1、廠區(qū)電氣設施安裝工程合同CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING IN WORKS ZONE簽署日期Date of條款目錄Contents一、工程概況Project Overview、承包范圍及方式Co ntracted Scope and Mea ns三、合同工期Works Period四、質(zhì)量標準Quality Sta ndard五、合同價款Project Cost and Price六、工程變更Project Alterati on七、付款方式Payme nt八、甲方職責Party As Responsibilities九、乙方職責Par
2、ty Bs Responsibilities十、質(zhì)量與驗收Quality and Accepta nee十、違約和爭議Breach and Dispute十二、其它Miscellaneous十三、文本與效力Lan guage and Effective發(fā)包方:(以下簡稱甲方)Employer ( here in after referred to as party A )承包方:(以下簡稱乙方)Con tractor ( here in after referred to as party B )鑒于甲方廠區(qū)內(nèi)電氣安裝施工的需要,經(jīng)過對乙方資質(zhì)的審查和雙方協(xié)商,決定將電 氣工程交由乙方組織施工
3、。根據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法和中華人民共和國建筑法及其它有關(guān)法律、法規(guī), 在遵循平等、自愿、公平和誠實信用的原則基礎上,雙方就本工程施工事宜協(xié)商一致, 訂立本合同,供雙方共同遵守。WHEREAS the necessity of electrical facilities engineering in the Work zone, party A, throughexamining the qualification of and consultation with party B, hereby award this electricalengineering to party B for e
4、xecution and completion.In accorda nee with LAW OF CONTRACT and LAW OF CONSTRUCTION and other releva ntlaws and regulati ons, on the basis of prin ciples of equality, volun tary, fair and hon esty, partieshereto hereby make mutual n egotiati on on this project executi on and con clude and en ter int
5、othis con tract for parties to abide by.一、工程概況Project Overview1、 工程名稱:電氣安裝Project Name: Electrical Facilities Engin eeri ng2、工程地點:廠區(qū)內(nèi)Project Place : Works Zone3、工程內(nèi)容:電氣施工圖紙所列全部分項工程,包括配管、穿線、照明器具安裝、配 電箱安裝、避雷接地,以及施工現(xiàn)場電氣設備的維護及臨時線路架設和維護。Project Con te nts: All sub-projects listed in the draw ings of elec
6、trical engin eeri ng includingpiping, threading, lighting installation, distribution box, lightening protect ion, maintenance ofelectrical equipme nts on the site and the in stallati on / maintenance of temporary circuit.二、承包范圍及方式Con tracted Scope and Means1、承包內(nèi)容:con tracted items(一)配電箱:乙方負責安裝建筑物內(nèi)配電
7、柜/箱、公共照明配電箱、水泵房雙電源切換箱、消防及監(jiān)控中心雙電源切換箱、電信機房配電箱、電梯機房雙電源切換箱,消 防風機電源箱、防火卷簾電源箱、潛污泵控制箱、發(fā)電電源配電箱、中央空調(diào)設備等 電源箱、弱電箱。Distribution box: Party B shall be responsible for the installation, within buildings, of powerdistribution cabinet / box, public lighting distribution box, dual power switch box in water pumproom,
8、 dual power switch box in the fire protect ion and mon itori ng cen ter, distributi on box intelecom muni cati ons room, dual power switch box in the elevator machi ne room, fire fan powerbox, fire shutter power box, submersible sewage pump control box, power generation the powerdistribution box, ce
9、ntral aircon diti oning equipme nt and power supply box, weak curre nt box.(二)用電器具:建筑物內(nèi)(寬帶網(wǎng)絡機房、發(fā)電機房、飲水設備房除外)需安裝的 燈具、開關(guān)插座排風扇等。Electric appliances: the lamps, switch, sockets and exhaust fan etc. within buildings providedexcept broadband network room, generator room, drinking water equipment room).(三)
10、配管(槽):(強電)負責室內(nèi)全部低壓動力和公共照明系統(tǒng)的線管、線槽、 橋架、線盒。Piping( groove ): strong currency; installation of line-pipe, line-groove, pipe bridge and line-boxfor the indoor low-voltage power and public lighting system.弱電:以室內(nèi)第一個弱電檢查井為界。乙方負責由室外第一個弱電檢查井至室內(nèi)的消 防系統(tǒng)、弱電系統(tǒng)的暗敷線管、線槽、橋架、線盒,其中暗敷線管管內(nèi)穿一根 鋅鐵絲。Weak currency: indoor f
11、irst weak inspection well is bounded. Party B should be responsible forthe installation of , in fire system and weak currency system, hidden sleeve, line-groove, bridgeand line-box, from the first weak well in outdoor to indoor, through the hidden sleeve a line of a16# galvanized iron wire is penetr
12、ated.(四)配線:(公共照明系統(tǒng))集中電表箱下樁的全部電線、電纜敷設及集中電表箱 下樁的電線接線;Distribution: ( public lighting system ) all wires of under the centralized meter box, laying ofpipeline, connection of wires under the central meter box.動力系統(tǒng):自預留低壓配電箱(柜)下樁至相關(guān)用電配電箱的全部電線電纜(含市電 和發(fā)電)敷設和線纜上下樁接線(除另有約定外)。其中水泵房動力系統(tǒng)線纜敷設至 水泵房電源箱,電梯電源接自預留低壓配電
13、柜。Power system: All wires and cables from under the reserved low-voltage distribution box(cabinet) to the power distribution including power supplied and generated; laying andconnection of wires on / under pipe except the another agreement, among which the power cableof water pump room to be laid to
14、 the box thereof and the power of elevator connected from thereserved low-voltage distribution cabinet.(五)乙方負責全部防雷、接地、等電位工程和承包范圍內(nèi)的電氣工程系統(tǒng)的全部調(diào) 試。Party B is resp on sible for all engin eeri ng of light ning protecti on, gro unding and other electricalworks in addition to all debugging of electrical eng
15、ineering system within the scope of con tractedworks.16#鍍2、承包方式:包工、包料、包安全文明施工。Contracted Means: Contracted labors and materials in addition to the works safetyand orderly executi on.三、合同工期Works Period開工日期:Comme nceme nt of _竣工日期:Completi on of _以實際開、竣工日期為準。Subject to the actual date of comme nceme n
16、t andcompleti on of Work.四、質(zhì)量標準Quality Standard工程質(zhì)量標準:一次驗收合格率100%。Project quality sta ndard: 100% of qualified rate for once accepta nee五、合同價款Project Cost and Price1、 本合同價款采用固定總價的方式,總價款為_元(大寫:元整),不含稅金。經(jīng)雙方確認的總價款不作調(diào)整;各種包干措施費用,結(jié)算時一律不作調(diào)整。The cost hereof is fixed price, the total cost is Yuan ( Say:Only
17、)excludi ngtaxes, the total cost agreed and con firmed by parties hereto shall not be adjusted, to-wit: thesettlement shall be not made any adjustment for various con tracted expe nses.2、 任何一方不得擅自改變合同價款,但有下列情況之一時可以協(xié)商調(diào)整:(1)因施工圖相對于招標圖紙有改變,經(jīng)甲乙雙方共同協(xié)商認可時;(2)甲方代表確認的設計變更或工程聯(lián)系單造成的工程量發(fā)生變更;The con tract cost
18、shall not be altered by any party arbitrarily provided that if one of followi ngcircumsta nces occurred may be by con sultati on for adjustme nt of price.(1)Due to the alteration of the drawings for execution comparing to the biddingdraw ings and subject to the con firmati on by parties heretos mutu
19、al n egotiati on.(2)The alterati on of qua ntity which con firmed by party As represe ntative or Works Notice.六、工程變更Project Alteration(1)甲方為使工程合理施工,有權(quán)隨時向乙方發(fā)出工程變更指示,乙方須予以執(zhí)行For the purpose of reas on able con structi on party A is en title at any time to give direction ofAlteration by which party B sh
20、ould implement.(2)乙方投標資料中已包括適用于變更工程的價格,如果乙方投標資料中沒有有適用 于變更工程的價格,由甲乙雙方共同協(xié)商。如果因工程變更或甲方原因影響工期的, 按雙方協(xié)商的時間順延。The price of project alteration have been included in party Bs bidding documents, where noprice which suitable to the alteration in such documents, may be on the negotiation by partieshereto, provi
21、ded that the work period is delayed or effected due to alteration or party As reason,the work period can be postponed by the time agreed upon the agreeme nt of parties.(3)為了保證工程進度,乙方不得以變更簽證價款未定為理由,拒絕承擔變更工作內(nèi) 容,否則造成的工期延誤等一切損失(包括甲方另行委派其他工程公司完成該工作內(nèi) 容發(fā)生的費用)均由乙方承擔。For assura nee of project progress party
22、B can not, by the reas on of without AlterationCertification, refuse to assume the altered works, otherwise all loss and damages aris ing outthereof or conn ecti on therewith shall be un dertake n by party B in cludi ng the expe nses forwhich party A has to assig n other con tractor for complete suc
23、h work.七、付款方式Payme nt1、所有合同內(nèi)的電氣工程完工,經(jīng)驗收合格后,一個月內(nèi)支付總價款的 竣工驗收,并辦理完結(jié)算后,一個月內(nèi)支付結(jié)算價款的95%。90% payme nt of total cost shall be effected withi n one month upon completi on of all electricalengin eeri ng works hereof and through accepta nee; 95% payme nt of total cost shall be effectedwithi n one month upon th
24、e completi on accepta nee and process settleme nt.2、剩余5%的工程款為質(zhì)保金。質(zhì)保期為竣工驗收后兩年,質(zhì)保期達到一年后支付質(zhì) 保金的50%,在質(zhì)保期滿后的10天內(nèi)全部付清余款。Remai ning 5% payme nt of project cost is take n as the rete nti on mon ey. The warra nty periodis two years after completi on accepta nee. 50% payme nt of the retention money shall beef
25、fected after one year of warranty period and the balance of retention money shall be paid offwithin ten days upon the expiration of warranty period.八、甲方職責Party As Responsibilities90%;工程1、 負責使施工場具備施工條件,提供一套施工圖紙給乙方。Make con tract ing site to be provided with executi on con diti ons and make available
26、to party Bwith a set of con struct ion draw in gs.2、 定期對工程進度、質(zhì)量、安全文明施工情況進行檢查,提出整改意見;及時將設計 變更等技術(shù)資料交乙方。Make the regular inspection of project progress, quality and safety execution, provide the correctand rectification opinion and make available to party B with the technical data of desig n alteration
27、 and so on.九、乙方職責Party Bs Responsibilities1、 嚴格按照施工圖紙和規(guī)范要求進行施工。接受工程師監(jiān)理,以及業(yè)主的管理。及時 提交進場材料報驗、隱蔽工程驗收報告、竣工驗收報告、檢測記錄等技術(shù)資料。Carry out the executi on in strict accorda nce with con structi on draw ings and specifications,accept engineers supervision and employers management, submit in time the technical dat
28、aincluding reports of material on site, acceptance of con cealed work, completi on accepta nce andin spect ion record, etc.2、 負責在建和己完工程的成品保護。與土建和設備安裝工程的配合施工。Be liable for protecti on of works which are buildi ng and have bee n fini shed, take cooperationwith earthwork and equipment installation engi
29、neering.3、乙方負責所承包工程的預決算和工程檔案資料,按照工程進度及時提交進度款結(jié)算 和工程竣工結(jié)算等,檔案資料及時整理達到歸檔要求。Archives / data concerned the budget / final and engin eeri ng, which are for the projectcontracted by party B, should pursuant to the progress, be submitted in time for the settlement ofprogress payment and final payment, and so
30、 on. Preparation of archives / data should be timelysatisfy to the filing requirements.4、如果因乙方未按合同約定完成上述工作,引起的索賠和罰款,應由乙方承擔。上述 各項工作的費用,均已包含在合同總價款內(nèi)。Provided that party B fails to complete the works aforeme nti oned in accorda nee with the contract, party B should un dertake the claim and pen alty ther
31、e on or in cide ntal thereto. All variouscosts of works above have bee n in cluded in the total price of con tract.5、在工程施工的整個過程中,乙方負責施工現(xiàn)場全部人員的安全。除因甲方、工程師 的過失而造成傷亡外,甲方不承擔乙方或其它人員的傷亡賠償、補償。Party B should, during the progress of project, be liable for all personnels safety onthe site. None of indemnifica
32、tion and compensation for the personnels casualtiesof party B or others will be undertaken by party A, except due to the fault of party A or engin eer.十、質(zhì)量與驗收Quality and Accepta nee1、工程質(zhì)量應符合國家或?qū)I(yè)質(zhì)量評定標準的合格條件。因乙方原因使工程質(zhì)量達不 到約定的質(zhì)量標準,乙方必須自費整改,使工程質(zhì)量達到驗收標準為止。Project quality should conform to the qualificat
33、ion standards of States or industrys quality assess, where project quality fail to satisfy the sta ndards thereof due toparty Bs reason, for which party B should make rectification and remedy so as to meet theaccepta nee sta ndards of engin eeri ng quality.2、當隱蔽工程已經(jīng)具備檢驗條件時,乙方應及時通知工程師。工程師應參加對這部分工程的檢查
34、和檢驗,并不得無故拖延。若工程師在接到乙方通知48小時后沒有回復,乙方可以自行驗收覆蓋。Party B should, upon the hidde n works have possessed the in spect ion con diti on, give no tification in time to engin eer which should take part in, without un reas on able delay, the inspection andacceptanee. Where engineer fail to make answer within 48
35、 hours after receipt of party Bsnotification, party B may, at its own discretion, carry out such accepta nee and coverage thereof十、違約和爭議Breach and Dispute1、違約Breach(1)甲方代表不能及時給出必要指令、確認、批準,不按合同約定履行自己的各項義 務及發(fā)生其它合同無法履行的行為,應承擔違約責任,相應順延工期。Provided that if party A fails to issue in time the n ecessary in
36、struct ion, verificati on, approval,perform its various liabilities which are stipulated herein and / or party A s other acts which resultinimpossibility of performanee, party A should assume breach liability, the work period may bepostponed correspondingly.(2)如果乙方不能按合同工期竣工,或施工質(zhì)量達不到設計和規(guī)范的要求,應當按條 款約定
37、支付違約金并賠償引起違約給甲方造成的損失。Provided that party B fails to complete project pursua nt to the work period hereof or the worksquality fails to satisfy the requirement of design and norms, party B should effected payme nt ofliquidated money by the stipulati ons of con tract and make compensation to party As l
38、ossand damage arising out of or in connectionwith its breach.(3)乙方不得將工程轉(zhuǎn)包給其它施工單位,否則甲方有權(quán)中止合同,因此而造成的一 切損失由乙方承擔。Party B can not subc on tract the project to other con structi on compa ny, otherwise party A is entitle to termi nate this con tract and any loss occurred therewith should be un dertake n by
39、 party B.2、爭議Dispute雙方均同意,若本協(xié)議發(fā)生任何爭議,雙方將盡其最大努力通過友好協(xié)商解決。若協(xié) 商不成,任何一方可將爭端提交至中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,按照申請仲裁時該 會現(xiàn)行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方均有約束力。Both parties agree that in the case of any dispute, they will use their best efforts to solve all differences amicably by n egotiati on. If no settleme nt can be reached b
40、y n egotiati on either Party maysubmit such dispute to China Intern ati onal Econo mic and Trade Arbitration Commission forarbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules then in effect. The arbitration award will be finaland binding upon both parties.十二、其它Miscellaneous1、施工期間中若遇不可抗力,如惡劣氣候及重大自然災
41、害等,乙方應在24小時內(nèi)向甲方代表通報受害情況,甲乙雙方應及時協(xié)調(diào)解決。Party B should provided that if any force majuere such as bad weather and material naturaldisaster occur during the construction, give the notification thereof within 24 hours to party Asrepresentative with the particulars delayed in or prevented from the force ma
42、jeure, and partieshereto should make negotiation in time for solution thereof.2、本合同履行過程中與施工有關(guān)的會議紀要、簽證、各種通知文件、委托、證書等書 面形式資料均應作為合同的補充內(nèi)容,與合同條款具有同等效力。The meeting minutes, written confirmation and the written documentation including of various notices, con sig nment, certificati on should be deemed as th
43、e suppleme nt docume nts herewithand being equally valid and authe ntic.3、本合同附件室內(nèi)電氣主要施工方法和技術(shù)措施。Appe ndix herewith is METHOD AND TECHNICAL MEASURE OF ELECTRICAL WORKS.十三、文本與效力Lan guage and Effective本合同用中英文兩種文字寫成,兩種文字具有同等效力。本合同一式四份,甲乙雙方 各執(zhí)二份,具有同等法律效力。This Con tract is executed in two coun terparts eac
44、h in Chin ese and En glish, each of which shalldeemed equally authe ntic. This Con tract is in_copies, effective sincebeing sig ned/sealed by both parties. This con tract is made in quadruplicate, each party holdstwo copies and the two copies have the same legal effect.雙方已于本合同首頁所載日期通過其正式授權(quán)的代表簽訂本合同,以
45、資證明IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Con tract to be executed byits duly authorized representative on the date first set forth above.Legal Represe ntative or Deputy for Party A Legal Represe ntative or Deputy for Party B附件APPENDIX :METHOD AND TECHNICAL MEASURES OF ELECTR
46、ICAL WORKS室內(nèi)電氣主要施工方法和技術(shù)措施1. Process of con duit管路敷設施工工藝:Surface PVC con duit and pipe in ceili ng and recessed PVC con duit and pipe in floor along wallswill be provided to the project. Con duit ing, which serves to civil works, HVAC and water supplyand drain age, should be arran ged accord ing to d
47、raw ings and can not be cha nged freely. Construct ion should comply to process sta ndard of n ati onal accepta nee regulati on.本工程管線敷設為吊頂內(nèi)明敷設PVC管及電管和沿墻地坪內(nèi)暗配PVC管和電管。配管必須與土建、暖通和給排水專業(yè)密切配合,按圖施工,不得隨意變動,施工中必須按 照國家驗收規(guī)范有關(guān)工藝標準施工。Surface con duit and recessed con duit will be adopted in the project. Con duit
48、s should beconnected tightly to assure no water leakage. Electrical pipe should be thread conn ected. Mouthof con duit should be smooth and equipped with protect ion mouth. PVC conduit should beconnected by sleeving and should be 1.5 to 3 times Ion ger tha n exter nal diameter of conn ecting con dui
49、t.本工程均為吊頂明管敷設和暗管敷設。管路連接應牢靠,接頭嚴密,不得有滲露水現(xiàn)象。電管必須絲扣連接,管口應光滑無毛刺,護口齊全, 長度為連接管外徑的1.5-3倍。Bending radium of surface conduit should be 4 times no less than its external diameter andbending radium of recessed conduit should be 6 times no less than its external diameter. There isno obvious wrinkle caused by ben
50、ding. Surface conduit and support should be fixed strongly and甲方(蓋乙方(蓋章):Party B ( Seal )法人代表或委托人:法人代表委托人:PVC管應用套管連接,套管arranged into order. Mouth of conduit should be laid levelly. Conduit should not be inserted intobox obliquely and the length in the box should be no more than 5mm. Conduit should b
51、e fixed bynut.明配管R半徑不得小于外徑的4倍,暗配管彎曲半徑不得小于管外徑的6倍。管子彎曲處應無明顯皺折。明配管及其支架應平滑牢固,排列整齊。管口平直,管子進入箱 盒內(nèi)不得斜插,長度不得超過5毫米,用絲納子鎖固。All the boxes are not allowed to open holes by electrogas welding.各種箱盒嚴禁電氣焊開孔。It is noted that boxes should not be installed on marble table and behind doors and their heightare same as e
52、ach other. Lighting switches and sockets should be installed at same position ofrooms, of which the error should be within 2mm.各種箱盒埋設應注意,不應裝在大理石臺面上、標高一致,不得裝于門后,燈具開關(guān)、 插座等應安在室內(nèi)上下同一位置,坐標的誤差不得大于2毫米。Steel frame or special hanger frame should be strengthened for installation of lighting on ceiling.Lightin
53、g fixtures should be installed without gap at joint and they will be kept clean.吊頂上的燈具安裝應加強龍骨框架或?qū)S玫跫?。燈具安裝無縫隙,內(nèi)外清潔。Switch controls neutral line, and phase line of screw holder is connected to power. Left point ofsocket should be connected to neutral line, right point to phase line and upper point to
54、earth.Height of light should be lower than 2.4m, and the metal shell should be connected to earth well.Light switches, sockets should be fixed without damage and deforming.開關(guān)應控制相線,螺口燈頭相線接頂心,插頭安裝接線為面對插座左零右相上接地。 燈具安裝低于2.4米,其金屬外殼必須可靠接地。燈具開關(guān)、插座安裝牢固,無損傷 變形等。Power DB should be installed securely at right
55、position with all parts. The holes should be openedproperly on the box and prohibit to open holes by electrogas welding. The conduit inside boxshould be level and fixed by nut. Screw should be connected to earth well and 2 to 4 pieces of itcan be outside.配電箱安裝位置正確,部件齊全,安裝牢固。箱體開孔適當、嚴禁電氣焊開孔,進入 箱體的管口平齊
56、,用納子鎖牢固,絲扣外露2-4扣為宜,接地可靠。Box should be clean inside and outside with good painting. Wires should be arranged into orderand bounded. Connection of wires should be right and fixed, meanwhile, spare wires should bekept. Number of card should be completed. The boxes should be installed with error no more
57、 than1.5mm.箱體應內(nèi)外清潔,油漆完整。導線成束整齊,連接線路正確牢固,留有適當余線,卡 片框編號齊全,箱體安裝橫平豎直,允許偏差不大于1.5毫米。Joint and connection of wires inside conduit is not allowed when they are threaded throughconduit. Stranded copper core should be connected to equipments. Wires less than 6mm2 can beput like shape of screw eye and then coa
58、ted by tin. Singlestranded copper core can be providedfire retardant safety wire joint or tin coat. Bobbin used by wire joint should be crimping tools of 3point crimping type. Tin coat should be smooth, no damage to insulated layer of wire. Color ofwire threaded through conduit: phase line is yellow
59、 and green; single phase is red; neutral is blue;earthing line is two-tone colored wire of yellow and green.管內(nèi)穿線嚴禁在管內(nèi)接頭,導線有連接,多股銅芯線應用銅線與設備連接,6平方毫 米以下可做“羊眼圈”狀再刷錫。單股銅芯線可采用阻燃型安全壓線帽或刷錫。壓線 帽使用的壓線軸必須是專用配套的“三點抱壓式”壓接鉗。刷錫應飽滿、光滑、無損 傷導線絕緣層。穿線時的導線色標為:相線為黃、綠色;單相用紅色為宜;零線為單 蘭色;接地線為黃、綠雙色線。Compensating unit should b
60、e provided when wires thread through settlement joint and expansionjoint of building. Insulation resistance between wire and earth shouldbe no less than 0.5 QM.電氣管線穿過建筑物的沉降和伸縮縫采用補償裝置。導線之間對地的絕緣電阻不能小于0.5QM。Materials and equipments to be used should be provided with texture specification and certificat
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