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1、quantum dataQuantum Data - Overviewquantum Mission StatementQuantum Data invents test instruments that help manufacturers bring next-generation audio, video, and control products to market - faster and without interoperability problems. History- Quantum Data was founded in 1979 by Allen and Ann Jorg

2、ensen and has been at the leading edge of programmable video test generator technology since its inception. Over the years, the company has expanded the score of its products to include other types of video test equipment.- You' 11 find Quantum Data instruments in the Authorized Test Centers and

3、 design laboratories and production facilities of major consumer electronics and information technology manufacturer , s throughout the wcrld.Quartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin, IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataDisplayPort Overviewquantum General- A Vi

4、deo Electronics Standards Association (VESA) Standard.- DisplayPort is a digital display interface standard (approved May 2006, current version 1. 1 approved in April of 2007).- Defines a new license-free, royalty-free, state-of- the-art digital audio/video interconnect.- Envisioned to replace both

5、DVI and VGA interface. Applications- Connecting a computer and its display.- Connects PCs, computer monitors, graphic cards.- Can be used for internal display panels.quantum dataDisplayPort - ArchitecturequantumQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 Big Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847

6、) 888-2802 quantum dataDisplayPort - Aux Channel Operationquantum Aux Channel provides-Device services (Content Protection & EDID)- Device services over I2C emulaticn Content Protection (HDCP) EDID- Link services (link training) - Negotiates how DisplayPort devices communicate during link traini

7、ng, including: Number of Lanes (L 2, 4) Lane Rate (1.62Gb/s or 2. 7Gb/s) Equalization Levels Aux Channel Operation- AUX CH of DisplayPort is a half-duplex, bi-directional channel- Source device is the master - AUX CH Requester- Sink device is the slave - AUX CH Replier- Source device initiates reque

8、st transactions- Sink device responds with a reply transactionDisplayPort - Two Hot Plug Typesquantum IRQ (interrupt request) pulse - 0. 5ms to 1ms-Source Device must read the link / sink status field of the DPCD and take corrective action. Hot plug event pulse 一 longer than 2ms-Source must read the

9、 receiver capability field and link / sink status field of the DPCD and take corrective action.Quartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888 0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataDisplayPort - Test Requirementsquantum Physical layer testing (main link and aux channel

10、) Pattern testing - Timings and test patterns Link layer testing - Compliance and debug tools HDCP testing - Compliance and production Functional testing - Signal analysis, EDID, etc. DDC/CI (MCCS)Quantum Data's DisplayPort Test Solutionsquantum Pattern testingSupports VESA timings up to 268MHn

11、pixel rates (higher pixel rates supported soon).Over 300 test patterns with the ability to create custom patterns and bitmaps, aniaated luges. ConfigurabilityOne (1), 2 & 1 lane configurations with user-specified selection of each to override link training.- Lane rates of 1. 62Gb/s & 2. 7Gb/

12、s with user-specified selection of each to override link training.Standard configurability of 880 series Link layer compliance testing, for- Sources devices.- Sinks devices. HTML reports provide pass/fail status and test details (coning soon). HDCP testingCompliance Testing for Sink devices - approv

13、ed by VIM (for VESA) as an authorized Tool. Source devices (ccalng sooo) and pr<xkictloTi Production Testing for,- Sink devices.HTML reports provide pass/fail status and test details (coming soon). Aux channel sniffer (coming soon)- Logs link layer transactions such as link training Logs HDCP, ED

14、ID & hot plug circuit transactions Messaging interface supports for real time analysis or post test analysisOn connected displayQuartum Data. Inc. 2111gly Tmiobr Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888 0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataPattern Testing of DisplayPort Sinksquantum Timings (form

15、ats) - Supports VESA timings up to 268MHz pixel rates (higher pixel rates/resolut ions supported soon).-Discrete Mode Timing (DMT)- Coordinated Video Timing (CVT) Test patterns- Over 300 standard static and animated test patterns ImageShift - animate any static test pattern Import bitmaps and jpegs-

16、 Create custom images with graphics SDK APIQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802quantum data880 Series DisplayPort Configurationsquantum 882E Series configurations supported-DisplayPort Tx card-DisplayPort Tx card with Rx card一(coini

17、ng soon) DisplayPort Tx card with ACA (aux channel sniffer) (Future) 880 Series possibleconfigurations- DisplayPort Tx card & Rx card & ACA card (aux channel sniffer)-DisplayPort Tx card & Rx card & HDMI TxQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 8

18、88-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 Quantumquantum data0 Series DP Programmability One (1), 2 and 4 lane configurations with user- specified selection of each to override link training. Lane rates of 1. 62Gb/s & 2. 7Gb/s with user- specified selection of each to override link training- Standard configura

19、bility offered by 880 series, including:-Timing parameters such as vsync, hsync, resolution, etc.Bit depths: 6, 8 & 10 Sampling modes: 4:4:4 & 4:2:2 Color component gatingQuartum Data. Inc.CLpxRGB oJTCbCrH Component scaling, ramp up/down color component values throughout ent ire rangequantum

20、 dataDisplayPort - Link Layer Testingquantum Link loyer conplionce testing of sink devices. Runs link layer coapliance test (per spec) onsink devices in batch node or individually through comnand line. The following tests are吆3d One Byte froa Valid DPCD Address5.2.1. 2 Read Twelve Bytes from Valid D

21、PCD Address5. 2.1. 3 frite One Byte to Valid DPCD Address5.2.1. I Write Nine Bytes to Valid DPCD Addresses5. 2.1. 5 Trite Mine Bytes to Read-Only DPCD Adiress5. 2. 1. G Vxltc 2DID O£X»ct (Okie Dytc I2C Ovex Aux Txite) Read O* EDID Byte (k* Byte IX-Over-Aux Read)5. 2.1. 8 EDID Read (

22、1 Byte I3C-Over-Aux Seaent Write. 1 Byte IX-Over-Aux Offset Irite, 128 Byte IX-<Xrex-Aux Read)5. 2. 1. 9 Illegal Aux Request Syntax5-2.2 EDID Read5. 3.1.1 Successful Link Training at All Supported Lane Counts and Link Speeds5. 3. 1. 2SuccessfulLinkTraininc with Request ofHither Differerttial Volt

23、age Svinc durinc ClockRecoverySequence5. 3.1. 3SuccessfulLinkTraininc to a Lower LinkRate Due To Clodc Recovery Lock Failure DurincClock RecoverySequence5. 3.1. !SuccessfulLinkTrainins with Request ofa Chanee to Pre-E>phasls And/Or5. 3.1. 5SuccessfulLinkTrain!ne at Lover Link Rate Due to Loss Sya

24、bol Lock Durine Chamel5.3.1. 6 Lane Count Re4jction5. 3.1. 7 Lane Count Increase5. 3. 2.1 IRQ_HPD Pulse Due to Loss of Syabol Lock and Clock Recov-ry Lock5.3. 2. 2 IRQ HPD Pulse Due to Loss of Inter-lane All gm ent Lock5. I. 1.1 Pixel data reconstruction5. 4.1. 2 Main Strea* Data Ugacklng and Vnstuf

25、fine - Least Pack” TU5. 4.1. 3 Kain Streaa Daia Ugaddne and Unstuffing - lost Packed TV5. 4. 2 Main Video Stre» Forwat Change HandlingQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 B>g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataquantumDisplayPort - Link Layer TestingLink la

26、yer conplionce testing for source devices. Runs link layer compliance test (per spec) on source devices in batch mode or individually through command line. The following tests areperfonned:1 Source DUT Retry on No-Reply During Aux Read after Hot Plug Event2 Source Retry on Invalid Reply Durine Aux R

27、ead after H>t Flue Event1 EDID Read upon Hot Plug Event2 DPCD Receiver Capability Read <>on Hot Plug Event3 EDID Read22222223.3.3. 樂(lè)4.4.%4.4.4.Sequence I. 3.1. 1 i. 3.1.6 Seouence 4. 3.1. 7 Sequence 4. 3.1.10 4.3. 2.1 4.3. 2. 2 4.3. 2.3 1.3.2. IEDID

28、 Absence DetectionEDID Conwtion IktectionSuccessful Link Training Upon Hot Plug detectSuccessful Link Training at All Stupor ted Lane Cowts and Link SpeedsSuccessful LinkTrainingwith Request ofHigher DifferentialVoltageSving during ClockRecoverySuccessful LinkTrain!n«to a Lower LinkRate 11:Iter

29、ate atKaxinunVoltage SvincSuccessful LinkTrainingto a Lover LinkRate t2:Iterate atMininunVoltage SwingSuccessful LinkTrainincwith Request ofa HitherPre-e*phasis Settlnc During CharnelEqualizationSuccessful Link Traininc at Lower Link Rate due to Loss of Symbol Lock Durinc Channel EqualizationUnsucce

30、ssful Link Training at Lover Link Rate #1: Iterate at Maxlnun Voltage SvingUnsuccessful Link Train!ne at Lover Link Rate,2: Iterate at MinlRUM Voltage SvineUnsuccessful Link Training Aie to Failure in Channel Zqualizatlan SequenceLane Coimt ReductionLane Count IncreaseSuccessful LinkRe-training Afte

31、rIRQHPDPulseDuet>LossofSynbol LockSuccessful LinkRe-training AfterIRQHPDPulseDuet>LossofClock RecoverySuccessful LinkRe-training AfterIRQHPDPulseDuet>L0ssofInter-laneXo link re-training required after IRQ HPD pulsePixel Data SteeringQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g(847) 888 0450 Fax (847) 8

32、88 2802HandlingVi. Xf 豳” 3d rauiS 3一邈產(chǎn)3s -f 玨公諫嗎3 Iain Strea* Data Packinc and Stuffinc - Most Packed TUquantum dataDisplayPort - HDCP Testingquantum Compliance Testing-Sink devices - approved by VTM (for VESA) as an authorized tool- (coming soon) Source devices Production Test-Sink devicesQuartum D

33、ata. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888 0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataDisplayPort - HDCP TestingQuantum Sample of HDCPCompliance Testreport - SummaiyPaWPGenerator Informalkin.Modd - 8X2CAUnit Rnkioa - AUnit SN « 071M0016Dale » O44W2OO7Klrmu are = 20.1

34、XX46O2uxrri ND£R TRST INFORMATION iK?PSELECTIONS) I nit I nder Teit Type SinkSink_l.lFcaturc«_Sof porled NO Sink_/udio_Su(poned、YESSINKTKSTSSI MMARY 、TcM 2C'*0l: HOMI Correct Authentication Proiocol with Prodaction Key%:Verify that Rcccncrpcrlcinii% the conecl AiMhcntictMin inin prcxlu

35、ction hr)、silh tbc upstream HDMI-capable Transmitter. '、TeM 2C-O2: HDMI New AuthefiticaiMm IrregulMr Procedure:Verify that Receiver aoccpu rv-uuthcnticalion. ghen new An and Aksv i* uritlcn by Transmitter nghl after An and Ak>v i% nrictcn in the unauthenlMrated sUtr. 、TcM 2C-O5: HOMI New Auth

36、entication lrrtx«lnr Procedure (1 hird Pari of Authcnlk«tion>:Vcnf>thataccepts re>autl)en<icalion if nru An aixl Akkv i% rillen by Tnuismillcr during the ihird part ofauthentication. '、Tc*t 2C-O4: l> I Aaihmticalion fYvcedure:Verify that Receiver perform% the HIX'P A

37、uthcrKKatMxiPrulucol with the uplrvam DVI 1'rai)Mnitl«r.DisplayPort - HDCP Testing quantum Sample of HDCPCompliance Test report. Details Pag©SINK TESTS DETAILSTE UISPOI TE delected hot plug from OUT.3.083|SPO2| OUT h m DVI mode aHcr HPD. R«tatu« (MSB>: 0x003.487|SP03 DUT r

38、vipomkd with a、3ue (MSB->LSB> Ox7IQ6F3452C.6.574|SRM| All roco-cd poct» and biU arc zero.6.707(SPOS) KSV FIFOconteim no noc-rcro byte*.6.714SP06| DUT k m HDMI mode. Brtitus (MSB): 0x106.923SI0I TC Z Bcaps «K80>. “rote An (0%BF IBB49A67DSC476K “rote Aksv (X96$OOBB6I). 6.997 (SPI02)

39、 DUT responded >vith a BKs% with value (MSB>>LSB> 0%7|%F3452C.7.004(SI03| R0(MSB->LSB) Ox8S42 nuichcd R(T (MSB->LSB) 0x8542.7268|SI(M| TE cnabkd IUKP EncryplE7345IS30I) Ri (MSB->LSB) 0MJ62B mtldwd Ri'<MSB->LSB) (H862B.16.058S3O2| TE doo mH currcntl) »upfxK chockNi

40、* Pj aiBAinst 廳.16.229FASS Tg! completed.16.229TcM 232SPOI | TE detected hot plug from IJUT.3XMK3SP02| DUT b in DVI mode after HPD. Bstatus<MSB>: 5003>4S7(SP03| DU1 responded with a Bksvwith value (MSO->LSB» 0x7 l%F3452C.6373SP(M| All reserved ports and bits am «an>.6.707Qua

41、rtum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802 quantum dataDisplayPort Aux Channel Snifferquantum Logs link layer transactions sucli as link trainingHDCP, EDIDtime Logs device I2S transactions sucli as & hot plug Messaging interface support

42、for real analysis or post-test analysisQuartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802quantum dataQ quantumshowing Link TrainingkecE.<M</M474I7C :8:4"”S q-a十7產(chǎn)生”當(dāng) 卜 區(qū),;轉(zhuǎn)PfV «1 1IwlPTPTnnHL1R|“, >S1V I l£»4 H.M$zK1M

43、Z1quantum dataDisplavPqft - Aux Channel Sniffer9t QK OK iMTCfl CVMHLink transactions M>=lu 少。in| 3g,由I35,Quartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgin. IL 60123 USA Phone (847) 888-0450 Fax (847) 888-2802Dmu。4 MZCl , MC*-t5.,*r OOI&7 5 tl 00 00 M00 ror 0>UMt»»e F3i,A«O

44、n»C 8* « IkrtCClCUMV.ftMt"cf »»,>»- 6b, <*.* */ tr3<r ”<«4| %N,4 b8,TW »»<tw r»<c t»»* faltonrQ g:比工.W儂;:£口舜年個(gè)Ji "«穴" O»iM*(««« I U MA»e,OvltB ?fieivwt«w*7far «O mz w 0»i<M«oJ ot ”rx,Quartum Data. Inc. 2111 B»g Timber Road Elgi


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