1、TCn million dollars for the missile ChiPNOt a plan, but the ChiP itself.Why the big price?My CIiCntS have requested it.I honor my clients1 request.SOUndS IikC your CIiCntSWant to build a missile thatcan't be detected by radar.I don,t ask questions, Mr. Beaupre, but WhOCVer POSSeSSeS this chip. C
2、OUld dominate the Cntire region. GOOd night5 GeOrge GOOd night, Mr. Cooper. Jesus. Hc,s ClCan. HCreUh. that,s, Uh that,s What you asked for.Air force n.S.B. IOO ,tc't series.If that goes in a missile, air defenses can,t StOP it.Uh, IOOk I got a Plane to CatChWhere's my money?HCre Hide it in
3、the toy car.We,ll SliP it right PaSt airport security.Lct,s go.PlCaSe remove your jewelry and PIaCe it in the bowl. My jewelry? - Yes, ma,amSteP backLct,s go.Maam, you,ll have to Wait PIeaSen SOrry. I didn,t know.-Thank you. Thank you.-Next, PIeaSe-Thank you. Next, PIeaSe-Thank you.Oh, my godIt,s CO
4、Id in hereThCy,re On time. On time.-Ycah. Thcre,s my dad. MOVe-Move! - Oh, my god. ThCres Amy.YOUng man!I ChCCkCd the Dallas, Miami,NeW YOrk and DCnVer IOUngCSNothing.Bars5 restaurants, CIUb lounge, CIeanWhen I WaS in the John, i didn,t SeC anything in thereIt has to be On a PlaneIt has to be On a P
5、lanCIt has to be On a plane.We are going to ChiCago.In the winter?I PaCked tropical.WCICOnIe to Chicago, Where it,s a balmy 29 degrees outside. WClCOme to ChiCagOe - Bye. Thanks.Bye now. Thank you.WCICOme to ChiCagO Bye-bye. Bye.WelCOme to Chicago.HerC you go, sir.Thanks. Mr. Beaupre! Mr. Unger and
6、Mr. JCrnigan.EXCUSe me.-EXCUSe me MOVe OUt Of my Way.Did you CheCk any bags, ma,am?No. FlOOr it.Shc,s IeaVingThatS him.EXCUSe me, pop. Can I ask you somethin*?What?YOU had a fare from the airport around 1620 hours,JanUary 8.SCniOr CitiZen. FCmaIe CaUCaSian.-What? - AbOUt 4:30 today. OId broad-Oh, ye
7、ah, yeah-YOU got an address On that?WClL north DCVOn Park Uh, WaShingtOn street.DeSCribe the house, please.WelL big, old,UIL tudor-likc PIaCe-Details. ChriStmaS lights. WrCath On the door.ChriStmaS tree at the Cnd Of the driveway.And the drivewayWaS the OnIy One On the blockthat wasn't ShOVeICdn
8、 all done, Mrs. Hess.I'm exhausted and sweaty,but you can,t See 'causem all COVCrCd up.YOU WCre SUPPOSCd to ClCal With the SnOW promptly, WCren,t you?-Yes, but. - butts are for ashtraysI ClOn,t Care for CXCUSeSWe had an understanding,and you broke it.YOUr WOrd is WOrthless.SOrry. That,ll be
9、no charge, MrS HeSSSO you Can tell the neighborhood I StiffCd youOn a SnOW removal job?Oh. IS this a IOaf Of the famous San FranCiSCO SOUrdOUgh bread?ThiS WOn,t make a Very tasty SandWich, WiIl it?Huh? SOme silly, inconsiderate boob WhO took my bag.I Ieft my bread in San FranCiSCo.PardOn me, Mrs. He
10、ss, but I think m almost, maybe,possibly, PrObabIy gonna be IatC for my dinner.COnSidCr this your payment. I have no USe for the Siny thing-Thank you-And have your mother teach you.That it is rude to SCratCh yourself in the PreSenCe Of a Iacly.GOOd night, Alex.GeeZ What a grouchThey're all old.
11、MOSt Of them arc tudor.They all have WrCathS and OId ChriStmaS trees.And the snow's all been ShOVelCdThere are 14 houses.The toy Car must be in One Of themWe're going to have to SearCh them nil.We,ll COme back WhCn it's light.Wc,re gonna WOrk houses in broad daylight?It's the SUbUrbs
12、, Mr. Unger.科學(xué)展覽室11Nobody,s home during the day.There you go, SPCCdy.Charlie, We Went through this IaSt yearI told you then, m telling you now. I can,t WOrk WeekCndS Why not? - ve got three kids and a husband Mary LOU does. - WCIL thats Mary Lou. She has no life.It means nothing to her to WOrk WCeke
13、ndS. BUt I can,t do that.COme on, Karen.m IiVing in a house that,s half renovatedMy kids have activitiesThey need to See their ParentS doing something.Other than running to the Car in the morning.I can,t really explain OVer the PhOne Why WerC SOexcited about this PrOdUCt-Okay. BUt you,ll be here On
14、WCdneSday.Yeah YCah .111 be in On WCdneSda y. WCdnCSda y.And we,ll talk about it then, face to face Man to man.WOUld that include his buttock region? ShUt up! - ThiS is great.If he SCratCheS his ChiCkCn spots, We COUld Call him SCar butt.-LeaVe-GOOd-byell go make you SOmC SOUPll bring the TV UP from
15、 the family room.Oh, I'm SO SOrryHey. Don,t SCratChKeCP that Under your tongue .111 be right back NiCe family. Huh, Doris?Take off. YOU guys ShOUId get goingSCe you IatCE dadMr. GrecnfieldtS 401k is invested in the eafa fundMr. GrecnfieldtS 401k is invested in the eafa fund.YOU have it IiStCd in
16、 the Inid-CaP fund.-That,s WhCre your 3,000 ShOrtfall is. - Oh. Okay.Okay? SO youre gonna make it UP next quarter.Bruce5 Can i. I jUSt have to PUt you On hoid. One SeCAICX I'm On With the OffiCeSO I think that What wc.m really sorry, Brucc.Can I jUSt Call you back in a minute? ThankSThree、two. N
17、OW hold. And Lets.-GOtChaYOU rang?Thirsty?Thanks, mom.Oh. Here We arc.I ClO WiSh that my husband COUld have been here today.WClL it,s a COZy IittIe place. Oh!WeIL isn,t this Charming?And it,s available immediately.My boys are just gonna IOVe it here.Yes, they WilLYes, they WiiLYes, they WilLLook, Do
18、ris.If you think that WaS amusing,Wait till you See What I do next.Sit. I can,t Wait for next WeekI hate dogs.Charlie, wc,ve been OVer all thisYOU know I can,t COme in. AleX is SiCkBinyjUSt CanCd He's On his Way in to review his POrtfOIio.-Oh. god. YOUre kidding. - No.-HOW IOng is he in town? -
19、Hes IeaVing Friday.YOU know We can,t.No, that,s Okay. Mary LOU Can handle it. ShC Can access-Mary LOU is not WhO he expects to see. YOUre the POint person.No. LOOk YOU gave me your WOrd you COUId handle thisI know I PrOmiSed you.BUt my ChiId WaSn,t SiCkWhen I PrOmiSed you. Thcrcs-its not my fault yo
20、u can,t find a babysitter.Okay, fine One hour. I Can COme in for One hour. That is it. Fine. - If AIeX beeps me, I'm gone YOU Can fire me if you Want to. but m gone Karcn-and, Charlic. I jUSt Want you to know thatyou,re PUtting me in the POSitiOn Of having to ChOOSe betweenmaking a house PaymCnt
21、and taking Care Ofmy SiCk child, and I really don,t appreciate it. Karen-jerk.Sh- oka y.Diei you tell CharIie that m desperately ill?Thank you, Alex.Yes. Charlie knows you,re sick.What about the family ICaVe act?I jUSt have to go in and PiCk UP SOme StUffand Sign SOme PaPerS and ShOW my face. be gon
22、e an hour at the Very most.I CallCd Mrs. HCSS and told her you,d be alone, and shc-you CalICd MrS Hess? ShC knows m gonna be alone?ShC Said if anything COmeS up,shell be right OVerShC wasn't happy about it, buShe COUId get tanked UP On iced teaand COmC OVCr and make me SmOke cigarettes. Oh. don,
23、t be ridiculous-What do I do if there's a tornado?-They don,t happen in winter. - SOCial unrest?I ClOn,t think so.Boredom? I hear it,s deadly in OId folks.GOOd-bye, SWeetieWhat about crooks?I don,t think that,s a PrObICm during the day, honey.Why not? Nobody's home during the day.m OnIy eigh
24、t, and I figured that out.Don,t you think a grown-up CrOOk COUId figure it OUt too?ThiS is a VCry Safe neighborhoodTheres Only One road in and OUt Of hereThC doors Will be IOCkCdYOU have all my numbers- be home as SOOn as I Can-But, mom!What about dragons, giant spiders, mummies,the IiVing dead and
25、Other figments Of my imagination?Alcx, I can,t help you thereOnIy you Can COntrOl your imaginationThatS a SCary thought.ThatS WeirdOh, my god!TWCnty SeCOndS out.Clear.-911 CmergenCy. -1 SaW a burglar.Are you by yourself?My mom just had to run OUt for a few IninUteS-1 have the ChiCkCn POX-Can I have
26、your address, please?The guy isn't at my house He,s at the Stcphans*.ThCir address is 3015 WaShingtOn street!Nothing. There,s a burglar in the Stcphans1 house! What?I SaW him With my telescopeThCre,s a WOman With a dogand a gray Van.And a man in running CIOtheSI didn't recognize anybody but
27、the ClOgHe IOOkCd just Iike JOhnny AnCn,s dog.SO I Called the POIiCeYOU CalIed the police?TakC the backYes, sir.COVer me!Freeze!ThC burglar alarm WaS On and WOrkingThere WaS no One in the houseIt doesn,t appear that anything,s been takenI don,t know What your boy saw, but.ThCre WaSn,t a PCrSOn in th
28、at houseI-m Very SOrry about this.My son's been home With the ChiCken pox,and I jUSt had to run to WOrk to PiCk UP SOme papers.m COmPIeteIy StraPPCd.I don,t normally do this.Son, false alarms are no joking matter.It wasn,t a false alarm. TherC WaS a guy in the houseHe had two IOOkOUtSand a drive
29、r in a gray Van.He,s been running a fever.YOU might Want to remind himthat OUrS is SeriOUS businessHe knows.We gave him a POliCe Set for ChriStmaSN-not this ChriStmas, but IaSt ChriStmaSYOU know, One Of those-a badge and a hat and a WhiStleHe took it VCry SeriOUSly.He WCnt around the house arresting
30、 relatives for VariOUS crimes.YOU know, not real crimes.LCaVing the toilet Seat UP and SnOring and-absolutely. I WiiL YeS Thank you.Thank you.YOU get in that bed. young manEXCUSe me, but I Saw a man in KarCn StePhans,s bedroom.A WhitC male, a IittIe OIder than dad,and he WaS WCaring butt-inspection
31、glovesI have Warned you about that telescopc.YOU IOOk through it IOng enough.you,rc gonna Start Seeing things,WhCthCr Or not thcy,re there.I guess you have to be 35before anyone around here IiStCnS to you.Don,t get Smart With me. AIeXSiCk Or not, I am VCry angry With you.YOU have CaUSCd a IOt Of tro
32、uble today.Dad and I have to replace a ClOOr at the Stephans'.DO you think Were happy about that?I SaW What I saw.PCter Beaupre,Earl Unger, BUrtOn Jernigan.And AIiCe Ribbons.They Were ticketed Under known aliases.BUt didn,t board the HOng KOng flight.I believe thcy,re Still in the U.S.,but beyon
33、d that. I don,t know.LadieS and gentlemen,we,ve got to find that ChiP.What Went WrOng With the burglar alarm?NOthing It WaSn,t the alarmThCn WhO CallCd the police?Mr. JCrnigan, CarC to SPeCUlate?CarS Came and went. The mailman Came by.We COUId have a WatChCr On any house in any street. h COUId be an
34、ybody -1 don,t think its just anybody.I think it,s SOmCOne On OUr StrCet.SOmeOne We are not tracking.SOmCOne we,ve missedDad, cab,s hereShoot. YOUr mom,s not back yet.Well, all right.YOUr mom had to take SOme documents to the bank.ShC can,t be gone more than a few minutes.Mrs. HeSS is home. You,ll b
35、e fine, okay?My beeper numbcr,s On SPCCd CIiaI On the telephone.SCCOnd button MOm,s On the first button.Right. Yeah. So, you,rc okay?MPOSitUteIy.An right. GiVe me a kiss. An right.Dad.Alcx, this is a Very Safe and SeCUrC neighborhoodWe have great police,as you ICarnCd yestcrday.NOthing bad is gonna
36、happen to you. Okay?Dad. Yeah? GOt your tickets?-Yep. - GOt your Wallet?Yeah Ifs in my pocket.Where's your pocket?Ycnh. Thank you. - Bye, dad.Shc,s IeaVing3025 is all clear. RCd SCdan heading SOUthTUrning right. Hold.-Hi.-Hi.YOU are just in time, Mr. Pruitt.Wait, wait. Wait, wait. OIL no.Yes.AbO
37、rt AbOrtEVaCUate the area .I'm On my own.Lct,s go!Move! Move!COVer it!Cool.Okay. COme on.Nothing.Lct,s CheCk UPStairSSo5 uh, where's the burglar?ThCre is no burglarJUSt a kid home SiCk from SChOOl makin, false alarms.HOW CmbarraSSingSon, this is the SeCOnd time in two days that you,ve CalIed
38、 the police.It,s a Very SeriOUS matter When a PCrSOn CanS the POliCeI SaW a burglar yesterday, and I SaW a burglar today.Alex, IiSten to the chief.There WaS no One in that houseWhat about JOhnny AlIcn,s dog?I talked to JOhnny IaSt night.HiS dog WaS kidnapped On MOnday morning.Did he See it happen?Al
39、ex, apologize to the ChiCf and go UP to your room.EXCUSe me for being a good CitiZen.Alex!I-m Very sorry. ThiS Wiil not happen again.Will it, honey? Really, I PrOmiSe you.WClL We WOUIdn,t Want to discourage him from Caning US in the CVent that SOmCthing real ever does happcn.LOSer ShUt up. - Make me
40、NOW that you,ve PrankCd the COPS twice,it goes On your PCnnanent record.FOr the rest Of your life, if you Cail for help,it won't COmeDad missed his plane.He WaS Iate for a meeting With his boss.WC have to fork OVer much-necdcd family CaShto the Stcphans.And to an evil OCtOgenarianSO they Can hav
41、e their doors repaircdAnd even WOrSe-Ihe WOrId laughs. Alex.YOUVe StainCd the family name.FirSt the Stcphans9then Mrs. Hess.I agree Doris. The next StOP is the alcotts, house.What kind Of a burglar goes into a houseand doesn,t take anything?DO you know What I think?I think they re IOOking for SOmeth
42、in* SPCCiaLAnd they,re lookin' in CVerybOdys house ,causethey don,t know WhO has it.ThC question is. What is it?If HObOdy,s gonna do anything about this,ll just have to do it myself.I am SO SOrry-m ClearIy not awake-It,s all right.HaVC a nice day.ll try.WatCh this, Doris.Look. Doris.Oh I forgot
43、about the StairSGOt him、Doris. GOt him.Oh, yes Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesYOU arc SO bustedI have it- the toy car.It,s VideOtaPing me.What?COme back On that IaSt messageCOme on. Go, go, go, go, go!DOn t spin! Don,t spin!YOU thereNow, you WaS friendly to me I don't have to kill you YOU got money does
44、n't belong to you. Now, you back off. ThiS ain,t none Of your business-An right. DrOP the SaddICbags.Hello. ThiS is KarCn-Hi. HOW,s it goin,?Uh-huh YCaIL m runnin, IatC for the OffiCe again.I-i think blue ChiPS arc OVenalucdTeChnOlOgy StOCkS WOUkl be goodTCChnOlOgy stocks.LiSteiL hon. m in the s
45、hower. Can I Cail you back?COine on, COmC on, COmC oil COme on.See ya!ThC car's OUtSidC I got a WOman in the house Get OVer here!COme on! GCt up!Shoot!EVerybOdyS in a hurryIt's a VidCO CamCra SOmCOnc,s OntO us.DO you think it really matters? ChiPS in the car. Were at the airport in 45 minute
46、s. - WhCre,s Alice?What happened?ThCre is a WOman in the house I'll go back in and deal With her.Get the ChiPYes!I got it.Maam, may I have a WOrd With you?Don,t COme in. m nakedWhat,s On your mind, monkey butt?COme on. COmC on.What,s that funky smell?-1 IOSt it! - What?COme on. Go, go, go!-It,s
47、going OUt Of range! I got it.I See it.LOOk out.Jernigan, WhiCh direction?It got PaSt me.ITs heading SOUth On AdamSBUt m right behind the IittIe-its Off the street, going through backyards, heading west.Alice, what,s your POSition?FOUrth house, moving to the allcy.I See it! It,s going through the hed
48、ge.JCrnigan, POSition? YOUrC there-1 got it! -1 got it!Ungen What,s your POSition?Heading to WaShingtOn StreetI didn't copy. Where?I Said m heading to Wastop, you nitwit!I don,t SeC anythingll IOOk around.I don,t have it yet.We,re OUt Of time GiVe it up.ThCy got the tape Why,d they Still ChaSe t
49、he toy car?It's not that CXPCnSiVem SUrC they don,t have enough time to Play With it.Look, Doris.Look. Doris.COinPUter chip, huh? WhCrC,d you find it?I found it in a remote COntrOl Carthat I got for ShOVeling SnOW for Mrs. Hess.ShC IiVeS across the StreCt from us.It SayS U.S. air force On it,but
50、 you have to IOOk Under a magnifying glass in OrdCr to See it.Kid. a IOt Of toys have Mair force Written On it.ThiS is a reciting office, son.WC don't handle matters IikC this.Can I give you the number On the ChiPand you Can Call the right guys?DO you think We ShOUld tell mom about the chip?Yeah
51、, I guess you re right. The IeSS they know the better.ThOSe guys arc bad newsI can,t tell you how muchI appreciate you hitting me With the minivan.NeVer Iet your CmOtiOnS get the best Of you.YOU weren't Paying attention. YOU ShOUId have been more VigiIant.YOU ShOUld have taken driver,s cd.It,s a
52、 kid. It has to be a kid.n gonna have bad knees When m old,and ll have BUrtOn JCrnigan to thankThe COPS COme twice. ThCy don't believe the kid.He takes matters into his OWn hands.1( can,t be anything CISeIf that,s the case, I Say take no ChanCeSTOmOrrOw, WhaCk every kid in the neighborhood. BUrn
53、 ,em nil.ThCn IOOk for that StUPid car.My thoughts keep turning to number 3026.It's Within the OPCrating radius Of the toy car.It,s On the Sight IineS Of all the houses ve been in.-Hello? DO you have the missile chip?-We arc CIOSe-If I don,t have the ChiP in 24 hours Mr Beaupre,I Win have no ChO
54、iCe but to terminate the mission.And nullify all the participants.YOU UndCrStand. don't you?Guys, dad,s home tomorrow nightNow, I have my quarterly CIiCntmeeting from noon till 5:00,SO I need you and MOny to COmC Straight home after school. TO Stay With AICX Until dad gets home I can,tNO way. Im
55、POSSible I have gymnastics.-1 have hockey. - DO I need to repeat myself?WClL I thought you WCrC PUtting the bite On Mrs. HeSS to WatCh Alcx.Yeah She's a IOt more responsible than me and Stan.MrS HCSS is a backupUnICSS there,s an emergency,I really don,t Want to have to Cail her.ll be fine by mys
56、elf.WClL there you have it. It,s SettICd.Alcx, COUId you PaSS me the false alarms?EXCUSe me. m SOrry. I Ineant the PeaSHello?Oh. hi. Uh-huh.Yeah HCS been home With the ChiCkCn POX Oh Alcx, do you know a Bra(Jley Clovis? Ycah.ThiS is his mother On the PhOne Did you take a toy Car from him?No, he has One Of those remote COntrOl cars,but
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