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1、高凌飚2019年12月13日: 教學評價的目的 教學過程中的各種要素 對教學的本質的認識 教學評價的規(guī)范 外部的教學評價 反思式教學評價教學評價的目的檢查教學質量診斷教學問題提高教學效果提高教學程度促進學生開展促進教師專業(yè)開展教學過程的要素教學內容教師背景課程,資源,評價,校風,師生關系,課堂氣氛顯性內容隱性內容意向態(tài)度,專業(yè)素養(yǎng),教學觀念,課程分析,教學預備,教學方法,效果預期,方向方案。興趣動機原有知識學習戰(zhàn)略學習效果教學預備教學過程教學效果教學過程的模型資料來源:資料來源:Biggs, J. B. & Collis, K. (1982): Evalua

2、ting the quality of learning: The SOLO taxonomy, Academic Press, New York 教學評價的模型教師預備過程效果學生內容背景三個階段四個維度教學評價需求思索的問題過程教師學生教師與學生內容背景預備教師教師與學生教師與背景教師與內容效果學生教師意向、教學觀、教學戰(zhàn)略、效果預期個性特點、已有知識、學習方式對課程的了解分析、資源預備、評價內容的了解分析教學戰(zhàn)略投入程度學習方式相互作用豐富性科學性合理性課堂氣氛達標情況專業(yè)開展對教學本質的認識教學觀教授知識教書育人端正態(tài)度開展才干應付考試互動開展式單向教授式教授知識大綱教材知識積累內容教

3、師學生Viewed teaching as an one way delivery process of knowledge a student is a passive receiver or container of knowledge a teacher is a person who poured knowledge into the students focused on the content, especially the novel knowledge good teaching = to deliver knowledge clearly, accurately, logic

4、ally and effectively, etc.應付考試成果學生內容教師考試Viewed teaching as a process for accomplishing the institutional targets external evaluation of students achievement is the central focus teaching = knowledge delivery + external motivating + management students are not self-motivated, they need an external pu

5、sh to force them to learn a student is a figure being shaped according to the institutional values a teacher is the person who designed, arranged, ran and controlled the process of shaping good teaching = more chances for students in drilling exam-type items開展才干內容教師學生互動開展才干View teaching as a process

6、 of interaction between teachers, students, the teaching content and context emphasise the facilitation of student learning and interactions good teaching = facilitating and motivating student learning in varieties of ways. students are active learners the role of a teacher is similar to a guide a g

7、ood teacher: intelligent and capable, be kind and close to students, open mind, involve actively in improving teaching, be equal with students 端正態(tài)度內容教師學生相互影響良好學習態(tài)度Teaching is viewed as a process of promoting good attitudes and motivating student learning learning includes the setting up or changes o

8、f students attitude to learning the teaching content is not explicit as knowledge in the discipline but rather a kind of implicit message contained in the teachers performance and in teacher-student interactions a good teacher should understand students, could cultivate students with good learning a

9、ttitude, good teaching should be able to promote students interest in learning教書育人教師學生行為改動相互影響相關資料Teaching is viewed as an important way to facilitate students in developing personal conduct and morality learning is a way of conduct cultivation, a way to arrive at self-perfectness good teaching shou

10、ld be able to cultivate students from the conduct or moral aspect the most important teaching content is the implicit messages contained in the teachers performance and teacher-student interaction emphasise the modelling effect of a teacher - Wei Ren Shi BiaoLearning & LearnerNature of TeachingR

11、ole of TeacherExpect Outcomes Teaching ContentMethod of TeachingKDAcquiring knowledge and skills;Passive receiversDelivering knowledge and skillsDeliverer and resource Accumulation of knowledge and skillsFollows the textbook closelyOne-way lecturing plus demonstrationEPAchieving exam requirements,Ac

12、hievers,Competitive Preparing for examinations; Drilling studentsTrainer and directorHigh exam achievementConducted by the baton of examsClassroom drilling, Effective for preparing examsADInternal construction;Explorers,Capable, flexible and creativeFacilitating learning Guide, leader, and facilitat

13、or Developing understanding and ability, knowing how to learnMeets the needs of students and matches students levelA variety of methods, emphasises activities & interactionsAPEstablishing good attitude, Promoting and fostering good attitude Model of good learner with good attitudeActive and inde

14、pendent in learningContained implicitly in teachers performanceInteractive and interesting; indirect manner CGSelf-improvement Facilitating and guiding good conductRole model of good conduct,friend of studentsQualified persons with good conductRelated materials,contained implicitly in teachers behav

15、ioursFriendly and interactive, indirect manner教學評價的規(guī)范 預備階段預備階段 教師能否以積極的態(tài)度進展教學預備教師能否以積極的態(tài)度進展教學預備 教師的教學觀念具備一定的先進性并切合教師的教學觀念具備一定的先進性并切合實踐實踐 教師對教學的設計和預期的目的能否合理教師對教學的設計和預期的目的能否合理 教師能否正確把握學生的特點、學習方式教師能否正確把握學生的特點、學習方式和已有知識和已有知識 教師對課程的了解分析能否正確、資源預教師對課程的了解分析能否正確、資源預備能否充分、評價手段能否合理備能否充分、評價手段能否合理 教師對教學內容的了解能否正確

16、,分析能教師對教學內容的了解能否正確,分析能否合理否合理教學評價的規(guī)范 過程階段過程階段 教師的角色位置和教學戰(zhàn)略能否得當教師的角色位置和教學戰(zhàn)略能否得當 學生能否積極投入學習,學習方式如何學生能否積極投入學習,學習方式如何 師生間以及同窗間的以什么方式互動,程師生間以及同窗間的以什么方式互動,程度如何度如何 課堂上呈現的教學內容的豐富性、科學性、課堂上呈現的教學內容的豐富性、科學性、合理性合理性 課堂氣氛能否有利于學生學習課堂氣氛能否有利于學生學習 效果階段效果階段 學生能否到達教學目的的要求學生能否到達教學目的的要求 教師的專業(yè)素養(yǎng)表現教師的專業(yè)素養(yǎng)表現評價方法 外部評價外部評價 程序與方

17、法:程序與方法: 預備階段:訪談與閱讀教案預備階段:訪談與閱讀教案 過程階段:課堂察看與討論過程階段:課堂察看與討論 效果階段:必要的測試和訪談效果階段:必要的測試和訪談 工具工具 優(yōu)點和缺乏:相對客觀;簡單化,外表化優(yōu)點和缺乏:相對客觀;簡單化,外表化 內部評價內部評價 程序與方法:自我反思程序與方法:自我反思 優(yōu)點和缺乏:深化,自我建構;客觀優(yōu)點和缺乏:深化,自我建構;客觀預備階段記錄表 與教師談話問題與教師談話問題教師回答要點教師回答要點訪訪談談記記錄錄1 1你如何備課?成功的教學包括哪些要素?你如何備課?成功的教學包括哪些要素?2 2上課之前你心中考慮的最主要是什么?上課之前你心中考慮

18、的最主要是什么?3 3你如何確定這堂課的教學目標?你如何確定這堂課的教學目標? 4 4你如何設計這節(jié)課的教學?你如何設計這節(jié)課的教學?5 5你有沒有考慮學生已有的想法?你在教學你有沒有考慮學生已有的想法?你在教學中如何聯系學生的想法?中如何聯系學生的想法?6 6這節(jié)課的輔助教學資源足夠嗎?如果不夠,這節(jié)課的輔助教學資源足夠嗎?如果不夠,你怎么辦?你怎么辦?教教案案閱閱讀讀1 1課堂教學目標課堂教學目標2 2教學過程與方法設計教學過程與方法設計3 3課堂和課后練習安排課堂和課后練習安排課堂察看記錄表 教教師師講講授授內容內容時間時間資源運用資源運用啟發(fā)性啟發(fā)性科學性科學性生動性生動性3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 1師師生生互互動動內容內容時間時間形式形式啟發(fā)性啟發(fā)性生動性生動性效果效果3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 1學學生生活活動動內容內容時間時間形式形式啟發(fā)性啟發(fā)性生動性生動性效果效果3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32


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