1、如何快速閱讀你渴望成為英語快速閱讀者嗎?快速看完考試資料,考出好成績;快速看國外懸疑推理武俠言情小說,獲得更多的樂趣;在有效的時間里博覽群書,成為全能學習者??焖匍喿x并不是不加理解,沒有絲毫樂趣的不停翻書??焖匍喿x是學會控制自己的閱讀速度,愉悅地在書中尋找有用的知識。想要學習如何快速閱讀,從以下三步開始吧。Method 1 Improving Your Reading Pace 提高閱讀速度1. Practice a little every day 堅持每天練習你不可能天生就掌握快速閱讀的技巧,所以需要不斷練習,直到自如運用技巧,與其融為一體。即使每天只練習15到20分鐘,你的閱讀速度都會有
2、很大的改觀。提高閱讀速度需要時間,因為你在學習一種全新的閱讀方式。想想你小時候學習閱讀也花了好幾年,所以這次也給自己多一點時間吧。2. Start with easier material 從比較簡單的材料開始剛開始時選擇比較簡單,有趣的閱讀材料比較好。例如一本旅游介紹或者一位大家的回憶錄,都是很好的材料。如果你選擇一本物理書來開始,可能會把你嚇跑,學習過程就變得很可怕了。當你能越來越熟練地應用技巧知道要在文章中尋找什么的時候,就能對付更長更復雜的材料了。那時你就會知道哪一種方法最適合你,文章中的那一部分最重要。試試這些你能很快地看完嗎?Nest and HairMy sister, a pr
3、imary school teacher, was informed by one of her pupils that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom."What kind of bird?" my sister asked."I didn't see the bird, ma' am(Madama), only the nest," replied the child."Then, can you give us a descriptio
4、n of the nest?" my sister encouraged her ."Well, ma'am, it just resembles your hair. "A Good BoyLittle Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?""I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered."You're a g
5、ood boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?""She is the one who sells the candy."Brain TwistsQ: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkey
6、s.Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?A: Keep him awake.如果覺得這幾個小片段能吸引你都下去,那么恭喜你,你的英語興趣閱讀的材料找到啦。如果覺得讀起來吃力,還是時不時走神,也沒有關系。可能你對這種題材不感興趣,需要自己尋找一下難度適中又對其感興趣的材料。3. Use your finger or an index card to set the pace 用手指或者書簽設置速度(個人建議:對于能一目十行的同學這個方法反倒不適用了)用筆、手指、書簽指著閱讀是一個很好的方法。在控制閱讀速度的同時防止
7、你不記得看到哪,也促使你認真看因為不能反復來回閱讀。想象你的眼鏡吸附在手指上,手指指到哪,眼球跟到哪。以下節(jié)選自經(jīng)濟學人,閱讀難度適中,拿這個片段練練手吧!The fall of the Berlin Wall, on November 9th 1989, was when history was said to have ended. The fight between communism and capitalism was over. After a titanic ideological struggle encompassing the decades after the secon
8、d worldwar, open markets and Western liberal democracy reigned supreme. In the early morning of November 9th 2016, when Donald Trump crossed the threshold of 270 electoral-college votes to become Americas president-elect, that illusion was shattered. History is backwith a vengeance.Trump Era節(jié)選講了“特朗普
9、上臺標志著歷史的倒退”。第一次這樣練習或多或少都會有些變扭,但勤多練習就好了,慢慢地不用手指或書簽也能控制自己的閱讀速度。4. Change your attitude towards reading 改變對閱讀的看法除了特別的技巧,重新審視你時如何看待閱讀的也很重要。不要把閱讀當作一件重活,一個必須要完成的任務。要把閱讀當作一個機會一個娛樂、學習、看世界的機會。書的主題是什么并不重要,無論是統(tǒng)計學原理還是大英百科全書,只要你用開放的心態(tài)對待這些主題,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)閱讀過程會容易輕松很多。以下是一篇科普節(jié)選,試試能不能帶著興趣與好奇心閱讀,感受知識帶來的快樂:Cahokia Mounds State
10、 Historic Site is the area of an ancient indigenous city (c. 6001400 AD) near Collinsville, Illinois. It is the largest archaeological site related to the Mississippian culture, which developed advanced societies in central and eastern North America, beginning more than five centuries before the arr
11、ival of Europeans. It is a National Historic Landmark and designated site for state protection. In addition, it is one of only twenty World Heritage Sites in the territory of the United States. It is the largest prehistoric earthen construction in the Americas north of Mexico. It is also home to a w
12、ooden structure which appears identical in function to Stonehenge.上文介紹了世界上最大的史前建筑,位于北美的卡霍基亞土丘歷史遺址。是不是英語閱讀不再只與考試升學相關?而是獲取新鮮知識的渠道,是一扇看大千世界的窗戶。5. Know when to slow down 知道什么時候應該慢下來即使讀得快有很多好處,你也應該意識到有些時候慢下來很重要,因為你需要完全理解文意。如果你讀得很快卻沒有理解文章意思、獲得有用的信息,這完全沒有任何意義。另外,有些題材不應該讀得太快或者囫圇吞棗。這些包括經(jīng)典著作、詩歌、戲劇、專業(yè)書籍等。這些書的每
13、一個字都應該被讀到,被仔細分析。Method 2 Breaking Bad Habits 改掉壞習慣2 Avoid reading word-by-word 避免逐字閱讀閱讀英文時要按 chunks (意群)閱讀,而不是一個單詞一個單詞的看。例如,最初級的閱讀者會這樣閱讀: "the horse is in the barn" 讀成”the" + "horse" + "is" + "in" + "the" + "barn”。分開理解每一個詞的意思。其實你的大腦有很強的理解能力
14、,你只要讀出句子中的 “horse” 與 “barn”,你的大腦就能填補剩下的空白。這樣,你只用讀一半的字就能理解全部的意思。閱讀速度極大提高。測試一下,你能僅通過幾個單詞讀懂下面句子的意思嗎?1)In 1926, wizard Newt Scamander briefly stops over in New York City.2)He encounters Mary Lou Barebone, a No-Maj (non-magical human) and the head of the New Salem Philanthropic Society, which claims that
15、 witches and wizards are real and dangerous. 3) As Newt listens to her speak, a Niffler escapes from his magically-expanded suitcase that houses multiple magical creatures.4) As he attempts to capture it, Jacob Kowalski, a No-Maj cannery worker, mistakenly carries off Newt's suitcase.4句話講述了神奇動物在
16、哪里的背景故事。是不是只看加粗字體也能知道故事在講什么呢?如果不能,要好好運用一下自己的想象力!3. Overcome inefficient eye movement 克服低效眼睛運動你的眼睛一次至少可以看到四到五個單詞,不要浪費這個技能。休息一下面部,舒緩眼鏡聚焦,這樣會使你一次性看到更多的詞,所以這讓你的閱讀變得更有效率。另外,周邊視覺也要被充分利用。你甚至不需要聚焦到句尾就知道這句話在講什么。4. Eliminate regression 重復閱讀是指你重復閱讀同一個句子兩次、三次,無論是有意識的還是無意識的。很明顯,這會使你的閱讀時間大大增加。有些人重復閱讀,因為他們忘記自己讀到了哪
17、里,需要回到頁面或段落的開頭再讀一遍找到它。你可以避免這樣的事情,使用一個指向標記你讀到的位置無論是你的手指,鋼筆或索引卡。其他人重復閱讀是因為他們認為在第一次閱讀的時候并沒有真正理解文本的意思。要克服這一點,你需要確保在閱讀的時候集中注意力,閱讀應該是一個活躍的活動,而不是一個被動的事情。以下片段節(jié)選自CNN,Hobbit holes and sci-fi monuments: Ingenious visions of the future,詞匯不難,試試集中注意力,主動獲取信息:There was a time when it seemed like blueprints, dreams,
18、 and raw concrete could change the world.We were optimistic then. We thought we could build utopia. We thought we could cast our vision of a better world in raw concrete and sweeping glass and cantilever it over the edge of our flawed present, over the chasm of our human failings, and into the open,
19、 untouched air of an ideal future - and then live there, all of us.你倒回去讀了幾次呢?沒有重復閱讀還是倒回去了一次,兩次?一次兩次對于初學者來說是正常的,但如果次數(shù)更多可要小心了,可能這就是你閱讀次數(shù)提不上去的原因之一。Method 3. Changing the Way You Read 改變你的閱讀方式1. Preview the material 預習材料最有效的提高閱讀速度的方法就是在閱讀前熟悉材料。熟悉材料的方法是看篇章的第一個段落,接下來每一個段落的第一句話,以及最后一個段落。除此之外,你還應該看標題與加粗強調的部
20、分。這樣你并不能讀到細節(jié),但卻可以最重要的是哪一部分,哪一部分直接可以略過不讀。這個方法適用于如果你想對篇幅長、不熟悉、難度大的材料有個初步的認識。測試一下:Something's happening at the lowest point on our planet, some 1,388 feet below sea level.The Dead Sea, a salt lake nestled by Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, is shrinking at an alarming rate - about 3.3 feet per yea
21、r, according to the environmentalist group EcoPeace Middle East. And human actions are largely to blame."It's not just like one country is punishing the Dead Sea; it's more like the whole region," said photographer Moritz Küstner, who visited the area in February to work on hi
22、s series "The Dying Dead Sea."乍一看上面這段材料有點難度。但如果你知道了上面是在講“死海面臨干枯的現(xiàn)狀”,聯(lián)系已有知識,是不是就容易讀了很多呢?2. Scan for the most important words 掃視尋找關鍵詞另一種方法是簡單地掃描材料和挑選關鍵字。使用這種方法,你可以對材料有一個基本的認識,不拘泥于過分的細節(jié),浪費時間。舉個例子:the fearsome lion stealthily hunted its unsuspecting prey - the antelope不用讀完每一個單詞,你也可以知道這句話在講什么。略讀,挑選出關鍵詞,lion - hunted - antelope,這三個詞表達的意思與整句話是一樣的。這種方法比較適用于簡單、短小的材料,比如雜志或報紙專欄。、測試一下:1)For thirty years or so, in the heart of the twentieth century,
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