solitary reaper"v6shelleylifejqueen mabjthe revolt of islamvprometheus unboundvlyrics on nature and lovejcomment on the writing stylevdetailed study of "song to the men of englandv篇 h號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解運(yùn)用chapter six engli
22、sh critical realism1the rise of critical realism inenglandsocial backgroundjchartist movementjchartist literaturejernest jonesjfeatures of english critical realismjmajor english critical realistsv2charles dickenslifevwriting careerjlist of dickens' novelsjworks created in the first periodvworks
23、created in the second periodjdickens5 artistic techniquesvdickens: man and writervintroduction to david copperfieldvdetailed study of chapter 11vcomment on style and languagej english literaturechapterseventwentiethcentury君zn5432t.s. eliotgeorgebernard shawgalsworthyi nomas hardybackgroundsocialandi
24、i «c 1detailed study of "morning at the window”his writing stylethe waste landhis literary contributioneliot's lifemodernism in poetrydetailed study of pygmalionheartbreak housemajor barbaramrs. warren professionthree plays for puritansplays pleasantplays unpleasanthis lifedetailed stu
25、dy of birth of a forsytehis style; elegant and precise language;a modern comedythe forsyte sagaldetailed study of tess of the d'urbervilleshis writing stylejude the obscurethe mayor of casterbridgefar from the madding crowdwessex talesnovels of character and environmentnovels of ingenuityromance
26、s and fantasiesthree classifications of his novelsl于national independencethe economic crisisthe october revolutiontwo world warsnnjjjjjjjjj<jj<j應(yīng)si炬jjj<j<j<j壬應(yīng)american literature篇冃序 號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)h要求記憶理解運(yùn)用chapter onethe colonialperiod1americanpuritanismthe earliest settlerspuritansvpuritan'
27、;s beliefjthe influence of puritanism on american literaturevan indigenous symbolism in american literaturejthe style: fresh, simple, and directj2the literary sceneincolonial americaanne bradstreetvedward taylorjroger williamsjjohn woolmanv3annebradstreetbiographical backgroundj“to my dear and lovin
28、g husbandvtheme of this poemjmetaphors in the poemjthe movement of the images in the poemj篇目序號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記憶理解用chtiptertwothe age of romanticisn1americanromanticismthe romantic periodfrom the end of the 18( century tothe outbreak of the civil warvsocial backgroundvfeatures of american romanticismv2washin
29、gtonirvinglifevfather of american literaturejwriting stylevhis worksjthe sketch bookvrip van winklevthe creation of the mood of magic and fantasy in rip van winklevthe contrasting values represented by rip and dame van winklejhumor in the textvthe native subject of frontier and wildernessv3longfello
30、wlifevbrahminsvvoices of the nightvthe song of hiawathaj“a psalm of life"jthe theme of the poemjvjthe appreciation of this poemv6edgar allanpoelifeva ruler in a magic kingdom of melody and colorja jingle manvtwo topics: beauty and deathjuannabel lee"vrepetition in the poemvthe image of sea
31、 in the poemv篇 目序號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解0 *用the summit of american romanticismthethe major features of new england transcendentalismvchapterthree1t ran scendentalismemphasis on spirit, or the oversoulvimportance of the individualva fresh perception of naturevamericantranscendentalismlifevthe american scholar
32、2ralphwaldonaturevvemersonself-reliancevthe main idea in the american scholarwriting style in the american scholarv篇目序 號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解% 用chapter four the period fromthecivil war to world war i1waltwhitmanlife storyjleaves of grassjthe meaning of the titlejwhitman chief concernjhis most distinctive ch
33、aracteristics in stylejdetailed study of “i hear america singingjhis democratic idea in the poemj"o captain! my captainj2mark twainlocal colorismjtime: in the late 1860s and early seventiesjfeatures of local coloristsjlife background of mark twainjthe adventures of tom sawyervthe adventures of
34、huckleberry finnvhumorous stylej“the notorious jumping frog of calaveras countyjhis contribution to american literaturejcolloquial languagej3sherwoodandersonlife backgroundvfirst american psychological writerjwinesburg, ohiojanderson achievementjhis themejhis stylej“the egg”vthe plot of the storyvam
35、erican drcamjthe climax of the novelvthe symbolic meaning of egg in the storyvthe theme of the storyj篇目庁;號知識(shí)項(xiàng)細(xì)目要求記 憶理 解用chapter fivetheemergence of modernism1modernismsocial backgroundvthe lost generationjdarwin's theory of evolutionjschopenhauer and nietzsche's rebellion against rationalism
36、jtheoretical base of modernism: irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysisjthemes of modernistic writersvdadaismjdecadencejexistentialismvexpressionismjfree versej imagismjstream of consciousnessvtheatre of absurdj2robert frostlifevwriting careervwriting stylevblank versej"stopping by woods on a snowy eveningjthe functi
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